Fan Fiction

ISHKARA FF : You are the Light of my life [By Renima ] Episode 7

ISHKARA FF : You are the light of my life [By Renima] Episode- 7
Hello ishqies…… Hope all are gud…thanks 2 all people 4 supporting me… Special thanks 2 sweetie and other silent readers also…..Guys…….pls read this one and express ur feelings……here are the Links for previous part ……

click here for all episodes

Please read all parts and drop ur views ……love u all……
Flash back scene – 6 [continuation from part 6]
Ishana : Omkara…..[emotional]…..I am worried 4 u…….am worried 4 u from the first day when I saw u……u was almost lost ur control……and that knife……when I find it……in ur hands…..i rushed because…….i felt like I know u well……though that was our first meeting…….i got much scared and tensed because….when I saw ur eyes……I witness the deep pain……of ur heart…….{she stares his eyes}U know…….omkara…….u should not have done that… depression…….we will not find path……but…..i must say……there are certain things around us…..which will not show path…..but they will realize u that u have 2 live……..And how can u miss them…..omkara ?

Omkara : You’re right……If I would have dead….then……I would have lost this care….. I would have missed this moment…….And like my life……my death….would also will remain as the dark chapter only……It would have rewarded pain to my shivaay, rudra, mom, prinku, choti maa, dadi…….They will never forget me…..but they will feel that……I am a looser……only……And …{emotional}
Ishana : {interrupts} Please….stop these……omkara……don’t degrade yourselves….. Ur bhai slapped u….because…..he is with u…….another bhai….demanded a promise from u…because…..he assured that….he will not leave u…..And….omkara….its too bad that u didn’t thought about them 4 a while…….U are an idiot…..omkara…..

Omkara : Just scold me….like these…..I wish…..u should scold me and show care 4 me….. because……I have lost myself……and I got a life from u……and u have full rights 2 tell me anything…….Ishana…..Just scold me….if u want 2 slap me…..then don’t think much…..just slap me…..because……I can feel ur care and ur support 4 me whenever u will talk 2 me…….{emotional}
Ishana : Do u really think so…….

Omkara : Yes……
Ishana : Why ???
Omkara : I don’t know…….But one thing I want 2 say that…if there is a person who show special care and concern towards me after my brothers ……then its none other than u…….
{Ishana is mesmerized with his statement…..She is confused as how she could express what she feels now……Her eyes are filled with tears….She smiles with wet eyes…..She wish she could say something….But words were unable to express her emotion……She stares omkara’s eyes…..Both of them stare each other’s eyes and seems their eyes were able 2 convey more than that of words……The moment when omkara expressed his wish 2 have the care of ishana and the way ishana felt herself free 2 advice him and scold him really brought a turning point in their lives…..A beautiful bond of care and pain blossomed among them and the caring dahlia flowers paved the way for this bond……}

Flash back Scene – 7 { @ Oberoi Mansion, Tej’s room}
Shivaay : Bade paapa……this is not right [checking some papers of a file]……How can we do this 2 mehta uncle ?
Tej : So……shivaay…..u are talking about ethics…….who use 2 say that…..every relationship is a deal only……..
Shivaay : I agree bade paapa…..but this is really not fair……we agreed for the contract from Mehta group of industries…..And now…..we are cancelling them…….without any prior notification……..If mehta uncle will ask about it…then what will be our answer ?
Tej : Leave it 2 me…shivaay…..I will give explanation……. {Mean while Mehta arrives there and interrupts their conversation by shouting “Tej”}

Naresh Mehta : How dare u could do like these 2 me…….tej……I will not leave u…..{ he presses tej’s shirt’s collars and stares his eyes with full of anger}
Shivaay : Mehta uncle….please……control urself….. And its nothing……part of our business….and for the betterment of our new company…….we are taking contract from……
Naresh : {interrupts} Betterment of oberoi company…..u have cancelled our contract…….
Tej : Relax….I can understand…..its shocking 4 u…….and we cancelled it…..without notifying u earlier…..But whatever we the loss…we will pay it……soon…….
Naresh : Tej…..Am not a beggar……And I don’t want ur compensation…..Whatever advance we paid u…..I don’t need a penny from it…….I really don’t need money because……u have betrayed me…….u have broken the trust of ur friend…….

