Imlie 19th April 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Malini shows her office to Imlie. Her colleague lecturer takes her aside to discuss lecture, and she leaves asking Imlie to stay there. Students laugh looking at Imlie. Imlie feels nervous and thinks if there is dust on her face. She reminisces family’s suggestion not to get nervous and be confident and cool. She introduces herself as Imlie from Pagdandiya. Student jokes that if she is Imlie/tamarind, she should be in kitchen. Another student jokes that she must be searching her friends adrak/ginger, mirchi/chilli, etc., to prepare chutney. They feel awkward seeing a poor village student in their college. Imlie gives them back that she has seen a practical world and not like them who just stay in AC, her language may be different from them, she came 2nd in state and is a scholarship student, etc. A student chokes eating something. She punches him in his back and he spits it out. Another student asks what was it. She says with just one village punch, he spit out his food, what if she punches them all, they will forget their hifi life. They all walk away afraid. She thinks good she learnt karate while accompany Tinkle for her karate class. She mimics karate moves and falling on college principal apologizes calling him kaka. He says he is not kaka, he is principal of this college. She holds his feet and apologizes in her usual style. Malini returns and seeing her drama apologizes principal. Principal identifies Imlie and he never saw such an unique first day in college and says he and this college have a lot of expectations from her and she shouldn’t disappoint them.
Malini scolds Imlie for her jokergiri and says she will drop her to her classroom. Students stop Imlie and discuss about time table. She says its on the board. Another student drops water on Imlie’s head, and sindhoor drips from her hairline. Students laugh that Imlie is already married. Imlie scolds them. A lecturer says she is just 19 years old and is married at such an young age. Malini scolds Imlie for apply sindhoor again against her warning.
Nishant takes his medicine when Aparna and Taiji bring bread pakora for him and seeing medicines strip ask what is it. He says its multivitamin and enjoying his favorite bread pakora remembers them giving bad news last time when they fed him bread pakoras. They remember his girlfriend Pallavi and asks why don’t he marry her. He thinks he doesn’t know till how many years he will live, he doesn’t want Pallavi to serve him his remaining days and keep crying; says Pallavi must have already forgotten him. They both insist to marry Pallavi. He says he doesn’t want to feel the trouble like papa who cannot even enjoy his favorite songs. They scold him and walk away. He thinks he just wants to keep his family happy till he is alive.
Prakash wakes up in the morning and feels guilty reminiscing informing Mithi that Adi has 2 wives and has kept Imlie as a servant. He sees Mithi crying and says he lied under inebriation. She slaps him and says Adi, Imlie, Seeta Maiya betrayed her; she will not tolerate any more lies, how Imlie stays in her in-laws’ house if she doens’t stay there as a MIL/bahu. He reminisces Imlie telling him that she stays there as a servant and says she is staying here as a guest, says she told Adi started loving her now. She pours kerosene on herself and tries to burn herself alive. He stops her and calls Bindiya. Bindiya also holds her. She cries that her Imlie’s life is a lie adn she cannot see her in sorrow, so she will die. They both stop her again, Bindiya asks her to let Satyakam return and find out truth, she should support Imlie, etc.
Tripathi family discuss what gift they should give to Imlie. Nidhi suggests they should gift mobile to Imlie. Taiji backs her. Tauji jokes. All family members agree for mobile and wait for Imlie and Malini to return. Malini enters scolding Imlie for disobeying her and says her college students will rag her repeatedly, she was protecting her, etc. Nishant asks her to relax as Imlie must have done a mistake unknowingly. Malini says Imlie did it purposefully. Tauji asks what exactly happened. Malini says she applied sindhoor again, she had wiped her sindhoor before entering college and warned her not to apply it again, but she ignored her and applied it again. She asks Imlie how did she get sindhoor and finds her sindhoor bottle in Imlie’s bag. Aparna says Imlie is applying it as her village ritual. Rupal backs her. Malini reminds that she applied it during interview, during pooja, and daily now. Imlie apologizes her. Malini says she never obeys anyone and does whatever she likes, warns her to never apply it again and throws bottle away.
Precap: Malini confronts Imlie and asks her to apply even her sindhoor and display it openly.
Update Credit to: MA
I am a little confused as to why Malini is scolding Imlie so much, while the family members don’t have a problem with her applying sindoor
granted, they don’t know the real reason for it but why does it bother Malini so much? Could it be a little bit of jealousy that family members are pampering Imlie more than her ??? hmmm…
On another note… just loved the Insta videos posted with Gashu and his clan
… omg Instagram was on fire with rituj’s posts 

