Imlie 8th January 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Dulari provoke villagers to punish Aditya. They are about to beat Adi when Meethi comes to his rescue and shoos them away. Adi tries to touch her feet. She stops him and says if she cannot curse him, she cannot even bless him; she is Seeta maiya’s devotee and cannot see even her enemy in trouble; now he should go his way and she will her way. Adi leaves. Meethi confronts Dulari for trying to harm Adi. Dulari gets angry and asks her to think about her daughter. Adi meets terrorist Aatank’s aide Chand and asks him to fix a meeting with him. Chand says Aatank doesn’t meet anyone so easily.
Meethi calls Imlie and informs her about Aditya reaching there safely. Imlie asks her to keep an eye on him and protect him till he is there. Adi tells Chand that he will not take monster Aatank’s story but will take interview of the people who are troubled by Aatank. He calls them in for interview. In Delhi, Imlie asks news broadcaster to show show Pagdandiya/PGD’s news feed. He forwards her Aditya’s news feed. Imlie watches it, walks to Aryan and asks what is he trying to do as PGD people hate terrorists and city people, so he will create trouble Aditya if he lets him divert from his topic. She shows villagers’ interview clip. Aryan says he is not here for charity, their company will be in profits if Aditya brings terrorists interview in 24 hours or else Aditya will fail in his assignment. Imlie says he will not fail and walks away. Aryan thinks she trusts Aditya even now, but her trust will break with Aditya’s blood.
Meethi brings food for Aditya. Aditya asks if she doesn’t hate him. She says terrorism, hate, divorce are heavy words and she cannot carry their burden as she needs to carry her daughter’s pain; he is not her SIL but PGD’s guest now, she is still her daughter’s mother and is concerned for her. Chand informs Adi that Aatank had called and agreed for interview but needs a precious thing from him. Adi gives his watch. Meethi asks if its same watch which he had gifted Imlie. He says yes, Imlie returned everything.
Radha asks Aparna to give her someone’s number and takes her along. Malini waits for Aditya’s call and thinks he will call at Aparna’s phone at least. Arpita calls on Aparna’s number and invites T family to new year Bhaskar Times launch party at her house. Malini thinks its a good chance to pester Imlie. She returns Aparna’s phone and informs her about Narmada’s call inviting them for new year party. Aparna asks if Adi had called her. Malini says no and walks away. Aparna thinks why she seems so relaxed.
Imlie’s colleague asks another colleague to pass on a duster. Imlie passes by and duster is about to hit her when Aryan holds it and warns her to be careful. She says she was coming to him as Aditya has sent a news feed before 24 hours. Aryan says he is interested in checking footage and check if Aditya covered in an interesting way. She says Aatank is a dreaded criminal who can harm Aditya. Aryan says Aditya himself chose this assignment, he is bothered about company’s profits first and then Aditya’s life. She says he should renamed himself as money printing machine instead of Aryan. Employee informs him that live feed from PGD has started.
They watch Aditya’s live interview where Adi first asks if he is wearing a designer mask as his boss is interested to know. Imlie thinks why Aditya is trying an impossible task. Adi asks his motto. Aatank says he needs justice from system and a separate land for himself where he can freely administrate. Aditya says Satyakam never demanded a separate land. Aatank says Satyakam followed his set rules and hence now he is in jail, Satyakam wrongly trusted Aditya and is in trouble now. Imlie fumes and thinks if she is allowed to go there, she will teach him the difference between terrorism and revolution. Aditya asks if he is promoting terrorism or revolution. Aatank says whatever he thinks, he will destroy everything if his demands are not met. News feed goes blank. Technician informs Aryan that Aatank’s men must have disconnected. Imlie thinks Aatank doesn’t seem to be from PGD, then why he is taking PGD’s name.
Meethi returns home. Dulari confronts her for meeting her ex-SIL Aditya. Villagers says they will not let her give even a drop of water to Aditya. Meethi asks if she should let a guest be hungry. They say they don’t care as city people come and ruin their village. Meethi says Aditya is helping them. They allege that her daughter must be pregnant like her and will bear an illegitimate child like her. She warns to dare not speak about her daughter. They pick stone to hit her. Dulari rescues her and shoos them away. She feels concerned about Iklie.
Precap: Aditya falls unconscious in a dilapidated state. Aatank walks to him.
Update Credit to: MA
I would like to believe that Aryan is not behind the story of this criminal called Aatank
…but I have a feeling that he does
…so now I believe we will get to see… again
… how Imlie rescues Aditya from the hands of this so-called revolutionist…or terrorist…or whomever he is supposed to be 
just why ?? 
…goodness gracious ms Gul
Morning Yolande
! I guess, even she can’t answer that
I really hope Aryan isn’t behind this Aatank track… because if he is pretty sure it will be confirmed that Adi and Imlie are endgame
which sucks!!!!
Idk if Aryan and Imlie will end up together but I just don’t want Imlie to back to Adi…for god sake atleast in one show let a FL have some self-respect!
The number of times I’ve seen Imlie’s name misspelled

there is one gossip site that doesn’t even use Imlie they just straight up call her Tamarind. I’ve got no hope for Imlie I am here for the 