Tej : Think what u want….i don’t care….naresh…..mehta……u are my competent in business, not my partner…….and by accepting the contract……of mehtas…….u will get more profit, as per terms of the agreement papers we have 2 pay the 50 % to u and the remaining one….we will not get completely as we have to pay tax also…….It was necessary to make a bond with an established company since every one should notice as it was a new venture…a start up……And before the whole world……we have done it…….Then I cancelled it……
Naresh : [interrupts] How can u say that u can alone cancel it ? The bond is between us….. and its necessary that…..i should also agree the same……Then only it will be cancelled……

Tej : Its already done….You stated that u are cancelling it with ur own interest…….
Naresh : I didn’t get u…Tej……
Tej : {With a sharp smile} Have a look @ these papers…..He hand overs the papers 2 him……
Naresh : {after reading the papers} I can’t believe it…..last night……when u asked me 2 sign……I never thought twice…..I just signed without reading it…….{emotional}
Tej : Its not my fault….Naresh…I asked u 2 read….but u…..was in hurry 2 sign it…….
Naresh : Yes…..I signed it….because….I saw u as my friend…..and I believed in my friend that he will never do anything which will break our friendship……But I was wrong……. Now I will make it right…..I will see u as a business man…..only….A business man who is ready 2 compromise anything 4 business……..{Naresh gets emotional and leaves the room, shivaay tries 2 stop him….But he didn’t listen to him…..}
{Naresh asks Jaswir Mehta 2 leave the oberoi mansion as early as possible……She didn’t understand what’s the problem, but she witnessed his anger and felt she should not ask further questions…..}

{Mr and Mrs Mehta are about 2 leave….Dadi tries 2 stop them…..}
Dadi : U told me that for one week u will stay here ……They why are u leaving so fast…..
Naresh : Maaji……I learned from my friend that among business and friendship…..I have 2 choose business only…….And maaji… he is a competent in my business……he is not my friend……{stares Tej…..with wet eyes}
Dadi : Puthar……

Jaswir : {interrupts} Please…maaji…..its hard 4 naresh 2 stay here….and am his wife….I can’t see his worries…..If possible then ……please bless him and me……{she folds her hands before dadi….Mean while Tej was also in anger and he was not interested in talking with Mehta….So he goes 2 his room…..}
Dadi : Naresh, jaswir…….{dadi hugs them and blesses them…..}
Shivaay :Aunty…..

Jaswir : Please….shivaay……we are leaving…..
Pinky: Oh My Maata…… Please….jaswir….just think about what we told u about ishu and……our…..
Jhnavi : {interrupts and hold her hands} Please pinky……don’t say it…..let them go……
{ emotional}
Jaswir : I think… it will not happen….he has chosen business……{emotional}
Naresh : {moving towards entrance}Are u coming or not ? And ask ishu also 2 come out….
Jaswir : Am coming…… Naresh……..ishu….ishu beta…{she takes ishana;s name}
Prinku : Aunty…..i forgot 2 tell u …she has gone 2 om bhaiya’s art hub….4 practicing dance……
{Jaswir, Jhanvi And Pinky stare each other’s eyes…..They wonder how it happened as they really wish 2 see their children together……}
Jhanvi : Prinku ……Go and tell rudra to pick up Ishana……
Prinku : But Bhaiya has gone 2 gym…..
Jaswir : Its ok….I will call ishu…..
Dadi : Puthar….take care of urselves and ur family….
Jaswir : Sure…..maji…{she smiles with wet eyes @ every one and leaves mansion with her husband}
Flash back Scene – 8 { @Mehta Nivas}
{Meanwhile ishana gets the phone call from jaswir and she realized that her mother is in tension….And came 2 know that they are in mehta nivas…She share this 2 omkara and he drops ishana @ mehta nivas}
Ishana : Omkara…..please…..come inside…..I have 2 show u something…..
{Omkara smiles and he is about 2 enter the home…..But he was stopped as Naresh Mehta shouted….”Ishana”}
{Both om and ishu are shocked…Jaswir rushes there and gets tensed…..}
Naresh : Ishana……tell this guy 2 go out….right now…….
Ishana : Paapa……what’s wrong with u……u know he is omkara…..
Naresh : I know him very well….Ishu…..he is omkara singh oberoi…….And that’s why I don’t want his presence in my home……

