Fan Fiction

ISHKARA FF-Life Found Love Once Again-Chapter 75



The senior Oberois and Savitri are sitting in living room waiting for the youngsters…

Kalyani: They went yesterday morning and till now they are not back…

Tej: Don’t worry, ma… Shivaay called just now and said they just left the forest… They all are together only…

Jhanvi: I’m worrying for Swetlana… She is pregnant now… I don’t know how she managed to stay in that forest… She should take proper rest and food in this time…

Savi: In fact I’m too worrying about her… She get pregnant after a long time… But, she won’t listen to anyone if it comes about Ishu…

Pinky: Such a loving girls that Swetlana but that Kameeni almost ruined her life by teaching wrongs for her…

Kalyani: Swetlana might be raised by Kamini but she has Narendra’s character… We only seen the negative shade of her last time… Actually, this is her original character which she hide from the world… After she learn the truth, her original character started to appear… And, we too forgive her and accepted her… Jhanvi who hated her once now worrying for her… (Jhanvi just smiles)

The youngsters reach Oberoi Mansion…

Shakti: They came ready… (Looking at their state) What happened to you all?? (Shivaay narrates them how they stayed in a small hut) Why did you take the girls too?? Why don’t you sent them back first?? (The guys except Omkara stare at the girls)

Rudra: (towards the girls) Girls, chote papa is asking something… Please answer him… (In a mocking tone)

Savi: Rudra, I know they all must be very adamant to follow you all, right?? I know well about these girls…

Rudra: Correct, daadima… They will do everything but we guys will get scolded…

Jhanvi: Ok… It’s good you all came back ready… Go and fresh up yourselves… The breakfast is ready… Have them and take rest after that…

Sid: We all are leaving now and will come later…

Pinky: I know you will say like this only… That’s why I packed some of the foods for you all… (Hand over some parcels to them… They take the parcels and leave from there… Omkara signs Ranveer and he goes towards him… Omkara says something to him which he agrees… Ranveer leaves after that…)


Ishana’s Room

Ishana just had her shower and drying her hair… She recalls of her last night moments with Omkara and smiles… Her mobile rings and she comes out of her thought… She looks at the caller ID and smiles… She answers the call…

Ishu: Hello, Mr Zulfi Singh Oberoi…

Om: Hello, Miss Skinny…

Ishu: (surprised) Again?? Don’t call me like that…

Om: And you too stop calling me like that… Or, I will cut my hair…

Ishu: (shocked) No… No… Don’t cut your hair…

Om: You like my long hair very much??

Ishu: No… I don’t like it… (Stops a while) I love it very much…

Om: Only my hair?? How about me??

Ishu: Of course I lo…. (Stops realising what she is saying)

Om: (smirks) I lo… What was that??

Ishu: Nnn… Nothing… Why did you call me??

Om: Great escape, Ishana… Fine, leave that… Actually, I want to meet you… Can you come over here?? I mean to Oberoi Mansion…

Ishu: Anything important??

Om: Hmmm… You come here first…

Ishu: (smiles) Ok… I’ll come in a while…

Om: Ok… And, one more thing…

Ishu: Yes??

Om: I love you… (Smiles)

Ishu: (smiles) See you… (Ends the call and looks on worriedly) I’m sorry, Omkara… I can’t love you… How I will explain to you?? You deserve better, Omkara… I’m not suitable for you… (Cries)

