In the Name of Love – Chapter 36

Those of you who have missed the previous update, here is the link :

@Ishu Thank you dear
@Yashi Thank you dear
@Ayesha Thank you dear
@Akirti Thank you dear
@Mary Thank you so much. Yes, Vansh supported Riddhima like a real and a true partner.
I am sad that the show is going off air. But all good things have to come to an end.
@RiansHLoveR Thank you so much. I’m glad you liked the bro-sis moment. If brothers can support their sisters during hard times, they also equally tease them and pull their legs. And you will see something like that in this chapter. Hope you enjoy it.
@Annoyinguser Thank you dear
@AarushiSoni Haha thank you so much. It makes me really happy to see your enthusiasm in both the places!
@Cutuuu Thanks a lot. Yes, the way Vansh showed his trust on Riddhima will cause her heart to melt for him.
@Aisha08 Thank you dear
@Riya89 Thank you dear. Oh, thanks for the info.
@Qt Thank you so much. Yes, your guess is correct!
Aww, I’m really happy to see you so invested in this. Don’t worry, there are still 7-8 chapters for it to end, so you can enjoy till then.
@Varshini Here’s the update
@1234Aayu Thanks a lot. You’re absolutely right. Romance is secondary, it is trust that is most important in a relationship. And by trusting Riddhima, Vansh has definitely strengthened this relation by two-fold.
@Prapti0809 Thanks a lot. Hehe, yes. Hope you enjoy the dare too!
@Parita Thank you so much. Yes, Vansh has won hearts by this act. Hopefully, he’ll be able to win Riddhima’s heart too soon.
Oh yes, there’s going to be a lot of funny moments. Hope you enjoy them.
@Anannya07 Thanks a lot. You take care too and lots of love to you also!
@Milee Aww thank you so much. Ngl, but I’m really feeling very overwhelmed after reading all the sweet words you wrote. It really, really means a lot to me !!(^hearts^)
The coming up chapters will also have a lot of Riansh moments. I hope you like them too.
@Jayashree Thank you so much. Yes, I never expected that I’d complete 35 chapters. It’s all because of the love and motivation of readers like you!
@Priyadharshini Thank you dear
@Sree Thank you dear
@Priyanshi_13 Thanks a lot
@Prabhleen Thank you dear
@Samistha Choudhary Here’s the update
@Neetu Thank you dear
@Priyanka Thakur Thank you so much. Yes, now that Vansh supported her and showed so much trust over her, she might also begin to trust him too.
@Anaya She’ll soon forgive him and yes, she’s going to throw lot of tantrums around as usual to trouble him. Lol.
@FARHANA Thank you dear
@Scarlet Flower Thank you dear
@Riaa Thank you so much. Sometimes even the younger ones show much more maturity than expected surprising the elder ones completely.
As for Vansh, he is someone who when he falls in love, he does it truly and wholeheartedly. Whereas Riddhima on the other hand is someone who doesn’t understand the matters of heart that easily, and instead always tries to find logic in everything. And it doesn’t help that she’s angry with him for helping his mother to evade punishment for her crime.
But now that Vansh supported her so beautifully, she might have a change of heart for him.
@Niyati12 Thanks a lot dear. That’s really very sweet of you.
@Jayanthi Thank you so much for yet another thoughtful insight. Tbh, even I miss Vihaan’s cheekiness and flirtatious persona, that I find sometimes missing in Vansh.
If Vansh wouldn’t have trusted upon Riddhima, not only would she get broken even more, but he’d also stoop much lower in her eyes than before. After this entire fiasco, who knows, Riddhima might start warming up to him.
Sometimes all we need in life is a 3rd person view from someone else. All this while, Riddhima had been looking at Vansh from a biased point of view. But after her talk with Ishaan, hopefully she’ll start seeung him in a good light.
@Maanvika Thanks a lot

The next morning, Riddhima knocked at Sia’s room. She was surprised.

“You got up unusually earlier today,” said Sia. She turned sympathetic as she observed the clearly visible dark circles under her eyes and an exceptionally pale face.
“How are you feeling now?”

