Haiiii guyzzz….thnqqq so muchhhh for ur sweet comments and wonderful support…I m feeling so happy to see them like this but sorry to say that within few days I can’t give you regular updates as I will be busy with some other work..So till then I will give you 2 epi regularly…trust me when I get free time I will upload it…hope you understand…and today’s epi is combined part of 4 & 5…so coming to the story…
Rachu gets shocked hearing this. She asks how can bhai be so cruel to bhabi? Is that priya more important than bhabi?
Anjali: even I tried to convince chote many times but he never listened to me.
Rachu: I didn’t like what bhai have done to bhabi and it’s their problem he shouldn’t have involved in their problem. Now they also got separated.
Anjali: yes chote did a mistake.
Rachu: I came na let’s do something and unite them.
She nods.
Other side
Aakash gets shocked and says oh no!! How can bhabi trust her words and proofs so blindly? She know about bhai na I can’t believe this?
Aaliya: yes but when she committed suicide in front of bhabi so she thought like that.
Aakash: is she mad or what? Because of her two pairs got separated. Who is that asr? How can he leave his wife for 3rd person? I just hate him.
Aaliya: relax aakash she is his school friend so he felt she is right there is no one mistake here only priya did all these.
Aakash: ok I m going to find the truth and unite them.
Aaliya feels happy.
Later he comes to his room and calls rachna.
Aakash: hello rachu
Rachna: ha aakash
Aakash: what happened rachu? Why are you like that?
Rachna: just now I came to know about our families.
Aakash: yeah even I heard.
Rachna: feeling so sad for your bhai and my bhabi. We have to do something.
Aakash: yes you don’t worry I will find some way and unite them.
Rachna: thnq so much aakash.
Aakash: what rachu ur saying thanks to me? I don’t want thanks need something more than that.
She gets shy and says love u aakash. He smiles and says love u too rachu. He cuts the call.
Pragya comes to rachna room with juice. Rachu thinks I have to find whether pragya di still have feelings for abhi jiju.
Rachu: di!!!
Pragya: ha rachu
Rachu: what will jiju do? Where is he now?
Pragya face turns to pale and thinks about abhi. Rachu observes this.
Rachu: what happened di?? Tell me.
Pragya tries to say something. Rachna says wait di I’ll come and leaves to washroom meanwhile rachu mobile rings. it’s ringtone is abhi’s song. Pragya stares at her mobile and touches it lovingly.
She at once remembers about priya and takes her hand back. She runs to her room. rachna observes this and thinks this mean di still have feelings for jiju. I have to use this situation.
In mehra mansion
Abhi sits in his room and left in pragya’s thoughts. Aakash comes there.
Aakash: bhai!!!
Abhi: ha aakash
Aakash: I came to know about bhabi and khushi. why bhai you didn’t try to convince bhabi?
Abhi: how can I convince her aakash? She is not in a position to listen anything as pragya died in front of her.
Aakash: that’s right but at least you should have tried to find about priya.
Abhi: whatever I find pragya doesn’t trust me so I didn’t make any trials but I have concert at delhi I will go and talk to her once.
Aakash: ok bhai! I will come with u.
Abhi: you?
Aakash: yes bhai. Don’t say no I will help u.
Abhi agrees. He leaves from there.
Later khushi calls everyone for lunch. They all sit. She starts serving everyone with affection. They all stare continuously and feel pity for her. They all start eating meanwhile khushi serves kheer to abhi and say you know what bhayya this is arnav ji’s favorite. He used to eat this more when I cook for him. She comes to her senses at once and leaves from there sadly.
Abhi gets sad. He washes his hand and leaves from there. Aakash and aaliya feels bad. They look at each other. Aaliya goes to khushi and aakash goes to abhi.
Aaliya sees khushi crying. She goes near her.
Aaliya: khushi I can understand your pain pls don’t cry like this.
Khushi hugs aaliya and cries more. She consoles her.
Aaliya: if you cry like this bhai gets sad. Trust him he will make everything normal again.