Jaswir : Please….naresh…..don’t blame omkara….he didn’t committed any mistake……..
Naresh : He has committed the mistake…..jaswir…… it is his biggest mistake that…..he is mr. tej singh oberoi’s son…..Tej…..the cheater……
{Omkara gets shocked….Ishana felt tensed 4 omkara….}
Jaswir : I agree naresh…but he has cheated u…….not his son…..and u know…..omkara was not there…..and he has no connection with business….
Ishana : Yes….paapa……omkara didn’t know anything…..he is an artist…..and believe me…..he will not do anything 2 harm u…

Naresh : May be….but I can’t trust omkara…because his face is reminding me his father Tej….only…..his father betrayed me……And for business he has crossed everything…. He has compromised friendship….. Like a Chameleon He has change his color now ……for success……for business…..Now he will never look back…And omakra is that man’s son…..whose is an artist…..his world is full of colors……and what else…..he may also change color……..
Ishana : Paapa…{shocked}
{Omkara gets shocked with this statement…..He couldn’t utter a word before him…He just turned behind and walks…….Ishana felt extremely sad 4 om……Tears were falling from her eyes…..She is about to rush behind 4 stopping him…But Mehta stopped her by holding her hands…..She screamed …..”Omkara”…..But he didn’t look back…..}
Ishana : Paapa…..please…..i want 2 meet him…..{emotional}
Naresh : The bond with that house has gone now…..And its better u should accept this fact as early as possible……..{he goes inside}
Ishana : Mom…..{emotional}

Naresh : Can’t u see ur paapa is hurt……Still u want 2 go…….behind him……{emotional}
{Ishana felt herself in a dilemma……She was literally crying only……..Jaswir goes inside……Ishana bent @ her own knees and leaned on the wall and burst into tears…..Mean while omkara drives the car…..with a depressed heart through streets…….He stared the dahlias which he gifted her ….She has placed it in the car only……Omkara felt to return them, but mehta’s statement had affected him deeply and he was unable 2 go back…..He stopped the car @ a point and he was not able 2 balance the driving….He get down of the car….and observed his own face through the looking glass of car…..The statement given by Mehta was disturbing him…. “I can’t trust omkara…because his face is reminding me his father Tej….only…..his father betrayed me……” Omkara felt himself as a culprit……he was thinking….”son of mr. oberoi…..son of a cheater…..son of a person who didn’t know the value of relationship……my face…..

am not able 2 look @ my own face……I can’t see my face……”with much depression., he took a stone and breaks the glass…..He stares the broken pieces which were scattered @ road…..He felt those pieces were staring him and blaming him “son of a cheater” only…..Omkara gets frustrated…….He kicks the scatterd pieces…for a few seconds……He recalled so many bitter incidents of his life…….he was thinking “ Because of u. mr. oberoi…….i decided 2 end my life…….but when she saved me…..i thought I will not lose her care……but u have stolen everything from me……mr. oberoi…….u have stolen my childhood, u made my mother a drunker and separated me from her love and affection……u tried 2 create rift between shivaay and me……but when that attempt failed……I thought u would have stopped everything…..but u betrayed ur own friend……and finally u separated the care , the concern , my life…which is given by her……u separated ishana….my life from me……Ishana….my life…….” {he bent on his own knees and burst into tears}{BGM…..”Tanhai “ [dil chahata hai] plays}

Scene shifts 2 the present state…….scene -6 { @ Flower shop}
{Ishana lost herself in thoughts…..She was thinking “ That betrayal was just the beginning…..only…..In the past 2 years…..everything changed…..paapa and tej uncle became the business rivalvs…..both of them wanted 2 establish their name and dignity and in their race… win they never look back……Shivaay always tried his best 2 unite them……as their rivalry created rift among two families…..Pinky aunty, Jhanvi aunty never talked 2 my mom…….Even my mom also didn’t felt 2 talk 2 them……My paapa is engaged in his own world only……He has no time 2 spend with mom and me….He is keen in making plans to destroy oberois only…..In this battle…..we are losing ourselves…..shivaay, rudra, prinku , omkara and me….we all still meet ……without telling our parents…..because we maintain a strong bond….and these battle is weak 2 break our bond……But omkara and me……whenever we will meet alone…..i can see the pain and today….what tej uncle had done…..” she couldn’t lost herself in thoughts as raamu chaacha addressed her “beta”}