“Fine,” came Riddhima’s prompt reply. “But I won’t be able to heave a sigh of relief until this mess gets sorted out.”

“I’m so sorry,” said Sia.

“No, don’t be. However, someone else will soon be sorry for whatever he has done,” said Riddhima.

Sia beamed at her. “You are very strong, Riddhima. You are literally every girl’s inspiration.”

Riddhima smiled sadly. How’d she ever be able to explain to her that she never wanted to become anyone’s inspiration? All she had ever wanted to be was just a regular girl leading a very normal life. But there was no use crying over something that has already happened.

“Do you know how did that video come into the slide show?”

“No, I don’t,” Sia reiterated. “I had prepared the slideshow on my laptop and had got it connected to the projector. When I last checked it, there was no sign of any video in it.”

“Can I check the laptop?”

“Of course. There it is,” Sia pointed towards her study table.

When Riddhima turned the laptop on, she found it to be password protected.

“SR67343,” Sia said out aloud.

“Is there anybody else who has access to this password?” asked Riddhima. She already had a doubt on three people from the family and she was sure that it had to be one of them.

Sia replied, “Yes. Ishani and Aryan. They also tend to use my laptop sometimes. But they are family, why would they do such a horrendous act?”

Riddhima thought to herself, “I wish I could show you the mirror regarding how good of a family you’ve got, Sia.”

Riddhima put away her thoughts and tried to instead concentrate on the screen in front of her. On further inspection, she found out that the said video had been transferred into the laptop via a flash drive.

She noted down the USB ID number and turned towards Sia. “Is it possible to search each and every person’s room in this house for some possible flash drives, and then examine them later on?”

Sia thought for a while. “Well, it looks like a very tedious task. But for Bhai, nothing seems impossible. Why don’t you ask him?”

She had barely spoken, when as if miraculously, Vansh appeared before the girls, almost startling them.

“Good morning, Vansh!”

“Good morning! Riddhima, don’t you think you are up rather early today?” He glanced at his watch. “It’s only 6.30 am right now, and usually you wake up at 7.45 am, exactly fifteen minutes before the scheduled time for breakfast.”

Riddhima stood there amazed. This man even knew about her sleep schedule?

“Well, what can I say except for that you are a very observant man,” Riddhima fluttered her lashes at him.

“You’re always under my observation, Riddhima,” said Vansh slowly.

Not wanting to be the third wheel between them, Sia cleared her throat. “Ahem! I think Dadi’s calling me, so got to go!”

Now, Vansh and Riddhima were left alone with each other.

Vansh broke the silence. “Did you sleep well at night?”

“Hmm,” she nodded.

“No, you didn’t!” he said. “The servant told me that you were there in the garden till late night…”

“Oh of course, since I broke the rule by not going to bed before 11pm, so now you’ll punish me, won’t you?” taunted Riddhima.

Vansh said sounding upset. “Why do you always misunderstand me, Riddhima? Screw the rules and punishments, I’m more concerned about your health right now!”

She looked into his eyes, and sure enough, she found immense care for her in them.

He sighed. “I know that you are thoroughly affected by this…. incident. But in no way, should you allow it to hamper your health. Look at your face! It looks so tired that someone might mistake you for not having slept for quite a few days in a row.”

Riddhima tried to divert the topic. “I think I know who the culprit is now. But to catch him red-handed, I need to find that flash drive which has the video. So is it possible to get everyone’s rooms searched in a bid to find that flash drive?”

“We don’t need to go through the hassles of doing all that. I’ve a better plan to catch the culprit,” said Vansh. “I’ve asked everyone to assemble in the living hall by exactly 10am. That is when his identity would be revealed in front of everyone. And once that is done,” his eyes turning dark with hatred. “He’d have to face Vansh Raisinghania’s wrath.”

The entire family was summoned to the living hall. They stole glances at each other and spoke in hushed tones, not knowing what they had been called for.