Let me tell you actually malini has doubt about imile and aditay relationship as malini is seeing them together again and again and aditay is giving attention to imlie not to malini so she is getting the things now the truth will be disclosed as malini will have a negative role in this serial just like her mom well I think malini is right I mean she suffering without any reason and one more thing imlie is also loving aditay she do not care about Malani so I think malini is right let’s see what happens next it’s a really interesting serial.
1. Well I am not a regular watcher of this show, so I don’t have detailed idea regarding show story, but since 2-3 days i am following it regularly, so I comment is based on that only… So if anyone don’t like my comment , plz do spare me..

Malini is feeling jealous seeing aditiya concern for Imlie and she is unable to cope up with it, which i feel is right at some point…

, Imlie don’t want to hurt Malini but indirectly she is hurting her all the time.

2. I think
3. I don’t get it, Imlie
4. I don’t get it when Aditya want to tell Malini truth, why Imlie is not allowing him to do so
5. Seeing 2-3 days episode I feel this show is looking same as Silsila badaltein rishton ka from colors..
Aditya fall sick same as Kunal fall sick, and reason was Imlie don’t want to talk to him, same as Nandini didn’t want to talk to Kunal.. while Malini is suffering same as Mauli
6. Well its my request if anyone can tell why Aditya is behaving this way, as far as I watched in start of show, he use to love malini but now behaving weired, as I stopped watching show after 2-3 episodes…
Hi @ShraddhaSharma392. Nice to see you here. Let me explain it to you. Actually in the beginning, Aditya used to love Malini and they were planning to marry. He had to visit a village Pagdandiya for his work. There, due to some misunderstandings, the tribal villagers forcefully got him married to an 18 year old girl Imlie. When he reached Delhi with Imlie, he never accepted the marriage, treated her very badly, never gave her any rights, and kept her as a servant in his house. Bcs for him, Imlie was a nuisance. He hid the truth from everyone, and despite of being married to Imlie, he married Malini too and committed ‘Bigamy’. He still used to insult and torture Imlie a lot. Even Imlie never stopped Aditya from marrying Malini, knowing that it’s a crime. That day, she acted as giving up her rights for Malini. She became “mahaan” “bechari” Imlie who never fought for her self respect. Both the idiots Aditya and Imlie kept Malini in the dark. After a series of drama, turns, twists etc, this Babusahebb realizes that he is in ‘true love’ with Imlie, and Malini is just a friend. So he cheats Malini, romances with Imlie behind her back. treats Malini so poorly and makes her suffer. And Imlie also never hesitates in lying to everyone and cheating her Malini didi. At first, Imlie gave up her rights, so now why she’s coming back for her rights to give more pain to Malini? Imlie and Aditya are both two-faced, liar, cheaters and cowards. Malini is such an innocent kind girl but they don’t even tell her the truth, and keep her hanging. Aditya grew really selfish, that’s why he is now blaming and ignoring Malini a lot for his “bechari” Imlie. I hope you understood. And I hope that you understand who is at fault here, and who is innocent. Bcs after the forced marriage, everything Aditya nd Imlie did was deliberate. They are heartless creatures who are too absorbed in their self-pity.
Aditya was best friends with Malini and Malini mistook it for love,he never loved Malini.Its kow dat he realises how love feels after falling in love with Imlie.Aditya wants someone who can challenge him and make him reality of de other partner,which Malini cant do but Imlie does.
Omg you mad me

Aditya says he does not know love can be like this he burning in the 
of love of imlie
1. @tara thank you
for telling me whole story…