Khushi: I have trust on abhi bhayya but I m feeling bad that arnav ji gave her more importance than me. he didn’t even try to listen once.
Aaliya: I can understand khushi don’t feel bad he will realize it and invite you back. Now stop crying and come to have lunch.
She agrees.
Aakash goes to abhi’s room. He observes him sitting sad. He places his hand on abhi’s shoulder.
Aakash: bhai!!!
Abhi: did you see how she is struggling for his love? I’m only responsible for her pain.
Aakash: bhai!! Don’t think like that.
Abhi: no aakash she treated me like her own bro but what I gave her in return. No I can’t see her like that anymore.
Aakash: relax bhai. I can understand but you don’t try to do anything in hurry as it’s not a small issue. If we convince bhabi then arnav will accept khushi.
Abhi: yes I have to meet pragya first.
One day, aakash calls rachna and informs their arrival to delhi. She gets happy. He asks her to bring pragya to concert. She gets shocked and refuses to bring her. He somehow convinces and makes her agree. She says ok and cuts the call.
She thinks aakash is asking me to bring pragya di to concert but how can i? if she listen his name she won’t come that’s for sure and what if bhai come to know this? he will kill me. what to do now? I will ask shyam jiju. She goes to shyam.
Rachna: jiju
Shyam: ha rachu what?
Rachna: I need a help from u.
Shyam: help? What is that?
Rachna tell him everything. Shyam gets tensed.
Shyam: oh no! This is a big thing if arnav comes to know this trust me he won’t leave anyone.
Rachna: even I m also scared of that only but we should do something na.
Shyam: yes. Let me think.
He gets an idea and shares it with rachna. She says it’s good but what about di?
Shyam: you don’t worry I will talk to rani ji and convince her.
Abhi goes to aaliya and asks to take care of khushi as he is going to delhi. She asks him not to worry. He asks her not to tell khushi that he is going to raizada mansion. She agrees. Both aakash and abhi leave to delhi.
Other side
Anjali: shyam ji! No if rachu and pragya go to abhi’s concert chote will get anger.
Shyam: I know that rani ji but we have to do something na to unite them.
Anjali: of course but
Shyam: don’t think anything arnav doesn’t get to know about this. both rachu and pragya will go to that concert.
She agrees.
Aakash calls rachna and asks whether they are coming or not.
Rachna: wait aakash I haven’t yet convinced di. But I will try to bring her there.
Aakash: ok intimate me after talking to her.
She says ok and cuts the call.
Rachna sees pragya reading newspaper. She calls anjali and says di today I m going to concert. Can you join me?
Anjali: what rachu? You know na I don’t have interest on them.
Rachu: pls di! it will be bore if I go alone so come with me.
Anjali: no rachu I have some other work.
Rachu requests her more. Pragya listens this.
Pragya: what happened rachu?
Rachu: today I m going to concert di when I was in us I used to go with my friends but here I don’t have any friends so calling di to accompany me but she is refusing.
Pragya thinks and without knowing its abhi’s concert she agrees to go with her.
Rachu gets so happy and hugs her. pragya leaves from there. Rachna gives hi5 to anjali.
Later she calls aakash and informs this. he gets happy and thinks this is the best time to make them talk. He cuts the call and thinks I shouldn’t inform this to bhai as he will be surprised to see bhabi there.
Both rachna and pragya reaches there. Aakash and rachna share eye talk. Pragya waits to see. At once abhi reaches stage. Pragya gets shocked to see abhi. Abhi too sees her and gets shocked. He is surprised to see her. He thinks how she came there as she hates him. They both look at each other in pain.
Pragya thinks to leave from there. She turns to leave but rachna stops her.
Rachna: di! what happened?
Pragya: nothing rachu. I’m not feeling good.
Rachna: don’t worry di. Listen to his songs you will get relief and forget everything.
Pragya: what?
Rachna: I mean you will feel better.