Raamu chaacha : Beta….Would you like 2 have a cup of tea……
Ishana : No….thanks….{she stares the wall clock and gets tensed} Oh My God……its 2 late……chaacha…..i have 2 go home….bye…..
Raamu chaacha : Bye…beta…..
{Ishana leaves the shop in rush….Chaacha feels sad 4 her…..}
Scene – 7 { @ Oberoi Mansion, Morning}
{After that calm sleep omkara has wake up and gets surprised 2 see the care of shivru….}
Omkara : Shivaay….am sorry……
Shivaay : Its ok….i can understand….om…..but please….don’t do it again…..
Rudra : Yes…om……we got worried 4 u……shivaay bhaiya didn’t slept….even I slept….but he lie down me on his lap…..{emotional]
Shivaay : Rudra…..{touches his shoulder}
Omkara : Shivaay… always remain as the great wall…..
Shivaay :And u are my best man….om……so whatever be the prblm…..just come and tell me…….ok…..
Rudra : Yeah…om……I can’t solve prblms…and I can cry only……but……I have ears…….u can tell me…..{cries}
Omkara : Rudra…..{he hugs rudra and gets emotional}

Shivaay : Om….we are always with u….
Rudra : We should make this as oberoi moment…..bhaiya…..
Shivaay : Are u ready om…..
Omkara : yes…..
Shivomru : {fold their hands} Dil Bole Oberoi…….
{Mean while pinky arrives there with a cup of green tea 4 omkara}
Pinky : Omkara….beta…….are u ok ?
Omkara : Am ok…..choti maa…..{smiles}

Pinky : Have it….u will feel better….{she handovers the cup}
{Omkara starts drinking it….Mean while shivaay whispers pinky’s ears 2 stay silent…as he is tensed whether omkara will be affected by any shock……}
Omkara : {stares both pinky and sso} What happened shivaay…….
Pinky : {interrupts} Nothing beta….actually shivaay was telling me 2 keep silent…..{stares sso}
Shivaay : Mom…{signs his head and places his finger on his lips 2 keep her silent}
Omkara : {seeing them and smiles} Choti maa……
Pinky : Yes….omkara……{she realized that she had opened her mouth, so she ask him through her gestures, if he need anything/…..}
Omkara : {laughs} Choti maa….you have forgotten 2 say……oh my maata……
Pinky : {breaking silence} Oh My Maata !!!! How can I forget 2 say ……that…..{stares sso} shivaay……I can’t keep silence…..beta…..its better if u should paste fevicol on my mouths ……so that I will not open my mouths……oh my maata…..

Omkara : {shivomru laughs} Choti maa…..{he touches her cheeks} You’re so sweet….. Please…..don’t stop talking…shivaay…….now u will not stop her…..ok?
Rudra : {covers shivaay’s mouth and mimics sso} Ok….Not a big deal……om….
Shivaay : {removes rudy’s hands} Dumb…..I will not leave u…..

Rudra : Om….please save me…..{he runs near om and hides behind him…….}
Pinky : Oh My Maata !!! I wish ur bond could stay like these forever…….omkara……go and take bath……soon……
Shivaay : Today…..i will make break fast……4 u……
Rudra : Of course…..and I will make protein shake……
Omkara : Protein shake!!!!
Rudra : U are not focusing on ur physique…I know u are handsome..but not cool as rudy….{acts as} So my protein shake will make u cool…..
Pinky : Oh My Maata !!! u both will stand here only….come lets go……
Shivaay : Yes….om…come soon…..
{Shivru and Pinky leaves…..Omkara gets up from the bed….His eyes went on the dahlias …..He understood that ishana came there 2 see him…..}



Sun always rises and spreads light, but sun flower expect sun to lime light and may be sun is not able to do it. But sun will show care through twilight.True love will succeed

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