Om: (after ends the call) One day you will say the same to me, Ishana… I will be waiting for that day… But, before that, I need to remove the unbearable pain from your heart which you are carrying for two years… (Walks to Gauri’s portrait which is hanging on the wall and caresses her face) Gauri, before you left me, you told me that if life gives me another chance to fall in love again I should accept it… She can be my soulmate and true love… But, I refused and said that I won’t fall in love again and no one can take your place in my heart… Gauri, life is giving me another chance for me to live… Ishana… You too know her if I’m not mistaken… Gauri, that girl is having some uniqueness inside her… She is indeed a different girl I have met in my life… Since the first day I met her, I felt some connection with her but I can’t realise what… I always lost in her and she started to affect me a lot… I don’t understand the reason… But, then I got to know that she lost her love in front of her eyes… What a coincidence, right?? Both of us faced the same situation… I realised that we both are connected with same pain… But, last night I got to know that her pain is more worse than mine… I thought she just lost her fiance but actually she lost her husband and that too after her wedding… Never in my dream I thought this could happen in her life… And her family are not aware of this… She hides it from them for their happiness… For their sake, she is keeping all her pain and sorrows inside her heart… At least, I lived with you for nearly two years but she never started her life and it just ends like that… No… I won’t let that to happen… Her life should not end like that… It has to continue… I will continue her life again from where her husband Dev left it… For that, I have to remove her pain first… I need to make her to confess about her marriage to me… But, she won’t say it easily… I know what to do to make her to confess it… Gauri, I need your support in this… I know she is indirectly involved in your accident but you know what really happened that day… She is blaming herself for your death… When I got to know about it, I was angry on her and I yelled at her but she saved my life without caring about her life… My anger completely vanished that time… I know that I love her but that day I realised how much I love her… When I saw her in that state, I felt my life is going away from me… I was miserable that time and scared that I will lose her like I lost you… I don’t want that to happen again… I didn’t say anything to anyone and kept it with myself… After she got to know that she is the one caused your death, she is completely shattered… She is dying in guilt everyday… Poor girl, one side her pain become a burden in her heart… Another side, her guilt… Both are killing her from inside… We know her guilt but not her pain… To remove her pain, I have to hurt her again… She will be hurt but it will be healed by me… I know you will be supporting me in this because you must know how good she is… One thing, Gauri, I already told you no one can take your place in my heart… She didn’t take your place but she makes a new place in my heart… I love her but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you anymore… My love for you will remain the same and won’t change… At the same time, I love Ishana as much as I love you… I hope you will understand… (Kisses her picture and about to leave from his room)

Voice: Omkara ji… (Omkara turns towards the voice and shocked to see Gauri)

Om: Gauri!!??

Gauri: (smiles and nods) I will be always supporting you, Omkara ji… (Holds his face) I know my Omkara ji will not take a wrong decision and I don’t doubt your love… You just do what your heart is saying… That girl deserves happiness and only you can give her that… Don’t be sad that you are hurting her… It’s not wrong to hurt someone for their happiness… That girl is innocent in every matter… Your heart knows it… Another soul is desperately wants to see her happiness… Go and do what you want… Both of your happiness are important for us… (Kisses his forehead and disappears from there…)

Om: (comes out from his trances and confused) Did I see Gauri just now?? Or I was just dreaming?? Maybe I talked to her picture, that’s why I felt like she talked to me… But, it looked real… Whatever it is, my Gauri’s support is with me… That is enough for me…

His room’s door is knocked from outside… He opens and sees ShivIka with Priyanka there…

Shivaay: Are you ready, Om??

Om: Yes… Have you told our family??

Shivaay: Going to… I asked them to come to my room… Daadi went to temple with Savitri daadima… So, we don’t have to worry…

Om: Good… Ishana will be coming here in a while… Today, I will make her to confess about her marriage to me…

Annika: What are you going to do, Om??

Om: I’m going to hurt her, bhabhi… I know what is her weakness and if I attack her there, she will definitely feel hurt… That hurt will make her to confess to me…

Prinku: Bhaiya, don’t hurt her a lot… Pity her… (With tear filled eyes)

Om: (holds her face) I told you this will be the last pain for her… After this, I won’t let anything to near her… Any pain, harm or danger have to face me first before reaching her… (Priyanka hugs him and he kisses her forehead)

Shivaay: (strokes Priyanka’s hair) Come, Prinku… We have to talk with our family… (Priyanka nods) Ok, Om… We are going now… (Pats his cheek) Everything will be fine… (Omkara nods… Shivaay leaves with AniPri)

ShivIka’s Room

RuMya, TejVi and ShaNky are waiting for Shivaay to say something…

Tej: Shivaay, you said that you want to say something but you are keeping quiet…

Shivaay: Woh… Bade papa, we need to tell you all something very important…

Shakti: What happened, Shivaay?? Any problem??

