Imlie 5th July 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Imlie tells Mithi that she gathered great courage and went to meet Malini at her home, but she was not present there and now she cannot gather much courage again to meet Malini. Satyakam says Adi is her courage. Imlie informs that she left home to meet Malini without informing Adi. Mithi says she shouldn’t have done that. Nishant enters searching her and says maa told they are staying here, so he came here to pick Imlie. Imlie asks if everything is alright. Nishant says Adi has high fever and is remembering her. She rushes home with him. Aparna seeing her says she thought Malini came. Nishant asks how is Adi. Pankaj says doctor gave medicine which he needs to have after food, but he is denying to have food. Imlie goes to check Adi. Aparna says Adi called Malini home and due to her bad behavior, Adi is remembering Malini subconsciously. Nishant says Malini.. Aparna says she already called Malini and she must be coming soon. Rupali tries to feed Adi. He denies. Imlie walks to him. Rupali thanks god that Imlie returned and says Imlie cannot forget her relationship for anyone, her future is with Adi and he thought she left him again. Imlie says she had gone to meet amma and dadda. Rupali asks her to take care of Adi and walks out. Nishant tells family that they shouldn’t have called Malini. Pankaj sys what else they should have done. Rupali walks to them and informs that Adi didn’t have food yet. Aparna says she will go and check. Rupali and Nishant stop her. Malini walks in and asks if Adi is still ill. Aparna and Pankaj say he is remembering her and request her to go and feed him food. Nishant stops Malini and asks if she will go right now. Radha scolds him and sends Malini to Adi’s room.
Adi gets angry on Imlie for going out without informing him and says he thought she left him again and would insist him to return to Malini, he is very tired and failed to gain her trust. She apologizes and requests to have food. Malini walks towards Adi’s room and thinks he must have called her due to their 7-year-old friendship and nothing else. Imlie warns Adi if he doesn’t have food, she will go forever. He threatens that he fell ill when she went away for a few hours, he will die if she goes forever; she should inform truth to the family. Imlie says she cannot ruin her elder sister’s marriage. Adi shouts Malini herself broke up, so why don’t Imlie accept it. Malini hopes that Adi loves her even now. Adi eats food finally on Imlie’s insistence. Malini enters his room and gets disheartened seeing him normal having food with Imlie. Adi asks what is she doing here. Malini thinks she became an emotional fool again and forgot that Imlie with him. Aparna hopes that god reunites Adi and Malini. Malini tells Adi that she came here hearing about his ill health. He asks who informed her. She says Aparna informed her, she foolishly came here without realizing that someone is there to take care of him.
Malini walks away. Imlie stops her and says she went to her house in the morning. Malini says she knows what she wanted to discuss, she knows since a few days that they are siblings. Imlie is shocked and asks if Malini left Adi because of her, she never interfered between them when she didn’t know they are sister, how can she ruin her sister’s life now. Malini asks her to leave this house, Delhi, and everyone’s life then. Imlie stands shocked. Malini says when she doesn’t want to relate herself with Adi and Dev, then why she is still staying here; everytiem she acts as leaving, but stays back. Imlie stammers. Malini says Imlie cannot go at all and has show actions like she did, she just knows to speak and nothing else, Adi hid the truth for months and Imlie is hiding truth from family, she should value what she got now. Imlie says she got Malini before Adi, Adi was in her fate and she left her amma for Adi, Malini became her sister much before knowing the truth, she never will accept Dev as her father and cannot live happily giving pain to Malini. Adi walks to Malini and asks why is she angry. Malini asks why was she called here. Adi says maa doesn’t know that he was remembering Imlie instead and Imlie is his wife, Malini should have understand it. Malini says she remembers everything, he doesn’t have to remind her repeatedly what is her place in his life, he is playing with everyone’s emotions. She walks away warning Imlie to stay with her husband when he needs her and stop hiding truth. Adi tells Imlie that they are wrong by hiding truth and complicating Malini’s life, so its better they reveal truth to everyone.
Aparna sees Malini and asks if Adi had something. Malini says Adi is fine. Aparna asks how can she go leaving Adi ill. Nishant asks her to let Malini go. Malini leaves. Nishant asks her not to stop Malini. Malini walks out of T house and sees KC waiting for him, says he didn’t want her to come here. He says he thought she may need a lawyer or a friend. She cries. He hugs and consoles her.
Precap: KC assures Imlie that everything will be alright.
Malini says it won’t until she accepts that she is just a friend to Adi and he loves Imlie and not her. Anu hears their conversation.
Update Credit to: MA
The only one I respect is milini and she was right imili every time make faking drama only to get attention and insults every one in her way sorry but imili not innocent girl
