Categories: Imlie

Imlie 6th July 2022 Written Episode Update: Harry Gets Jyoti Arrested And Save Aryan and Imlie

Imlie 6th July 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Aryan and Imlie lie on the floor in a pool of blood after goon shoots them. Jyoti walks to them and tells Kairi that her goons must have done their job and left after shooting her and Aryan. Kairi holds Aryan’s hand and asks him to wake up. Jyoti cries and says she is seeing her true love dying, but had to as she cannot see him hating her. Kairi warns Jyoti to dare not touch Aryan or else. She tries to pick the gun fallen nearby. Jyoti kicks the gun away and says soon police will come and arrest Kairi aka Imlie in Aryan’s murder case with a story that Imlie had an affair with Madhav after finding that Aryan is infertile and when Aryan found out about Imlie’s affair and illegitimate child, Imlie took Kairi’s avatar and killed Aryan. She says Imlie need not worry about the story

and just should die.

She says she tried to provoke Aryan against Imlie a lot, recalling the events, but Aryan didn’t fall in her trap and was confident that Imlie cannot betray him. She says Imlie escaped twice, but now she will die. She picks a gun and says she wanted to kill Imlie, but because of Imlie, Aryan and her love story ended before it started. She shoots at Imlie, but Imlie escapes. Harry with Sundar and Arpita returns with police on time. Police orders Jyoti to raise her hands up and surrender.

Jyoti is shocked to see that and says universe cannot do this to her. Aryan and Imlie stand up revealing they are fine. Harry says he is doing all this and recalls how he saved Imlie and Aryan from goon’s attack and asks inspector to arrest Jyoti for attempting to murder Aryan, Imlie, and Nargis. He reveals how she tried to kill Imlie and blackmailed him. Aryan tells Jyoti that he hates doing mistakes and one who does mistakes, she is lucky as he doesn’t raise his hands on a woman or else he would have killed a woman who tried to separate him from his wife and baby and tried to kill them. Imlie stops him and says Jyoti cannot manipulate him anymore and tells Imlie that she became Kairi to expose Jyoti and would become even Kali if someone tries to harm her family.

Jyoti says whatever she did was for love for Aryan. Imlie warns her not to use the pious word love for her evil acts and says if she really loved Aryan, she would have sacrificed her life for Aryan, but she tried to take his life instead, etc. Aryan realls how Imlie saved him before. Imlie tells Jyoti that only she is in love and Jyoti is self-obsessed. Aryan asks police to take Jyoti away. Harry apologizes Imlie and says even he deserves punishment for his mistake of supporting Jyoti’s madness. He wishes her all the best and leaves with police. Imlie looks at Aryan.

Sundar brings car and asks Imlie to get in with Aryan. Imlie ask him to go with Arpita as she will come after sometime. Arpita asks her to spend some time with Aryan and leaves with Sundar. Aryan feels guilty for distrusting Imlie and punches on the wall recalling all the incidents. Channi Karde Seena Mera.. song plays in the background. Imlie stops him and makes him sit. He asksif she will not say anything. She says she already spoke a lot. He says she came first in the test of he love and piousness, he is sure that nothing will happen to his family until she is there. He says he didn’t trust her a bit and doesn’t deserve her love and sacrifice. Imlie says he always respected and trusted her and loved her selflessly; he is the meaning of love for her, etc.

Precap: Malini determines to play a game with Imlie and take revenge from her.

Update Credit to: MA

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