Categories: Imlie

Imlie 14th July 2023 Written Episode Update: A Shocker For Imlie

Imlie 14th July 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Imlie imagines Atharva romantically embracing her. Ginni and Shivani take her from room like a bride while other family members bring Atharva like a groom. Atharva hopes Imlie doesn’t get angry on him when she learns that Kairi is her daughter. Imlie thinks Atharva is her life and she will never get angry on him again, etc. Atharva hopes she understands him and his situation. They both stand in front of each other. Rudra tells Devika that the clouds of sorrows have faded away and now they will see only happiness. Atharva is about to speak when Imlie gets a message that Kairi is her daughter and not Chini’s. She is shocked and asks Atharva if Kairi is really her daughter. Atharva stands lowering his gaze. Imlie asks Atharva can’t keep a mother from her child, someone must be joking

with her. Devika also asks Atharva to speak.

Imlie continues that Chini is Kairi’s mother and she is her aunt. Divya says someone must have sent a lie to prick a pin in their happiness. Imlie pleads Atharva to speak. Atharva says he wanted to tell her truth and says Kairi got emotionally attached to Imlie even before he could find out, even Imlie was right that she can sense her daughter’s mumbles, it’s true that Kairi is Imlie’s biological daughter and he had stolen Kairi from the hospital immediately after she was born; Kairi reminds him of Imlie and hence he named her Kairi; Imlie is not Kairi’s princess mamma but real mumma and he is Imlie’s sinner. Imlie gives him a tight slap. Family also stands shocked with Atharva’s revelation. Imlie says Atharva is a thief who stole her daughter from her and snatched a reason to live. Devika asks her to calm down. Imlie asks why did he betray her.

Kairi draws a family sketch and thinks if monkey paa marries princess mamma, they all 3 will be a happy family and can enjoy every festival. Imlie shatters. Atharva tells her that when he had come to the hospital, he heard her telling Dhairya that she doesn’t want to let her child come in this world. Imlie shouts it’s because she didn’t want to live without him, even then she got her child into this world for his sake. She recalls the event and says she cried for her child till now, she realized that she took an oath to destroy herself and Atharva took an oath to destroy her. Devika tries to comfort her again. Imlie says anyone would react the way she is reacting and says her husband was alive and she was yearning for him for 5 years and he not only snatched her husband from her and even her daughter. Rudra asks then why did the DNA report didn’t match. Atharva says he and Chini changed the report.

Imlie searches for a knife and asks Atharva to kill literally after he emotionally killed her. She says any mother wouldn’t like to see hear her child dead, but she had to; she told everyone that she sensed her daughter’s cry, but they didn’t trust her. She continues to vent out her pain and says she had immense trust that her daughter is alive. She reminds Devika of her curses and says Devika’s son gave her immense pain as she wanted.

Precap: Imlie leaves home with Kairi. Atahrva pleads her to forgive him and not go. Imlie says Imlie will forgive her but not Kairi’s mother and walks away.

Update Credit to: MA

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