
Important announcement regarding missing content

Hello everyone,

You might have noticed that many articles and comments that were published suddenly disappeared. Due to our database / server failure, we lost all data that was published between 6th December 2017, 7:50am and 7th December 2017, around 6am (Indian timings). This was mostly all articles, comments, and all other data that were published on 6th December 2017. We tried our best to recover everything, but unfortunately, we could only recover articles (fan fictions, written updates, episodic analysis some of which we have already re-published, rest will be re-published shortly). Comments, like / dislike stats, wall messages, personal messages, etc published during that time period will remain missing. If you changed your password or created an account during this time period, then you will have to do that over.

We apologize for inconvenience and hope to avoid this in future.

If you have any questions or comments, you can send us message using our ‘Contact Us’ page.

TU Team,


Status Update

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