Malini teaches good lesson to Imlie and Aditya..
imlie and aditya should die

This is totally insane by Imlie and Aditya by hurting Malini emotionally and mentally…
I just hope
After reading story I think
2. @maria melina what do you mean?? I didn’t got your point
Right, it’s totally cruel by them. Even Imlie has no self-respect. She keeps running back to a man who treated her like dirt. Some “Imlie-obsessed” fans target me occasionally because of my bitter words for Aditya-Imlie but I’m sure that nobody can explain this one. The worst part is how everyone (makers and fans) are glorifying n justifying Aditya and Imlie each time, ignoring all their mistakes. This is just crazy. Ya, Malini should throw these cheaters behind the bars. I just dislike how Aditya and Imlie are being shown as the innocent victims, while actually they are the ones who brought this whole situation on them. It’s total injustice with Malini. And you’re welcome, by the way.
Malini is just getting frustrated and rightfully so.people talk about imlie not understand the city culture much but let’s take a moment and realise that even Malini has not done any PHD in the village culture.
She is trying to protect imlie from getting bullied in college. And guys let’s be honest these city students aren’t kind to the students coming from small towns let alone a girl from the village.
Also she knows that if imlie faces any inconvenience ADITYA will come atvher guns blazing and she is trying not to give Aditya that chance this time because like she said earlier she is trying to fight for her marriage.
So imlie not listening to her is just giving another opportunity to Aditya to taunt Malini.
And also lets not forget Aditya is so good to imlie because he loves imlie. He fell for her when she saved his life etc etc.
Before that he was mean to her.and he expects Malini to be mature right now. Then shouldn’t he have been mature initial when imlie came into his life that her culture, value, life, upbringing is different and the forceful marriage was equally traumatizing for her as it was for him. Why wasn’t he kind to her initially then ?
Malini on the other hand saved imlie from Aditya, her mother etc time and again yes she wasn’t as loud as Aditya because when has Malini ever been loud that’s her personality. Malini didn’t hate imlie even when Aditya started preferring imlie over Malini she blamed him.
Aditya on the other hand is selfish.
He respected imlie only after she saved his life. When he himself isn’t selfless then how come he expects this from Malini.
Well a priviledged d city girl was more kind to a village girl for no reason than this so called journalist who is well aware of the village and it’s brutalities.
But now that he loves her everyone should treat imlie as a princess while earlier he wasn’t even ready to treat her as a human
Honestly I prefer Malini over imlie as a character.
But I don’t hate imlie too
The only person I hate here is Aditya and Malini’s father.
Pehle cheat karo fir victim ban jao.
This whole marriage happens once and pati is lord mentality must stop, for all her smartness Imli is quite dumb, she should stay away from Adi remembering all the times he insulted her. Mithi is a bigger idiot, don’t know why Satyakam is hung up on that foolish idiot. Turning Malini into a mini Anu isn’t going to make anyone dislike her, just dislike Imli and Adi even more for continually lying. Adi is especially the worst, he wants to have his cake and eat it … actually it’s not Adi who is the worst but Dev… he should have freed Anu from the marriage long ago, maybe her mental state would be a whole lot better without him. Don’t know if Malini will feel any different about Imli when she finds out she’s her half sister. Wonder which truth will come out first, Malini being the second wife or Dev having fathered both Aditya’s wives… in the previous remake – Mohi, Mohi left her sister and husband to lead a happy married life and went on to become a doctor overseas… I wonder if they are going to make the village girl win the groom or work on a polygamy ending instead – they both get Adi what a prize
or… Adi’s job leads to his end and the sisters are widowed. Why they remade a remake is beyond me… only here for Gashmeer
Don’t you know that Malini is everyone’s teacher and his favorite pastime is lecturing and correcting everyone while being totally delusional about his own failed marriage? Oh wait … It’s not a failure anymore, right? Because she found the solution – tighten the noose! I hope that truth she would go to hell.
Malini is right to scold imli for disobedience. But I also feel she is using her anger against Aditya towards imlie. She is not able to point it towards him a lot and it got deflected here. She wouldn’t behave like that with her sister in law or any other member of the family. Why imlie then? I have a feeling they’re trying to slowly make her like Anu so that everyone understands that Adi and imlie are the perfect couple or whatever.
Even though many will agree that Malini deserves to scold imlie, I would rather she not deflect Adi’s anger on imlie. When she gets to know the truth, then she can do whatever she wants. But until then, confront adithya, scold imlie for doing the wrong thing, but don’t become the person we grow to hate.
Idk, this was my opinion. It may be unpopular though
Hey shraddha first welcome here! I would like to suggest you to watch all episodes of imlie from start then make your opinions. It’s not like silsila at all. Okay coming to episodes really what the hell is Malini problem why she is so hung up on that sindoor,if imlie want she can put and he’ll with anyone else. I know people bash imlie but it’s her faith so if she wants to live as Aditya suhagan then that’s her decision nobody gets to decide what she should do. As per her being 21st century girl well here’s news I saw a youtube video few days back where in person was getting ordained as monk for life in certain community. As that was just 13 year old child who has not seen anything in life and whole relatives parents were celebrating. I mean no disrespect to anyone but if that is accepted in the name of faith then why can’t imlie be devoted to person she has acknowledged as her husband.
@Ashle i told in my comment i haven’t been regular watcher, so I have no idea about story, thats why i comment is based on that part from where I have been following the show.. So I compared it with scene similar to silsila..

