Categories: Imlie

Imlie 1st November 2022 Written Episode Update: Imlie’s Promise To Rudra

Imlie 1st November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Atharva enters room just when Imlie opens door. Imlie falls on him, and they both fall on ground. Atharva apologizes him. Imlie says its okay as she fell on him. They both talk romantically. Imlie stands up and extends her hand to help Atharva get up, then realizes it was just her imagination. Atharva asks Rudra what truth he wants to tell him about Chini, he is sure Rudra is just lying. Rudra reveals that he offered money to Chini which she accepted, Chini needs Atharva’s wealth and not him. Atharva says its good that Rudra became a businessman as he would have been a bad writer, he is using same old drama of cheque or son, he is confident on Chini and Rudra doesn’t know Imlie’s truth instead. Rudra says Chini would have told Imlie’s truth to him, he doesn’t know

how Chini is manipulating him.

Atharva refuses to believe him. Rudra warns that if he steps out of the house, he should never return again. Atharva walks away saying he himself wouldn’t return. Devika tries to stop him saying Rudra spoke in anger and doesn’t mean it. Imlie gets concerned seeing Devika crying and Atharva leaving house and prays god. Chini over phone informs Anu that Atharva is coming to her. Anu congratulates her. Rupali snatches phone from Anu warning him to stop misguiding Chini. She asks Chini what is she up to. Chini says she let Imlie and Atharva’s marriage happen, now she will do whatever she wants to and snatch Atharva from Imlie. Rupali warns her to dare not do that. Chini gets adamant and warns her not to interfere. Anu takes phone and walks away. Rupali gets concerned for Imlie.

Nervous Imlie calls Atharva, and when he doesn’t pick call, she thinks of calling Chini as she is more mature than her. She calls Chini and when even she doesn’t pick call, she calls Sundar. Sundar and Arpita get happy seeing her call. Rupali joins them. They taunt her for remembering him so soon. Rupali walks aside and asks if her husband is not around that she called her. Imlie agrees and asks how does she know. Rupali thinks she knows Atharva has gone to meet Chini. Imlie explains all the incident happened and how Atharva left h ome fuming. Rupali suggests her that she is Atharva’s life partner now and should share everything with him including his happiness and sorrows. Imlie agrees.

Imlie walks down to Rudra and asks him when he considers her as his daughter, why don’t he share his problems with her. Rudra apologizes her for being unable to stop Atharva. Chini says he should not bother as he is retired now. Rudra says he still goes to office and handles his business. Imlie says she means retirement from Atharva’s responsibility as she took his responsibilty after marriage and promises him to bring Atharva back home. She gets into car and requests car to lead her to Atharva. Chini notices a groom walking to her and excitedly hugs him thinking him as Atharva. Groom shows his face. Chini gets angry seeing Jatin instead. Jatin says its good she didn’t marry him, now she will fall in his love and marry him. Chini says she will marry a rich man and not a poor and broke man like him. Jatin leaves feeling himiliated.

Imlie continues to search for Atharva. Arharva reaches Chini and is suprised to see her in a bridal wear with decorated car. Chini hugs him saying maybe Imlie his bride, but she is his real bride. Atharva also gets romantic, but then gets angry seeing Imlie calling him. He says Rudra says Chini took money from him to spare Atharva. Chini plays emotional drama and says Rudra is lying. Atharva says Rudra alawys opposes his choices, be it his music or Chini; he will not let his dad snatch his happiness. Chini hugs him and says Rudra and Imlie will always mislead him, but Chini’s love will also bring him on right track.

Precap: Imlie learns about Atharva’s accident and runs to save him.

Update Credit to: MA

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