Categories: Imlie

Imlie 30th January 2023 Written Episode Update: Imlie Gives A Tight Slap To Chini

Imlie 30th January 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Imlie doesn’t get sleep worried for Atharva and goes on a walk. She notices smoke emanating from Atharva’s room. Atharva feels suffocated and crawls down the bed calling Imlie. Imlie rushes in and rescues him. He hugs her tightly. Imlie asks if he is feeling fine now He says with her entry, he is feeling fine. Imlie offers him water and asks how did this happen. He says he doesn’t know. She notices heater burning, unplugs it, and recalls Shivani suggesting Chini to keep a bucket of water in a heater room for humidification. Imlie acts as having cold and cough and tells Anu over phone that she will easily fool Arto and Imlie with her acting and prove her fake love for Atharva and make them feel guilty that she gifted heater to Arto and herself caught cold. Anu asks her not to

do that foolish act. Chini says she knows how to fool them.

Imlie enters and says she can’t fool her anymore and gives her a tight slap. Chini shouts how dare she is to slap her. Imlie says she made a mistake by trusting her, she is Imlie’s daughter Imlie who follows her mother’s principles and blindly trusts everyone, she thought Chini truly loves Arto and forgot that Chini can never change, Chini fixed heater in Arto’s room without taking proper precautions, Arto would have died due to suffocation today. Chini tries to mislead her again. Imlie says she will not fall for her crocodile tears and challenges to protect Atharva from her. Chini challenges that Atharva is habituated to his hookline and even if he learns that she is behind his wealth, he will not leave her. Imlie challenges her that she will get Arto out of Chini’s grip and leaves room.

Imlie returns to Atharva with water and snacks. Arto acts as coughing and then laughs and says whenever he is in trouble, he always finds Imlie supporting him and is very special for him. Imlie says they are friends. Atharva asks her to promise that she will never leave him. Imlie recalls Chini’s challenge that After will return to her even after knowing that she is behind Arto’s money; says always. Atharva prays god to keep him always in trouble so that Imlie is always with him; he promises to be beside Imlie always. Next morning, Imlie walks to Rudra and apologizes him for not believing him that Chini would never change and is just behind Atharva’s wealth. She cries for blindly trusting Chini. Rudra says its an easy way for her now from hereon as she realized Chini’s intentions and now she should do whatever her heart says and protect Atharva from Chini.

Chini walks to Atharva’s room. Atharva asks what happened now. Chini says she was missing him and hence came to talk to him, asks if they can go for a movie. Arto says he is not feeling well after last night’s event. Chini cries that she didn’t know heater would malfunction, she would have risked her life and saved him if she had known about it. She insists Atharva for a movie. He agrees. She thinks she will snatch Atharva from Imlie right under her nose. Arto walks down looking this mobile and informs Devika that he is going out. Ripu sntaches his mobile and finds him booking 2 movie tickets and informs family that bhaiya is going on a movie date with bhabhi. Devika says Imlie went to office. Chini walks down ready. Rupali asks where is she going. Chini says she is going for shopping with Abhishek. Rudra walks to Atharva and asks him to drop to his client’s place. Chini says Arto is going to drop her to a mall. Rudra says there is no mall on the way, so Chini can book a cab. Chini messages Arto that they will meet at a movie theater.

In car, Rudra reads a message on mirror that objects are closer than they appear and suggests him to look at the objects closer to him carefully and not lose them. He gets out of car asking him to think well about his suggestion. Atharva waits for Chini at a movie theater and thinks she must have not found a cab. He thinks of calling Imlie but then thinks she will get disturbed. He gets into theater and finds Imlie sitting in Chini’s seat.

Precap: Theater manager tells Atharva and Imlie that someone complained against them of romancing in public place. Guards try to pull Imlie away. Atharva fights with them.

Update Credit to: MA

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