Fan Fiction

ISHKARA FF : You are the light of my life [By Renima] Episode-12

ISHKARA FF : You are the light of my life [By Renima] Episode-12
Hello ishqies…….I have tried 2 make it as long…….guys…Hope u will enjoy this part…..Just express ur views…..
As usual here are the links 4 previous parts…….
All Parts here
Please read all parts and drop ur valuable comments……

Scene – 17 {@ Mehta Nivas} [continuation from part -11]
Ishana ; Aunty……please come inside…..
Jhanvi : Am not arrived here as a guest……I want to meet ur father….Its very urgent……..
Jaswir : Jhanvi…..relax……He has gone 4 a meeting…..He will come after an hour……
Jhanvi : Oh!!! I will wait 4 him……
Jaswir : Sure….jhanvi…..pls come and sit…..Ishu beta….bring coffee 4 jhanvi….
Ishana : Sure…mom…..
Jhanvi : No…thanks….I told u……am not a guest…..I am a struggler …..only……And all I need is a job…..I believe ur husband can help me…….That’s all…I will wait outside……
Jaswir : Jhanvi…..u are my friend…….
Jhanvi : No….jaswir…..I was ur friend…..and whatever Tej did 2 u……
Ishana : {interrupts} Please….aunty……I know u are very upset….. aunty…..And whatever happened……..among both families…….had hurt every one……But aunty….u didn’t commit a mistake…..So don’t feel bad…..And…..aunty……please come and sit……U should take care of ur health……When I find u unconscious …….I was scared…..aunty…..
Jaswir : {interrupts}What……Jhanvi fall unconscious…..And u are telling this 2 me now only…..beta……Jhanvi……please…..come inside……
Jhanvi : Jaswir…..i will not come….try 2 understand……
Jaswir : Shut up…..Jhanvi……just come….{she pulls her hands and walks}Beta….ishu….. go and bring coffee……Go fast…….
Ishana : Yes……{ishana goes to kitchen]
Jhanvi : Jaswir….what are u doing ? {she makes jhanvi seated in a chair}
Jaswir : Enough…..U are talking too much….jhanvi…..This is my home…..and u have 2 follow what am saying…..So just keep quiet…….
Ishana : Have it….aunty….{ishu brings coffee and snacks }please……
Jaswir : Jhanvi… daughter makes better coffee than me…..just have it…….my friend….
Jhanvi : {slowly takes the cup and drinks coffee} Its really tasty…..Ishana……
Ishana : Thank u aunty…..{she smiles}

{Mean while Naresh Mehta enters the home….He removes his sun glasses and gets shocked 2 see jhanvi… his home……}
Mehta : Mrs. Jhanvi Singh Oberoi….. {shouts}
Jhanvi : {gets up from chair and stares him} Mr. Mehta…..I came here….because…….
Mehta : {interrupts} Oh!!! Now……I got it……How can I forget that ,,,,,,ur husband…my cheater friend….tej has married some one else……And he has betrayed u also…..So…..U are here 2 request me…..for uniting tej with u since tej and we were child hood friends…..But I must tell u ……U have come to the wrong place…..Mrs. Jhanvi……
Jhanvi : No….am not in the wrong place….In fact I was in the wrong place…..I was with a wrong person….I suffered everything….because I thought…..he loves me…..But he has broken my trust….He has insulted my love……..And…..Mr. Mehta…..U can call me as Jhanvi….because now am not an oberoi…..I have left that home……..And now……am nothing…… I can’t trouble any one….I can’t go my maayka…….because my maa stays there ……with my brother…..and his family…..She doesn’t know anything….now….as she has lost her eye sight……I really can’t go there …..It will give trouble 2 my maa and brother…..And my brother has a family…..If I will go there… sure he will look after me…but…..when a daughter leaves her maayka….and goes 2 sasural….. she finds sasural as her home…her identity…..her dreams….she is supposed 2 come and stay her maayka for some time……..only…..some days…some months……after that…..she will be a burden ….only….4 them……Its not the fault of members of maayka….Its our culture…..And girls are supposed 2 leave maayka….girls are supposed 2 stay sasural….For tej’s sake….like any other girl…..i left my maayka…I loved him….I tried my level best 2 balance marital life…..But he….rewarded me…..the biggest pain……which is burning me….only……But I can’t burn my whole life by shattering tears ….I want 2 get rid of this pain….And I want 2 stand @ my own feet now….All I need is a job……. Mr. Mehta….{emotional}I need a job……Please give me a job….pls….
Mehta: I don’t feel wonder because I expected this day……earlier itself……I thought why u came so late…..It is possible 4 me…..2 give u a job……But I will not give u ……
Jhanvi : Why…Mr. Mehta….
Mehta : Because….u are tej’s wife……And oberoi family and oberoi business both are my rivals personally and professionally……And how can I give job 2 a member from oberoi mansion……
Jhanvi : I have left oberoi mansion… me…..please…..
Mehta : Its not so easy 2 trust any one…..especially…u are associated with that person……. the man whom I trusted ……blindly……He has broken my trust……I can’t give u job….jhanvi……U may please leave now…..
Jhanvi : I will do anything… Mehta….Please trust me……Please give me a chance 2 prove myself….{emotional}

