Fan Fiction


Happy Eid Milad to all Ishqies…..
Hello ishqies…..thanks for your comments ….and views….and really I have tried to create the feel of ishq…here…..i mean it has started only… usual it is….short….But hope you will like it….So here comes the fourth part….of my ff….And please comment on it…..guys
Scene 7 {@ City Hospital}
{Omkara took Ishana in his arms and rushed to the hospital…..Blood has clotted and he got tensed…..Doctor arrives and ask the attenders to shift Ishana to the room…..}
Omkara : Doctor…please….save Ishana….
Doctor : Don’t worry she will be alright….some one has hit her head….that’s why she fall unconscious ….I have examined her…and nothing serious has happened to her….she will gain consciousness within one or two hours…..
Omkara : Thank you doctor….
{Omkara entered to the room where Ishana was admitted…He sat beside her and stared her face…He recollected the memories of their meetings and the magical words which we said about fate….” May be fate will unite us”……He cries and his drops of tears fall on her hand…..She slowly opened her eyes……But omkara didn’t noticed it….. Ishana slowly managed to touch omkara’s hands….Omkara gets surprised and he hold her hand….They share an emotional eyelock…. }
Ishana : Omkara….am here….i mean….
Omkara {interrupts}: Sh!!! No need to say anything …..You need rest…. ok….
Ishana : Paapa……omkara….my paapa….and my sister….
Omkara : {touches on her cheek and smiles} …Actually when I find you….i was scared and I didn’t noticed anything….May be your phone was there…..
Ishana : What???
Omkara : Nothing….Ishana…..i will inform them… just tell the phone number…..

Scene-8 {Ishana’s home}
{Mean while @ Ishana’s house his dad and Mona were much tensed as Ishana was not arrived home….Mona tried Ishana’s phone….but she find it as switched off only……}
Dad : Mona…I think that goons have kidnapped my daughter….
Mona : No….its not possible…..{emotional}di….will be alright….may be di has switched off her phone because di may be in tension and she don’t want to share it with us….
Dad : Don’t know…beta….i feel Ishana is in trouble…..We can’t go to police also…because they will put me in prison …..
Mona : Paapa…..circumstances made you to do conning and di also became a congirl because we don’t have a choice…..and the whole World treats di and you as criminals….but the real culprits behind your miseries are leading a luxurious life…
Dad : Mona… doesn’t listen to these things….it will listen to rich man’s voice only….if you are wealthy then you are strong…..this is reality…..
{Mona gets a phone call from omkara and he informs the matter…}

Scene – 9 {@ City hospital}
{Mona and dad arrives there and visit Ishana….}
Mona : Di….i was scared…..and how it happened di??
Ishana : I don’t remember exactly what happened….When I opened my eyes I saw omkara here….That’s all….{ishana stares omkara.. }
Dad : Omkara…….Thanks for saving my daughter’s life…..
Omkara : Its Ok….Whatever I did…I mean if some one else were in trouble also….i will help them…..{ishkara share an eyelock}
Ishana : You’re right Omkara…..You have a true heart and you help when one you feel as…..{she was unable to complete her words and tears came out from her eyes}
Dad:{interrupts} Omkara…I know my daughter has hurt you…and me Also was the part of game…..don’t curse my daughter….because she did it since I made her to a congirl…..{emotional}
Omkara : Uncle…please……I feel bad because I blamed her family, culture…which was not right…..Am sorry….but I want to say that we should make our identity with a base of our truth and heart…and its better if we should not wear masks on it…..{Ishana and Omkara stare each other}….I think I should leave now…..{He is about to leave….But Ishana calls him….Omkara turns back and stares her…}
Ishana : Thanks a lot….. Omkara…..{she becomes emotional}
Omkara : Take care…..{omkara gets emotional and leaves}

Scene- 10 {@ Art Hub}
{Days passed….and Ishana was discharged from the hospital….She regained her health…But still she was in trouble….The burden of huge debts were revolving her mind and Omkara’s words about identity had deeply influenced her thoughts and she was unable to remain again as a congirl……She was confused and she feel she should ask Omkara itself what she should do?? She reaches Art Hub and find Omkara engaged in making a sculpture….She observed him deeply and she find his involvement towards his work and got surprised…..After some time Omkara finished his work and find that Ishana was waiting for him. He slowly moved towards her and her heart was beating too fast….She felt some kind of charisma in Omkara’s eyes….and was unable to take her eyes from him…. }
Omkara : {with a pleasant smile} Hi Ishana……
Ishana : Hi Omkara{ smiles}
Omkara : So……
Ishana {interrupts}…Mmm..Omkara….i want to ask you some thing…..
Omkara : Yes….of course……
Ishana : Omkara…you told that we should make our identity on the base of truth and heart…..But if I listen to it then my family will suffer miseries only…..As you trust in honesty may be truth will succeed one day….But reality is some thing beyond from honesty…..And I prefer my family….and for it I will go to any extent….
Omkara : Ishana…I can understand it….But putting a mask over your identity and hurting other people with pranks will offer immense pain only……And as you said may be we have to wear masks….as situations demands….but it should not be our identity…..
Ishana : You are right….Omkara…..these masks offer pain…only….. it is just breaking every one’s heart……{she burst into tears}
Omkara : Ishana…..please…control yourself…..
Ishana : {holding omkara’s hand and stares him with teary eyes} Then tell me….what is my identity??
Omkara : Listen to your heart….it will show you what you are…..
{Ishana is mesmerized…..Ishkara share an eye lock}
Ishana : I didn’t understand what my heart says…..
Omkara : But I know…..{Ishana is shocked and stares om}….Ishana…….Do you remember when I asked you whether you like to dance and you said that you love dance because when you dance you feel that you are free…..and when you put anklet on your legs you feel you have opened all restrictions and when you lose yourself in dance you feel you got everything…..
Ishana : Omkara…..i like dance…..but I never get a platform to develop it as a profession….I just dance when I feel to dance….that’s all…..And now I think I have lose the rhythm of life……as neither I can remain as a con girl nor I can remain as a dancer……
Omkara : Ishana……I am not a dancer…..but when I saw your dance I feel that your dance movements express your passion towards dance…..You know what whatever I convey through my art just portrays…..
Ishana : What you feel……
Omkara : Ishana…..the pain, emotions which we suppressed in hearts will often confuse our mind….and when it comes to art…..we just ….
{he is unable to complete words and gets emotional….}
Ishana : Omkara{touches his shoulder}…….
Omkara : {smiles with teary eyes} Ishana…your passion towards life should be your identity….And it’s your dance…..{he hold her hands}
Ishana : Yes…..{she shakes her head and gets emotional}

PRECAP : Omkara-Tej argument and Bromance moment….

And just the passion has been realized by Ishana….the feel of unknown bond of pain will be portrayed in upcoming episodes….
Please comment guys…..


Sun always rises and spreads light, but sun flower expect sun to lime light and may be sun is not able to do it. But sun will show care through twilight.True love will succeed

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