The bedroom in which Riddhima and Ishaan were allotted was so huge, that ten more people could easily live in there. It was lodged with two king size beds, two study tables, two wardrobes, literally two of everything. The room was divided in two halves with a curtain divider in the middle which could be drawn or raised as and when required. Riddhima decided to occupy the left half of the room while Ishaan took the other.
“I don’t like Anupriya Aunty a bit,” said Ishaan making a face. “The way she scolded us was so uncalled for. I’m telling you, she’s the female version of Hitler!”
“You don’t understand anything, do you? Anupriya Aunty told us off only on Vansh’s saying,” said Riddhima untangling the knots from her hair.
“Yes. Vansh is the head of this family. Whatever happens here happens only in according with his wish. The entire time he was staring at us as if he would eat us up alive. So you can say that by berating us, Aunty actually indirectly saved us from Vansh’s wrath instead,” said Riddhima. “To avoid any further drama, I guess we would be better off if we go through that damn rule book and take care to follow them.”
Ishaan threw the book towards her. “Here, read it. Anyways you are very well experienced in reading fat books. Like your medical ones.”
“Fine, I’ll do it” she grumbled while flipping the pages.
Rule 1 : Breakfast and dinner will be served at sharp 8am and 8pm respectively. Grace period of a mere five minutes will be provided, after which no food will be served to the offender as a means of punishment.
Rule 2 : Each and every person is supposed to be back in the mansion by 7.30pm, beyond which the gates will be shut and the offender will have to spend the entire night outside the premises. Only those who have a valid reason, will be excused.
Rule 3 : Everyone is supposed to retire to their respective bedrooms by sharp 10.30pm. No bedroom lights should be seen turned on beyond 11pm.
Rule 4 : Entering the backyard is prohibited.
Rule 5 : Entering VR’s study and bedroom without permission is prohibited.
Rule 6 : Entering anyone else’s bedrooms without permission is also prohibited.
Rule 7 : Touching or playing VR’s personal piano is not allowed.
Rule 8 : Red roses are strictly not allowed anywhere in and around the premises.
Rule 9 : Whenever going anywhere, make sure that your whereabouts are known to atleast one family member.
Rule 10 : Keeping in touch with the police or the likes, is strictly prohibited.
Rule 11 : (For non family members) Getting involved in any of the members’ personal lives, is strictly forbidden.
All rules are to be followed sincerely, in the absence of which, punishment would be awarded to the offender.
“What on earth is this? Is this a house even or a military training academy?” asked Ishaan.
“Well, if I’m not wrong, you were the one who were super thrilled to stay here. What happened now, huh? All of our excitement has vanished into thin air?” teased Riddhima.
“You know what according to me, the worst thing is that we won’t get to eat if we turn up late to the meals. Just imagine, no food at all for the day. I’ll die of hunger this way!” said Ishaan holding his stomach.
Riddhima laughed at his antics. “Yeah, yeah, I know how you absolutely cannot live without food and video games of course.”
She grew serious. “But some of the rules are outright stupid. Like what problem does he exactly have with red roses? Either he must be allergic to them, or else he’s a complete psycho. And what is that rule about not contacting the police? Either it is his dislike for them, or he has done something that is making him afraid of them. And…”
She turned to see that Ishaan had already fallen asleep. The clock on the table struck eleven. She quickly turned off the lights and tried to fall asleep.
Riddhima was used to sleeping really late at night. Most of the time, she would be awake till 1am, either studying or surfing on the net. And now this sudden change of pattern was making her very restless. She tried hard to shut off her mind and venture into the world of dreams, but it was beginning to seem like an almost impossible task. For the next two hours, she continued to toss and turn in her bed. Suddenly she saw someone pass by her bedroom through the small gap below the door.
“Who can it be at this hour of night?” she thought. She later chided herself, “Maybe I have to stop reading all those thriller novels. I’m growing weary at the smallest thing. Maybe it was someone who just wanted to pour himself a glass of water or something.”
The next morning, Riddhima was surprised to see Ishaan wide awake much before her.
“I cannot get late or else I’ll have to miss VR mansion’s delicious breakfast,” explained Ishaan.
Everyone was in time for the breakfast. Nandu sat beside Riddhima. “Good morning, Riddhima Aunty,” she said.
“Good morning, Nandu,” replied Riddhima with a smile.
“Mrs. D’souza, start serving us,” ordered Vansh.
“Ohh no, French beans! I just hate them,” said Nandu as Mrs. D’souza put a whole spoonful of French beans in her plate.
Vansh scowled at her. “Nandu! Eat whatever is served in your plate. I don’t want any tantrums. Plus, they are very healthy.”
“But, Papa, I can’t possibly eat them. They taste like dirty socks!” said Nandu. Riddhima tried to stifle a laugh when she heard this.
“Nandu!” said Vansh angrily. “Do not argue with me. I want you to finish everything that is there on your plate. And by everything, I mean everything.”
Nandu put her head down and decided to quietly do what she was being asked to. When she stuffed a morsel into her mouth, she started choking upon it and felt like puking. She had no idea how she was going to finish off those nasty beans.
“You don’t like these, do you?” whispered Riddhima.
Nandu shook her head.
“Let’s do one thing. I’ll finish my food real quick and then we exchange our plates when no one’s watching, okay?” said Riddhima.
Nandu’s sad face suddenly started glowing. “Yes, yes,” she whispered excitedly.
When Vansh and the others were busy in discussing about some impending party, Riddhima quickly did the deed and winked at her.
“Mrs. D’souza, can you please serve me those?” asked Nandu pointing to a bowl of crispy potato wedges.
“First finish the beans,” said Vansh without even looking.
“But I already ate them, Papa,” said Nandu showing her empty plate to him. “Papa, I’m a good girl right?”
Vansh nodded in approval. “Mmmm,” he simply said.
When Vansh had finished his food, he turned towards Riddhima and said, “After you’re done, come to my study. We need to talk.”
Riddhima looked at him questioningly. “But why?”
He ignored her question and left for his study.
“Come in, Riddhima,” said Vansh sitting casually in his comfy chair.
“It’s good you called me. Actually even I wanted to talk to you abou something,” she said.