Prinku: It’s not a problem, chote papa but a truth… And you all have to know about it…

Jhanvi: Truth?? What truth??

Annika: You already aware of the truth, aunty… (Jhanvi looks at her in confuse) Ishana’s truth… (Jhanvi understands what she means)

Rudra: Ishana bhabhi’s truth?? What truth about her?? (Thinks a while) Haww… You got to know about Dev, right??

Pinky: Dev?? Who?? That diamond girl’s fiance?? What we have to know about him??

Shivaay: Mom, I’ll tell about him… That Dev is none other than, Dev Chabra… The first alliance that we found for Prinku… Whom I insulted few years ago and threw him out of this house… (His eyes are welled with tears… Tej and ShaNky are shocked to hear this…)

Tej: Yeah… I remembered… He is Mr Chabra’s son right??

Rudra: Yes, papa… Prinku told me earlier about him… We didn’t want you to feel bad and that’s why we never said to you all…

Soumya: (towards Priyanka) That’s why you asked me to ask Reyaan about Dev that day??

Prinku: (nods) Yes, bhabhi…

Pinky: You called us here to tell about this?? You can tell us at downstairs also…

Jhanvi: No, Pinky… This is just half truth… There is more for you to know… Listen to him…

Shakti: What is the matter, Shivaay?? Tell us… (Shivaay started to tell them everything)

Living Room

Ishana enters the house and see no one is there…

Ishu: Where everyone went?? (Omkara comes and smiles seeing her)

Om: All are busy with some important works… (Ishana turns to him and smiles)

Ishu: Oh!! You said that you want to talk with me… What is that??

Om: I’ll tell you… Come with me… (Holds her hand and takes her to his room)

Omkara’s Room

Ishana is surprised to look at his room…

Ishu: Your room??

Om: Yeah… It’s my room… Have you forgotten?? You have came here many times…

Ishu: It’s not like that… Your room looks different… I mean you changed the paint colour of your room… It was white colour right before??

Om: Yeah… Now, I thought to have some colours in my life… So, I changed it… Don’t you like it…

Ishu: (gives a small smile) It’s nice…

Om: What is your favourite colour??

Ishu: (turns from him) I don’t like any colours… (Looks at him) So, you called me to show this?? Ok… I’m leaving now… (Turns to leave but Omkara holds her hand)

Om: (pulls her closer) I’m not done yet… I didn’t call you to show this only…

Ishu: Then, why did you call me??

Om: To ask you something…

Ishu: What??

Om: (brings his face closer to her) Marry me, Ishana… (Ishana looks at him in shock)

ShivIka’s Room

Shivaay finished narrating to them about Ishana… They are looking at him in shocked and hurt…

Pinky: Oh, my maata!! That diamond girl’s husband dies on her weddings day…

Tej: Our enemy also should not faced this situation…

Shakti: Pity girl… I don’t understand why the God is punishing that girl like this…

Soumya: But, I’m amazed with her… Even though she faced a lot, she didn’t fall apart and stayed strong… Rudra is right… She is really an iron lady… (Looks at Rudra who stands still… She looks at Shivaay…)

Shivaay goes towards Rudra and shakes him… Rudra looks at him and burst into tears… Shivaay hugs him…

Rudra: Why, bhaiya?? Why she has to suffer like this?? Bhabhi is pity, bhaiya…

Shivaay: (calms him) Shhh… Relax… Your bhabhi’s situation will not remain the same… Our Om is there for her… He will change her life… (Rudra cries hugging him… Shivaay pats his back…)

Tej: Om knew about this??