she is getting obessive with that why Imlie is appying sindoor being unmarried.. but when her in laws are quite about that why she is getting behind sindoor

But thats only as a joke..
We can’t compare 2 shows.. but secen i felt was similar of kind, so I mentioned…
And rest i shall watch what has happened till now..
Though @tara told me story in short, but if that the case, I think Imlie and Aditya are wrong to hurt Malini by hiding truth..
And as far as about Malini and sindoor thing, I think
@ashle am not sure u are from India cos according to India culture is only married woman that used sindoor, since I have been watching India movies over years now I have not seen ordinary lady putting sindoor on her forehead without married still imilie is lying to them and they believed her becos she lied on her village culture,whereby I haven’t seen that culture in India where u put sindoor without marriage,as for Malini she is just trying to protect imilie from students who will bully her,do heard what that teacher said she said just 19 and his already married, even students will be talking about her,if she likes sindoor she should tell the whole world about her marriage and everybody will accept her and the students will know she is married instead of this unless drama,Malini just angry because imilie has become adamant that’s all,Malini doesn’t have fault in correcting imilie,stop decriminate all because u like imilie in serials show and forget about ur culture,am from Nigeria but I knew little about India and their cultures, despite u been a Indian u are supporting wrong all in the name of show
dis imli is more wicked n cunning dan our imagination.. thank god malini is showing dis despo girl her real place nw
.. so proud of u malini.. nw u wl understand why ur mom became like dis.. dat characterless dev made anu so rude.. hw painful it wud b fr anu to knw dat her husband slept wid a random village lady n produced a cunning dual character daughter who becomes monkey in front of tripathis n meena kumari in front of her babusaheb
n like a sweet poison spoiling her daughter’s life nw..
i hope there is no real place called pagdandiya otherwise no woman wl ever let her husband go there

Bang on. U hv nailed it. Love ur comment.
N lol dis ganwar adi treats malini so badly every single day, bt wen malini scolded his so called bechari imli fr a valid reason tripathiji ko mirchi lag gyi
unhe delhi ki high society ladies yaad aa gyi
.. Mr ganwar tripathiji, u dont deserve high society delhi lady, its ur inferiority complex dat u face in front of smart women like malini,her mom n other smart ladies.. u like imli becoz she is inferior to u n u can control her.. so better dont giv lecture to malini.. if u behave rudely its fine n if malini behaves like dat she becomes high society lady.. waah wat a logic

