Imlie 5th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Imlie reaches T house and asks Aparna why she looks tensed. Aditya says its their house and he doesn’t want any outsider’s interference. Rupali asks him to behave with Imlie. Aparna asks him to stop as Imlie came to meet her. Aditya says Imlie no more her daughter, she is Bhaskar Times’ CEO now and a very rich man’s girlfriend he always told that he will not let her shadow on his house, but will show it today. He holds Imlie’s hand and pushes her out of house. Imlie says whatever he says, this is she her family and she will not leave them in trouble. Aditya says her relationship broke when they got divorce, so she should get out from here. Imlie says she broke up with him and not his family. He says blood relationships matter and not verbal ones. Imlie says she is disappointed with her blood relationships and is emotionally attached to her sister Ruapli, brother Nishant and others here. Malini says not only Imlie is disappointed with blood relationship, Imlie broke her trust by snatching her husband and came here to snatch something again, there is no place for selfish people here, so she should get out of here. She pushes Imlie away. Aryan holds her.
Aditya warns Malini how dare she is to push Imlie when she herself is a guest in this husse. He asks why does she return here repeatedly to get insulted when Mr Tripathi already disowned her. Imlie says Aditya is nothing for her, but his family is and she came solve their problem. Aryan reveals that Harish took a heavy loan from market and is unable to repay it. Aditya asks how does he know about his family problems. Aryan says he was his employee 2 hours ago and he keeps record of his employees. Harish cries that he is responsible for this problem. Aran tells Imlie that she cannot repay their huge loan. Imlie consoles Harish. Aditya pulls Imlie away again and warns her to stay away from his family. Aryan frees Imlie’s hand and says she cannot help a man who cannot help himself, Mr Tripathi left the job himself. Imlie says Aditya doesn’t need a job, but her family does and tears Aditya’s resignation letter. Aryan says she cannot take this decision. Imlie says she is CEO today and can take a decision. Aditya says he kicked her out of his personal life long ago and professional life now.
Aryan says Aditya is a pathetic man, soon his family will also leave him; he has time till morning to rejoin his job or else he won’t be forever. Malini says Aditya doesn’t need his help as her parents will repay T family’s loan. Imlie tells Aditya that she is giving him a dignified job, but he wants to beg in front of others. Aparna tells Malini that they don’t need her help. Harish asks Aditya when he didn’t want to take loan earlier and now wants to burden his shoulders with loan. Malini says he should rejoin the job tomorrow as per his family’s orders as they want him to be Imlie and Aryan’s slave forever. Aditya says he would rather beg the creditors than being a slave and walks inside home. Aryan tells Imlie that he is tired of seeing her being humiliated often, so its her decision now. He gets into car and waits for her. She gets in, and he drives away.
After sometime, Imlie calls Aparna to Aryan’s house secretly and apologizes for not calling her in. Aryan notices her and thinks he will not be quiet if she called Aditya here. Aparna says soon Imlie will invite her home and serve snacks and cries that Aditya under Malini’s influence humiliates Imlie, etc. Imlie consoles her. Aryan watches them. Aparna then returns home. Malini questions her and asks why she had gone to meet Imlie as she saw Imlie dropping her home. Aparna says she went to meet her daughter. Malini says even she was her daughter once and was a perfect bahu, but Imlie snatched even her. Aparna says she has changed over time. Malini says even her. Aparna says she cannot love her like Imlie and insulted Harish in front of everyone while Imlie consoled her. Aparna continues supporting Imlie and tongue lashing Malini. Malini thinks she tried to gain this family’s love, but they don’t deserve it and hence she will separate Aditya from them. Aditya talks to creditor and finds that property papers are with someone else.
Precap: Imlie tells Aryan that a boss or friend doesn’t buy 5 crore house for his employee or friend and does it only if he loves that person.
Update Credit to: MA
Oof at least show this stupid girl realizing she makes mistakes and isn’t as wise as she thinks she is
Aryan should give her a warning letter and not speak to her for some time, Imlie deserves the isolation of the silent treatment. Ugh, Imlie will never change she should just live on the footpath outside whatever hovel Aditya lives in like a female Devdas, she’s addicted to abuse. Gul show Malini growing some braincells now at least, this Aditya is not a good human being, he’s full of deception and arrogance – these kinds of men make the worst fathers. This whole Tripathi family ruins the show. Doesn’t Imlie have any other friends or work except hovering about Aditya like a fly on 
Yea lol she should move on and make Aditya jealous with her skills when she becomes the best journalist That Aditya and Malini deserve each other Botg are equally digusting
Também acho que Aditya e Malını se merecem e os pais e tios de Aditya estão merecendo o que estão vivendo agora depois que trataram İmlie com tanta humilhação. Não estou gostando da İmlie continuar correndo atrás desse sujeito orgulhoso e infantil que é o Aditya, espero que haja uma virada no personagem da İmlie e que volte a sonhar em crescer como era no início da série
Maybe they could build a little dog house for Imlie outside the Tripathi house so she can stay with them….waiting for whatever scraps of food and love they want to throw for her
Then again even a dog can learn to alter their behaviour….she does not even have enough intelligence to figure out she is the one who needs to change. They are your EX in laws you don’t need to be up under them in the house to keep in touch, offer assistance etc….it’s called a phone…use it plus as fake as malini and Adi’s marriage is they are expecting…respect that space geez….get some self respect…why do they make all these female characters so weak and desperate to stay in unhealthy relationships…look at how many men are in that family and not one of them stopped Adi from man handling her to throw her out like a piece of garbage 
Tripathi’s are a bit devoid of certain parts of their brains… Even Aparna talks a lot of smack but she’s never stopped her son from mistreating Imlie. The difference between Imlie and Malini is Imlie will accept the abuse with a smile.
@Sahar on point!
Girl for god sakes Just leave tripathi house if u go there u get destroyed by Idiotic Aditya This new character really needs to show his true acting cuz his character is like Gashmeer 2.0 imao
Haha for once agreed with Aryan that Aditya is a pathetic man..whole episode full of Tripathi family drama. And still Imlie going after her Aditya when he kicks her out, Aryan going after Imlie
When is this circle going to end..
Imlie has no self respect…just like a typical housewife she is always running after her so called “babusaheb”lts high time that she move on and start a new journey with Aryan…even lookwise Aryan is much much better than Aditya who looks like the son of Malini…
So I still see some don’t understand what Imlie is doing…
so let me try to explain… just “one” more time (
like Imlie)
yess…truly…you are allowed to keep whomever you hold dear in your kind heart … FACTS 

