Fan Fiction

IPKKND i love you !!!!!! Epi-6

Hi guys!! This is ammu. Thanks a lot for your comments… Your comments really brought

a smile on my face..

The story begins.

Precap:: kushi nose is bleeding..

Raman: ishu kushi is bleeding..

Ishita: I hope sanky shouldn’t come here…

Sanskar: y ishu I should not come here??

Everyone is shocked by sanskar ‘s entry..

Kunj:: vo sanky .. Kushi…

Sanskar : where is kushi..

Everyone moves and sanskar sees kushi lying with her nose bleeding.

Kunj: Raman let’s take her to the hospital..

Kunj,Raman,sanskar ,ishita and twinkle rush kushi to the hospital..

They admit her to the hospital..

Sanky breakdown..

Twinkle: sanky pls be strong…

Sanskar sits like a human without a soul..

Raman: sanky we need to buy some medicines for kushi ..come with me na

They leave..

Twinkle messages this to arnav..

Arnav replies which hospital??

Twinkle:: we are in the first floor..

Arnav understands that kushi is admitted in the same hospital.

Arnav rushes to meet kushi..

Ishu: arnav please don’t go

Arnav: ishu..but..

Twinkle: arnav ishu is right..

Arnav: pls ishu understand..

Ishita: if sanky knows that you are the reason for kushi’s illness he will really get mad..

He will kill you…

Ishita turns and is shocked to see sanky standing behind..

Arnav turns…

Sanskar slaps arnav…

Sanskar: please let my sister to live ….

Arnav: sanky… Vo…

Sanskar: please leave arnav… I don’t want to make a scene here.

Kunj: arnav come na and he takes arnav..

Sanskar and Raman goes to meet the doctor..

Sanskar:: doctor how is kushi…

Doctor: Sanskar kushi is weak and I feel she is having some stress.

Raman: doctor vo..

Doctor: whatever might be.. Try to make her feel happy..

Sanskar: thanks doctor..

Sanskar comes out and starts thinking about the happy days of kushi..

Tears fill in sanskar’s eyes..

Twinkle: I will bring everything back to normal…

Precap: arshi romance

Hope u guys like it…please do comment .if you want ask anything post ur questions at

the comment box….


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