On the other hand, Vansh’s eyes were fixated upon the grandfather clock, waiting for it to strike ten. As soon as it did, he turned to face his family.

When he found Riddhima’s eyes questioning him, he gave a reassuring nod, causing her to relax.

Hands in his pockets, he walked up and down in front of them like a proud man.

“Someone living in this very mansion, dared to commit a highly repulsive act. He/she tried to show a morphed video to us, and tried to malign Riddhima’s character.”

“How do we know that the video was morphed?” asked Chanchal loudly. “What proof have you got?”

Vansh shot an irate expression. “I’ll show you the proof. Aryan!” he ordered. “Give me your phone.”

Aryan started perspiring heavily. “But I didn’t do anything. I’m absolutely innocent.”

“I’m not accusing you of anything. Just asking you for your phone,” said Vansh.

Hesitantly, he gave away his phone to him, his hands shivering in the process.

Vansh swiped and scrolled randomly here and there, until finally, a victorious smile played on his face.

Turning the screen towards the family, he said, “Here it is!”

Everyone, including Riddhima, watched as a video was played before them. It was exactly same, like that video showing Riddhima and Kabir, but here there was an unknown couple here instead. Everyone was astonished to find that both the videos were exact replicas of each other. The only difference being in the difference in faces.

Vansh said in his intimidating tone, “This is the original video that is uploaded on The one that you people saw yesterday was a fake one. So this proves Riddhima’s innocence. And if anyone dares to question her character hereafter, I’m not lying when I say that I’ll rip that person apart!”

Turning towards Aryan he said menacingly, “Your browser history says that you visited this site and even downloaded this very video yesterday morning. What do you’ve to say about that?”

“But that doesn’t prove anything….” Aryan tried to say turning white in fear.

Grabbing him by his collar, Vansh roared, “Of course it does, you fool! It all can’t be a mere coincidence that you had been watching the same but original video back in the morning. And that very evening, the video gets morphed by Riddhima’s and Kabir’s faces.”

“I didn’t do anything!” Aryan protested.

Vansh smacked him, causing him to fall flat on his face. “I’ll blo*dy kill you if you do not cease to lie! Other than Sia and Ishani, only you are the one who knew the password and could access the laptop and mews with the slideshow. Sia is Riddhima’s best friend and is in fact too kind enough to harm even her enemy.
Ishani on the other hand doesn’t gel along with Riddhima that well, but she doesn’t outright hate her like you do, you bastard!”

Vansh let out a whistle, and Angre hurried inside, handing over a thick and long whip to him.

Aryan tried to stand up to his feet, but Vansh started flogging him mercilessly. Aryan’s blood curdling screams echoed throughout the mansion.

“You ungrateful leech! You tried to defame my Riddhima, you made her cry the whole night? I’ve never seen her in such a vulnerable state as I saw her yesterday. How could you play with her respect, with my Riddhima’s respect? She is Vansh Raisinghania’s fiancee, and no one should dare to mess with her. Ever!”

Gayatri, Sia, Ishaan and Ishani, not able to see the horrible sight any longer, ran off to their respective bedrooms.

“Anybody else who has a weak heart can leave from here!” Vansh shouted continuing to beat the shit out of him.

Rudra cried and pleaded in front of Vansh to leave his son, but Vansh was in no mood to listen to him.

Even though everytime Aryan got lashed, Riddhima felt goosebumps over her skin, but deep down, she was also getting immense satisfaction on seeing him get tortured like that. She knew this was wrong, but she couldn’t help feeling this way. She realized with contempt that on staying with Vansh, she was also becoming like him, stone hearted and not knowing the difference betweeb right and wrong. Had her father been here, he wouldn’t have allowed this to happen. For him, law and order was the most important. Being his daughter, shouldn’t she be doing the same?

Chanchal folded her hands in front of her, “Please, save my son! I know what he did was wrong, but if this torture continues, he’ll soon die!”

Realizing that Chanchal was right, Riddhima tried to pull Vansh back, her hands tugging at his shoulders.

