Categories: Imlie

Imlie 29th June 2021 Written Episode Update: Nishant and Pallavi’s Wedding

Imlie 29th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mithi slips and holds Anu’s shoulder in a boutique. Anu gets angry and warns her to remove her hand. Mithi nervously says she slipped and kept her hand on her shoulder. Anu says she should have fallen instead and asks salesman if they leave their servants openly like this. He says she is not their servant. Mithi says she came to buy a sari. Anu laughs and says the cheapest sari is around 20000 rs here, if she came here to steal money. Salesman asks Anu to check her purse. Anu checks and says everything is fine. Salesman asks her to leave. Anu thinks nowadays beggars think of comparing themselves to rich, but she will not let them fulfill this dream.

Adi helps Nishant get ready for his wedding and says when he had gone to US, they all thought he would marry in US itself. Nishant says

he couldn’t attend Adi’s both weddings and asks if Malini knows about him and Imlie. Adi says she knows now, he didn’t want hurt her, but their divorce is not this reason as Malini loves Kunal. Nishant asks if he met Kunal. Adi says even Nishant met Kunal is the lawyer who is fighting Satyakam’s case and asks him not to inform family about it as they are already angry on Malini. He then praises Imlie that she is suffering alone and fears that family may not accept her if they find out truth, he will inform family about them once everything settles down.

Anu returns home and asks servant to keep her gift bags in car. Dev asks where is she going. She says she cannot visit samdhis without a gift. He asks if she will go uninvited, earlier she hated them and didn’t wanted to visit them. She says people who make a servant as family member will not oppose her, she will inform the new girl who is coming there what Tripathis are and even she will be divorced soon. Dev tries to stop her, but she walks away saying he can never stop her.

Malini helps Rupali in decorating Nishant’s room. Rupali asks her to bring garland from her room, then says Adi’s room. Malini hesitantly walks into Adi’s room and reminisces the days she and Adi spent there. She opens cupboard, looks at her and Adi’s wedding pic, and cries. Adi walks in and asks if she needs something. She wipes her tears and says she came to take garland, but she guesses maa took it. She removes photo from frame. Adi asks w hat is she doing. she says until she removes old memories, he cannot make new memories with Imlie. He says she shouldn’t do that as they are still friends. She says they are friends, so he cannot keep their pics in his room and should create his and Imlie’s new memories.

Nishant and Pallavi’s court marriage starts at home. Judge asks her them to sign the documents and complete their wedding. Imlie asks how is it possible and takes everyone to temple. Everyone follow her, and Harish asks what is she doing. Imlie says her mom says they should take Seeta maiya’s blessings before doing anything new. Pallavi says they will follow her instructions. She asks them to close their eyes and repeat her mom’s taught mantras with her. She starts chanting mantra and gets stuck in between. Mithi enters with Aparna and Radha completing the mantra. Imlie emotionally runs and hugs her and asks how did she come here. Aparna says via bus, she does so much for them and even united Nishant and Pallavi, so she thought to reunite her with her mother. Imlie thanks her and introduces each family member in her own style. They all greet her. Mithi says Pagdandiya is a small village, so she could bring only sindhoor and her blessings for the new couple. Nishant and Pallavi say her blessings is enough for them. Harish asks Nishant and Pallavi to exchange garlands now. They both do same. Everyone clap for them. Radha asks Nishant to put mangalsutra in Pallavi’s neck. He does same. Everyone clap again. Mithi gives her sindoor box, and Nishant applies sindhoor in Pallavi’s hairline. Everyone clap again. Aparna asks them to take elders’ blessings. They touch Harish, Radha, and other elders’ blessings. Adi jokes at Nishant to touch his feet as he is 6 months 10 days elder than him. Nishant tries, but Adi stops him and hugs him.

Door bell rings. Imlie opens door and seeing KC greets him and asks if he came to meet Malini. He says brought a surprise for her and calls Satyakam. Imlie emotionally hugs Satyakam.

Precap: Imlie tells Anu that she warned her to dare not misbehave with her family. Anu asks a woman who had an illegal affair with her husband doesn’t deserve respect, Imlie should know that her father’s name is Dev Chaturvedi.

Update Credit to: MA

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