Ishita Raman Pyaar milega dubara love story part 13

Ishita Raman pyaar milaga Dubara part 13
Heloo everyone sorry for the late update I will post everyday from now on my exams have ended and don’t worry ishita death is a new track but ishita isn’t dead there is a track

Scene 1
Ishita: Shagun
Shagun: what should we do
Ishita: I don’t know
Shagun: I left my phone downstairs
The informer hears this and gets ready and goes
Ishita: I have to go downstairs I’ll get it
Ishita is walking
A person appears and stabs her
Ishita falls
Ishita: Raman
Raman comes and sees ishita on the ground and a person
Raman: ishita
Ishita: aaaaaaa
Shagun: ishita
Everyone come and get shocked to see ishita stabbed
Mrs. Bhalla: who stabbed her
Raman: they’re was a person here and it stabed her
Ishita; Raman I don’t think I’m gonna make it
Raman: no
Ishita faints

Scene 2
Raman reaches a hospital with ishita
Doctor: well check her
Raman: please make her fine
Ishita is taken in observation
Doctor: she is in critical
Nurse: Doctor her heartbeat has stopped Doctor: perform CPU now
The doctor performs it
Ishita doesn’t respond
Doctor: she is no more
Raman starts to cry and Ruhi Adi too
Everyone gets shocked
Shagun: I promise not to leave that person I will take ishita revenge
Mrs. Bhalla: we have to find out who did it
Raman: ishita didn’t die she’s alive she has to be

Scene 3
There is another patient in another ward
A girl comes runny
Girl eye are shown
Girl: Mama
Women: who are you
A person comes
Person: she lost her memory beta it will take time
Girl: I’m Mohini
Women: last thing I remember is my name is ishita and that’s all
Women face is shown it’s ishita
Ishita: who are you
Person: I’m your husband your name is Zoya
Ishita: Zoya
Person: my name is karan
Karan eyes are shown
Karan face then
Ishita: I don’t remember anything

Scene 3
Ishita gets discharged while Raman is there crying
Shagun sees ishita
Shagun runs
Shagun: ishita
Ishita leaves with Karan and Mohini
Shagun: I saw ishita she is alive
Ishita reaches a home
Ishita is taken to a room
Karan: sleep and rest
Ishita goes to sleep
In her sleep
Ishita sees Raman
Raman: your my life.
Ruhi: ishima
Ishita wakes up
Ishita: why am I having these dreams
On the other hand

Precap: Shagun in the market clashes with ishita Shagun:ishita 

Spoiler: lookalike in the story

I hope you guys liked this new track

Promo for tomorrow
Shagun is seen walking
Shagun clashes with someone
Ishita: sorry
Shagun: ishita
Ishita: who Is this ishita

Will shagun do anything to make ishita memory comeback or will ishita remember shagun don’t forget to read my story tomorrow


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