Yes, and also in this serial malini’s father who had an exTra marital affairs is being shown as a good person who dont even apologise to his wife. And aditya is only thinking about himself and imlie only.
This fcuking imlie should deserve malini’s hatred …Malini is right tht she always says i can go but never does tht..Coward bch ….She has zero self respect (imlie) And yessss aditya uncle app toh girgit se bhi tez nikle …Or kisiko fasana he kya?
Malini should play the lead character instead of supporting role she deserves much attention rather than thses twoo cheaptsters.
My opinion
You are so right
I SO hated it when that creepy Adi said “Malini should have understood Imlie is his wife and he was remembering her”. Could he get any more selfish? Is this the “friendship” he was bragging of. What was Malini’s fault in the first place? He forcefully got married to Imlie, then hid the truth and married Malini with his own free will, then supposedly fell in “true love” with Imlie. Now he’s yelling it straight in Malini’s face ‘You are no one, Imlie is my real wife and I love only her’. Antagonists are way better than such a shameless coward “hero”.
Today must’ve been a crucial lesson for Malini. To stop caring and bothering with that person. Everything she said was absolutely right. In fact this was the confrontation I was eagerly waiting for. Imlie so needed it. Doesn’t she keep on saying that I’m going to Pagdandiya, never to return or that I’m sacrificing my “suhaag” for Malini didi? It’s all verbal mahaanta. And now finally when truth is out and Malini is planning for a divorce, our devi realizes she can’t “ruin” her sister’s life. Where was this love, when Malini and Aditya were getting married in front of her eyes?
You are absolutely right. In fact sometimes, I am afraid to say all this just because some “Adilie” fans will bully me.
@tara lol so true. I love this fierce malini. Keep it up baby
@Shobana seriously, the bullying of Adilie fans is increasing day by day. They think only they have a right to give their opinion and only in favor of AdiLie. You don’t need to be afraid. We have as much right as them to state our opinions.
Everyone has the right to love or hate a character and comment accordingly, it’s called freedom of speech!
A good debate is great.
However, if people don’t have the mental capacity to take praise as well as criticism, then they should not bully others (had stronger words but respect this is a forum for all)
I think the simple fact is, Imlie wants to show she did an “ehsaan” on Malini. (ehsaan of ruining her life) This was the same thing she tried to tell Anu. Okay, so right now she again desires to become great by ‘sacrificing’ her suhaag for her didi when the divorce is in final stage. Later she’ll come crying that she didn’t get her rights and she is so miserable. Oh gosh, just done with her drama. Such a poorly scripted character! Can’t she stick to her words for once? What’s the need of this fake sacrifice drama when she clearly isn’t so innocent? Sometimes I don’t understand how people get fooled by this character.
And Aditya uncle….epitome of selfishness, cowardice, what not. Just not going to waste my words on him.
She told anu once how malini’s suhaag is her ehsaan
U penned down it perfectly. It’s ultra annoying that she keeps telling mahaan lectures with her fake didi jaap and at the same time keeps romancing with didi’s hus.
As for Aditya uncle I’m speechless. He is the most disgusting thing on itv. I mean cummon he married Malini with his free will in presence of his family and friends (with all legal procedures). He destroyed 7golden yrs of a woman and not really guilty at all. Leave guilt, he treats her like trash. Kal Malini mangthe the ab Imlie mangte he and everything is according to his convenience. He keeps yelling at her that Imlie is his wife and Malini is no one.
Uncle is worser than Kunal. I mean Kunal never said Mauli isn’t/wasn’t his wife. Also he clearly admitted to Mauli it’s all his fault. Although he celebrated his ema with Nandini he has guilt. Kunal was younger and more good luking than Aditya but never behaved in such a way that Kunal is desparate for him. And he never reminded her that she is best friend bullshits
Exactly. This Aditya uncle keeps changing wives like clothes. Like yesterday he wanted Malini, now he found a fresh young “true love” Imlie, so he wants her. He doesn’t value women, he wants them for his own selfish needs. And when he is fed up, he discards them and treats them like trash. He has no guilt whatsoever. I’m fed up of Imlie’s “didi” and Aditya’s “best friend” lectures. Fake mahaanta at its peak. God save us from people like Aditya.
. Glad that there are people with some sense like u who don’t justify such immoral romance just cuz they are leads.
I think it’s high time, imlie leaves adithiya, now she knows it’s her sister. She purse hew education and achieve her goal.
Adithiya and Malini should reunited. They had been in love for 7 yrs. Hope it happens sn
@sushi, why should Imlie go off and pursue her career and leave Aditya to Malini like she doing her a favour?
What’s she leaving Malini, absolutely nothing. Malini does not need Aditya now, he contaminated!
Imlie needs to justify the stand she took, cannot just ruin lives and move on when it suits her.
What a episode

