Hey foodies ,hope you are safe .We have already imagined sirat as naira but makers are on confusing track according to me .So I decided to write a story on ongoing tracks. 

Their will be no pics for today episode.

The  Story  summary,

Kartik ,Goenka and Singhanias meet sirat – girl is in coma -Businness meeting – Truth -Happy ending.

Note – Singhania and Goenkas are same .Krishna is staying with Goenkas .No Mumbai track , Shubham is dead ,Naitik is in London , Akshara died ,No divorce track of naksh ,Keerti.(Shehzad Shaikh,Harsha Khandeparkar)

If you didn’t understand anything,then ask in comment.

Episode starts

Naira’s body was not founded and was presumed to death .

4 Months Later ,

Every day, every time ,she is coming in his mind ,he has forgotted to live life ,He was living for his kids as he promised Naira .

Fb starts 

After the accident , Kartik was in his room ,he don’t know when he slept ,but actually dreams of Naira’s soul . She was about to tell something but akshi cries and he goes out of room and locks her things in suitcase .” I am  is near you ,We will meet again ,I am not dead .”But Kartik didn’t listen anything.

Fb ends


As usual, Morning in Goenkas with no smile .

Kairav comes running towards Kartik .Akshi was sleeping in her room.

Kairav : Papa , humare school main in.ter..inter school drawing competition hai ,can I participate ?

Kartik : Sure baby ,you should participate.

Kairav : But papa , the competition is in Jaisalmer.

Kartik : What,no Kairav , you shouldn’t go anywhere .

Kairav : Papa ,Vansh bhai is also participating.

Kartik : Hmm..I will tell you afterwards ok.

Kairav : Ok

And Kairav runs to vansh .

Manish : Kartik , you should let him participate .

Kartik : But papa ..

Suwarna: No buts , let him participate.

Kartik: first I will check everything about the competition ,then I will take decision.

Kartik goes in his room to see akshu .

Kairav is seen talking to a photo .

Kairav : Mumma ,why you left me ,akshu and papa alone ? (Cryingly) Pls come back.Papa doesn’t even let me play outside . When you will com , we will make kachoris and drawing together .

Manish was watching all this from behind .

Manish : Kairav ,go and play with vansh .

Kairav  Weeps his tear

Kairav : K ,but will papa say yes for competition .

Manish : Yes definitely, you will go to Jaisalmer.

Scene freezes on Manish’s  Tension face and Kairav’s happy face

In Jaisalmer ,

A girl is seeing boxing .

Rohan : Oye Dushman ,Come maudi is calling you .

Sirat : Coming enemy .

(Mukesh and sheela are in London)

Scene freezes .

In hospital ,(Delhi)

Doctor : Patient is getting critical ,nurse bring medicines .

Nurse : Yes doctor .

Nurse 2 to nurse 3

*Have you found details of this girl*


Scene freezes.

Precap : Sirat or Naira.

I know this episode was just short like a intro . But don’t forget to tell your views in comments .And I will upload my other FFS soon . Sblk will be updated after 1 week .

Take care and read FFS


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