Pragya: but rachu…
Rachna: don’t say anything di. he is a famous rockstar and I m a huge fan of him. You know what di he is so handsome and has a great voice that everyone gets attracted to him.
Pragya gets jealous and gives annoyed look. Aakash observes this and smiles.
Abhi starts singing love songs staring at pragya. pragya remembers their marriage and some cute moments with abhi. She gets emotional and tears roll from her eyes. Abhi observes this and feels her pain. Suddenly she remembers priya’s death and gives an angry look to abhi. Show ends. Pragya leaves from there. Abhi tries to follow her but fans surround him for autograph.
Aakash asks rachna to do something and stop pragya. pragya runs towards lift rachna comes to her and stop.
Rachna: di! What happened? Why are you crying?
Pragya: rachu plzz don’t ask me anything. Let me go.
Rachna: wait di. I m really worried and don’t understand why are you crying.
Abhi clears the crowd and rushes to pragya. pragya observes this and moves towards lift. Rachna lies to pragya di its not working come lets go through steps. Pragya doesn’t listen to her and gets inside lift. She presses the button. Abhi stops it and enters inside.
Meanwhile aakash goes from there and presses the emergency stop button. Rachu comes to aakash.
Rachu: hey aakash! What you did?
Aakash: I have stopped the lift so that they will talk to each other.
Rachu: oh no! I think they will fight. Let’s plan some other.
Aakash: no this is the right plan they will get privacy to talk to each other.
Rachna gets worried. Aakash smiles.
Epi ends here…I wish you guyzzz don’t feel anykind of bore or drag…I hope you like this epi…
Riyashri thnqqq so muchhh for such a sweet comment…I thought u will feel bore but I m happy that u loved it and still praising me…so sweet of u…keep supporting…love u…
sam it won’t happen in real kb as pragya can’t hurt abhi even he commits mistake that is why he is alwayzz getting a chance to insult her…and thnqq so much for ur sweet comments…keep supporting..
monesha ur right its waste to watch real kb as lead roles always don’t get what they deserve and evil alwayzz win over good. So its good we don’t talk much about that…thnqq so much…keep supporting..
Blossom this story is completely different from season 1 u will come to know what’s that in upcoming epi..be patient will start it soon…thnqq so much…keep supporting as alwyzzz…
Varsha don’t get sad they will unite soon and this won’t happen in real kb as writers give importance to proofs than trust..lolll…thnqq so much for ur swt comnt..keep supprtng…
Sandhya don’t be sorry I can understand and very happy that ur reading it when u get time…thnqq so much…keep supporting as alwyz…
Varsha venkat u can ask me anything and don’t feel like that ur really a very nice person…feel free to ask ur doubts…thnnq so much for lovely comment…keep supporting…
Chandana very hpy to see ur comment…thnqq so much for such a sweet cmnt…keep supporting like this…
Paru thnqqq so muchhh for such a lovely comment…feeling so happy to see ur comment like this and will start thriller track soon…keep supporting…love u…
Suha omg sis I didn’t expect such an amazing words from u…i m really blessed to get showered in ur love…a big big thank uuuuu for this affection on me and hope it remains alwaysss…keep supporting…lovee uuu so muchhh…
Nirmal very nice and funny too…even I’ll enjoy this kind of torture as I expect comments from u guyzzz…thnqqq so much…keep reading & commenting…
Angel I will kill u…i said you story as you don’t reveal anything in comments but what are you doing? crazy guy… and yes misunderstanding come no to break the relationship but make it more strong than before those who understand this…they will have a wonderful bond with their partners…anywyzz thnqq so much…keep supporting..
