Categories: Imlie

Imlie 28th September 2021 Written Episode Update: Imlie Plans Escape

Imlie 28th September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kidnapper orders girls to pick a broom and clean the floor. Imlie asks why should she. He says he got her a job abroad. Another goon threatens them at gun point. Girls clean floor. A girl asks Imlie to save her as goons will kill them like they killed another girl. Imlie realizes they are human traffickers who sell girls as maids abroad. Malini meets Anu in jail and says she knew only she can plan Imlie
s kidnap. Anu says who else is so genius and introduces her cell mate Rajni Devi and says she is more useful than her kitty party friends, her new best friend. Rajni says she will befriend her when girls reach their destiny. Malini asks how can she make a gangster as her bestfriend. Anu says she will make even a donkey her bestfriend if she can kick out servant Imlie from Adi’s life,

Adi will miss Imlie and then will forget her, then Malini and her baby can happily live with Adi.

Imlie and other girls continue dusting and troubles goon. Goon then orders them to mop the floor. Girls throw dirty water on goons and run away. Rajni gets a call about it and orders she will not spare them if girls escape. Malini asks Anu what if Imlie finds out she is behind her kidnap. Anu says she thought Rajni is an intelligent gangster, but she is a fool and hence in jail. Adi walks to them and asks Malini what is she doing and blaming Anu asks where has she hidden Imlie. Anu asks how can she know being in jail. Malini says she came to confront mom for same, but mom doesn’t know anything. Anu acts as crying and says her daughter because of whom she is in jail doubts her. Imlie with girls runs on road.

Adi with Malini reaches goes to police station and asks inspector to file his wife Imlie’s kidnapping case. Inspector asks since when she is missing and if he has any proof that she is kidnapped. Adi says he knows. Inspector says his wife must have gone somewhere, he cannot file complaint for 24 hours. Adi gets angry on inspector and misbehaves with him. Adi says he himself will find his wife and walks out. Inspector asks Malini to control Adi. Imlie reaches police, but before that goons kidnap her again. Adi reaches his informer in a liquor shop and explaining him whole situation asks to find out where his wife is. Informer calls his aide who informs about girls being kidnapped and sent abroad as maids and their flight is in 2 hours. Adi says he needs to reach airport soon and orders informer to pick his call next time. Malini returns to Anu and says police denied to file complaint for 24 hours. Rajni informs that his goons kidnapped girls again and have taken them to airport.

Goons reach airport disguised as medical team and take girls sedated on wheelchairs. They pass first security entry and at second entry, officer calls airport doctor to cross verify their reports. Doctor supports goons. Goons clear second entry and thanks doctor who asks him to inform Rajni to send payment on time. Goon tells his associate that girls will not wake up for sometime due to sedation. Adi reaches there and after checking flight details calls informer and asks to find out where kidnappers take girls. Imlie hearing him wakes up and unable to speak raises hand thinking he should notice her. Goon video calls his goon and shows his team captivating whole T family. Mithi with Dev visits T house. Goons captivate even them. Goon warns Imlie if she tries to actoversmart, his goons will kill her whole family. Imlie cannot speak, but gains strength to open her veil knot and throw paper tied in her pallu praying Seeta Maiya to send her message to Adi. Adi shows Imlie’s pic to passengers and asks if they saw this girl. They all deny seeing her. He steps on paper and thinks informer’s information cannot be wrong. Goons board flight with girls. A man notices paper under Adi’s shoe and informs him. Adi picks it and reading note realizes it Imlie’s handwriting.
Precap: Adi insists security officers to let him inside flight, but they deny him. Flight is about to take off when Imlie cries.
Goon warns to kill his mother if she creates drama, and she stops. Rajni informs that flight is about to take off.

Update Credit to: MA

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