Is it really love?? (RIANSH) Episode 52: Still confused! Why?

Hello everyone!!

Replies to comments from previous update:

Hello Shivangi, Yes, the marriage track will start from next episode ❣️

Hello Riaa, Glad to know you enjoyed the episode 🙈 And yes, the marriage track will be from next episode and no dulhan exchange drama🤗. Even I hate it!

Hello Samaira, Thank you 💯 and the marriage track is because of your suggestion so I hope you enjoy it 😙

Hello Diha, Focus on the right and you will succeed🙈

Hello Riansh Lover, It had to happen with the boys 😅 but still it was fun, I hope! And yes, marriage track will start from next episode 🙂

Hello Riansh_fan, Glad to know that you enjoyed the episode 🙈 and yes, marriage track will be there from next episode 🤗

Hello TSA, Haha! Ofcourse, I try my best to be correct with the rituals😅

Hello KV2711, Thank you 💯 and I hope you enjoy the track!

Hello Poojitha, Thank you so much 💯 and I hope you enjoy the episodes 😍 and the track!

Hello AA, Thank you so much 💯. He got his phal😅 and I hope you enjoy the track!

Hello Astha, Glad to know that you enjoyed the episode 🙈 hope you enjoy this too

Hello Nifa, Thank you so much 💯 for understanding! And I hope you enjoy the track 🐱

Hello G_SQUAD, Thank you so much 💯 and I hope even you enjoy the track ☺️

Hello Jayashree, Thank you so much💯 and I understand, everyone’s busy🥺. But I hope you enjoy this episode and the upcoming track😍

Hello SUMISHA, Thank you so much for your wishes 💯 and they mean alot 💕 I hope you enjoy it!

Hello Snow, Thank you so much 💯 and I hope that you enjoy the upcoming track🙈

Hello KK, I really liked your suggestion and would definitely make it work just give me sometime and a few episodes, you would find it here😅 and if you have any more suggestions then you can come up with them. It makes me more happy when y’all too come up with suggestions❤️

The episode starts as…..

In VR mansion at 09:00pm,

Vansh blindfolds Riddhima and gets her to the backyard of the VR mansion. He removes the blindfold, Riddhima opens her eyes and finds the surrounding area all dark. She doesn’t fear since Vansh is near. She looks at him and,

Riddhima: Vansh, what is this? It’s all dark here! Is the darkness your surprise?

Vansh: It will be all bright Riddhima, just wait!

Riddhima: Okay!

Vansh(questioning): Do you love me Riddhima?

Riddhima: Ofcourse Vansh! I love you more than myself!

Riddhima was still looking at Vansh when she felt some light emitting from the side, she turned to her right only to see the word ‘Vansh’ lit up with lights. Riddhima smiled on reading it. Vansh noticed it.

Vansh(questioning): Riddhima would you spend your entire life with me?

Riddhima(Still looking at his word written with lights): Yes Vansh!

The word ‘Loves’ glowed up with lights besides the word ‘Vansh’. She got an even broader smile.

Vansh(questioning): Would you ever leave me if I break down?

Riddhima(upset): I would prefer to die rather than to leave you!

The word ‘Riddhima’ lit up beside ‘Loves’. It made a sentence ‘Vansh Loves Riddhima.’ On reading it, Riddhima jumped out of happiness and hugged Vansh. Vansh reciprocated and after a long hug they stepped back.

Vansh: It’s not done sweetheart!

Riddhima: Means? Is there more of this?

Vansh: Haa!

Vansh offers his hand to dance with Riddhima. She places her hand over his. He snaps his fingers and a song plays ‘ Mere liye tum kafi ho’. As they dance, he twirls her and in whichever direction he twirls her, the lights glow up surprising her each time. At the end he lifts her up and rose petals fall over making her smile and blush. He puts her down and gives a soft kiss on a forehead. She smiles and shies. Vansh takes her along with him to a table which is set for two. There are three scented candles on the table, two small idols of a boy and a girl and one heart between the two. Riddhima smiled on seeing the arrangements.

Vansh: Did you like it?

Riddhima: I love it!

They sit opposite each other and have their dinner, lost in each other’s eyes and reminiscing their moments. And later, Vansh drops Riddhima at her place and comes back home.

In Mehra house,

Riddhima changed her clothes and got into something comfortable. She sat on her bed and lost in Vansh.

Riddhima(to herself): Why do I love you so much? It aches me when I feel to hurt you! You mean the world Vansh and everything you do means alot to me. Even the smallest efforts you do for me, not just my face but my heart and soul also smile. I want to live my entire life with you Vansh but I fear if your love for me would decrease. I won’t be able to take that. I will die the next moment.

Voice: But that would never happen Sweetheart!

Riddhima turned to her balcony and was startled to see Vansh there. She went to him and,

Riddhima: You?

Vansh: Ya!

Riddhima pinched herself and screamed,

Riddhima(loud): Aah!

Vansh: It’s real sweetheart.

Riddhima: Why did you come from the balcony?

Vansh: It’s been many days since I tried something adventurous. So I thought to do this.

Riddhima: Really Vansh? You are my fiance and you have all the rights to enter from the main door.

Vansh: I know that! But still I want my fiance to experience some thrill.

Riddhima: Hmm..

Vansh: And what stupid thoughts you are getting? Have some shame yaar! You are doubting my love! You hurt me!

Riddhima(encircling her arms around his neck): I am Sorry Vansh! I didn’t mean to hurt you or your emotions. But sometimes I just get these stupid thoughts.

Vansh(coming closer to her): Sweetheart, don’t let these overpower my love for you in your heart and mind.

Vansh placed a soft kiss on her forehead which was full of love and left from the balcony leaving her happy, blushing and confused.

Guys! I am really sorry but I won’t be able to post both the fan fictions on the same day. It will be alternately since I am busy with Christmas decorations and sweets preparing and the next episode will be a leap of a year.

I hope y’all understand ☺️

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