Priya don’t feel bad its not u but just an imaginary character…thnqq so much…keep supporting…
Di, sonika, tarun, twinkle, prathi, apps, shravya, pavani, asmitha, gayatri, neeru, siri, cutepie achu, abhigya, khushi, monesha, naina, blossom, varsha, vaishu, sandhya, divya, angita, loli, arshi, mannat, ria, ranveer, fan of ff, jo, durga, sharaya, sweety, nasima, kavya, pavithra, paru, suha, hari, sonu, meenu, nirmal, angel, ammu, priya, sugan….thnqqq so muchhhhhh guyzzzz…I know u all are feeling sad for arshi and abhigya but don’t worry they will unite soon…and feeling so happy to see ur comments as I was missing some of them comments but they commented to my surprise…lovee u guyzzz…keep supporting like this…byee…
A bit sad but I know you will unite thembut make it little early .today’s ffs r really good keep shinning like stars
Amazing episode.loved it . waiting for next episode??????????
Simply Superb.I’m a silent reader.But today I could’nt stop myself from commenting on you’r ff..You are the best
Superb. Love it. But feeling sad that you are going to post it irregular. Anyways i will wait for your ff.
Hai sweety…today epi was nice….i hope prags didn’t create an scene… accept abhi…and I love the relationship between Khushi and Abhi yaar so nice…When Abhi caring for Khushi wow what a scene?….love u sweetheart ?…
Super i love it and waiting for abhigya scene tomorrow. Update asap. Love u
Just now i read all epi this ff is really amazing…i love this ff so much and waiting for next epi…
suprrrrrrrrrrr epiiiii diiiii egarlyyy waitng fr te nxt epiiiiii………..
Excellent darling…very excited for abhigya’s scene and their reunion…keep going darling…
unite them soon yaaaaaaa
Awesome yar. I m waiting for your horror track. Start it soon. Love you and this ff.
Awesome episode….waiting for the next part…..
Superb episode but you know this was still sad like the previous episode.arshifan pls unite arshi and abhigya before the thriller and start biting our nail,as usual you rocked the screen .good luck and its OK if you can’t give regular episode.thank you soo muchh for the double dip
You know what sis.. the thing i most love is the way you reply to your fans.. i am addicted to your ff more than real kkb.. not only me. My bro two.. and both of us love your ff to the core.. write a book yaar.youll famous like JK… pls god.. give strength to my creative sis to write more more wonderful ffs.i ll rate your ff with ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★……. (unlimited stars)
You r the best.. love you sis. Take care…
Extraordinary as usual. I hope the pairs unite soon. When r u starting ur horror track
Awesome episode!!!!! Really sisy please tell me how u manage to give such wonderful episodes…. I hope Aakash & Rachna’s plans unite these couples….. & don’t worry sisy if u hv work u can, u also hv personal life so concentrate on ur personal life…. Here everyone is ur frnd or sister so I m sure they vill understand… Wenever u r unable to post v miss ur ff badly bt still can understand ur situation too…. Anyway like always daily give such marvelous episodes…. I applaud u for ur great work…

God bless you…
Take care…
Always b happy & keep smiling…
Stay blessed, healthy & safe from all evils….
May u achieve all the success in life…
Love you sisy…
Awesome episode …. and don’t worry we will manage without ff… but pls update when you get free. …. love you ends your ff
Superb…. But feeling sad … unite them soon pls
Nice episode yaar… Don’t say thanks yaar… We will always support you… Small small fights and separations makes relationship stronger.. ????
who is priya? hate her… she is separate two couple..
today… really interesting…
Superb! Will always support u so no worries!?
Superb episode..
Upload soon..
Abhigya will realize love soon I guess
Amazing di…really its so interesting and waiting for next epi…
Superb and i guess everything will be fine in next epi. Waiting for next epi. Update soon.
Wow… in hope.once they talk face to face their misunderstanding may clear…
I hate asr she give more important priya than khushi…
Waiting for their reunion…
Omg I am jumping here and there after reading your ff it was awesome thanks for giving two episodes. I can understand your situation don’t worry we will wait for ur ff very patiently Bcoz this is special ff for all you can upload whenever you are free till then your crazy fan will wait here love you a lot
Oh so sad to see my khushi in pain. Pls unite arshi. And nice epi.
Awesome and waiting for horror track. Start it soon and pls update next epi soon.