Fan Fiction

ISHKARA FF-Life Found Love Once Again- Chapter 51

Hi, my dearies… Thank you very much Niriha, UF3355, Fenil, Nikita_jai29, Shilpa, Maryam_ishq, AMkideewani, Riddhima and Mahi-ishkara for your precious comments on previous chapter… And special thanks to the silent readers for your likes and dislikes…

Link for previous chapters and IshDev flashback shots:

Let’s go to today’s chapter… Please ignore the grammatical errors…


Next morning


SidLana, Ranveer and Savitri are sitting at dining room for their breakfast… MaKar come there bringing the food…
Savi: Where is Arjun, RaDuKa and NiTiMi??
Swet: Arjun went to Ishu’s room to feed her breakfast… I don’t know about RaDuKa and NiTiMi… (Arjun comes there with Ishana)
Ishu: Good morning, everyone…
All: Good morning…
Sid: Arjun, why did you bring her here??
Arjun: Ishu wants to eat with us… That’s why I bring her here…
Ishu: Why, anna?? You don’t want to eat with me?? (Makes a sad face)
Sid: No, darling… You must not strain yourself till your wounds recover… That’s why I asked… (Kisses her forehead) We too love to eat with you…
Ishu: (smiles and kisses his cheek) Thank you, anna…
Sid: (pulls her wheelchair near to him) Arjun, you go and sit… Today, I will feed Ishu…
Arjun: Sure, bhaiya… But, I’m the one will feed her first bite… You can’t snatch that from me…
Sid: Ok, meri bhai… You can feed her first bite as usual… I won’t come in between that… But, I’m the one will feed her after that…
Voice: Let us to feed her too… (They turn and see RaDuKa walking towards them… They hug Ishana and sit at their places)
Sid: Sorry, guys… Today, I will feed her… You all can feed her another day… (RaDuKa agree with him)
Ranveer: Why are you late?? As I know, three of you will be the earliest than anyone here?? (RaDuKa look at each other and just smile at Ranveer… IshMa chuckle covering their mouths)
Arjun: Why your eyes are red?? Three of you didn’t sleep last night?? (RaDuKa who are having their breakfast cough listening to Arjun)
Savi: Where are your wives?? Still sleeping?? (Ishana chuckles again)
Madhu: Daadima, relax… They must be coming now… (NiTiMi come there that time…)
Nivi: Sorry, daadima… We are late…
Savi: It’s ok… Go and have your breakfast… (They go and sit beside their husbands… They smile shyly looking at them… RaDuKa too smile shyly at them which didn’t go unnoticed by everyone… SidLana smile looking at each other…)
Arjun: (whispers) What is happening here?? Why these six are behaving like this??
Ranveer: (whispers) That is what I’m wondering… I never seen them like this before… Let me ask them… (Turns to call Karan)
Sid: (who is listening to their conversation stops Ranveer) What are you trying to do??
Arjun: We just want to know why they are behaving weirdly?? (Ranveer agrees)
Sid: (surprised) Ranveer, you too?? I can’t believe this… I still can accept if Arjun reacting like this… But, you?? You are going to get married in few months… But still doesn’t understand this kind of stuff… (ArRan look at him confusingly) This is husband and wife’s matter… Understand??
ArRan: (raised their eyebrows and nods their head) Haww!!!
Savi: What you three are whispering?? Faster feed Ishu… She needs to take her medicines…
ArSid: (slaps their heads) Yeah… Sorry, Ishu… (Arjun feeds her first followed by Siddharth)
Madhu winks at Karthika for their plan being successful making Karthika stunned… Karthika turns away and smiles slightly… NiRag, DushTi and MiKar are stealing each other glances… Ishana just smiles in tears looking at them…
Savi: Swetlana, where is your brother, Ashok??
Arjun: Yes, bhabhi… I too wanted to ask you the same… Where is he?? I didn’t see him since we came here… (Ishana who is having her food chokes hearing them… Karthika gives water to her while Madhu pats her back)
Swet: I don’t know, daadima, Arjun… He didn’t say anything to me… He went suddenly… (All continue having their breakfast while IshMa looking each other in tense)
Arjun brings Ishana back to her room… Ranveer received a call and he leave to attend it… SwetMaKar leave to kitchen bringing the plates… NiTiMi are cleaning the table and RaDuKa are helping them… NiTiMi are blushing looking at them… RaDuKa hold them closer… MaKar come from kitchen and look at them… They smile looking at each other…
Karthika: I think the medicines effect are still there with them…
Madhu: (chuckles) Right… Let’s go without disturbing them… (Turns to leave but they see Ranveer walks towards them… He sees RaDuKa are lost in NiTiMi…
Ranveer: (towards Madhu) Madhu, we need to go to Oberoi Mansion… Shivaay wants to meet us…
Madhu: But, why me?? Usually, he will meet you, Siddharth bhaiya and jijus only… You all are forgotten that I’m in the mission too…
Ranveer: Who said we forgot that you are with us?? If you be with us always, our family will have doubt on us… That’s why we didn’t call you most of the time… But, we told you what we discussed, right??
Madhu: (smiles) I’m kidding only, bhaiya… Shivaay sir wants to meet both of us only??
Ranveer: Nope… Actually, he asked RaDuKa to come as well… But, seeing their state now, I don’t think they will react for anything… (RanMaKar chuckle) We will go first… Karthika, ask them to come to Oberoi Mansion after they finish their romance… (Karthika nods and RanMa leave from there)