He shouted, “Leave me Riddhima! Leave me, or you’ll get hurt instead. I won’t leave this scoundrel today!”

She continued to stop him, “Vansh leave him, I say! This is not right, this is no way to punish someone. Please, for my sake at least, but stop this cruelty.”

Saying this, she flung her arms around him, pulling him into a hug. Initially he resisted, but soon, he gave in and hugged her back, burying his head in her shoulder.

He deeply inhaled in her familiar and calming fragrance of lilacs, and soon he found himself lost in her. Completely. So much so that, when Riddhima wanted to break the hug, Vansh refused to do so, continuing to hold her tightly.

“Vansh…” she whispered into his ears.

Coming back to his senses, he let Riddhima to break away from him.

When Vansh spotted Chanchal tending to Aryan’s wounds, he tried to charge at him, but Riddhima placed herself in front of him.

“He wronged me, so I’d be the one punishing him. Not you.”

Vansh tried to say something, but she cut him off.
“I have two punishments for you. The first one would be for you to plead forgiveness to me.”

“Oh yes, Aryan tell her sorry, beta?”

Riddhima clicked her tongue. “A mere sorry wouldn’t suffice. He’d have to go down on his knees, fall at my feet, bend his head down in shame, fold his hands, and then say sorry. I was kind enough to omit the ‘rubbing your nose against the ground’ part. Or should I include that as well?”

Even though Aryan was wounded, his arrogance had not waivered even a bit. He glared at her.

On Chanchal’s request, he unwantedly, fell at her feet and joined both his hands.
“I’m sorry, Riddhima. This won’t happen again.”

Riddhima put her foot down on one of his hands, and he winced in pain.

“Did it hurt Aryan? Did it? But I’m sure, not as much as I had been hurt!” she said angrily.

“As for your punishment,” she continued. “You’d have to surrender to the police for that.”

Aryan’s and Chanchal’s eyes gaped in horror.

“You know this is not possible,” said Vansh. “Police is not allowed in this house….”

Riddhima said, “But don’t you think that this would be the worst form of punishment for him? He’d be jailed for a term not less than five years. And just see, even when you had been hitting him like animals, still there was no fear in Aryan’s eyes. But at the mere mention of the police, his expression has turned into someone who has just seen a ghost.
You might want to mock at the police and the law how much ever you want, but the truth is that people still dread them.”

Anupriya who had been watching the whole show like a quiet spectator, decided to speak up.
“Are you mad? Don’t you know it’s against the rule book to involve the police in any matters? You’ve broken enough rules in the past, I won’t let you do them further.”

Riddhima walked upto Anypriya and sarcastically said, “Why are YOU getting so paranoid at the mention of the police? As far as I know, only criminals show such reaction…”

“Riddhima!” Vansh chided her. “No, this won’t be allowed at any cost.”

Riddhima lost her patience and scolded him back.
“Why not? Till today morning, you were going on a rant about how you’d allow ME to decide about what exactly is to be done with the culprit. Don’t I have even this much right to punish my culprit in the way I want? Is this the life you intend to give me?”

She knew in order to get him to listen to her, she’d have to touch a nerve.

“You make big promises in the beginning, but when the time comes to fulfill them, you take back those very words. And then in spite of all this, you expect me to trust you….”

Vansh flinched. Her words always held so much power over him. If they had the ability to calm him down, they also had the ability to touch a sore spot. Not wanting to listen to her rebukes further combined with the guilt he felt on his mother’s part, he yielded to her demands.

When the police arrived half an hour later, Vansh and Riddhima were shocked to see Kabir accompany them too.

“How’s it that that whenever the police has to come to our house, you also instinctively tag along? Is it a mere coincidence, Inspector, or something else?” mocked Vansh.

Riddhima tried to cold shoulder Kabir, but he continued to look in her direction.

“You’re right, Vansh. Everytime, I’m here, I do it for two purposes. One, obviously to teach you a lesson, and second, to get a mere glance of someone special…”

Vansh angrily clutched at his shirt. “Don’t you dare take my Riddhima’s name from your filthy mouth!”