{Mehta remains as silent….Jaswir and Ishana feels sad 4 jhanvi}
Jaswir : Please Narseh….….I think she deserves the job…….please……
Ishana : Yes…paapa…..Jhanvi aunty is innocent….pls…..paapa…..
Mehta : Ok……If my wife and daughter feels that ……I should give u a job……Then certainly I will think about it…….I have 2 talk with my assistant……U have 2 wait…..
Jhanvi : Its ok…I will wait….Thanks…..
{Mehta goes inside and gets engaged in a phone call….Ishana and Jaswir sit near Jhanvi}
Ishana : Am sure……aunty…paapa will take a decision in favor 4 u….only…….
Jaswir : Yes…..let’s hope 4 the best….
{After some time assistant arrives Mehta nivas with a file……Jhanvi, Mehta And Manager are seated in chairs respectively…….Manager handovers the file 2 jhanvi……She feels confused…..}
Mehta : Jhanvi….just go through this file….And read all terms and conditions…….And if u really feel u will be capable of following those conditions…then from tomorrow onwards u will be the general manager of Mehta group of industries……
Jhanvi : Just tell me….where I have 2 sign……
Mehta : Don’t make hurry…….Else u will blame that….i have taken advantage of ur helplessness……Please…….go through it…..
Jhanvi : {after reading conditions} I agree with ur conditions….
Assistant : Have u read the last one ? Its very important…..
Jhanvi : I know…..The last one…..I am not supposed 2 see or make any contact…..with oberois…..Isn’t it ? Mr. Mehta….I assure….u I will not violate these conditions……
Assistant : Ok….Then u have to sign here….{he points out a place for signing}
Ishana : No…..aunty…please….don’t do that….U will not be able 2 see omkara, rudra, shivaay…ur children….please…..don’t sign it……
Jhanvi : I have left that home…..Now I have 2 make a habit of living alone…..without any surname….without any family…without my husband…..without my children…….. Ishana…..And…..this is my first step towards my habit……I will not think twice….Ishana…..I can’t think…more……Hope u are able 2 understand my situation…… Am ready 2 sign mr. Mehta…..{she signs the papers……Ishana literally cries}
Mehta : Ok….Congratulations….jhanvi……Raam deen [servant]….bring the key of quarters…..Madam has tired….She need some rest……U can stay @ the head quarters…..
Jhanvi ; Thank u….Mr. Mehta…….{servant handovers the key and walks …jhanvi follows him}
Jaswir : Head quarters….Naresh……What’s wrong with u…..She can stay @ our home……
Mehta : No….she is an employee under Mehta group of industries…..And an employee should stay @ quarters only….Not in the house of owner……Do u get that ?
Ishana: Paapa…please…don’t be so rude…….
Mehta : I have 2 win…..And for my victory…..i will do anything… one can stop me……I don’t want any further discussions on this matter….{ he goes inside…..jaswir follows him….}
{Ishana felt extremely bad 4 jhanvi…..}
Scene – 18 { @ Out house of Oberoi mansion}
{Tej has almost lost his control after consuming drinks…..Swethlana manages 2 lie down tej on bed…..She took the phone and talks 2 a person….}