all she wants is for her sister to realize her mistakes… Simple
(and now even Aditya
because I really cannot seem to fathom that there are still a few who wait for an opportunity to bash Imlie for making mistakes along the way
… Just cannot understand that train of thought…
Imlie is divorced from Aditya period.
Unlike some ppl here
See…This is Imlie…An innocent loving kind hearted young girl from Pagdandiya
And no…It’s not because she is still madly in love with Aditya… you also need to remember that she was the one who left the relationship… Twice…
Imlie loves “Everyone” … she even holds that witch of a sister dear in her heart…even amidst the confusion she makes for Imlie…
Sometimes I wonder if we all are watching the same show
You are right
Exactly…but no one weighs facts !
It’s as a result of extra drama serial makers show to us and the weird, rubbish storyline (not now anyways, well, somewhat even now) that makes people hate her as a character. And definitely makers are to blame. When she did an act of bravery, T people worshipped her as if she was God. Instead if they only thanked her, appreciated her or encouraged her to be brave like always, that would have been much sensible on their part. They never encouraged her like Satyakam did. He had trust on Imlie and on her bravery but atleast he didn’t associate her as some God figure. The character portrayal of Tripathi family is to be completely blamed. It’s due to them other leads look pathetic..
So Imlie is a hippie then?
Agree wit you @Yolande! As for Malini she said the family dun derserve her love n wanna separates Adi frm them?? For this very reason she definitely dun derserves the family?? Why would the family love her when wat she cares abt is their property when she thought Adi was dead??? And to separate Adi frm the family he loves??? Malini only derserves her own mother Anu!!
Imlie said that she came to solve their problem…hmmm.

