Categories: Imlie

Imlie 30th December 2023 Written Episode Update: Agastya Questions Imlie

Imlie 30th December 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

A masked killer heads towards Dolly’s room. Imlie senses someone’s presence and asks who is it. Agastya shuts her mouth, pins her to a wall, and shows his face under a lighter. Killer reaches Dolly’s room and finds Govind and Jugnu there. Govind asks Jugnu to have food and not worry about Dolly as killer will be caught soon. Imlie asks Agsatya if he wants to kill her. Agastya says he will kill a person who is blackmailing her to marry Vishwa. Imlie asks if he doesn’t trust her. Agastya says he doesn’t and feels he is doing right by not trusting her for the first time in life; they both are unhappy, then why she is acting. Imlie asks what kind of acting. Agastya says acting of getting engaged and marrying Vishwa, if Vishwa is forcing her to do all this, he just wants

to know truth. Imlie looks at the spy watch given by Vishwa and says nobody is forcing her, their marriage contract has ended and she is nothing to Agastya now, so he should forget her. Agastya asks if this is true, then why is she shying away from eye contact, she should tell it again looking into his eyes.

Killer enters Dulari’s room and attacks her. She shouts. Agastya and Imlie hear that and rush towards home. Vishwa follows them. Whole Chaudhry family rushes to Dolly’s room and finds her missing. Govind says killer is at home. They notice blood-stained footsteps in the room. Imlie says killer kidnapped Dolly, Dolly’s life is in danger. Agastya says even her life is in danger. Daadi says they should get out of the house soon. Vishwa says he will call his team. Agastya says killer will escape by the time his team arrives, so they have to catch the killer right now. He asks Imlie to leave with the family. Imlie says she will not leave him alone. Everyone look at her. Imlie says she is talking about Vishwa. Vishwa also asks Imlie to go with family as her life is also in danger. Imlie agrees and walks towards door with Chaudhry family and finds the main door and all exits locked by the killer. Killer even switches off lights

Agastya and Vishwa search for the killer holding torch. Agastya tongue lashes Vishwa was forcing Imlie to leave him and marry Vishwa. Vishwa says Imlie is not his wife anymore and is free to marry him. Their argument continues and they enter a room. Killer locks the room door from outside. Alka blames Imlie for putting them in trouble. Daadi asks her to stop blaming Imlie. Alka says killer is behind Imlie and now Agastya is risking his life going behind the killer. Imlie with Jugnu walks out of the room in search of Agastya and Vishwa. Agastya and Vishwa try to break the door open and fail. Vishwa then notices a wall and recalls it as a dummy wall. He informs Agastya about it. Agastya asks how does he know. Imlie notices Dolly lying on the floor and walks towards her but finds killer instead. Killer attacks her. She tries to escape and shouts. Agastya and Vishwa break the dummy wall open and rush out. Killer is about to attack Imlie when Vishwa shoots at his hand. Killer trying to escape falls from the balcony and dies. They rush to him, remove his mask, and are shocked to see his face.

Precap: Vishwa takes over Chaudhry house and reveals that Chaudhrys killer his father Tej Pratap Singh and took over his business and house, now his heir has returned to take back this mansion

Update Credit to: MA

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