{Through phone}
{Person : Tej….didn’t felt any doubt……won’t he ?
Swethlana : I don’t think so…..He is mad….he didn’t know who is disloyal…..2 him…….
Person : Good….so our plan is working…..I will message u later…….All u have 2 do is 2 follow it without any fail……
Swethlana : Don’t worry….i will never make a mistake……
Person : I will come and meet u….once we will end the story……
Swethlana : Sure……that day is not so far….When tej will face the biggest threat …..He will beg 4 his life….Am just waiting 4 that……
Person : Me also….see u soon…bye……
Swethlana : Bye….
{The conversation through phone is over….I will reveal the person’s name in upcoming episodes……Just wait….4 that….well u can make guess…also…..}
Scene – 19 { @ Oberoi Mansion}
{Omkara, prinku, rudra and shivaay are lost themselves in thoughts of jhanvi….Pinky witness them and feels sad 4 them…..}
Pinky : U will all sit like these……4 whole day……Am feeling hungry…..
Shivaay : Choti maa….if u want u can eat….but I really can’t eat…..anything…..omru, prinku….they need fud…..
Omkara : How can u think of that….shivaay….with out u …..i will not eat anything….
Rudra : Yeh,,,,om….I will also…not eat…..
Prinku : Me also……
Pinky : Oh My Maata!!! Then u have planned 2 make a hunger strike……Ok….I will also join u….{pinky sits near them}
Omkara : Choti maa…..please…….Go and have ur fud….please…..
Pinky : No….i will not go…….any where……omkara…..i will sit here….only……
Shivaay : Mom..please……have ur fud…..else ….
Pinky : Else what……Shivaay……I have decided……I will eat if my childrens will eat…..
Rudra : Ok….bhaiya……u just get up……
Pinky : What bhaiya….i said my childrens….that means shivaay, omkara, prinku and rudra…..Do u understands ???{emotional}
Dadi : Pinky is right…..And billu, omkara, rudra, prinku…..can’t u see pinky is suffering because of u……For her sake…..I think u should go and have ur food…….
Shivaay ; Ok….Dadi…..Its final..we are going 2 have our fud…….
Pinky : Oh My Maata !!! that’s my son…..come….lets go…..
{Pinky gets up and all accompanies them…..Dadi, shivomruprinku are seated in chairs near dining table…..Pinky serves fud 4 every one……But all are just staring it only……}I know… not a great cooks like shivaay……Even I don’t know the corrects reception of…….
Shivaay : Its recipe….mom…not reception……
Pinky : Oh My Maata……..u are not eating….because… is made by me…… I knows to make parathas….I doesn’t know….2 make Chinese, Italian…..cuisines…..isn’t it……{literally cries}
Shivaay : Mom….pls….don’t cry ……
Rudra : Yeah….choti maa……pls don’t cry…I will eat it….but one condition…….
U have 2 feed me…….please……I am missing mom a lot…….now…..{emotional}
Pinky : Beta….{she wipe out rudra’s tears and feeds him} Am not ur mom….choti ma….. but maa is maa…..choti or badi…..maa is maa…..Isn’t it prinku ?
Prinku : Yes…..Please choti maa……Feed me……also……{cries}
Pinky : Beta…prinku….u said u will remain as strong….and still u are crying……Don’t cry……{she feeds prinku}
Rudra : Om …..its really tasty…..when mom feeds child… missing mom……
Pinky : I can’t be jethaniji….but whenever u feels u miss jethaniji….just come 2 me…..
Omkara : Choti maa…..{gets emotional and hugs pinky…..}
Pinky : Omkara….u will just hug only….come on….open ur mouth…..{she feeds omkara}
[Mean while shivaay stares all and cries…..] Shivaay….u will not tell anything….but I know….u are hungry,…..oh my maata….
Shivaay : Mom……{he hugs pinky and she feeds shivaay also]
Dadi : Pinky…u made every one eat….what about ?
Pinky : {interrupts} Oh My Maata !!! Iam sorry….maaji…..i will feed u…..
Dadi : Pinky!!! {she touches pinky’s hands}U said u feel hungry… first u have 2 eat…. [she feeds pinky and pinky feeds dadi also…..]
[ All smile with wet eyes…]
Scene – 20 { Ishana’ dance academy}
{Next day mrng ishana arrives her academy ….She ties her dupatta and ties anklet on her legs….She starts teaching dance 4 students …..Mean while omkara arrives there and stands @ the corner…He was watching Ishana’s dance only……Omkara just stared her eyes and recollected ishana’s statement about his life…..He just closed his eyes and leaned on the wall….After the class was over, all students left the academy….Ishana finds omkara …..She comes closer 2 him…..}
Ishana : Omkara……..
Omkara : {slowly opens his eyes and stares her eyes….}I…..
Ishana : What……{smiles}
Omkara : I…..mean…..{he hides some thing behind him, ishana observes that}
Ishana : What’s that ? U are hiding some thing from me… me ur hand……
Omkara : Its nothing…just….{he extends his hands}
Ishana : Orchid……flowers…..White orchids….{ishana gets surprised}
Omkara : Mmm..I don’t know…..whether u will like it…..or not……just felt 2 give it…..
Ishana : Why ?
Omkara : When I saw white orchids… reminded me ur face…ur heart….which is so innocent…..and when it is pure…that means white…..So just …..{he stares her eyes only…..he finds difficult 2 express what he feels}
Ishana : I like it…..{she takes the flowers} both …..Flowers and U…..u are also so innocent…….so true from heart…… these flowers……Omkara…..{ they smile each other and share an eyelock….Bgm….”Oh Saathiya “ Plays…..}

PRECAP : Just try 2 keep a smile… ur face…..It worths a lot….for those who loves u…..


Sun always rises and spreads light, but sun flower expect sun to lime light and may be sun is not able to do it. But sun will show care through twilight.True love will succeed

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