Aryan oof…. I just hope they have a different Female lined up for him cause both Imlie and Malini are a couple cards short of a deck. PGD having a terrorist is a stale old track, maybe they are trying a poetic ending for Gashmeer’s journey as the character, I keep thinking about the time they changed Bani in Kasam Se, girl got her face violently smashed in… so maybe Adi will get shot in the face and Imlie the great will run to Pagdandiya and do his surgery using sticks and the mud of her village and Sita Maiya will return Adi with a new face so once again he will have 2 wives. Imma blame the problematic parts of Imlie and Malini on Dev, I feel his genes just screwed them up. Satyakam is in jail partially thanks to Adi and Imlie decided to stay with this pedo – even after that. Aditya could murder her whole family and run this stupid girl over and she’ll still limp over to him wagging her tail. It’s clear Malini does not love Aditya in the slightest, she just wants to hurt Imlie which makes 0 sense. I think of the scene when she told Aparna that Imlie is her sister so the Tripathi’s should accept her – Aparna herself was calling Imlie a servant then. Malini was butchered to whitewash Aditya, cause people did not like his character from the start, I wonder when they will realize that no matter how much they degrade Malini’s character it still isn’t washing away the sins of their wonderful Aditya. People are saying that TRP will drop cause of Aditya, I think they went up due to Aryan. If TRP drops it’s cause people are losing hope in this Imlie. She should be thinking of saving her mother from the village where she has to be insulted every day but no Imlie’s priority is babusaheb cause this chick is bent in the god damned head. The cycle of toxicity and abuse will continue
@Jade, yeah, now Malini only likes to see Imlie suffer
, she said that to her mother several times…
… She cannot expect more than that from this marriage
I mean, what else can she do? Let the poor thing have that little joy
I might disagree with some of the other points in your comment , though
… But I had only a little time for “Tamarind” today 
?… Take care
Maybe tomorrow
Yes. It is ghatiya serial with third class story And sceipt
Yes since imli can do anything any where. She can fight terrorist easily just by saying jai sita maiya ki. Sita maiya ne baad main apne pati ke samne sab sabit karkar unhe tyaga hi tha. And aditya to ramjinka. 00001 bhi nahi in case of wife others so beyond hai limit
Apparently a replacement for Gashmeer has already been found… Can that be? … So fast? …
Somehow I thought his resignation was not final. I read in an article from December 21. that the break is only temporary and the creators are sending the character of Aditya on a sabbatical
I’m not a fan of his character, but I’m afraid his absence will damage the show irreparably…
According to the latest news, he and Gul couldn’t agree on the shooting times …
However, at least we know now and we don’t have to keep guessing whether he is going to quit or not…

I just wish he’d take Mayuri with him
I can hardly stand her on-screen-presence at the moment

Instead of taking Mayuri off they should try to end her revenge drama and bring back that positive behaviour in Malini.
Positive behavior? Yes, they could do that, but we would still have a bad taste from all of this… @Anonymous, there is no good Malini anymore. There would have been a tiny chance if she were not fully aware of her wrongdoing due to some mental disorder
, which could probably be cured
, which is also a contradiction in terms … She has Adi now, but she continues to focus on tormenting Imlie
… Besides, if you are genuinely a good person, you can’t just give that goodness up voluntarily
… it’s very unlikely
… But anyway, she showed that she is very aware of her evil deeds. We judge a character by comparing it with real life. In reality, hardly any of us would trust her again or would want to take her into the family
, after all those limits that she has already crossed…
But that doesn’t seem the case here. She said a few episodes ago, that she had lost her “goodness” in order to get Adi
I really wish aisa ho … that gashmeer is not quiting and is out for a period of time. He is slaying the character ADITYA KUMAR TRIPATHI in style. I really really wish he is not quiting and hoping that he will reverse his decision but on the other end i know that he quit the show and will not reverse his decision and some replacement has been finalized in mean time. But still hoping ….. cant imagine watching imlie without gashmeer. Imlie cannot be watched without gashmeer and sumbul. Both are slaying their respective characters

