Fan Fiction

ISHKARA FF : You are the light of my life [By Renima] Episode-13

ISHKARA FF : You are the Light of My Life [By Renima] {Episode- 13}
Hello…..ishqies…..thanks 4 the supporting and motivating comments…..And in midst of work…..during breaks….am posting episodes of ff…..So this one is very very short update…because am not getting time…..Hope u won’t mind it…….And most probably…..i will not be able 2 reply 2 ur comments in time…..But….u guys….never fails 2 comment……which means a lot……A big thanks 2 all readers and silent readers…….Here are the links of previous parts……

Please…..go through all parts…..and express ur views…….

Scene – 20 { @ Dance Academy } [continuation from part 12]
{Ishana and Omkara were still staring @ each other’s eyes only……The flowers which were planted by ishu @ the courtyard of academy were moving as the gentle breeze passed…..That breeze made ishana’s curly hair 2 fall on her cheeks……Omkara slowly passed his fingers through it and placed them behind her ear…..Mean while Ishana’s eye lids were just rolling only……She again stared omkara’s charismatic eyes……She felt herself lost in his eye sight…..Omkara was staring her so keenly because he felt that whatever he is feeling now 4 her….is something new……and he was just staring her only…..because he felt that his entire life would have become meaningless if he shouldn’t have met her……The moment of eye lock remained 4 a few minutes only……But it was like the first drop of rain which rains the dry soil…..They released their eyes from the eye lock and stared the white orchids….. Ishana…..moves forward and places them in a stand…..Her eyes went on the flowers….which reminded her another pure person’s eyes…..It was none other than jhanvi…..}
Omkara : Ishana…..I want 2….say…….
Ishana : [interrupts] Omkara….I have 2 tell an important thing…About jhanvi aunty…….
Omkara : Mom…..ishana……u see her ? Where is she ? I want 2 see her…….
Ishana :Relax…Omkara…..she may be in office……
Omkara : Office….I didn’t get u…….
{Ishana explains everything in brief……}
Ishana : Now…tell me….what we can do….
Omkara : I don’t know….ishana…..pls…..i want 2 meet her….pls…. {emotional]
Ishana : Its not possible…..omkara…..and jhanvi aunty….has started a new life…..And if …
Omkara : {Interrupts} I can understand….trust me….i just want a glance of my mom….. Please…Ishana…..{he holds her hands and gets emotional}
Ishana : I will try….Omkara…..But am scared……if any one will inform paapa that u are with me….near our office…..then…..I am worried 4 u…..No…I can’t do this……
Omkara : Please…..ishana…..please……..{he folds his hands before and cries}
Ishana : Omkara!!! {shocked} Please…..Don’t cry….{she touches his hand] We will go…..and see her…. …..Ok……
Omkara : But how…..Ishana……
Ishana : My paapa has a sharp brain…I mean if we will go office…..certainly he will find us….and we go head quarters also…..there might be some sort of securities…and we will not be able to escape ourselves from there……That’s why I said I can’t put ur life in risk….And the way your mom spole yesterday….I think…she has become so bold that if we manage 2 make u both meet also….she will not talk 2 u…..And it will u give u extreme pain…….Omkara…….
Omkara : Then….what should we do…..Ishana ?
Ishana : I don’t know….omkara….
Omkara : {thinking after a while} Well…..if possible….can u do me one favor……
Ishana : Sure……tell me….omkara…….
Omkara : Can u pls send some flowers 2 mom……trust me…I will not place any letter or note ……in it… make any trouble…..But as u said flowers are able 2 show care and affection….may be….they will be able 2 convey what I feels for mom….My mom has moved forward…And I have 2 accept it……only……But….if u will place flowers on her table….or some where else…..where she goes….am sure it will make her smile……The smile of my mother worth a lot…..{he gets emotional}
Ishana : Omkara….{touches his shoulder}
Omkara : {wipes his tears and pretends a smile} I have 2 make a habit… my mom said….I have 2 be in oberoi mansion…..with my brothers, sister…..Isn’t it……Because mom said…..we brothers should stand together …..and we should take care of prinku….also…..I can’t let them down…..ishana…..{he smiles with wet eyes}….I have 2 leave….now…..And….pls don’t forget 2 send flowers to mom……{he leaves the place with teary eyes}
{Ishana feels sad 4 him…..}

Scene – 21 { @ Out house of Oberoi Mansion]
Swethlana : Get ready….fast…tej……we can’t miss this chance…..
Tej : Yeah…..swethlana…..just 5 mimutes……only……
Swethlana : Do u really think we will get the land ……I mean all leading business delegates are keen 2 buy that plot…….
Tej : Of course swethlana….Am Tej Singh Oberoi….And leading business man is always none other than…..
Swethlana : {interrupts} tej…..I know….it…..{she places her hands on his neck]
Tej : Lets go…swethlana……
Scene – 22 { @ The Auction for the sale of land]
{All the leading business entrepreneurs are assembled……Almost all lost hope as when the auction was about 2 end….only …….Tej and Naresh Mehta are left…..Mehta and Tej stared each other’s eyes in anger……Swethlana opens the brief case of amount and smiles…..}
Tej ; So…gentle men……the land belongs 2 tej singh oberoi…..right ? {he handovers his brief case}
{Tej gets shocked with a person’s saying……“No……Mr. Tej Singh Oberoi…It belongs 2 Mr. Naresh Mehta only….” He turns behind and gets shocked 2 see Jhanvi ….}
Tej : Jhanvi !!!!!
Jhanvi : {without replying tej} Gentle me…pls check this…..and then u will be able 2 decide who is eligible for buying the land…..{she handovers the brief case}
Third person {who is been in charge of sale of land} : U are right….the land belongs 2 Mr. Naresh Mehta…Because…he has brought double amount….. and we have to sell this land 2 him only……
Tej : Jhanvi…..{shouts} U did this 2 me….{he raise his hands 2 slap her }
Mehta : {Mehta stops him by holding his hand}Tej Singh Oberoi……U can’t torture my employee….Jhanvi is the general manager of Mehta group of Industries…….Do you get it ?
Tej : What….{shocked}
Mehta : Jhanvi…..I have 2 discuss my staff about our company’s upcoming project……U just go and arrange everything…..
Jhanvi : Sure…..Mr. Mehta….{she stares tej}
Mehta : What…jhanvi…u are still standing here…..just go…..
Jhanvi : yes….{she leaves the spot without uttering a word}
Mehta : So…..Mr. Tej……Take it easy man…..
Tej : Mehta…U will pay for it…..
Mehta : Really….its already paid…..tej…..Better Luck Next Time…..
{Mehta walks away….and tej bursts into anger by throwing brief case}
Swethlana : Tej…..I didn’t expected this from u……U have failed before jhanvi…..Tej…..U have failed……
{she walks away….tej was getting more and more arrogant only}


Again sorry 4 making a short update……10000000000000000000 Times sorry……..


Sun always rises and spreads light, but sun flower expect sun to lime light and may be sun is not able to do it. But sun will show care through twilight.True love will succeed

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