although I don’t watch the show , I only read it’s update but today m going to watch…. Can’t wait 

Me too…hahaha….nice dialogue by Malini….tight slap on imlie’s face
@Sunshine Same here
1. This show is getting wrose, tripathi’s are least concerned for Nishant who has cancer, and he is taking so much tension, which is almost near to death penality for him

and best part expect malini, none of them watch Imlie-Aditya together..

when will truth come out, i am now getting bored

with same dialogues…

but Finally Malini lashed out on Imile and Aditya for hiding their lies

2. Aditya keep on falling sick when Imlie is not around
3. Rupali, Nishant and Pallavi are neither able to tell fact nor able to digest lie
4. I wonder
5. Aditya was behaving like child who just get behind a toy and keep on wanting that toy, same aditya just want imlie all round him
6. When Malini entered to Aditya room she was looking like I want Aditya back in her life
7. Best dialogue of Malini: Imlie only saying she will leave but never leave
6th and 7th lines so true.

A lot of people say that this show is good bcs it shows grey-shaded characters, not crystal clear leads,
So just my opinion on this. Personally, I feel the makers are attempting to show even “AdiLie” as perfect flawless humans. You see, every mistake done by them is justified in some way or other. Upon learning the truth, every person starts sympathizing and siding with Imlie and Aditya. (Rupali, Pallavi, Nishant) Not once did they give him a tight slap, or even question him for ruining Malini’s life. Of course it’s partly Malini’s fault that she made up a fictional story for them to start hating her. Aditya (Dev too) is shown as an innocent man, who is the ‘victim of fate’. Every ounce of guilt or sympathy they have, is for Imlie n Meethi. Not once have they ever properly considered Anu or Malini. Grey characters DO mistakes, but they also accept it and face the consequences. They don’t roam guilt-free or punishment-free as if they haven’t done anything wrong at all. Bigamy is such a serious crime that Aditya ought to have been thrown behind the bars by his family members. But no, they will cry hugging him. It’s the most pathetic show I’ve ever seen. I don’t find anything impressive at all.
Their pathetic attempts at justifying what dev and aditya did is laughable
They are. But some AdiLie fans are convinced by the makers’ attempts. I saw a few people justifying Dev’s cheat, saying “good he left that witch woman Anu. She tortured him. She deserves this. He should just marry Meethi”
Omg, it does impact people’s minds so much
Ha ha
what if anu did the same. Would they still justify it? Different rules for men and women! I admit, falling in love with someone is beyond our control.if you find yourself in love with someone other than your patner, then have a conversation with your spouse. Make them understand your situation. Make them understand how your feelings changed. Then try for a divorce. do whatever you want after the separation. Just don’t do cheating while you are in a relatinoship
Well said. Cheating is never the solution. IKR if Anu or Malini ever did something like this, they’ll be bashed and abused to the core. So much double-standards. Disgusting mentality of the makers!
Ewww…that Aditya uncle is so obsessed with a teenage girl. Like a love-sick puppy. So creepy.
@Siya obsessive or what! Who wants a man like that, imagine the pressure?
That’s not love but ownership and it can suffocate a relationship.
Aditya is just pathetic and WEAK.
Look how quickly he recovered, this sick man got of his deathbed and was strong enough to confront Malini?