Kabir jerked his hands off him. “Don’t make the mistake of manhandling a police officer. Or you’ll regret a lot.
And as far as Riddhima is concerned, you’re forgetting that before yours, she was mine….”

Riddhima had had enough of these two grown up men behaving worse than nursery kids. She pushed the two men away from each other.

Pointing her finger at them, she said, “Stop treating me like a prized possession that has to be owned by someone. I don’t belong to any of you, I only belong to myself.”

But Kabir remained unfazed. “This man, he is not the right one for you! He couldn’t even protect you from such an untoward incident, how’d he protect you in the future? Had I been there with you right now, I wouldn’t even have let this happen.”

Vansh tried to march towards him, but Riddhima raised her hand to stop him, which he immediately did.

Turning towards Kabir, she said, “Firstly, Riddhima doesn’t need anybody to protect her. I’m more than enough to take myself out of any situation. And secondly Inspector, aren’t you here to arrest Aryan? So do that and leave from here as soon as possible!”

The joy that Vansh felt when Riddhima gave Kabir an earful, was unmeasurable.

Kabir sulking, handcuffed Aryan and took him away, while Chanchal and Rudra mourned for him.

Giving Riddhima a pointed look, Anupriya said, “Because of this girl’s adamance, the entire family has to suffer. The respect that Vansh had tried to acquire over these many years, will be now tarnished within a second. What would the society say when they come to know about Raisinghania family’s younger son getting arrested on charges of playing with the respect of his own Bhabhi-to-be?”

Riddhima huffed, “Well if anything, your so-called society would only applaud Vansh for this act. They would appreciate him for being just even with his own family member. They would realize that the Raisinghanias wouldn’t tolerate the disrespect of a woman ever, and their admiration for Vansh would grow even more.”


“Mom, I think that is enough for today. I don’t want this topic to be broached upon any further,” said Vansh. “And stop blaming Riddhima every single time. I won’t be able to bear any longer.”

Riddhima and Nandu were sitting in the garden, enjoying the sight of the full moon glowing beautifully, surrounded by numerous dazzling stars.

“Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty! I counted thirty stars!” Nandu squealed in delight.

Riddhima smiled at her. Children tended to be so innocent, so far away from the trickery and vileness of this world. She started reminiscing how when she was of a similar age, she’d fall asleep on the verandah itself while counting the stars. Her father would then gently pick her up and take her back to her room. Those days were never going to come back….

“Badi Dadi says that when someone dies, he becomes a star. My Mumma became a star. Did your Mumma become a star too?”

“Yes,” replied Riddhima gloomily.

“Do you miss her?”


“Was she also very nice like you?”

At this Riddhima fell silent. Because she had no answer.

“After you get married to my Papa, will you become my new Mumma?” Nandu asked with hope in her eyes.

Riddhima never realized that Nandu had started pinning her hopes on her. How could she bring herself to tell her that this marriage would never materialise? She didn’t want to break the little girl’s heart, but she didn’t want to lie to her as well.

“I don’t know,” she said solemnly. “But I’ll remain your best friend always. I promise you that.”

“What are you both talking about?” a husky voice interrupted them from behind.

“Nothing, Papa,” Nandu said quickly.

“Hmmm. You’ve school tomorrow, so why don’t you go to your room now?” said Vansh.

“Ok, Papa,” said Nandu scurrying away, but not before giving Vansh a hug. He reciprocated it willingly. Slowly and gradually, Vansh and Nandu were growing close.

After Nandu left from there, Riddhima also stood up abruptly and tried to leave.

Vansh tried to say. “Where are you going? We need to talk about something…..”

But Riddhima tossed her head in a condescending manner instead, amgering him further.

With a sharp jerk, he pulled her back, causing her to crash in his embrace.

Holding her by her waist, he retorted, “When I speak to you, I expect you to talk to me back. Not walk away impudently, like this.”

He had barely said these words, when Gayatri called him out.

