Categories: Imlie

Imlie 6th January 2024 Written Episode Update: Agastya Shocks Vishwa And Navya

Imlie 6th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Agastya gathers family to make an important announcement. Daadi asks if he will say something or not. Agastya says let Imlie come first. Vishwa with Navya walks in and asks why is he so eager to meet his fiancee. Agastya asks where did she go. Vishwa says he can relay the message to him, he will inform her once she returns. Constable walks to him and says they found something. Imlie continues to dig the ground in jungle and thinks there is nothing here, Vishwa is lying. She digs further and collapses seeing a dead body. Constable plays murderer/caterer’s last call recording where someone threatens him to kill Imlie as soon as possible or else be ready to die. Agastya says that means caterer was just a pawn and real killer is roaming free.

Agastya calls Imlie and says she is not picking

the call, so he will go and search for her. Vishwa says Imlie is her responsibility, so he need not worry about her. Agastya says Imlie may need help and Vishwa doesn’t know anything much about her. He gets into car and asks Vishwa to get in. Vishwa hesitantly agrees. Imlie wakes up and finds herself buried in a coffin under the ground. Masked killer covers the pit with soil. Imlie continues to plead to get her out. Agastya and Vishwa drive towards the jungle. Vishwa asks Agastya to stop the car, gets out, and walks towards the place where he left Imlie. Agastya asks why did he leave Imlie here and tongue lashes him. Killer hears them and walks away. They don’t find Imlie at the place. Vishwa goes further following footsteps. Agastya sees only 1 footprint and thinks only one person walked away from here and Imlie must be somewhere around. Imlie calls Imlie. Imlie hears him and hits the coffin. Agastya senses the ground shaking and realizes she is under the ground.

Chaudhrys give an old newpaper to Navya. Navya asks till when they will scratch the old wounds, Kunal betrayed Tej Pratap by snatching his business and forced him to commit suicide. Daadi asks if Kunal had met Tej. Navya says Chaudhry family’s hands are stained with her husband’s blood and she will not forgive them for that. Daadi thinks if Kunal had really met Tej. Agastya digs the ground and gets Imlie out. He gets her back home. Imlie says she didn’t see anyone there, maybe someone buried her when she was unconscious. Agastya asks what was she doing in jungle. Vishwa says that is none of his business. Agastya asks why is he advocating Imlie. Their argument starts and they hold each other’s collar. Imlie stops their fight and asks Agastya not to interfere in her life again. Vishwa asks if he got the answer now and walks towards the door holding Imlie.

Daadi asks Agastya what he wanted to inform everyone. Imlie stops. Sonali hands over documents to Agastya. Imlie hopes Agastya saved his house. Agastya says he not just want to inform them, but welcome them back in their house. Navya says this house belongs to us. Agastya Vishwa had grabbed the house via trick, he got it back loyally. He tells her that her son misbehaved with his family, but he will not misbehave with her. He then talks emotionally with Imlie, pushes her out of the house, and says he wants her completely out of his life.

Precap: Imlie thinks she will expose Vishwa’s lie and free herself from his grip; she became Vishwa’s puppet because of Agastya and will end all her ties with Agastya once she is free from Vishwa. Agastya says killer’s mask will be out and problems from his life, he will never let Imlie return in his life.

Update Credit to: MA

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