For stating the fact and giving reality check to imlie n adithya, malini is called out names like disgusting b*t*h n many more, these adilie fans are worse
Oh gosh, where? These AdiLie fans are going really insane. Even I witnessed their bullying on a few occasions, but never as bad as this.
Forum place
The fans of this trash show are disgusting and creepy like the show itself. There are many regressive and illogical shows on indian Tv, but this trash beats them all, it’s utterly disturbing.
They can’t handle the truth. Today I felt like clapping for malini she said so right and apt to the point gave a reality check to imlie. Aditya and imlie deserved every bit of what malini said
@ Deepz i love this ‘b*t*h’ malini
Although malini frustration n venting out of imlie is out of her hope being crushed, but whatever she said to imlie is a true fact no one not even adilie fans can deny that, if they again deny n tell what right doesn’t malini have to yell at imlie,being hypocrite herself and still call her with names, I don’t know what to say about them.
This forum is much much peaceful than others. As much as we dislike the characters or our views differ, we thoroughly respect fellow commentators and their views. Responding to someone doesn’t mean we hate them, or trying to hurt them. After all it’s for discussion purpose only.
@Tara et al, you have all said it today and I agree with your comments.
she’s already started divorce proceedings (almost complete), what more does he want?
What a nasty heartless man, reminding Malini yet again that Emlie is his wife
Adilie go around shouting at everyone, Emlie at T family so they bend her way, they think her silly antics are funny, don’t feel bullied at all?
Aditya with that sneering look, even when he was first telling Nishant he was on the defensive.
Recap, why did Anu have to hear Malini, she’s now going to cause more havoc and throw another spanner in the works.
Why oh why didn’t Apu hear Malini, Emlie and Aditya conversation.
As I said Aditya and Emlie not confessing to T family is ruining many lives, not just Malini’s
@Shobana – please dear don’t be afraid of Adilie trolls and say whatever you feel.
Your opinion is yours and the forum is for everyone to give their opinion on how they perceive fictional characters and NOT for cyber bullies
@kally remember, he is the one who asked malini to delay the divorce. Such a selfish, self entitled fool! He deserves jail
@Kally, yes. Imlie’s monkey antics aren’t even funny. It seems very fake and ridiculous. It’s very easy to impress everyone by playing the clown, and cheerful chatter and buttering. But the irony is, a state topper girl doesn’t even know what very basic words mean, or that two marriages are illegal. And Aditya, oh that creepy bastard. Even I wish he should be sentenced to atleast 7 years of imprisonment. But no, as a “hero” he will get free pass to everything.
Whatever malini said was true imlie keep saying she will leave
but malini was too good and that useless aditya was it important to remind malini that imlie is his first wife I think it will be interesting to see what anu will do
she expected Malini to say no imlie please don’t leave
I really like how KC was there for Malini
Hope now malini got her reality check now, I can understand still she has feeling for adithya, and will take lot of time to move on, but its right time she should stay far far away from these two for her own good. Malini didn’t come to T house uninvited, during nishvi wedding, nishanth, adithya n imlie invited her she went, and recent one she went because of aparna, so what’s wrong in that
@Deepz this was a much needed reminder
Malini DEVI rocked,Imlie DEVIL