“Vansh! What are you doing?”

Vansh and Riddhima quickly steadied themselves.

“Dadi, actually I…..”

“How can you pull her so roughly like that? She is pregnant for crying out loud. Be a little gentle towards her,” Gayatri sounded quite miffed.

Looking at the situation, a mischievous idea began to form in Riddhima’s mind.

She started wailing dramatically. “This Vansh always behaves with me like this only. He has no consideration at all for me or the baby.”

Vansh rolled his eyes at her. He realized she was upto something troublesome.

She further said,”The doctor said that I’ve certain complications in my pregnancy. And she also said….that….I’m feeling ashamed to say that in front of you Nani.”

Gayatri got a little anxious. “What, you’ve complications? Oh my, my, that is very worrisome indeed. But tell me what else did the doctor say. We mustn’t feel shy in such matters.”

Riddhima continued to shed crocodile tears. “The doctor has asked me to refrain from all kinds of physical relationship as she feels it can harm the baby. But Vansh, he never listens to me and continues to persuade me to romance him in spite of that!”

Vansh’s eyes widened in surprise. “What the….?”

Gayatri gasped. “Vansh! What is wrong with you? How can you trouble her in spite of the doctor’s clear warnings?”

“Dadi, she’s lying!”

“He’s calling me a liar!” Riddhima cried.

Gayatri scolded him. “Enough of this Vansh! First of all, you haven’t even got married to her, and secondly, you’re endangering your baby’s health too in the process. Is your baby more important to you or romance? I kow you love her, but can’t you control yourself for nine months at least?”

Vansh looked visibly flustered. He glanced at Riddhima who was standing behind Gayatri and laughing quietly.

“This woman is pure trouble!” he muttered under his breath.

Gayatri reassured Riddhima, “Don’t worry, I won’t let him do any mischief with you.”

She led her upstairs to her bedroom, while Riddhima turned back and winked at Vansh. He felt angry.

He decided to confront her for her cheap prank, but he found a lock at Riddhima’s door outside.

“I did that,” scowled Gayatri. “So that you won’t be able to enter into her room as and when you like. The keys will be with me, and this door will be opened only in the morning. Understood?”

Riddhima who heard all this from inside her room, couldn’t help but laugh inconsolably. She laughed so much that she could feel tears form at the corners of her eyes. It actually felt good to have such a hearty laugh after so much time.

“Oh God, I taught such a good lesson to that Vansh. Now, he’ll think twice before messing up with me.”

Just then, she heard her phone ping. It was Vansh’s text.

You embarrassed me a lot in front of Dadi today. She might now be thinking that I’m nothing less than a satyromaniac. Not fair!


Riddhima giggled.

Everything is fair in love and war.

His message swooped by.

So what do I call this thing that is between us? War or, LOVE?


Not wanting to talk about this, she diverted the topic.

Are you not angry with me?

He texted back.

I was, but not now anymore. Tbh, I can’t stay angry with you for a long time.


Riddhima typed.

And why is that?

His message popped up right away.

You know why….

Understanding, where this conversation was headed to, Riddhima turned the phone face down, not wanting to text further. She rested on the bed trying to sleep, but her mind was flooded with thoughts of someone.

Vansh, she smiled to herself.

The next day, Gayatri did every possible thing to keep Vansh and Riddhima away, so much so that, he couldn’t even find an opportunity to speak to her.

Vansh was getting increasingly irritated by her antics, and even Riddhima realized that perhaps she had gone overboard with her prank.

Thankfully Gayatri went to her friend’s house in the evening. But Vansh was disappointed to see Riddhima occupied with Ishaan, Ishani and Sia instead.

“Come, let’s play a game of truth or dare,” Ishani suggested. The others quickly agreed to her.

“Bhai, why don’t you join us as well?”

Vansh scoffed, “I don’t have time for such childish games.”

“C’mon Bhai! We didn’t invite you to a game of hide and seek, that you’re acting all haughty. Don’t be such a spoilsport,” pestered Sia.

