Imlie 18th February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Imlie tells Adi that she is dumb and spoke the secret which she didn’t have to speak in front of everyone. Adi says he is afraid that if his family finds out their truth, everything will shatter; he is tired of lying and accepted his mistake today. She continues crying. He asks her to stop crying, he didn’t like her before and not now. She asks what about now. Pankaj with family enters and asks if he said sorry. Imlie holds her ears and apologizes Adi. Aparna says Adi should apologize her. Malini twists Adi’s ears and makes him apologize Imlie. Nidhi says good problem solved today as they shouldn’t tomorrow. Rupal asks what is there tomorrow. Tauji says its Sunday tomorrow and he doesn’t want to go to shopping mall. Nidhi says its valentine’s day tomorrow. Imlie says she heard about republic day children’s day, independence day, which is this new day. Sundar explains they express their love to their partner by saying I love you. Dhruv taunts and asks if he has a girlfriend. Nishant says Valentine’s day is a foreign concept where they make their partner feel special with gifts and express their love for them. Imlie says she can do that daily without any gift. Nishant asks how. She tells everyone individually that she loves them. Rupal asks her to stop as they know she loves them all. Imlie feels nervous.
Next day, Dhruv wishes valentine’s day to Nidhi with a teddy gift and asks her to hug him. She hugs teddy instead. Taiji says Valentine’s day celebration was not present during her days, but she knows Harishji/Tauji loves her. Malini asks Aparna if Pankaj expressed his love to her. She says he doesn’t say I love you, but does something once a day that shows his love for her. Malini says Adi hasn’t gone on his father and gets nervous when he has to express his love for her. Imlie says why only men should express their love and give gifts, even women can express their love for men. Aparna says she will prepare kheer for Pankaj. Tauji says Pankaj likes gajar halwa more. Malini says they should get out of kitchen and think something else romantic. Everyone agree.
Nishant has his medicines thinking he has to take 3 tablets at once hiding. Adi walks to him, and he coughs seeing Adi. Adi asks if he is fine. He says yes and felt weird seeing dirty shoes. Adi says if he wants to give fashion tips, he should consult Anu who also comments on his shoes.
He asks where are others. Tauji, Pankaj, and Dhruv walk in. He asks them if they thought of anything romantic for their parents or not. Dhruv says he already gave teddy and flowers to Nidhi. Tauji and Pankaj scold him. Drama continues. They don’t like Nishant’s idea. Nishant tells Adi just like he goes to gym to keep his body fit, he should do something childish to keep his partner happy.
Ladies decorate living room. Nidhi says Dhruv is unnecessarily overshowering his love on her today. Malini says she should feel jealous of her seeing Dhruv’s romance as Adi is so unromantic. Rupal feels sad hearing their chat and walks down. Tauji and Pankaj bring gifts for Tauji and Aparna and hope they like them. They see Rupal and ask her not to inform about their surprise gifts to Taiji and Aparna. Adi also brings gift for Malini and hides it in room. Malini returns to room and asks where was she. She says she had gone for an afternoon walk. Their chatting continues. Imlie walks in to give something, and Adi notices her torn dress. In the evening, all ladies get happy seeing their gifts and their lovely words for them. Imlie also gets happy seeing Adi’s gift for her. Nishant takes all men blindfolded to the living room. They all get happy seeing decoration, Pankaj asks Sundar if he decorated the hall. Sundar says he is not their valentine, so they should praise the ones who did it. Malini with ladies walk down. Each lady expresses her love for her partner. Nishant chats with Rupal and says his parents and uncle aunt are looking very happy. Imlie enters wearing her new dress. Aparna asks who gifted it. Imlie says Khalandar/Sundar and reminisces Sundar seeing her gift asking who gave her gift and she asking him to tell that he gave it. Adi stands amazed.
Precap: Adi gifts Imlie a dress as valentine’s day gift. Family sees Imlie wearing dress and asks who gave it to her. Malini noticing dress bill says Adi gave it.
Update Credit to: MA
Worst show ever.. disgusting story,disgusting characters n overacting ki dukaan imli.. i m really surprised how such logicless shows r accepted by viewers..

Shut up.will u?
Lol…you silly girl Priya… there are sooo many other shows you can watch… so if you don’t like this one then just shut up about it and change the channel…
and stop coming here with your whiney self… smh
Excuse me guys.. u proved ur dumbness
by using such words like shut up n all fr a silly show.. feel pity fr ur mentality dat u r fighting just fr a serial which is as baseless, impractical n senseless like ur views.. nw i understand why such serials r on trp list
n by d way its an open forum whr any1 can keep his/her view so u r no one to say dat i shud leave
its my right as a citizen to criticize if i find sumthing stupid n baseless on television or any social platform.. dis show is so weird n disgusting dat its promoting two marriages,extra marital affair(malini’s mom n dad) wid so much ease.. tell me in real world in which family everyone’s life revolve around a maid
.. dis cunning character imli is spoiling malini’s marriage n life everyday by creating misunderstandings.. every time she is around adi n his room.. wenever adi malini spend time together, she comes frm nowhere
if she doesnt want to spoil adi’s marriage why she is alwys around him, giving him tea, n behaving like a bechari abla naari.. she shud rather focus on her studies n fulfill her dreams.. d way she does her jokergiri it looks so irritating n fake.. she complicates things intentionally.. ws she so dumb dat she considered those sadhus as adi’s boss n fed them malini’s cake.. i mean really

n without waiting fr adi n other family members she fed them whole cake
which ws specially made by malini.. like really, so innocent na
n wat ws d need to tell d family dat adi told her nt to enter his room, n nw this dress drama.. she says she doesnt want to come in between adi n malini bt she never leaves them alone.. ur bechari imli
n dis adi, hw can he act so dumb.. wen he ws forced to marry imli.. he cud hav told family members clearly n taken help of police n ended this drama.. bt sorry makers had to make this crap na fr his so called intelligent viewers