Categories: Imlie

Imlie 12th January 2024 Written Episode Update: Agastya Is Masked Killer?

Imlie 12th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Imlie tells Vishwa that when he was in trouble, he was very small and nobody came to his help, but she is with Agastya and will protect him at any cost. Vishwa warns her not to talk big, she can just stop Agastya from going to jail by following his orders. He gets her into car. Imlie asks if he brought her here to prove that policemen are intelligent or express his life’s grief in front of her. Vishwa says to show that whatever is seen is always not true, most of the times whom they trust betray them. Masked killer jumps on their car. Vishwa shoots bullet at the car roof and then jumps out . He doesn’t find anyone on roof and goes in search asking Imlie to stay inside. Killer attacks Vishwa from behind and disarms him. Vishwa falls down. Killer walks towards Imlie. Vishwa pulls his

leg. Killer’s mask falls down. Vishwa clicks killer’s photo. Imlie picks gun and warns killer to stay away from her. Killer runs away. Agastya emerges out of smoke. Imlie runs and hugs him.

Shivani asks Avinash how couldn’t he know about his mother and brother’s plan. Avinash says he really doesn’t know. Sonali says Avinash is right, Navya and Vishwa kept him in darks. Shivani asks how can she live with the people who want to destroy their family and Agastya. Sonali asks her to calm down. Vishwa asks what shall he do now. Sonali says on 16th January, Tej, Kunal, and Meera met and only they know what happened that night. Shivani says may be Meera is alive. Sonali calls Purvaiya jail and enquires about Meera. Meera watches them hiding.

Agastya drives car with Imlie and Vishwa and asks Imlie why Vishwa gets her into trouble always; seeing Vishwa’s life turned worse once she entered his life. Imlie says he is feeling pity for Vishwa and must be feeling pity for even the killer who failed to kill her multiple. Agastya says he didn’t mean that. Imlie says he is worried for everyone except her. Agastya asks what happened to her. She shows her hand injury. Agastya says it’s just a small scratch. Imlie asks if he wants her to have a fatal injury. Agastya says he didn’t mean that. They reach home. Agastya looks at her engagement ring and says this wound is much deeper. Vishwa wakes up.

Agastya and Imlie help him to his room. Vishwa asks Imlie if she doesn’t want to see killer’s face. Imlie asks if he saw killer’s face. Vishwa says he even clicked his pic and shows his mobile, saying everyone will see killer’s face today. Imlie finds the screen blank. Vishwa says Agastya is the masked killer. Agastya asks him to relax as he must be hallucinating. Imlie stops Vishwa. Agastya recalling deleting his photo from Vishwa’s mobile. Next morning, Imlie serves breakfast to Vishwa and asks how is he feeling now. Vishwa says she is blindly in love with a man who wants to kill her. Imlie refuses to believe him and walks away asking him to rest.

She walks back to her room and recalls keeping spy ring in Vishwa’s jacket and using microphone to listen to his conversation. Navya asks Vishwa why he is worried for Imlie and protecting her going overboard. Vishwa says their enmity is with Chaudhry family and not Imlie, Imlie is innocent and got stuck in their issue. Agastyqa picks a gun from his locker, walks to Imlie’s room, and points gun at her. Vishwa notices that and jumps on Agastya. Imlie asks them to stop fighting. Agastya pulls trigger. Bullet passes just near by Imlie and hits a vase. They both show their concern for Imlie. Family gathers and asks what happened. Vishwa says Agastya wants to kill Imlie and still has gun in his hand. Navya comments. Daadi warns her to mind her tongue. Agastya says he wants to teach Imlie to use gun so that she doesn’t shiver when she finds the killer next time. Vishwa says Imlie is his fiancee and he will teach her shooting.

Vishwa teaches shooting to Imlie. Imlie fails to shoot at the target. Agastya watches their nok jhok silently. Imlie says heroes in films use gun so easily, but she can’t; it’s not her cup of her tea as she is a singer. Agastya says Imlie doesn’t do anything without money, Vishwa should fill some diamonds or gems in the bottles to motivate Imlie. He says India’s rich bachelor’s photos and asks her to marry anyone of them to enjoy their wealth.

Precap: Vishwa and Imlie take pheras. Whole family including Vishwa collapse. Masked killer comes in front of Imlie and removes his mask. Imlie is shocked to see that the masked man is Agastya.

Update Credit to: MA

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