“Sit,” ordered Vansh.
“No, I’m alright….actually….”
“I said, sit,” he said, this time in a tone firmer than before.
Riddhima clenched her teeth. She hated being ordered around like that, but she decided it was better to not get into an argument with him. She sat down opposite him.
Just then Aryan barged in. “Bhai, I need to talk to you something really important.”
“Where are your manners, young man?” said Vansh angrily. “Can’t you see I’m busy with Riddhima at the moment?”
“Bhai, if it wasn’t urgent, I wouldn’t have even disturbed you both,” said Aryan, pointedly looking towards both of them. “As far as Riddhima is concerned, I don’t think she’ll mind waiting a few minutes outside the study.”
“Yes, I don’t mind. I’ll come back after some time,” said Riddhima almost standing up from the chair.
“No, Riddhima you won’t go anywhere. Remain seated,” said Vansh. “As far you Aryan, whatever you want to tell me, tell me in front of her itself.”
Aryan protested. “But Bhai, how can I discuss in front of her? It’s a bit personal you know…”
“If you want to talk to me right now, do it in front of her or better get lost,” said Vansh irritatedly. “Do not waste my precious time. I’m not jobless like you.”
Aryan sucked in his ego and began, “Bhai remember how you had revoked my credit cards?”
“What about that?” asked Vansh.
“Well, it’s been more than a month, and I really want you to reactivate my cards,” said Aryan.
Vansh stood up and went upto his cousin. Looking into his eyes, he asked, “Aryan, how much money you had lost in the bet?”
Aryan looked awkwardly. “Thirty lakhs,” he said quietly.
“What? I couldn’t hear what you just said. Can you please speak a bit louder?” said Vansh.
“Thirty lakhs,” said Aryan clearly this time.
“Exactly. Thirty lakhs it is. Thirty has a three in it. So your cards will be activated only after three months,” said Vansh.
“Wait what kind of logic is that?” asked Aryan angrily.
Riddhima was feeling uncomfortable listening to this conversation. But she couldn’t help it and continued sitting there.
“The same logic with which you lost this large sum of money in a stupid bet!” growled Vansh.
“Large sum of money? Like seriously Bhai? You’re the proud owner of atleast a five hundred million dollars, and yet here you are, bickering with me for a mere thirty lakh rupees. Wow!” said Aryan clapping his hands.
“Be it thirty lakhs or thirty rupees, do not forget that all of it belongs to me, which I have been able to earn with a lot of hard work,” said Vansh. “But an idle person like you cannot understand the value of money. Come to me after three months are completed.”
“But Bhai….”
“Aryan, if you don’t to get insulted further in front of this young lady, leave right now,” said Vansh showing him the door.
Aryan couldn’t believe his luck. He had been disrespected in front of the very girl for whom he had made a number of plans to impress. Without a further ado, he left from there.
“So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?” said Vansh taking his seat.
“Hmm, but you wanted to talk about something too,” said Riddhima.
“You go first,” said Vansh.
“Alright. Actually I wanted to ask you if you can allow me to use the outhouse. Back in my house, I used to give tuitions to young children, and I wanted to continue giving them here as well. You see, it ensures good money,” said Riddhima.
Vansh stayed quiet for a while. “From now onwards you needn’t worry about any money at all. Resign from your other job as well.”
“But I need the money to pay Ishaan’s school fee which is due next month,” said Riddhima.
“I’ll pay that,” said Vansh. “I’ll take care of your and Ishaan’s education and other finances from hereon. You needn’t waste your time, doing these odd jobs. I’d rather you concentrate on your own studies. Studying medicine is not a joke.”
“But we had only discussed about us staying here. There wasn’t any talk about any money,” she protested.
“Why did you get into a medical college? For becoming a doctor, I suppose right? Then you only imagine what kind of a doctor you would become by bunking almost all of your lectures,” said Vansh. “Keep your self-respect and ego aside, and think about your future. Do not worry about the money. I’ll take care of it.”
“But Mr. Raisinghania, I’m still not fully convinced.”
“Okay, let me ask you a question. Is helping someone who is in need a wrong thing to do?” asked Vansh.
“No,” she said.
“If helping someone is not a wrong deed, then logically speaking, taking someone’s help would also not be wrong,” he said.
Riddhima thought for a while. Maybe he was right after all. It had been her childhood dream to become a doctor and serve the society. But by exhausting herself in this way, could she ever aim to become a good doctor?
“Okay,” she said. “But I’ll return all of your money once I complete my MBBS and start earning.”
“You don’t need to,” said Vansh casually. “I wouldn’t become penniless by spending few lakhs on you both.”
“I know, Mr. Raisinghania that you have a business empire worth 500 million dollars and few lakhs mean nothing to you. But for someone who earns few thousands, these lakhs mean everything to her,” said Riddhima. “You had also returned all the money you had taken from my Papa. So even I’ll do the same. I’ll return all of your money that you spent upon us, that too with interest.”
Precap : Riddhima is parking her scooty in the parking lot when someone suddenly grabs her hand, pulls her to a corner and pushes her against a wall. She is shocked when she sees who it is.
That is it for today guys. Hope you liked this update. If you do, do not forget to comment below. Question for you all :
Who do you think is the person in the precap grabbing her hand in that way?
Kabir or Aryan?
Well I’m not saying anything as of now. You could be right though.
Was eagerly waiting for this
Aww it makes me really happy. Thank you Anjali
Awesome episode…waiting for next episode
Thank you so much R.N. Really glad that you liked it
Awesome episode I think so it’s Kabir or Aryaan eagerly waiting for next update
Thank you dear. Lets see if your guess is right or not in the next update.
Awesome episode
Thank you
Episode was superb!
Such rules..!!are Strict And boring also..
At night if I see someone passing through the door..I will use my most protective weapon BLANKET
Nandu and Riddhima are gonna to have a very strong and friendly bond in future I guess..
I am loving this Riddhima who didn’t easily accepted vansh’s proposal of helping her in one go! could be either Vansh or Aryan..
Thank you so much Astha
Rules are meant to be broken and I feel Riddhima will definitely break these rules.
High five. Even my weapon att night my weapon is my blanket. Lol.
Awsm yaar loved it veryyyyy muchhhh.