You Go Girl! That’s my superwoman
What are you gonna do my Power Puff Girl? Sell Bhaskar Times from under Aryan’s nose to repay the loan?
cause I don’t see you with 5 lakhs in your bank account
Or try to sell Aryan’s car that mysteriously went missing yesterday , so that you had to steal an auto from a taxi driver to go to Tripathi house.
@Jade. Exactly. This young lady will not learn from her past.
@Harshita. Tripathi family always treated Imlie as a mini God who could solve all their worries. Who solved it before Imlie’s arrival? One slap back to reality will make them realize that a 19 year old girl is not a genie in a bottle.
@Yolande A.K.A. Naina..what Imlie is doing is called “doormat syndrome” and it only works well when you have someone like Aryan to be your security blanket after you get shattered time and time again. It is also glorified by Indian TV Serial writers/producers.
@BreathTaker I just can’t deal with this New Aditya. He is too painful to watch. He always seems to be leaning on one side as if he’s about to fall. The boy/man is just too thin. After seeing where the writers have degraded Aditya’s Character to…I’m glad that Gashmeer left. No apologies for saying that. BTW Gashmeer is looking really good on his Twitter page.
Finally I would like to believe that nobody hates Imlie. I think we all know it’s just a show….but sometimes her antics just makes you want to pull out your hair

Enjoy your day everyone
Awesome Yolande well said

Thank you All for your feedback

…and for those who need the strength… know that there will always be an end to that struggle…once we put our efforts and knowledge into any given situation…and leave the rest up to ——> our place of worship 
I know that no one really carries the same perception… but for those who understood my points
Let this struggle of Imlie be a lesson to the ones who are strong…making them even stronger
@Su I personally DISLIKE Emlie.
Sorry if I offended anyone, unfortunately, I disliked her from the day she married Aditya, as soon after that she showed that she could fight anyone!
If only she had concentrated on her studies and stood her own two feet, I would have admired her.
She gets support from men left right and centre and life is not like that, CEO for a day, utterly ridiculous!
Why did she not go and live in her flat, which Dev got her, it’s her right. But no, she had to go and live in Aryan’s house!
Another serial I have stopped watching.. (After Anupama). These serials are an insult to anyone’s intelligence!! Once in a while I read the updates. Once again, like Vanraj Shah in Anupama, the character of Aditya Tripathi is disgusting. ..terrible. . END THE SERIAL. Bring in some more meaningful serials..
@Niru, unfortunately this is what sells at ITV…. and will remain the staple until the viewers change. The show needs to move away from the Tripathi’s and Malini’s family… the should add another female who would be Aryan’s business partner or something and have a triangle that way cause no one is interested in the Tripathi’s
Yolande, Thank you for your positive and inciteful comments.

For those who are so critical of Imilie and Star Plus serials. I am laughing at you
Why watch ?
@Baat Bin…
…I myself have said a number of times that if something displeases you, then why continue… many times during this serial I have opted from watching and kept up by just reading the updates…it’s that simple 
From the recap, ha ha ha Interesting time ahead.
Has Aryan bought the house in Imile name? or
IP: I am just having a bit of fun and laugh with you
… it would be so funny if he bought it for Aditya. That would be height of sweet revenge
Back to being serious
Will Aditya now swallow is pride and ego?
Will Aditya reform from being spiteful to being a bit more thoughtful and considerate
PS: Aryan says repeatedly that he takes work, friends and his dusmani very seriously and sincerely
So in the recap when Imilie is challenging him saying no one buys a 5 lakh house for a friend or an employee unless they love- oooops.
The expression on Aryans face hearing her say pyar ???
PS: Like Aryan even some of us are TIRED of seeing him collect Imile from the T house after she has been badly treated.

and he can afford it
May be he bought the house as he is just tired
Note: The first time he lifts her from falling after signing the Divorce paper, was beautifully shot. Credit to the production team. The music, Aryan holding her handbag, and slow standing up together, and their body language, facial expression.
@baat bin I stopped watching from the time of best bahu competition.
I just read WU and sometimes comment.
Kally thank you. I thinks its healthy to have differences of opinions, likes and dislikes but some of the negative comments are just unbelievable.
Lata Mangeshkar – The Queen of Play back singer . We thank her for leaving us so many legendary song?
May Lataji rest in peace.
IP: you might have already considered this, but is it relevant for Bhaskar Times (BT) to pay a tribute or feature Lataji as part of their news coverage?
Q: Will Aditya and Imile fight to cover this. Does Aryan think it should be in the Aditya obituary page or Imili feature article?
PS: I am not sure about the protocol of having to get the permission from the Lataji management to include this sort of coverage in a TV serial