Malini is behaving like a complete b*t*h now. I mean I understand she is angry, subconsciously maybe she remembers what Adi told her about his marriage to Imlie, but what is this behaviour? Throwing things and screaming at a 19 y/o? Clearly she is turning in any

waah great!! if a woman is fighting for her rights and taking stand for herself, she becomes a “b*t*h”…so do you want malini to become a silent woman who will suffer all the pain…a good character shows different sides and emotions…malini will be angry, as well as emotional, romantic, sad, happy, jealous…there’s a good variety for her…she’s realistic, which many of you have already said…you guys never come to attack imlie when she does something wrong but if malini shows growth in herself, that you people can’t tolerate it…don’t degrade malini’s character to satisfy your frustrations…think before writing anything…don’t just come with any abuses at all you can think of…
It’s hypocrisy on imlie side she never wanted marriage from the beginning and would bleed her hand when mehendi was mistakenly applied on her wc she believes would hinder her life ambition so how come sindoor is now her passion and Malini would start to feel bad and insecure with adityas current behavior towards her wc any married woman would definitely do or even worse bcs any woman wouldn’t take such silence or behavior from her husband he must have said the truth by now in real life bcs it’s sickening and mentally disturbing and overall Aditya may live to regret leaving Malini bcs it may just be pity turning to love for imlie wc may not last in real life and Malini definitely will be broken as a person in real life for no fault of her and ds situation causes some women their mental stability if it happens in real life so Malini is d oppressed woman in ds situation and imlies behavior isn’t completely right she can move ahead if she were to be modern and real life situation and Aditya is definitely not a good strong minded man who knows how to control his mind and decisions as a man that he should be. The whole situation is wrong and let see how d writters get it unfolded to normalcy but it hurts to see Malini in ds situation and she has been wronged
@bukki exactly my thought.. imli is a sweet poison.. she wl again cry in front of adi n become victim
.. n dis characterless babusaheb wl again scold malini.. enough of dis adi’s nonsense..
@Priya Singh, exactly. This is a poisonous track. Even when it’s her mistake, this Imlie does rona-dhona and emotional drama and gets Babusaheb to sympathize with his “bechari” Imlie. Such a pathetic story. I am hoping that a day comes, when Malini slaps Imlie in front of everyone (Babusaheb included), and later Malini along with Anu takes both these cowards to the police station. The Tripathi family reactions will be worth watching. I hope they disown their son, and so called “bahu” Imlie.
@tara.. dear, dumb tripathis wl never disown their imli as their life’s only aim is to make imli happy
.. they r also hypocrites,if they r so nice dat they treat their maid like family member n dance on her tunes then why nt sundar also.. they shud treat sundar also like their son

Lol.. regarding d fact dat malini is behaving rude to imli n stretching dis sindoor issue.. hw shud a wife behave if her husband cares fr d maid suddenly more dan his wife
.. she is doubtful because imli is alwys around adi n suddenly started applying sindoor on d name of ritual.. why she ws nt following dis ritual before
tripathis r dumb,they believe n treat imli like God..if they wl knw abt imli n adi,they wl easily accept their marriage after thora rona dhona
bt malini is nt dat dumb,she knws dat her marriage is at stake.. so she is bound to take stand
To those suffering from amnesia and blaming Aditya of being a cheater – he has told the entire truth 100 episodes back
If the lady faints at every drop of a hat and knows nothing about the man whom she claims to be her best friend-well, may God truly bless her!
You are right everyone will accept imlie because she is Aditya’s “first wife” only person who will suffer is Malini.
Guys sorry to say to all Imlie and Malini haters, which i read in last week episodes, as I read some episodes about this show and some by watching…

aditya ko toh dono biwi chahiye thi, taki unke sath game khel sake ek tarf gharwali, ek tarf baharwali wala…