. So clearly she was taking advantage of Malini’s innocent soft heart.
I’m just suggesting that everybody should watch today’s episode. Just the best for me so far.
Devil bch (bch is just a 3lettered not bad word huh) was like I’m gonna leave everything for u didi. And when Malini said then go, Devil’s face was priceless
What happened bch? Don’t wanna leave ur Jiju cum uncle lover and be mahaan?.
Then that fkng coward uncle. First of all u think ur wife’s affair is real. Then wth u remind her everytime Imlie is ur patni or whatever. If uncle,Devil and their holly relation is good why the hell hiding the truth from ur useless family.
Ending was freaking beautiful. Malini was crying like a broken baby and MaNal scene was gold.
This adithya is worst human being, he deserve to be left alone shittiest man on planet, worse n worser than kunal from silsila, he is the biggest villain n disgusting man
@Deepz now you agree with me. Kunal is better than this coward
nandini’s betrayal is not justifiable but oh my GOD, she looked ethereal in those beautiful sarees. Do you remember her wearing a white ensemble gifted by kunal to mouli. She looked like an apsara!
Kunal treated mauli like trash upon one misunderstanding otherwise he is guilty for mauli n pitied her, he is also selfish there, but this disgusting person is another level.
True , I thought Kunal from Silsila was the worst character I have ever watched on TV bt Adi is way ahead than Kunal . I just hope Malini also take wise decisions like molli did in the later half of the show by choosing someone who loves n respect her
Last kunmun hug is so beautiful
@Deepz Yes. Also, Kunal never said Mauli isn’t/wasn’t his wife. He admitted to Mauli that everything is his fault. That’s how makers show a grey character. And he clearly implied that he fell out of love with Mauli and fell in love (lust actually
) with Nandini; but he never atleast for one time said Mauli isn’t/wasn’t his wife. Also he never said Mauli is just a friend to Mauli everytime. Kunal felt sorry for Mauli, he had guilt although he was indulging in ema. Kunal was also ashamed of himself for all the mess. He was cruel with Mauli sometimes but also sorry for it. Also, Mauli was a very busy working woman and Kunal wanted a full time spicy romance life. So Nandini was more fit for him. She satisfied the inner macho man in him. Nandini is the worst, cruel , cunning and disgusting character ever. But as for Kunal, Nandini was more suitable than Mauli.
But this Aditya uncle. I’ve no words. Fkng coward. Kunal was younger and good looking than Aditya but he never behaved Mauli in such a way that M is desperate for him. Aditya uncle, the useless shit thinks all ladies are like Imlie bch. Malini is just stuck btw a 7yrs rlshnp and she is jut trying her best to move on. And ofcourse she will move on for sure.
But this Aditya uncle is very hard to stand
Kunal can’t say mauli is not his wife, because he knows he is wrong to go after another women being married to mauli, but at the same time he is selfish in getting nandhini, adhi Cant admit he is wrong, he is pathetic pendulum, he acts n apologize n beg forgiveness as per his convenience, and the nerve of this man to ask why malini came to meet him its just sick and the way he taunted her is pukewoethy, felt like to go inside the screen and spit on his face(sorry this is how i felt for him)
@Deepz exactly. Pukeworthy he is
You all haters go create your own show and name it MALINI. Leave our IMLIE YAAAAAAAAAAAY GET LOST
Sorry sweatheart, not going anywhere
btw, having an opinion is not hatred
Yes ur honour.
How old are you dear, your choice of words says you’re a teenager, probably loves the actor playing Aditya!
This forum is to discuss the behaviour of the characters, not personal attacks on fans.
Telling us to get lost isn’t going to work.
Just watched the video. Omg, cannot believe a grown man behaving like a baby
, what utter b*****ks, refusing food and help from his sister, or any other members of his family.
Apu worried beta not eating, but it’s only been a few hours not days of starvation!
Imlie disappears from right in front of T family and rushes to Adi’s room, nobody comments!
Apu tries to go and both Rupi and Nishant stop her! Stop a worried mother?
Imlie arrives in room and Aditya turns away with petulance

