Fan Fiction

ISHKARA FF- Life Found Love Once Again- Chapter 27

Thank you very much to all my dearest readers UF, Fenil, Aarti32, Niriha, Nikita Jai29, Ankita27, Sangee, Shilpa, Mahi-ishkara, Riddhima, Prajkta, Isha, Maryam_ishq, Hassi31, Sai for your valuable comments… I’m glad that you all liked the twist I gave in previous chapter… Keep on supporting me like this… Love you all very much.. And special thanks to my silent readers…

Link for previous chapters and IshDev flashback shots:

Let’s go to today’s chapter.. Please ignore the grammatical errors..


Ishana is washing her plate in the kitchen… She could feel Omkara’s presence behind her… But, she ignores it and continue with her work…
Om: Why did you say that??
Ishu: (close the tap and turns to him) What did I say??
Om: Regarding the colors that the girl said…
Ishu: I said the truth only… I agree to wear red for Priyanka’s happiness only… Nothing more than that… (Move to leave)
Om: Your family too loves to see you in colors… I saw their happy faces when you agreed to wear red…
Ishu: I know that… But, you don’t know what really happened that I’m avoiding colors in my life… (Recalls her marriage… Tears are filled in her eyes… She leaves from there before Omkara could ask her)
Om: (to himself) This girl is like a riddle… What she was saying?? I don’t know what really happened to her?? What that means?? Is there something more happened to her?? But, what can be more worse than all of that?? She lost her fiance on her wedding day… That is what they told that day… Or, is she hiding something more than that?? What it could be?? But, why am I worrying a lot about her?? This girl is really affecting me a lot…
Voice: Who is affecting you, handsome?? (Omkara turns and see Karthika smiling at her)
Om: No… It’s nothing…
Karthika: Don’t lie, sir… I know that you don’t like lies… You know something?? If a person did something that he hates the most for someone, that means that someone means a lot for him…
Om: What are you saying?? I don’t understand…
Karthika: See… Again you are lying?? You understand what I’m saying but pretend to not understand… Ask your heart, it will tell you.. (smiles and walks towards the sink to wash her hands and plate… Omkara leaves from there in confused…)

Ranveer’s room
Karthik: I hurt my Ishu ma… She must felt bad…
Ranveer: Sometimes we need to hurt someone for their happiness… You saw how Omkara stood for her… That was what we wanted right??
Karthik: I know that but my heart was killing me when I was saying that words to her…
Ranveer: I too felt like that, Karthik… I would have stop you if Omkara didn’t open his mouth… I was very happy when he stood up for Ishu…
Karthik: Exactly… Remember what he said?? (Imitates Omkara) ‘She will look beautiful in red… You never seen her in red, so you don’t know… Not only red, all colors will look good on her…’ I’m impressed… When you said that they are feeling for each other, I didn’t believe it… Because I know how Ishu maa loves Dev… I thought how someone can forget their first love easily and move on… But, after seeing them, I understand that they are connected to each other more than love… This doesn’t mean that they forget their first love… They still love them deeply… But, this love is something more than that which I didn’t see with Dev…
Ranveer: This is called fate, Ranveer… They are destined to get two true loves in their lives… Not everyone will get this opportunity… Love is beautiful… You will know it when it happens to you…
Karthik: Maybe… But, I didn’t find a right girl for me that will make me mad with her love…
Ranveer: Maybe you found her but you are not realising it… She can be beside you…
Karthik: Really?? Let’s see…
Ranveer: (remembers something) I think we have to tell about you to Priyanka… I promised her to not hide anything from her… I don’t want to break it… In fact, she knows most of the stories… And, she can be helpful for us…
Karthik: Yeah… Sure… At least she will stop from spitting fire on me… (Ranveer laughs)
Ranveer: Right… Ok… Now, go and get ready… We have to go shopping for the party… (Karthik leaves to washroom)