“Riddhima, now only you can persuade him to join in. All hopes are on you now,” said Ishani.

“If someone doesn’t want to join in the fun, why should I force him? Besides, what else can be expected from such ‘boring’ people?” taunted Riddhima.

Vansh looked hurt while others gasped. “What did you just say?” he asked.

“Exactly what you heard,” snapped Riddhima.

“Fine!” said Vansh coming to sit along with them. She had called him boring, right? Now he’d show her how much of a bore he was in reality….

Ishaan rotated the bottle and it landed on Sia.

“Truth or dare?” asked Ishaan excitedly.


“Did you ever get proposed by any handsome guy?”


Ishaan coaxed her, “C’mon, don’t lie! How’s that possible? Someone must have proposed to you at least once….”

Sia said, “No! No one ever did. And why would any guy propose to a wheelchair bound girl like me?”

Everyone turned quiet for a while.

“Sia, you know it’s not like that….” Vansh tried to say.

Sia became defensive. “Please, I don’t want any of your pitiful consolations. I know the truth, and I’ve learnt to accept it even.”

Riddhima said, “How would any man be able to propose you, when you don’t know any nice guys only! You’ve always been kept cocooned since your early life, not allowing you to go out and mingle with people. Hell, you even attended school and college from home itself!”

“Listen, I’ve an idea,” Riddhima’s face glowed up. “We have an annual fest in our college that is held every year. I’ll take you along with me, and you can meet some nice boys too!”

“What nonsense is this?” scolded Vansh.

Ignoring him, she went on, “I admit there are not many nice guys in my batch. But amongst the seniors, some of them are hot!”

Vansh glared at her.

Ishani chuckled. “Riddhima, you do realize that you’re making Bhai jealous by calling other men as hot right in front of him?”

With Sia’s mood much better, they started playing again, with the bottle landing on Ishaan this time.

“Truth or dare?” Ishani asked.


“What the hell, dude? Why isn’t anyone choosing dare?” Ishani became a little disappointed. “Anyways, tell me, who does Riddhima have a crush on, other than Bhai?”

“It is Ishaan’s turn, so why don’t you ask about him? Why are you dragging me into this?” Riddhima complained.

“Chill babe. Everything is fair in love, war and GAMES. Ishaan, c’mon go on.”

“Oooh! There are so many,” Ishaan started counting on his fingertips. “She’s had a long term crush on Hrithik Roshan, Chris Hemsworth and another guy whose name I can’t recall now. If you look at these men carefully, they all have a common trait and that is – they’re tall!”

“Ohh, that is why she fell for Bhai because he is tall!” Sia and Ishani teased together.

Vansh burned in envy. He almost fell like rounding all of her crushes up in a line before him.

In the next round, the bottle landed on Vansh. He made a face.

“Truth or dare?” asked Sia.


Sia rubbed her hands in glee. “Oh! I’ve a very interesting dare for you. You need to kiss Riddhima!”

Ishani and Ishaan howled together, while Riddhima and Vansh looked on stunned.

“And mind you, don’t shush us by giving a mere peck here and there. We need a full blown ‘proper’ kiss,” grinned Ishani.

“You guys have gone mad!” Vansh grumbled.

Riddhima backed him up. “Exactly! Why can’t you ask him to perform any other stunt as a dare? Tell him to jump from the third floor or something like that, but not this. Why are you punishing me for his dare?”

“This is not punishment, my love, but this is called romance. And you don’t need to do anything. Whatever has to be done, Bhai will do it. However if you also want to do ‘something’ in return we won’t stop you!” Sia winked at her.

Vansh and Riddhima looked at each other. She signed him no.

Precap :
Vansh pulls Riddhima and she falls on top of him. “Do you love me? Yes or no?” he asks.

Riddhima’s spy mode begins yet again.
She finds Angre and his men secretly taking someone to the hospital.

Somebody tries to attack on Riddhima in the process.

Hello everyone! That is it for today guys. Do vote and comment below.

Peace out!

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