Arjun’s Room

Swetlana comes to his room and sees him thinking something…
Swet: (shakes his shoulder) Arjun!! (He looks at her) What are you thinking??
Arjun: I think someone came to my room last night… But, I don’t know who…
Swet: What??
Arjun: Yes, bhabhi… I remembered that I kept this file on the middle of the table… But, this morning I saw it’s on the corner of the table…
Swet: This is Ishu’s file right?? (Arjun nods) Why you kept it here?? You must have hide it anywhere…
Arjun: It’s ok, bhabhi… Nothing is missing from here… I think that person just read and keep it back…
Swet: But, who was that??
Arjun: Who else?? Must be our guys only…
Swet: But, they didn’t know that we are having this file with us…
Arjun: Leave it, bhabhi… We need to go somewhere… Go and get ready… (Swetlana agrees and leaves from there)


Study Room

RanMa reach there and see ShiOmRu are staring at Priyanka… Priyanka is standing nervously looking down can’t face them… RanMa look each other confusingly…
Shivaay: (sarcastically looking at Madhu) Welcome, Jhansi Ki Rani version 4.0… We are waiting for you only… (RanMa look at him in confuse)
Rudra: (sarcastically) Yes, Miss Madhu… Please go and stand beside Prinku… (Madhu goes towards Priyanka)
Madhu: (whispers to Priyanka) What happened??
Prinku: (whispers) They knew about it ready… (Madhu raised her eyebrows in shock… Priyanka just nods her head)
Madhu: (whispers) We are dead?? (Priyanka nods making a puppy face)
Om: Ranveer, where are RaDuKa??
Ranveer: They will come in a while… What happened, guys?? Anything serious?? (ShiOmRu stare at Priyanka again while Priyanka is feeling nervous looking at them… She holds Madhu’s hand..) Why are you staring at Priyanka??
Shivaay: These days we are cracking our heads why that Ashok went from here suddenly… (Ranveer nods) These girls are the reason for him to leave from here…
Ranveer: (shocked) What?? (Goes towards PriMa) You both made him to leave from here??
Rudra: Not only these two… There is another person too…
Ranveer: Who??
Om: Ishana… The iron lady… (Ranveer again shocked)
Voice: What?? Ishu?? (All turn and see RaDuKa at the door)
Shivaay: Good that you all came as well… Come inside and close the door… (RaDuKa walk inside)
Ranveer: Shivaay, you are confusing us… How they are related with him leaving from here??
Shivaay: Watch this… (He plays a video… All watch the video but they can’t hear anything… The video is showing Ishana and Ashok are having a big argument… Ashok tried to manhandle her but she pushed him… He landed on the bench… Ishana placed her leg on the bench beside him and say something… He get angry and pushes her… He said something to Ishana… PriMa came that time and throw a glass of water on his face… He tried to attack Madhu but Priyanka throws another glass of water on his face and says something… He got angry and try to attack Priyanka… But Ishana came and kicked him… He fell down in pain… IshPriMa said something… He leaves from there after saying something in anger… IshPriMa just stare in anger seeing him leaving…)
Shivaay stops the video… All stare at PriMa… PriMa look each other nervously…
Ranveer: What was that Madhu, Priyanka?? We all are wondering where he went and why he went off suddenly… You both knew about it but didn’t say anything about this…
Karan: I doubted you that night when you said that your treatment is not enough for him… But, I just ignored it…
Shivaay: So, both of you care to explain what happened that day??
Prinku: Actually, we didn’t know what he was talking with Ishana bhabhi… We saw their arguments from far…
Madhu: We went there after seeing him choking her neck…
Raghav: Fine… Tell us what you all know… (PriMa start to narrate)