Yeah, I guess that’s what is the speciality of this show. However worse may be the show but all the characters and the actors into it are slaying the role like anything. That’s the reason I watch this show. Enacting is something, living upto the character is something else. Eventually, at the present moment, all the four, Gashmeer, Sumbul, Fahmaan Khan, and Mayuri Deshmukh, are the lifeline of Imlie…
So from now onwards we’ll see aryan’s revenge series I guess.
Don’t tell me that aryan has something to do with aatank something is fishy.
Pagadandiya people are actually insane. May Seeta maiya wreak havoc on them. They deserve to be punished for the sins they had committed and sad part is they aren’t regretful for their behaviour towards imlie,her family and Aditya. They destroyed 3 families. Oh god
Why meethi and imlie are so concerned with Aditya after all that he did. Leave him to his own devices whether he succeeds or fails should be to him alone not with assistance of his ex.
All these serials are remakes of Bengali serials- the ending is disappointing. Imlie will be back with her lord and master babusaheb and Malini will be given cancer and die cause why not screw her over even more…. Mohi didn’t get the needed TRPs but it had the best ending with Mohi leaving her sister and ex to pursue her dreams. All I want to see are Imlie and Malini reuniting but that can only happen once Dev, Aditya and Anu flatline. What is it with serials abs sisters? Udaariyan, YRKKH, KKB, Meet…. These producers have a strange fixation with sister in laws… maybe they have a funder with a saali aadhi gharwali kink or they are trying to bring polygamy back. Either way the constant bombardment of the way women should be mahaan and sacrifice it all for garbage is perpetuating regressive thinking. Don’t be surprised in a few years when they tell women to stay home and you no longer have autonomy of your own body or who you marry … the fall of civilisation always starts with the destruction of women
This would be too bad the screenwriters would be very disrespectful to all the audience Gül Khan and Atıf khan I don’t think she would do such a thing If it was as you say,the Aryan charecter would not be written so beautifully Actually , what I’ve been Shown is that the two sisters don’t know what true love is because they both didin’t grow up with enough love , it’s two people speaking the same language .I Hope he will open his eyes and at least one sister will happy .The other is already frustrated .it seems
all we watch is for this story to end with a beautifull ending please save the two sisters from this sick man 

@Success, don’t let the AdiLie shippers hear you

to them Malini is a demon and they want all sorts of horrible things to happen to her ( mind you they used to support Malini until they were manipulated by the writing) hmmm Ishti Kutum did kinda end that way but the useless ML ended up with the older sisters child from some other guy and only reunited with the FL 5 years later using meeting her nephew as a excuse
all in all it was pretty dumb and the producers should be ashamed
Giving these episodes a miss….Imlie has gone back into full doormat mode and is probably going to rush off once again to try and save the damsel in distress
You can fix a lot of things…but you can’t fix stupid 
I just want an entire episode of Aryan glaring and making entrances if he had to walk around in the rain with a half buttoned white shirt I will not mind

I don’t care about the storyline or if Aditya gets kidnapped by Michael Jackson and taken to neverland and turned into a donkey or Imlie decides to have a dance off with Michael to save her babusaheb I am only here for that snack of a man Aryan
Same I started watching after aryan entry

@ Jane
just from your description i played all your words in my mind & its kinda hoooot
the Michael Jackson part is hilarious 

Guys, we’ve talked about the bad script several times so far, but I assume you’ve also checked out the actors’ skills, right?
So, as for me, Mayuri gave a very bland and unbelievable performance as evil Malini. She made it even more difficult for us to buy the change in that character. She failed to play a somewhat fluid transformation, to show us inner conflicts, etc. Only a good actress can do that, even without dialogues.
Eye expression, facial expressions, body language, all play a major role. There have been many cases in ITV where characters lived only because of good actors, even if the script was ridiculous …
I really don’t know, is she really that unable to play a negative role or is she just defiant, and wants to show everyone that she’s too good for this script?
Or she would rather just keep posing and smiling sweetly, I guess…
. No matter what nonsense she gets as a script, she takes it to the highest possible level
. I’m incredibly excited to see what characters this brilliant actress will give us after Imlie…
Because her sugar-coated character didn’t really had much bigger challenges than that️ …
And it’s exactly THAT what is actually strange to me.
Most good and ambitious actresses would give almost anything to get the chance to show multiple facets of a character … that can only be positive for their careers … But not our Mayuri … Uff, the woman would really do herself and us a favor by becoming a full time model. At least we’d be able to enjoy her commercials for a few minutes. But as an actress? She should please spare us this boring ordeal! … Anyway, this is only my opinion. I’m not particularly looking forward to the next show with her
Not so with Sumbul
We get it Lin you’re simping for Sumbal. But to deride Mayuri like this, really?
@Jade, it was a lapsus, when I said “tomorrow”, I actually meant by the next update
. I usually stay away from Indian soaps on Sundays… like a detox-day 