The youngsters except Omkara are getting ready to go for shopping… Annika sees Omkara is leaving somewhere…
Annika: Om, you are going somewhere??
Om: Yes, bhabhi… I’m having some works outside…
Annika: If you finished your work fast, come and join us for the shopping as well…
Om: I will see first, bhabhi… I can’t promise you…
Annika: Ok… I’m not forcing you… (Smiles and leave from there)
Omkara remembered to take his mobile… He walks towards his room and takes his mobile… He is looking at his mobile and he didn’t notice the decoration light wires which are in front of his legs… He tripped and almost fell but a hand holds his arm… He turns and see Ishana… They have a short eyelock… They break the eyelock and look at his leg which is tangles between the wires…
Om: Why these wires are here??
Ishu: I ordered them for the function… But, I don’t know who kept it here… Don’t worry… I will help you…
Om: Please… (Asking her to help… Ishana kneels and tries to untangle the wires… She tries few times but the wires are getting more tangled… She looks at him with worried face… He tries to use his another leg but that leg too get tangled in the wires… Ishana laughs at him…)
Om: I’m stucked here because of you… But, you are laughing at me…
Ishu: (controls her laugh) Sorry… I didn’t mean to… (Again laughs)
Om: Please help me to get out of this…
Ishu: Ok… Ok… (She again tried to untangle the wires… She looks at Omkara but see him smiling thinking about something) Why are you smiling??
Om: I remembered Gauri… Once, she too was tangled in the wires… But that time I don’t know she is Gauri… She disguised as a guy, Chulbul… But, I always have a strange connection with Chulbul… And, Rudra used to tease me as Dostana… In fact, ShiRu were scared to come near me… Then only I knew that Chulbul is none other than Gauri… You know something?? Gauri is a different girl… She loves me and accept me even though I humiliate her a lot… No one can be like her… (Lost in his thought… Ishana just smiles looking at him and continue untangle the wires)
AniSouPri, SwetRanMa and Karthika come that time and shocked to see Omkara stucked between the wires… They go to Ishkara and Ishana tells them what happened… They too help Omkara but failed…
Ranveer: I think we have to cut these wires… No other way… Do you have cutter??
Annika: I’m having one in my room… I’ll go and bring it…
Om: I’m having another one in my room… Soumya, go and get it as well… (AniSou runs from there… Ishana tries again while waiting for them… Swetlana gets a call and goes to attend it… Madhu and Karthika too join Ishana)
Karthika: I think it will be easier if we lift his leg… The wires can be easily removed… (Before anyone could say something, Karthika lift Omkara’s leg… Omkara lose his balance and falls… Ishana is shocked with Karthika’s move and before she could realise, Omkara falls strongly on her and they landed on the floor… Omkara managed to hold her head from hitting the floor… PriRanMa are dumbfounded with the happening… Ishana is in pain but she doesn’t shows it… Omkara realise she is controlling her pain… He wants to get up but he can’t because of the wires… JhaNky come there as well and shocked to see their state…
Pinky: Oh, my maata!! Omkara faster gets up from her… She is in pain having your heavy weight body above hers… I told you to cuts your hair before but you don’t listens to me… Jethaniji, I think his hair must having extra 10 kilos of weight… Poor girl… See how much she controls her pain…
Om: Choti ma, please don’t make fun of me and help us from these…
JhaNky try to lift him but he again falls on Ishana… Ishana screams lightly in pain and try to control her pain… They feel bad looking at Ishana… Ishana feels embarrassed seeing their position… Omkara thinks a while and he got an idea… He placed his hand below Ishana’s back and lifts her slightly… He turns around and makes Ishana above him… Ishana is relieved and thanks him through her eyes… He just blinks his eyes… Ranveer tries to lift Ishana but realised that her legs are tangled with the wires as well… He tries to remove the wires with PriMaKar’s help… AniSou come and shocked to see Ishkara on the floor… They go and help them as well… But, most of the wires are removed by them… So, they don’t have to cut the wires… The wires are removed finally… Ranveer lifts Ishana from Omkara… JhaNky hold her and make her to stand properly… Soumya adjust Ishana’s dress and placed her duppatta on her shoulder… Others help Omkara to get up from his place…
Jhanvi: Are you ok, Ishana?? Did you get any hurt??
Pinky: How she will be fine, jethaniji?? We must takes her to hospital and takes some scans… Her bones might be broken because of this Omkara’s strong body… (All laugh listening to Pinky)
Ishu: No, it’s okay, aunty… I’m fine only… And, he is not that much strong to crush my bones… (In a teasing tone)
Om is surprised with her answer and looks at her but she just smiles teasingly at him… This is first time he saw her smiling in a teasing way… He just lost in her smile… His trance is broken by Madhu’s voice…
Madhu: (to Karthika) Why did you lift his leg like that?? See what happened…
Karthika: (feels bad) Sorry, sir, madam… I just wanted to help you…
Ishu: It’s okay, Karthika… Don’t feel bad… You didn’t do it intentionally…
Om: Right… But, please don’t do like this next time…
Karthika: Ok, sir…
Madhu wanted to scold Karthika but Ishana signs her to not to say anything… Madhu obeys and keep silent… All leave from there except Ishkara… Omkara walks towards Ishana…
Om: So, Miss Ishana, I’m not strong right?? You will know how strong am I soon… (Places her duppatta correctly on her shoulder) See you… (Smiles and goes leaving a confused Ishana)