Shivaay: Yes, bade papa… He knew it last night itself… He planned something to make her to confess it to him… That’s why he called her here…

Annika: I think she must be here now… Let’s go and see them…

Prinku: Mom, papa, her family are not aware of it… Om bhaiya told that we will inform them after their marriage… So, please don’t tell this to anyone of them including daadi… (They all agree and leave from there)

Omkara’s Room

Ishu: (pushes him) What?? You want me to marry you?? Are you mad??

Om: Yes… I’m mad about you… And I can’t live without you… That’s why I’m asking you to marry me… (Holds her hand and pulls her closer) Marry me, Ishana…

Ishu: (shouts) No!! I won’t marry you… (Walks out from the room and Omkara follows her from behind)

Om: Why?? Don’t you love me?? (Pulls her and holds her arms tightly) Tell me… Don’t you love me?? (Ishana turns her face away unable to meet his eyes) Look into my eyes and tell me, Ishana!! (Shouts)

Ishu: I told you earlier… I can’t love you… (Escapes from his grip and continue to walk… They reach living room… Shivika, RuMya, TejVi, ShaNky and Priyanka too come there… They are looking at the scene in front of them…)

Om: I don’t want to hear that, Ishana… I just want to hear yes or no?? (Ishana doesn’t say anything… Omkara leaves her hand and smiles sadly) I got my answer, Ishana… (She looks at him and she could see hurt in his eyes) You don’t love me… That’s why you continuosly saying that you can’t love me… Actually, you don’t love me at all… I was a fool to believe that you also love me like I’m loving you… But, only I’m the one love you, not you… I thought my life is giving me another chance to love and live again but I was wrong… Who will love a man who was a drug addict before?? (Ishana is shocked to hear this from him) Actually, I should thank you, Ishana… You made me to realise my status today… How I can dream to fall in love again and marry again?? After all I’m a widower who has lost my wife few years before… I don’t deserve any happiness in my life… Thank you very much for reminding it…

Ishu: (holds his collar) Just shut up!!! I didn’t refuse to marry you because of these… You deserve all the happiness in your life… Please don’t say like this about yourself… I can’t take it…

Om: Then why you are refusing to marry me?? Tell me the reason…

Ishu: I can’t tell you the reason…

Om: Of course you won’t tell me the reason because whatever I told just now are the reasons for you to refuse me… Because I was a drug addict and a widower… What else can be the reason other than these??

Ishu: (cries feeling hurt with his words) No!! I never thought like that… Please don’t say like that…

Om: (shouts) Then, why!!!????

Ishu: (screams loudly) Because I’m a widow!!! (Omkara looks at her and sighs in relief) I’m a widow who lost her husband right after my wedding!!! (Looks at him) I didn’t lose my fiance that day… He was my husband!!! (Falls on her knees and cries vigorously covering her faces with both of her hands)

Omkara smiles looking at Shivaay and shows thumbs up to him… All smile in relief even though they feel bad looking at Ishana’s crying state… Omkara kneels beside Ishana and takes her hands from her face… Her tears are flowing without stopping…

Ishu: (sobs) Dev is my husband… I lied to my family that I didn’t get married to him… They can’t bear this truth… They will be shattered if they know that their Ishu is a widow… That’s why I’m hiding this matter from them these years… And that’s why I’m not accepting your love and refuse to marry you… The reason is me only… Not you… (Pulls his collar) Now, you tell me how I can love you and how I will marry you?? (Omkara just looks at her… He lets her to vent out her pain which she is having in her heart… They heard a sound and turn towards it… They are shocked to see the Raichands at the entrance looking at them with hurtful expression…)

Precap: The Raichands are broken… Omkara’s drastic step…


Love to sing, read and write... My stories are available in TU and wattpad... They are on IB, Naamkaran, Bepanah & Immaikka Nodigal... My wattpad ID: @ruby_MarNy

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