Categories: Imlie

Imlie 31st August 2023 Written Episode Update: Atharva And Imlie’s Plan Fails

Imlie 31st August 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Atharva and Imlie determine to visit kidnappers. Devika and Divya insist to accompany them. They agree. Rudra and Manish go to back to withdraw 1 crore rs. Kidnappers bring kidnapped kids to a play house and asks them to play. Aide praises his boss for taking good care of children before selling them. Boss says he brought them here to silence them. Aide asks what if Imlie doesn’t pay them money. Boss says he will break her daughter’s hands and legs and make her beg for them. Kairi sits silently. Kids notice her and question her. Kairi says kidnappers hid her baby sister somewhere. Atharva and Imlie reach the spot and silently peep in.

Akash contacts his friends for blood donation for Shivani, but gets a negative reply. Doctor informs him that Shivani’s condition is worsening

and she needs blood transfusion. Akash requests Keya to donate her blood, but she stands silent. He says she is still a selfish woman and he will never seek any help from her. He calls Rudra who informs that Kairi and baby are kidnapped and kidnappers are demanding 1 crore rs, so they came to bank to withdraw money. Keya breaks down and says she can’t as she is undergoing infertility treatment and still hopes to have a baby. Akash gets happy and says he will arrange blood for Shivani from somewhere else. Keya then says she will donate blood to Shivani as she doesn’t guarantee to have a baby, but can save life of already alive person. Akash says he is proud of her.

Atharva and Imlie disguise as dolls Ben and Bharti and entertain kids. Kairi identifies them. Goon is surprised to see dolls. Kairi says they are Ben and Bharti who work on remote control and can clap on his cheek with a remote. Imlie slaps him repeatedly. Goon gets angry. Kairi says they can even dance and entertain them. Atharva and Imlie dance in doll style. Imlie starts bleeding. Atharva alerts her. Boss enters and shoots bullet in air. He says dolls don’t bleed. Kairi says she dropped red paint on the doll. Boss says let us see if the doll bleeds with a bullet and points gun at Atharva. Imlie pleads him not to shoot. Boss says he knew they are humans and orders goon to catch them.

Goons then bring Devika and Divya and pushes towards them. Atharva warns them to dare not touch his mom. Goon points gun at Imlie. Kairi pleads to spare her mamma. Goons says he will shoot her first then. Imlie asks Atharva to save Kairi. Atharva promises to protect Kairi and pleads goon to spare his daughter.

Precap: Imlie tells Atharva that with god’s grace, they got back their daughter back. Atharva says their family is complete now. Their house shatters due to earthquake.

Update Credit to: MA

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