Categories: Imlie

Imlie 21st March 2023 Written Episode Update: Rudra Bestows A Responsibility On Rudra

Imlie 21st March 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Dhairya buys a pulmonary medicine for his mother from hospital’s pharmacy. Wardboy snatches it from him and says doctor needs it in an emergency case. Dhairya asks another bottle from pharmacist who says that was the last bottle. Dhairya notices wardboy giving medicine to a lady and taking cheque from her. He confronts wardboy to return him medicine as its for his mother. Imlie murmurs she will give it outside. Dhairya doesn’t identify her and pushes her warning to stay out of it. Imlie’s wig falls down. Dhairya is shocked to see her and asks what is she doing here. Wardboys identify her as a girl who had come in the morning for sting operation and run behind her. Imlie explains why she is here. Dhairya gets ready to fight with wardboys. Imlie delivers heavy dialogues and fights

with wardboys, leaving Dhairya shocked. They escape from hospital. Dhairya asks her to return his mother’s medicine. Imlie asks him to say sorry with a smile. Dhairya says he can just promise to help her whenever she needs his help during her social work. Imlie agrees.

Imlie returns home via window. Atharva lying on bed wishes her good morning and asks her get out of window carefully. Imlie says she is returning from a sting operation and explains about it. Atharva says she was out of the house whole night, its not fair amigo. Imlie mimics a foreigner and jokes asking if he is from Spain, she has properties there. Her bead necklace breaks and falls down. Atharva jokes back and slips on beads. They both fall down on each other and get lost in each other’s eyes. A romantic song plays in the background. Rudra calls Atharva. They both get alert. Atharva rushes out to meet Rudra saying he can’t break the trust Rudra developed on him now. He asks her if her work is done. Imlie says she got a footage. Atharva says he will come nad listen to her after meeting dad.

Rudra gathers whole family. Akash hopes his evil plan is working as per his wish. Rudra informs Atharva that he got a new US client whom Atharva has to impress with his presentation and get a contract. Devika asks if Atharva has to give presentation instantly. Rudra says he believes in Atharva’s talent and asks him to prepare a business proposal on the way. Atharva gets tensed and leaves with Rudra. Keya tells Akash that poor Atharva can’t make any proposal without Imlie’s help. Imlie gets tensed thinking how will she help Atharva as Rudra took him away and didn’t give her time to prepare a proposal, she fears Rudra will lose trust on him.

In car, Rudra tells Atharva that he feels proud of him. Atharva thinks of informing him that Imlie had prepared that proposal. Rudra gets Dhairya’s call just then and informs him that they are on the way to office and Atharva will give presentation to clients. Imlie tries to rush to Rudra’s office to help Atharva when Devika stops her and asks her to have lunch and go. Imlie says she needs to visit office soon. Keya asks her to leave her job and concentrate on her family as she is married now. Imlie asks if she would ask Atharva and Akash to leave their job; just because she is a girl, she is asking her to leave her job; women have proved that they have progressed far away. Keya asks Imlie to help Ripu and Ginni in their assignments then. Ripu and Ginni request Imlie to check their assignments and correct them. Devika also requests her to help them. Imlie agrees.

Rudra reaches office and tells Dhairya that Atharva is ready for presentation. Dhairya asks Atharva to inform Rudra that he hasn’t made proposal or else Rudra would be humiliated in front of clients. Atharva determines to give the presentation at any cost. Keya keeps an eye on Imlie to make sure she doesn’t leave the house. Imlie tells Ginni that she will go to her room and correct her assignment. Ginni agrees, and Imlie rushes to her room to prepare a presentation for Atharva. Atharva feels nervous and thinks of taking Dhairya’s help. Rudra stops him and says he is trusting someone more than himself for the first time and shows him employees whose jobs are dependent on Atharva’s presentation. Athara thinks he needs to accept in front of everyone that he hasn’t made any presentation.

Precap: Dhairya asks Imlie what happened to her last night’s assignment which she forgot trying to help Atharva and badmouths about Atharva that he doesn’t know to work and doesn’t value her help. Imlie warns him to stop badmouthing about her husband.

Update Credit to: MA

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