Thank you so much Rianshai
. Means a lot to me.
Post soon
Will try to update soon.
The person could be aryan… Awesome episode
.. Waiting for the next one
Thank you so much Shivangi
. Lets see if your guess is right or not in the next chapter.
I re-read this chapter after publishing it, and I found so many grammatical mistakes. My mind was in some other time frame today I guess. And this website not allowing us to edit after publishing, doesn’t help at all. So really sorry for all the errors.
Amazing! Is vr mansion a house or a jail? those rulers are too much.
Thank you Sandra
. Yes this mansion is no less than a jail lol.
Superb literally

Thank you so much Tanya
Now I can’t wait after reading the precap… Pls post soon pls pls pls
I’ll try to update soon Aarushi
Vansh or Aryan it is and I guess bcoz she was late
We’ll soon find out in the next chapter. Until then stay tuned dear.
Wow amazing

. It’s really super 

. I think the person is vansh or Aryan. Thanks for updates 

. keep rocking dear you and your updates 

. Iam waiting for your next updates 

Thank you so much Jayashree
. We’ll see in the next chapter if your guess turns out to be right or not.
So nice updates
Thanks for updates
Thank you Priyadharshini
It’s really super and awesome

Waiting for next one
Thanks a lot JJ
Wow fabulous

Thanks for updates
Keep rocking
Thank you so much VKJHP
Who is it dear. Nice update. Take care
Thank you Amna
. You’ll come to know in the next update. Till thrn you take care too.