Omkara goes to his car and saw Swetlana standing there in worry… He is still not fully forgive her for what she did before… He thought to leave but his soft heart wants him to go to her… He walks towards her…
Om: Swetlana… (She turns to him and wipes her tears) Any problem?? You are looking worried…
Swet: I’m worried that any problem might occur… I don’t want that too happen…
Om: Problem?? What problem??
Swet: My brother, Ashok… I never said this to anyone… My heart will always feel bad whenever he is near my family… Last time I saw him was two years ago… I still remember his look and smirk that time… It was like he is having a hidden motive…
Om: Why you felt like that?? Why are you worrying now??
Swet: Because he called me just now and said that he is going to come here tomorrow…
Voice: Let him come… Why are you worrying?? (SwetKara turn and see Ranveer)
Swet: Ranveer, you don’t understand my fear…
Ranveer: What fear, Swetlana??
Swet: I don’t know, Ranveer… But, I’m not feeling good… Please do something and stop him from coming here…
Ranveer: Relax, Swetlana… You are worrying unnecessarily… We all are here… Nothing will happen…
Om: He is right… Let him come… I don’t think he will cause any problem here… Maybe he wants to see you…
Ranveer: Exactly… You don’t stress about this… Now, go and get ready… (Kisses her forehead… Swetlana nods and goes inside…)
Ranveer worried looking at Swetlana… Omkara noticed that…
Om: You asked her to not to worry but you are worrying now… Is there any problem??
Ranveer: No… Nothing… I’m just worrying about Swetlana… She is getting too emotional these days… I’m wondering why…
Om: (understands that Ranveer is hiding something but he doesn’t show it) Ok… Will see you later… (Ranveer nods his head giving a fake smile… Omkara leaves from there…)
Ranveer: I’m sorry, Om… I lied to you… But, I don’t have any other option… I don’t want you and your family to land in trouble because of us… I just hope Ashok won’t create any trouble to anyone here… If not, he will face the worst of myself… I won’t hesitate to become Ranveer Singh Randhawa once again…
Karthika comes and see Ranveer talking alone… She looks everywhere and make sure no one is there… She runs towards him…
Karthik: (male voice) What’s wrong, Ranveer?? Why are you here?? (Ranveer tells him about Ashok coming to Mumbai) What?? Whenever he comes, he will create any problem and goes… The same happened two years back… Suddenly he came and told about bhabhi’s abortion and just went away… Dev died the next day… He didn’t contact bhabhi these years… Why suddenly he is coming here?? And how he knows that we are here??
Ranveer: Maybe he wants to see his mother… To plan the attack on our family… She must be bored after released from jail…

Karthik: We are not going to let that happen… We have to make their plan fails… They must not come near to our family… Ashok must not come here…
Ranveer: No… He must come here… We can know his plan if he stay close to us…
Karthik: But, you know right what he did to Ishu maa last time??
Ranveer: Yes… I know it… This is payback time for him… Just see what will happen if he touch her this time… Ishu is strong now to face this kind of scoundrel…
Karthik: You are right… He is underestimating girl’s power… This time he will regret for whatever he did years ago… It will be more better if NiTiMi are here as well…
Ranveer: Let’s see how long he is going to stay here… Ok… Better we go now before they search for us… Adjust yourself, Karthika… (They go inside the house and leave for shopping after a while)

Shopping Mall

The girls are selecting decoration things for the birthday cum engagement… Ranveer and Karthika are waiting outside watching the girls… The girls book the items and go towards RanKa…
Annika: Finish booking the orders… Now, let’s go purchase some dresses…
Prinku: But bhabhi, Shivaay bhaiya told that he will in charge for our attires…
Annika: Arre!! We are not going to purchase for your parties… We are going to purchase for other occasions for next month… We can purchase earlier and save our time for next month…
Soumya: Exactly, bhabhi!! If not we have to come next month too… Better we do it now… Come… Let’s go… (Before Ishana could say anything, AniSouPri drag her and Madhu to a nearby boutique… RanKa follow them as well)

Precap: ShiOmRu talk… Priyanka to know about Karthik… Ishana’s nightmare… Omkara is jealous…


Love to sing, read and write... My stories are available in TU and wattpad... They are on IB, Naamkaran, Bepanah & Immaikka Nodigal... My wattpad ID: @ruby_MarNy

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