I got One thing: why all are blaming Imlie and Malini only??
Blame that aditya, who want to have laddoo in both hands
He neither want Imlie to go away From him nor he want to tell Malini truth by giving excues about her health.. like seriously dumbbbbbbbbb
Or is that the case that Imlie and Malini haters want to show that only women are wrong.
I got to know that Imlie Aditya were married by force, later he married Malini by choice and if he knew about law, he could have divorced imlie by hiding truth as well from Malini, just like hiding his marriage.. that would have been simple.. but Nahi
Another questionable thing is…Aditya at once rejected his marriage with Imlie and she let it happen…and anyway, a forced marriage done without bride or groom’s consent is always illegal….so of course aditya was not imlie husband (according to himself and as per the law)…then how, on what basis can he suddenly claim that imlie is his wife, and has first rights on him…why? just because he is attracted to imlie? how stupid and selfish… why should malini be treated as the second woman? she never forced herself into this situation…she doesn’t know that he has a ‘secret wife’…so why should she face this situation?….aditya married her at his own will and now abandoning her at his own will…how can this be accepted? this is showing how self centered that man is..who only cares for himself and his romance…matlab jab mann aya malini se shaadi kar lo, jab mann bhar gya toh usse chod kar imlie k saath romance karlo…aur fir bhi tum ‘bechare”…matlab yaar this man has no respect for women..he uses them for his own satisfaction and then throws them away… producers are showing such a wrong thing….this Adi is actually a devil, a bastard.
Malini’s insecurities are showing! She’s behaving just like her mother! Nobody else has a problem with that Imlie does, as nobody should. Whether Imlie puts sindhoor or kumkum in HER maang, it’s no one else’s business.
Malini is taking out her frustration on Imlie, probably also related to the holi episode where she waits so impatiently for Adi to come and out sindhoor on her, but even that day all the sindhoor spilled on Imli. Even the other day when she was looking for the sindhoor, she caught Imli with her sindhoor dhana in her hand and sindhoor in her maang
This much jealousy and insecurity is not a good look on Malini!
and you know, it’s definitely malini’s business because imlie is putting the sindoor of aditya in her maang and aditya is malini’s husband…do you expect her to keep quiet, crying and praying while imlie takes away her rights and happiness…my friend you don’t actually know what good “characters” are like…its not like he or she will be perfect, never do anything wrong, will be a “goddess” etc, no. malini is a great character with development…if she’s taking a stand for herself, you all tag her as ‘jealous’. atleast socha toh karo likhne se pehle. we don’t want a weak silent good-for-nothing woman…malini is really good.
I like malini character the most, she is just realistic character,I hate this T family, they will surely accept imlie the next second, they loved their house maid more than their daughter in law, then why can’t they treat sundar like their son hypocrites they are.
Malini you go girl,may be ur too mean n rude today but its understandable, if am in this situation like adi n imlie, I will surely spill out the truth, let see what these two will do, imlie again mahaan queen and adi will follow mahaan queen orders
Yaar… guys this is just a fictional story, that doesn’t mean the producer can show what the hell he likes… there are some limits…and while displaying such content they should actually keep in mind that even rural people are watching starplus…..i mean many a times people start relating these characters and situations to their real lives… this is a very bad example… everyone thinks that it is a good story and nobody is right or wrong here etcetra etcetra…but no that’s not the case…aditya is a weak one will be sure what is right or wrong after watching this series…i mean literally the way they are promoting bigamy and affairs….this is a crap in the name of serial…nothing but overacting and exaggeration and emotional drama
Totally agree @Yachita..
Most of the shows of starplus shows same concept about love, affair and marriage and then even people watch and shows keep on going…
I don’t really mind Malini venting her frustrations but I hate she is taking out on imlie instead of Aditya. I also object her dominant behaviour with imlie what right doea she have to ask imlie to take off sindoor. Giving lecture on manners but what kind of I’ll mannered behaviour she is displaying forcing imlie to accept her opinions. I really don’t see any issues with imlie wanting to respect her marriage, there is difference between wanting husband and respecting marriage to that husband. Once Aditya married Malini she never asked for her right but that doesn’t mean she should give up on her faith. That is her decision it’s not as if she engaged in any illicit affair with Aditya she has always maintained her dignity and values. Yes she never wanted to marry but she considered marriage always most sacred and important. So once she got married she respected that bond. So what’s wrong with following their beliefs. Everyone has right to do that .
Exactly. Like I said, she’s deflecting her anger on Adi towards Imlie. Yes, Malini was right to tell her about all this ragging and everything but she also didn’t have to go off the deep end about it. People may say that she is realistic but this was just an assertion of dominance and we know it. But they’ll still agree with Malini because we know the truth which is not acceptable.
@Ashle If it was the question of Imlie’s life alone, then maybe it would be acceptable that she’s putting sindoor for Aditya on her maang. But no. Here she’s messing with Malini’s life by applying the sindoor for Malini’s husband. Aditya is a bastard, and I can’t expect anything good from him. But this Imlie, who we had expectations from, is making a joke of marriage. Seriously this 19 year old woman wants to commit bigamy happily. Is she dumb or brainless? One side she’s saying that Babusaheb and Malini Didi should be together, other side she’s not even stopping this ‘sindoor applying’ drama. What the hell she wants? That Babusaheb should roam with two wives? I understand that marriage is sacred and blah blah to her and she wants to cling onto hers. So either clearly tell the truth to Malini and take the wife rights which she craves, OR leave permanently from Aditya’s life FOREVER… And I mean forever. Leave Aditya alone. Because she’s only hurting Malini more by her stupid antics. Why can’t this two-faced girl agree on one thing? She’s making a mockery of marriage. This is not acceptable. Imlie has no right to destroy Malini’s life. AND she has no right to hide the truth about Malini’s husband from her. This lying and messing with Malini IS not acceptable. Don’t forget that there is also one more life connected with this Imlie’s nonsense. Why should Malini be silent? She has all rights on the sindoor and she can question Imlie about that easily. Bcs after all it’s actually Malini’s sindoor which Imlie is applying. Imlie is a hypocrite. How can you be so unfair?
I thought u are still a barrister babu fan I still read the updates but I am never in a mood of fans have supported it in the worst part of the shows but this second marriage track everyone has stopped following bb even mumu,bhavya and bb watcher..really very disappointed
@dikshita i too stop following on daily basis and even i was not commenting regulary, this track got toooo much dragged..