Ishana is lying on the bed thinking something…
Ishu: All are wondering where is that Ashok?? How I want to tell them that I made him to leave?? I don’t know where he went… He won’t be quiet after what we did to him… (Starts to recall)


Few days before the functions

Ishana is sitting at the lawn listing down the work which are still pending for the functions… ShiOmRu went for their work… RanRaDuKa are in their room… Others are busy with their work… Ishana could feel someone’s presence behind her and she is uncomfortable with it… She turns and sees Ashok looking at her from top to bottom… Ishana feels disgusting with his look… She turns from his sight…
Ashok: Not bad, Ishana… You are still beautiful like before even though your life has changed a lot… Any special reason?? Or special person??
Ishu: You don’t have to bother about it… And I don’t have to tell you… Just leave from here…
Ashok: Woww!!! You didn’t lack of courage even after faced a lot in your life… How?? Because you already find new strength in your life??
Ishu: Are you mad?? My strength always with me and won’t go away from me?? I don’t need any new strength to fight with you…
Ashok: (smirks) You don’t understand what I meant by new strength… (Ishana stares him in confuse) I’m saying about Omkara, your new strength… (Ishana looks at him in shock) Woww!!! What an affection both of you are having?? I’m impressed… Tell me one thing… You don’t like me touching you and always stay away from me… But, you are very comfortable with his touch… He is touching you here and there but you didn’t stop him… In fact, you are touching him as well… Not only touch but you both were almost kissed that night… (Ishana looks at him in shock) Why are you looking like this?? Remember that night you heard a glass breaking sound from outside his room?? (Ishana recalls the night when Omkara took her to his room to bandage her finger) (he goes near her and whispers) It was me only… I broke the glass to stop both of you…
Ishu: So, you are the one break into Oberoi Mansion that night?? How dare you!!?? (Angrily)
Ashok: That is what I’m saying… And I’m dare enough… That’s why I came directly to Oberoi Mansion to attack you…
Ishu: (laughs) What?? You came to attack me?? Are you serious?? (Rubs her chin) Oh… Wait.. wait.. wait… You are saying about bhabhi’s abortion, right?? Are you forgotten that you are the reason for the abortion?? I took the blame because I don’t want to break your relationship with anni… My decision was not wrong that time and my anni understood me… (He looks at her in shock) If I tell her that you are the one gave her the dangerous birth control pills in the name of vitamin which caused her losing her baby, she will spit on your face and throw you out by hitting you with her chappals… Do you want that?? It won’t take one second for me to tell her about that… Tell me!! Do you want that!!?? (He got angry and try to strangle her neck but Ishana is fast enough and pushes him… He fell on the bench and staring at her angrily…)
Ishu: (places one of her leg on the bench beside him and smirks) What do you think?? That I don’t know why you are here?? (He tries to get up but Ishana pushes his shoulders and smirks) I know the real reason why you are here?? You are not here to attack me or anni or anyone else… You are here for something else… I know what is that and you are not going to get it at any cost… Just get lost from here and tell your so called mother that she will not get what she wants… (Ashok pushes her in anger and gets up from the bench)