Lying face away and Imlie trying to pacify him
He then has a go at her but looks/sounds strong
Eventually takes apple and then sees Malini.
Malini leaves room and when Imlie follows, gives her a reality check.
Aditya then staggers out of room (previously he was fighting fit when having a go at imlie)
Then he heartlessly says to Malini that she should understand Imlie is his wife!
It’s Aditya and Imlie who need to UNDERSTAND that they need to tell the family and face the music!
Malini and Kunal scene was emotional, so glad he was there for her as otherwise Malini totally alone
Not even Anu gives her support as she has her own axe to grind and, cannot see she may be doing her daughter more harm than good.
Maybe it will be be Anu again revealing the Adilie truth to T family!
Makers are making anu doing all dirty job. Revealing dev’s truth, now adilie’s truth too. Who is she, a truth spewing machine
Riya, Anu a truth spewing machine

Or perhaps a true reporter who respects her profession of digging for the truth and doing reveal?
@Kally lol
anu is more a reporter than that coward aditya
@Riya @Kally lollll

truth spewing mechine
. Exactly. Now uncle and Imlie will get a free revelation by Anu. Ts without thinking a second will accept Imlie. Also to justify and becharise Imlie and mom they are making Anu unrealistically classist lady. According to makers Dev, Aditya , Mithi and Anu are the ultimate victims of Anu and Malini. Mithi is ok. She was totally helpless and all. But Imlie has every chance for not to be a homewrecker. She can go ahead with her study and career. But naah. An innocent girl’s that to the woman once loved,supported and trusted her more. Now she knows Malini is her sis. But she is keeping fake mahaanta speeches. Such an ambitious double faced girl.
Omg..Adi’s face when Imlie came home
he even turned away like a petulant child omg 

…too cute adilie
so lost in thought they did not even hear the door open …Malini’s face tho
still don’t understand why you got angry when you told Imlie that you were going to make sure she got her name and her rightful place in that house…smh …wrong Malini, you should be taking out your frustrations on Aditya, you know very well how much Imlie sacrificed so that you could keep your happiness…I know you will return to apologize to Imlie when you sit quietly and gather your thoughts…right now you are just hurt seeing the growing bond between Adi and Imlie, but you need to keep focused on yourself and your happiness…
Adi, are you blind??? Can’t you see that she is still in love with you?? You need to sit with her and sort out your differences, as hard as it may be for you both…there is no moving forward for either of you til this is done…
the cat is out of the bag…but, who let the dog out !!!
911 is on standby…
Gashmeer Mahajani’s acting is on another level !!! I have seen his Marathi movies too and he is fab !!! And he did one or two of hindi movies too, I think. I knew him in movies before this show !!!
And exactly, the precap gave me same vibes as you !! The same line clicked my brain …
Yes I saw a few previews of his movies…lots of explosive action…he even mentioned in an interview that he prefers the rough scenes with Imlie rather than the boring scenes with Malini
Malini made me cry

Me too
@ Rita, glad you got my sarcasm re reporter comment

It was heart warming when she cried in front of KC
@Yolande A. k. A Naina
I totally agree with you why will malini get angry besides she should have know that is imlie that Adi will be remembering maybe deep down she still wish there is hope for she and Adi to be together…. I just hope malini don’t become a Villain because as much as I love Adi and imlie I love her too
Exactly !! I love all the characters. I give more importance to acting than baseless over exertion taking the characters to heart !!! Every episode is a fire
Actually not only leads but everyone….even Anu…! Because she is an excellent actor ! Doing negative needs more skill .. and I really like her acting too..
Actually everyone is fabulous. I really like the show for selecting good bunch of actors….yeah sundar is no less !!! Amazing
All in all, everyone is doing a great job on their part…keep it up team Imlie

200 episodes and counting… hopefully this show will continue until we have a permanent solution to the covid situation… stay safe 

Kunmun hug is so beautiful, kunal is always there for her, he is her support system now
For that matter any hug itself is something beautiful !