Infect at this point I want show take leap which will be much better, as they are still showing anirudh thinking bondita as responsibility and I totally miss old of her which use to work on logics, but now bondita works on emotions only
can anyone make a ff on imli in which adi would have been loyal to malini and imli instead of behaving like a cry baby and mahan she would have been bold and strong like sai
These concepts is followed in mohi. But not sure about the boldness of character mohi. Any way adhithya was loyal to Malini. Mohi is available in online platform.
@yachita.. so true.. these makers show shit in d name of creativity.. i dont hav prbm wid wat they r showing as there r worse content on television n ott platform.. my only complaint is why to glorify n celebrate adultery.. if characters r doing wrong they shud b shown wrong,why to treat them like heros n heroines
if adi n imli r right then why vanraj n kavya in anupama r wrong.. vanraj did d same thing which adi is doing.. he cheated his wife fr kavya,lied to anupama n treated her like door mat.. same thing dis adi is doing.
the only difference is vanraj n kavya r shown as grey characters bt here despo imli n characterless adi’s lust is glorified wid song like “piya tose blah blah”
bullshit show,crap characters n psycho makers

Just because malini scolded innocent baby girl imlie,so much hatred for her, saying she is b*t*h, dayan then why not imlie has not been called out names for doing many wrong thing.
Malini is right in her place and imlie deserve this scolding, she n her obsession for sindoor,hope she shows this obsession to adithya and both come clean to malini. Instead of both behaving hypocrites n cowards.
For people saying dat its none of malini’s business dat wat imli is doing.. just to remind dat if malini wants she can throw imli out of her house n no body wud b able to stop her as she is like a maid there
its just becoz she is a pure soul she is tolerating imli n her weird monkey acts..otherwise no woman in dis world wl tolerate such a psycho maid

I want malini to punish these two, for ruining her life and making her marriage life a joke, am also ready to see vamp malini, which is well justified form her side, anyone will turn bitter n vengeful after facing such a betrayal.
Malini has no right to throw imlie out of the house for that decision lies with the head of the house and his wife and somewhat Aditya as he brought her there. She is new daughter in law others opinions also matter if they want or not. she can order imlie for not doing anything for her and her husband but rest is upto family. I don’t know whether people hate imlie or adore her monkey acts

as sometimes when children are hyperactive they are called monkey
imlie acts sometimes childish and make so many mistakes just like young children so their so called moniker seems contradictory 

