Is it really love?? (RIANSH) Episode 35: First Impression, Worst Impression!!

Hello everyone!!

I am really sorry for two things:

  • Not being able to reply to the comments since it was a long day and couldn’t write them. But I read all!
  • No RIANSH scenes. Please have a day and tomorrow definitely you’ll find them.

Just one thing:

I am happy that all of you liked the episode and please keep supporting and reading 💯.  And a statement was common for most that was ‘RIANSH SCENES’ to which I am sorry, I wanted to cover up something else. But tomorrow pakka

The episode starts as….

At 08:30pm in Riddhima’s house,

Vansh, Kabir, Ishani, Sejal and Sia completed having dinner and were sitting together in the living room. Vansh had Riddhima’s phone in his hand. He hadn’t left the phone anywhere ever since Riddhima had gone without leaving him. Everyone noticed Vansh’s changed behaviour.

Kabir(trying to normalize): Hey, Let’s go for a walk. The dinner was too heavy.

The others understood it was to bring Vansh back to normal. So they cooperated.

Sejal: Exactly! It’s too boring to stay at home. Let’s go.

Vansh: I don’t want to come. I am tired.

Ishani: Come on Bhai! Please! Let’s go!

Kabir: No need to request Ishani. Did you forget you are Vansh Raisinghania’s sister? There’s no request, it’s just a statement or an order.

Sia: Exactly! So Vansh bhai is coming.

Vansh: Do I have a choice?

Sejal: Do you think?

Vansh: No! Let’s go!

Though Vansh was not interested still he tried to show interest and joined them. Everyone understood his effort and went along.

At 09:00pm,

Shaurya, Saanvi, Riddhima and Aryan were heading towards their car after having dinner at a restaurant. Riddhima didn’t consume anything much since she wasn’t hungry. The trio tried to insist her to eat but she was firm in resistance.

Riddhima(suddenly): Oh No! I forgot my purse in the restaurant.

Aryan: Should I get it?

Riddhima: No! Y’all move ahead, I’ll get it and come in 2 minutes.

Saying so, Riddhima returned to the restaurant. She got a purse and turned to go towards the car. On the way back, she slipped, got injured and fainted.

Vansh was walking alone in that lane since the rest were standing a few metres back as they were tired. Vansh noticed someone lying on the road, he ran towards the person. He saw Riddhima lying down injured. He was shocked. He felt weak and bent down too. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He gently kept her head over his lap and patted her cheeks trying to get her back to consciousness but it all went in vain. He thought of getting water for her. He lifted her in his arms and made sit straight with the support of the lamppost. He ran to his friends. They saw him coming running towards them. He came near them.

Kabir: What happened Vansh? What did you see? A ghost?

Vansh: Shut up Kabir! (Looking at Sia) Sia, Get me a bottle of water, FAST!

Sia quickly ran towards the nearest shop to get a bottle of water. She returned back and gave the bottle to Vansh. Vansh took the bottle and ran. Everyone found it weird so they followed his path. Vansh reached the spot where he had kept Riddhima but to his surprise rather must say shock, she wasn’t there. He worried for her. Everyone came behind him and stood there.

Kabir: Now can you please tell us, what happened?

Vansh: Riddhima! Riddhima was here. She fainted and that’s why I asked Sia to get a bottle of water. But now she isn’t here. Where did she go?

Looking at Vansh’s state, they understood that he was speaking the truth. They all walked a few steps ahead to search for her. And then suddenly they saw someone carrying Riddhima in his arms and heading towards a car. Everyone runs behind that person but it gets late since the person already sat in the car and drove off. Vansh felt broken and fell down. Ishani came next to him trying to calm him down.

Vansh(tearful): It’s all my fault! I shouldn’t have left her alone.

Ishani: No bhai it’s not! We’ll try to find her.

Sejal: Yes! And we can! I noted down the car’s number.

Kabir: That’s great! We should file a police complaint then.

Everyone rushes to the police station and informs the police about the scenario that took place. Sejal hands over the car’s number to them while they assure them that the kidnapper will be in front of them within 24 hours. Everybody goes back to their house and sleep but do not get sleep as they are all tensed for Riddhima.

At 11:00pm in Shaurya’s house,

Riddhima lies on bed while Saanvi is sitting next to her. Shaurya splashes a few drops of water on Riddhima to wake her up and this time she does. Riddhima just opens her eyes and Saanvi hugs her. She gets back later and..