PriMa’s flashback starts from here

Ashok: (holds her neck) I will get what my mother wants and what I want as well… No one can stop me… A road trash like you don’t have rights to stop me… (Suddenly someone throws a glass of water on his face… He leaves Ishana’s hand and looks at the person who is none other than Madhu who is spitting fire on him through her eyes)
Madhu: How dare you said like that to her?? She is not a road trash… But, a rare found diamond…
Ashok: (sarcastically) Diamond!! Last time Dev said the same too… Now you are saying it… Do you have any connection with him??
Madhu: Yes… I’m having a deep connection with him… And a person who always think low of a girl like you won’t understand it…
Ashok: (laughs sarcastically) You are a road trash too… That’s why you are supporting her… I don’t understand… Is the Raichand family are running a charity to take care of the one who are abandoned by their own family?? Swetlana, you and now this girl… I think your parents must know that you are worthless… That’s why they abandoned you… (Looking at Ishana) Her father sold her for Rs 500 but you are not worth for… (Before he could finish his sentence, another glass of water is thrown on her… They turn and see Priyanka who is staring at him angrily…)
Prinku: Dare to utter another word against them… Only boiled water will be landing on your face then… (Holds his collar) Hey!! These two are the most priceless in this world… You don’t deserve to be at their feet also… (Ashok tried to hold Priyanka’s hair but Ishana came and kicked in between his legs at his most hurtful place… He fell down in pain…)
Ishu: Dare to lay your hands on her!! What kind of a shameless person are you?? Always showing your power towards a girl…
Madhu: He is not dare to face the men, Ishu… That’s why he always attack the girls…
Prinku: That too not directly fight with the girl… He only can attack her weakness… Now, he tried to attack us… If our men got to know about his behaviour, this will be the last day for him…
Ishu: (goes towards him) I’m telling you again… Better you leave from here before we do anything more worst to you… We are three girls here and you are alone… You are not in the condition to fight with us now… If you don’t leave from here, we will tell this to everyone… They will not spare you…
Ashok: (gets up from his place) I’ll go now… But, don’t think that I accept my failure… I’ll make you to regret for what you did now… Just watch what I will do…You are going to suffer for your deed…
IshPriMa: Get lost!! (Ashok leaves from there angrily)
Madhu: Ishu, why did you let him go?? If we tell our family, they will not spare him?? And we can know why he came here…
Ishu: No, Madhu… I don’t want him to accept his defeat easily… He is not the main… His mother is behind all this… I want her to come out from her hiding place… This battle is between me and her… They have to regret for their deed years ago… It’s my challenge with her three years ago… Let’s see how long she is going to hide herself… One day, she has to come out… That time, I’ll show my wrath towards her…
PriMa: (hug her shoulders) We are with you… (Ishana just smiles at them)
Ishu: Please don’t tell this to anyone… (PriMa nod their heads)


Ishana comes out from her flashback and sighs herself…
Ishu: I don’t know what will happen if they got to know about it… (Closed her eyes and tries to sleep)


PriMa finished narrating to them… All are standing in anger listening to them…
Raghav: How dare he said like that about them?? Scoundrel!!
Dush: I’m not going to spare him for saying like that and for manhandling them…
Karan: We supposed to kill him when he tried to molest Ishu that day… But, we kept quiet to no to create any problem in the wedding… And we were still keeping quiet even after what he did to Swetlana di… It’s enough!! We have to tell this to our family…
Ranveer: No, Karan… We still have to keep quiet… (RaDuKa look at him in confused) Ishu is right… Ashok and Kamini need to pay for their deed… Kamini has to come out from her hiding place… For that, we have to keep quiet for few days…
Shivaay: I think Ranveer is right… We have to keep quiet till we find out what is their plan… (RaDuKa clench their fist in anger)
Raghav: Ok… I’m worrying about Priyanka and Madhu now… They landed in trouble because of us… Now, they will be targeting them as well…
Madhu: Jeeju, no one can harm me when you all are with me…
Prinku: Bhaiya, I’m already in their target… (All look at her confusingly) Oberois are their enemies as well… So, I’m their target, right??
Om: Why did you throw water on him?? (Priyanka looks down sadly) I will be more happy if you slapped him instead of throwing the water… (All look at him in surprise)
Dush: Om, what are you saying?? We all are worrying about her safety but you are saying that you will be happy if she slapped him…
Shivaay: Om is right, Robin… That creep need to be slapped…
Rudra: Yes, bhaiya… How dare he said like that to my Ishana bhabhi and Madhu?? Prinku, you should have slippered him…
Madhu: That will happen, Rudra… But, we have to wait… Bhabhi and NiTiMi didis have to give their shares to him… That’s why we didn’t hit him…
Karan: I think Ishu’s one kick was enough that time…
Raghav: Yeah… I remembered… Mithra taught her by making you as the model… (Karan slaps Raghav’s head while others are laughing)

Precap: Karthik is shocked… The Oberois visit Ishana… RanRaDuKaKar are cracking their heads…


Love to sing, read and write... My stories are available in TU and wattpad... They are on IB, Naamkaran, Bepanah & Immaikka Nodigal... My wattpad ID: @ruby_MarNy

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