Omg.. people hav started comparing dis despo girl wid children
atleast spare children..
ofcourse children behave like monkey sumtimes bt they r real n innocent.. they dont hav dual character(even worse word in hindi
) like becoming monkey in front of sum people n suddenly becoming meena kumari n romancing other’s husband.. so better spare kids.. dont drag innocent children to justify dis despo girl

@ Priya Singh Imlie and the entire Tripati family suffers with a bipolar disorder set of sick people all dancing to Imlie’s tunes.Adi is acting like a love sick old dog shameless
N one more thing,i dont knw abt others house bt in our house each member is important n if anyone gets negative vibes or face any prbm frm any outsider,then immediate action is taken.. bt here tripathis r weird n dumb.. wat to expect frm a family who giv more important to a maid dan their family members
.aur naukaron me bhi bhed bhao kare..if they r so nice people then send sundar also to college n sara kaam khud kare

So,if imlie is much hurt by malini words why can’t she stop her n take a strand and make her viewpoint clear to her she is so strong woman na, and in tomorrow episode that fit for nothing adithya will shout on malini for imlie and as usual T family will go after imlie to pamper her.
How Calling 19 yrs old teenager a desparate girl is justifying I really don’t understand people mentality. They say Malini was right to show imlie her place the scolding is this not a form of verbal abuse. Anu has always been verbally abusive to imlie and also went ahead getting physically abusive trying to wipe sindoor now daughter is following her example. How on earth this is acceptable. I mean back off even if she is maid for them there’s a thing called personal space. They had no right to do that to her and still Malini is not at fault. She is a professor of teenagers but the way she is now speaking with imlie is not at all justifying. Yes she can get angry frustrated but be with right person. That is pure cowardice not confronting her husband afraid of the truth but justifying her behaviour with imlie. Just like her mother never confronted dev directly or tried to learn truth going to pd but once imlie came into picture started abusing her to get reaction out of her husband really. I do like adilie but I never supported their lies I always wanted them to be called on their mistakes and be punished and redeem themselves also Malini to get justice but this degradation and insult of any woman showing their so called aukat and all even if she is maid I can’t support that. People calling imlie so called obsession with sindoor what is wrong with that. If she wants she can put and it’s nobody’s business. Malini should not have made such drama over it. If she is so hyped with importance of sindoor then there’s her married mother who never wears any sindoor and mangalsutra. I know it’s individual choice to not to wear so imlie also has right to wear and she said it in front of everyone on camera. So that scolding is not acceptable. Her reason and lies whatever but she said she wanted to put sindoor that is it let her be it’s her right as an individual what she wants.
@ashle i never argue or target other viewers,i just keep my opinions regarding d show n characters bt as u hav refered my comment so many times so m replying u.. frst of all thank u fr keeping d discussion healthy

u said applying sindoor is imli’s personal space,dont u think malini’s bedroom n her husband is malini’s personal space.. imli is alwys wid cheater adi in their bedroom n they romance behind malini’s it also imli’s choice
n for sindoor thing malini’s frustation is valid becoz imli took her sindoor without even asking her n she is keeping dat box in her purse.. ridiculous.. wat ws d need to take it to college.. malini has tolerated all of adi’s n imli’s non sense bt nw they hav crossed limit so malini cant tolerate dis shit anymore.. these desperate cheaters thought dat they wl continue their affair n malini wl keep quiet behaving like a dumb nw malini is on fire n she wl nt leave these cheaters without knwing d truth.. bravo malini
Nw coming to d show,one thing i wanna say if a girl or woman is involved in adultery whether she is 19 yrs,30 yrs or 50 yrs old she wl b considered culprit n shameless.. imli is no less dan kavya in anupama,only difference is kavya is bold n straight forward, n imli behaves like bechari abla nari