It is not an action but an emotion. Emotion ko kisi se compare hi math karo
Its emotional hug that’s why its beautiful, kunal is lending his shoulder for his lady to cry on n consoling her.
This fierce n b*t*hy malini over sweet n kind malini anydays, though I love her sweetness n kindness too, but this two selfish people doesn’t deserve that, and moreover her being distant with imlie n adithya will be more helpful to her
Yeah that’s correct ! All will be in their own places and peace
If you will be in imlie’s place you will tell the same thing?
@Putu, sorry no idea what you talking about?
If I had been into forced marriage and my goal was education to become police officer or reporter, then soon as getting to City, I would have tried to stay away from Malini and Aditya, especially knowing he was going to get married!
And also if I were in her place I would have never allowed the marriage to take place between adini,I wouldn’t have come between adini for the marital problem they has, who the hell is she to patch them up, did malini ask her ideas.
@Deepz – patch them up, impossible to patch up something that has been bulldozed and wrecked.
Imlie going NOW would be like walking away from a disaster or a sinking ship!
It’s like saying “sorry I ruined your relationship, I’m now feeling guilty so I’ll leave and you can pick up the pieces. I, of course, will resume my studies but not sure (or care) what you may have to go through as you’ve not got much to look forward to”
If i were imlie, that piece of shit wouldn’t dare to make me a maid. Who am i, his slave or what! Its not my fault that we were forced to marry. If i really cared about malini i wouldn’t have interfered in their marriage. I would have kept my distance from them. God forbid, if i somehow fell in love with that coward, i would have told the truth to malini as i couldn’t keep betraying my sister. I would be honest with myself. i wouldn’t have offered leaving aditya if i didn’t really mean that. I would be a woman of her word
Imlie says she considered malini as her sister n love her n her bhakts are also saying same and malini doesn’t deserve that kind of love from imlie, did imlie really cares or love malini? Then shouldn’t she have walked away from adithya long back just a simple fact. So that her sister can be happy
Kunal is getting into very dangerous territory, he is falling for malini slowly, hope he doesn’t get hurt n heart broken because of malini, when she hasn’t moved on as of now and kunal also knows it, its going to be tough for him to win this lady
Really loved today’s episode. Adilie totally were like typical husband wife I always felt detached courtesy between Aditya and Malini but adilie feels so personal so connected without any cheesy lines and flowerye romance. I know lots of people hate imlie for her hesitation to reveal truth I also don’t like but I understand where she is coming from when she was newly wedded bride she was just a little scared doe and Aditya with his Harsh behaviour broke her spirit her dreams every girl has some thoughts about their marriage and husband but the impression that he made on her with Malini has left her feeling so inadequate it shows now with her fear of acceptance and now knowing truth of her father in the face of Anu vitriol she is bound to be crumbling by guilt. Aditya needs to work out on her damaged spirit and self worth which he caused before forcing her to reveal truth. About Malini it was long time coming all the bitterness anger spilled finally. Like she was calling imlie’s pretence of mahaanness it’s applied to her as well that she wanted to become mahaan by going away constructing the whole building of fake boyfriend lies.

Both sisters are so alike competitive for mahaanness award. Kc will be like
kya family hai that being an outsider he knows the truth but family is so blessedly blind towards the storm in their own home. Atleast finally Malini’s last thread of hope is cut no more emotional entanglement all anger hatred bitterness is also spilled on culprits so finally she has accepted it’s over now hopefully will get back to her life. Actually I don’t want her to be involved with any man anytime soon she needs to focus on herself love herself before letting herself to love others. And emotional attachments formed over broken relationship is really not good way to start any relationship. I would like kunmun to be couple but not like this.
FINALLY!! Malini exposed mahaan bechari Imlie devi. Madam toh kuch bol hi nahi pai.
Honestly, I just hate this show as it supports infidelity and glorifies it. I just read the updates for Malini as I like the actor. Today’s episode was bang on.
It’s so creepy how that Adi forget his 7 yrs gf and goes mad behind a stupid drama queen.