Saanvi: You don’t listen to me. Didn’t I tell you to have anything but you have never ending topics to talk about that you couldn’t even eat. Now quietly eat without uttering a word.

Shaurya: Let her come back to her senses.

Saanvi: YOU SHUT UP!

Aryan came back to the room with food for Riddhima. He handed over the plate to Saanvi and stood besides Shaurya. Saanvi started feeding Riddhima. As she was feeding her, Riddhima felt her eyes moist. For how long she wanted to eat with her Mom’s hand? It’s a dream come true situation. She couldn’t ask for anything better than this. She wanted to cry but she knew if she did then her Mom too wouldn’t control herself. Saanvi fed her and left the room along with Shaurya asking Riddhima to take rest. After they went Aryan came and sat next to Riddhima.

Aryan: You never listen to us! You fainted on the way yaar!

Riddhima: And how did you know that?

Aryan: *Explain*

Flashback starts-

Shaurya, Saanvi and Aryan are waiting for Riddhima near the car. It’s been quite long since she didn’t return back.

Shaurya: I’ll go and check. Y’all wait here.

Aryan: Dad! Let me go! You stay here.

Saying so, Aryan left from there. As he was walking back, he found sitting down on the road, with the support of a lampost. He saw that she was injured. He tried to wake her up but in vain. He quickly lifted her up in his arms and brought her back to Shaurya and Saanvi. They got scared looking at their daughter’s condition and so quickly drove back home.

Flashback ends.

Aryan: So this is how you were found.

Riddhima(confused): Lamppost? As long as I remember I fell down a few inches away from the lamppost. So how did you find me sitting with the support of the lamppost.

Aryan: Can you stop being a detective for yourself? Just forget it and quietly sleep. Good Night!

Aryan left the room while Riddhima still wondered what happened with her back there. After thinking for a while she gave up and fell asleep.

At 09:30am,

Shaurya had come out of the house for some work and was returning back. On the way, he saw a temple and stopped down to visit. He parked his car and went in to thanked God for finally completing his family by returning his daughter to him. And then suddenly he remembered Aryan and was hoping that his intuition is right. Giving thanks he returned back to his car. He was about to sit when someone from back came and dashed his car. The person came out.

Person: Who’s car is this?

Shaurya: It’s mine! And you damaged it.

Person: It’s your fault. You parked it at the wrong place.

Shaurya: How is that my fault when you don’t know to drive?

Sejal, Vansh, Ishani and Sia came back from the temple. They saw Kabir arguing with a man.

Vansh: Kabir, what happened?

Kabir: This man! He doesn’t know to park his car correctly and now he’s blaming me for the accident.

Shaurya: Really? How can you lie outside such a holy place?

Sejal: KABIR! Just give up! Maybe even he’s worried like us.

Kabir: These old men! If you wouldn’t have said anything, I would have taught him a lesson.

Shaurya: If they wouldn’t have interrupted then I would have taught you a lesson.

Vansh: How much do we need to pay for the damage?

Shaurya: Just teach your friend some manners, it’s more than enough.

Vansh: Now you are crossing your limits.

Shaurya: Is it? I don’t think!

Kabir (whispering): One needs a brain. And you lack it.

Shaurya: I heard it well!

Vansh: Good for you! Now either you go or we’ll damage the car more.

Shaurya angrily left from there without saying anything because he knew it’s of no use. Shaurya drove back. And after he left.

Sejal: Oh No!

Vansh: What happened?

Sejal: Did you notice the number plate? It’s the same one from yesterday.

Kabir: Is it? This old man, he deserves to be beaten up.

Vansh: Let’s follow him.

Kabir: I’ll call the cops also. It’s not safe for us to go alone.

Sejal: Okay.

Shaurya in his car(thinks): How ill-mannered children! Luckily Riddhima and Aryan aren’t like them. Being friends with such kids is also not good.

Shaurya with an irritated mood reached home and was surprised to see………….

Precap: Police come at Shaurya’s home along with Vansh, Ishani, Sia, Kabir and Sejal.

Your views:

  1. What does Shaurya get in mind when he watches Aryan along with Riddhima?
  2. Whom did Shaurya meet that made him surprise?

PS: No new characters!

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