Is life all about betrayal? (Episode 5)

Hey guys, how are u all, so sorry i didn’t update you guys but yesterday was my birthday and I became 16 years old so that’s why so let’s continue

The episode starts with……

Anupriya:if u guys feel this event is boring then you guys can leave.

Vansh:no mom,we will stay , won’t we?

Kabir: okay

Aryan: sure

(The show begins and all the models walk on the ramp and Aryan looks at Siya)

Kabir:Aryan, why are u looking at her?

Kabir:hmm okay

(The show is over and judges announced Siya as the winner, Riddhima comes on stage)

Riddhima: congratulations Siya

Siya: thanks di

Ishani: congratulations my adorable monkey.

Siya: thanks gorilla


Ishani:what happened?

Riddhima: something pulled my dress but I am fine.

Ishani:oh God di, your cloth is torn

Riddhima:oh no

(Everyone laughs at Riddhima, Riddhima feels embarrassed and starts crying)

Anupriya: poor girl, I am going to help her.

Kabir:she deserves it, may this incident happen again,so ladies beware this is what happens when a police officer wears dresses like this.

Aryan:I just wished there were more people that are seeing this drama,wait let me record it.

(Vansh snatches Aryan’s phone )

Vansh: don’t ever try that Aryan, imagine we have a younger sister and she is in this condition then how will u feel.

Aryan:I was just joking

Vansh:mom I am going to help her

(Vansh comes on stage and gives Riddhima his blazers)

Vansh:hi take this and cover yourself

Riddhima: thanks

(After the event was over everyone goes home)

(Riddhima’s home)

Riddhima:(crying) why did this happen to me?

Ishani:di, stop crying please

Siya:yes please stop crying

Riddhima:I need to buy something, I will be back soon.

Ishani:no I won’t let u go out, I will buy it for you.

Riddhima: don’t worry, I will be back soon.(she leaves)

(Kabir is at roadside stall,he sees Riddhima)

Kabir:here comes the poor girl

Riddhima: leave me alone

Kabir:nope,not in a good mood (he pulls her dupatta)

Riddhima:how dare you?(she brings a gun out and shoots him) u shouldn’t have messed with me. There is someone who is even smarter than ravan and she is Riddhima Chavan.

Precap-Ishani:di, why did you shoot Kabir,it was not part of the plan

Riddhima:why do u care so much?

Ishani: because he is my…..

That’s all for today hope you enjoyed 💖💝💚🧡🖤💙💛💜❤️

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