In love with my so-called kidnapper #SS #5 – ” FEELINGS “

Vansh – I want to say you something sweetheart
Riddima – say
Vansh – woh , actually , you have to marry me
Riddima got up from her place , completely shocked to the core .
Riddima – what ??
Vansh – yes
Riddima – I can’t , as my father doesn’t like you as his son-in-law , as you are a mafia .
Riddima went back to her room , crying .
The next day –
Riddima is tied up to a chair , she is shouting on top of her voice , when a nan came to her
Riddima : vansh , you ?? , Did you kidnapped me ??

Vansh – yes sweetheart .
Riddima – but why ??
Vansh – let me explain , when your mom got to know that she is weak and could die after giving birth to you , and there are very few chances to live , she promised my mother , that you will marry me on a auspicious day , when is your mom’s birthday , you will marry me , so , 20 years passed , and the time came , you have to marry me to save your promise , your Mom given to my mom
Riddima – (shocked) I am sorry for misunderstanding you , ok , I will marry you .
After 3days –
It’s their marriage day , raj got to know about the promise done by his wife , and agreed to the marriage , riddima and vansh got ready , and came downstairs , they sat in their places , priest is chanting some mantras , they then done the marriage rituals , and the marriage is done .
In RiAnsh’s room
Riddima changed her clothes , and sat on the couch to sleep , but suddenly she heard a voice
Vansh : riddima , sleep on the bed na
Riddima – no , I want to sleep on couch only vansh .
He gave her a glare .
Riddima : now what is this glare for vansh ?

Vansh : so you forgot my nake also ??
Riddima(realizing) : sorry vansh (he once again glared) soo sorry anshu , and why did you call me by my name??
Vansh : ok , sorry sweetheart , it was just in flow , now come sleep on the bed or else……
Riddima : or else ??
He lifted her in his arms and made her sleep . She was shocked by his move .
Vansh : if you won’t listen to me , the consequences will be like this only .
Riddima blushed , he was about to leave , she holded his wrist . He turned back to see .
Riddima : vansh I know it feels awkward , but sleep beside me on the bed , don’t sleep on the couch , we could keep pillows in between ok ??
He was shocked , he wanted to listen the same from her mouth , he was on cloud nine . He nodded and he layed down beside her . He dozed off .
Riddima then got up and saw him sleeping peacefully .
Riddima : just see him , sleeping peacefully , but see me , he will come in my dreams and will disturb me a lot , what to do ?? , I wish I could say my inner feelings to you , don’t know what are these feelings , but I will reveal them very soon ,
She kissed his forehead , and by adoring him , she slept , just then he woke up . Yes , as he is a night owl like aisha di , he doesn’t slept .

Vansh : these feelings are called love sweetheart , tomorrow will be a special day in your life , I will confess my feelings to you , which I am owing from soo many years .
Flashback 17years back –
A girl is playing foot ball , which is noticed by a boy , who was just mesmerised by her beauty , he was adoring her , just then she shouted , as she won the match , he followed her , just then she fell down hitting a rock , he came to her to help her ,
Boy : are you ok ??
He picked handkerchief from his pocket and tied it to her .
Girl : thank you
Boy : what’s your name ??
Girl : riddima
Boy : nice name , I am vansh .
Boy was adoring her a lot .
Boy (to himself) : you see , I am very small , but still I fell for you , don’t know what are these feelings , but it looks like love , it’s love at first sight sweetheart .
Flashback ends



Hai all , I am a lover of serials . I am an artist

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