… But just to keep my word … here I am…
… not only because of your choice of words …
The date of the comment is January 10th, but it’s still Sunday here, so
@Jade, your comment is kind of offensive, though
I would never degrade someone or anything for no reason just to highlight or praise something else.
It’s morally wrong and it’s not my style.
And it will definitely not have been the last time that I criticize Mayuri’s acting.
I’ve been of this opinion for months, It wasn’t just a whim here.
It’s nothing personal, just a negative criticism for someone’s acting-performance, each of us is entitled to express it.
Every now and then I’ll probably explain my point in detail, maybe also for someone else who might get it wrong… BTW, we all here having different opinions, is actually the fun in this forum. We can debate about it or we can agree to desagree
So, have a good start in the week…
I gave it some thought, @Jade … it’s not about Sumbul … But tomorrow, ok
Hating character is okay…but why putting down one person who is giving their best with a crappy script and tons of online hate
….playing satan daughter is twice much harder than playing doormat wife crying seeta maya

. The whole cast gave their very best amid COVID and shitty storyline…and at least sumbal and mayuri accepted whatever script given…didn’t leave job midway nd messed whole story like certain person

But exactly that’s what it’s all about @Lilou. It doesn’t seem like she gave her best. In fact, as long as she played the good Malini, everything went fine with her acting.
BUT since Malini turned negative, it was evident that she was playing the role half-heartedly. Internet was full of comments about it…
She often had the same face expression as if she were about to say:
“Oh, I really don’t feel like playing this. This is soo not me.”
Quite unprofessional and also disrespectful to the audience, if you ask me …
And COVID can’t be an excuse for bad acting. Everyone there works under the same conditions. Even the directors and scriptwriters. But we all had no mercy for them when we regularly referred to their work as crap. Why? Because COVID cannot be an excuse for it.
The same goes for the actors. And you have a wrong perception about my comment. I didn’t criticise Mayuri as a private person, but Mayuri as an actress. These are two completely different things. As long as I don’t say anything bad about her as a private person, her appearance, her age, her relationships etc., as a viewer I am fully entitled to criticize her acting performance.
And as for the work ethics, I agree with you…
Too bad that Gashmer couldn’t get his sh*t together. He undoubtedly did his part to damage the show … Nonetheless, as for acting skills, I’d prefer him over Mayuri.
And my comment certainly has nothing to do with whether I hate the character or not.
In fact, I think the good Malini had more chathastrophic consequences for the show than the evil Malini…
But that’s a completely different discussion …
Heard that Aditya is quitting the show..glad
Just the actor the character will go on like that stupid titanic song
You guyz crack me up

you more than qualify for a face-off against king Aryan 
as we are
0% Sumbulians 

…but I loved the comment

sry folks 
(she is also not half hearted like the other Tripathis
…plus he blatantly speaks his mind and does whatever tf he wants 

…what can I say about Sundar 
…he always has the right cure for any sore 

…got nothing to say bout that Chaturvedi clan… just sorry that Imlie was born into the most controversial bunch of idiots on ITV 
@Lin… so fiery
@Jade… no sense in trying to get into our Imlie space
@GK?? hmmm…
Still…if you ladies and gents go onto any Instagram site dedicated to the Imlie serial… then you’d be surprised to know that #Arylierocks #Adisucks
…just a bare few now support adilie
I am not a fan of the Malini character… simply because I cannot lie to say something good about something bad
I do like Rupali di because of her kindness and support for Imlie always
I also like Nishant because he does not give a frock about nobody
That’s it.
Deadbeat Dev… Antichrist Anu… Masochist Malini…
I didn’t have any comments about Aryan because his hotness speaks for itself

I also didn’t have any comments for Aditya because…well, he already dug his own grave
AdiLie shippers are all over Twitter … and dare you call Aditya a pedo… but I love to rile them up. Let the god damned girl child grow up before putting the burden of a husband on her damn it. I just Hope Gashmeer gets better roles, this one sucked