Fan Fiction

Ishkara -ff story full of love , anger,lust and revenge -(part 20)

Sorry friends….thora late ho gya .

part – 20

Om – ishana was looking tensed ……I should follow her.

Ishana – Driver chalo ……mehta mansion.

Om was following ishana .

Rohan called ishana
Ishaana- ya rohan I am on my way .

Rohan – mam sir is fine now .

Ishaana- thank God ……where is he ??

Rohan – just now he left .

Ishaana- left where ?

Rohan – office
Ishaana- office ?rohan u should have stopped him .
Rohan – mam u know sir …he never listen to me .
Ishana – k i will meet uncle there only.

Phone disconnected.

Om – where she is going .?

Ishana car stopped outside a big Building .
At least the building will be off 25 floors .

And it was metha company .

Om – with a shock ( metha group of company) what ishana is doing here .

Ishana went inside and all guard’s and people will wishing her and giving respect.

Om -y all r treating ishana like a boss…..Om also tried to enter but a guard stopped him .

Guard – sir Id plz .

Om – I have no Id …..I don’t work here .
Guard – thn u came here to meet someone??

Om- I am with that girl who just entered .

Guard how ishana mam ?
Om – ya ishana .
Guard- sorry sir if u want to meet mam u have to take appointment.
Om – ( confused)… Appointment !!!…..y …..Ishana works here also (om asked the guard).??
Guard – start laughing ….. y ishana mam will work here . ..dis company is of ishana mam .

Look it’s written mehta group of company
President of company ishana metha.

Om – was hell shocked . …as he always thought that ishana is from middle class background.

Om – kab se ishana owner hai.
Guard – last 6 months se …….as here father died in car accident ………….so the company need someone to handle the business ….that’s y ishana mam is looking …..if u want to meet her u can come tomorrow and plz take appointment.

Suddenly a girl shout omg omkara oberoi …..sir I am big fan of ur art work plz one picture .

Guard – oberoi!!!!………sir ap oberoi hai .
Om – nahi just omkara ( and he left)

Om on his way back to home .
Om -if ishana is the owner of metha company thn y she was trying to con me ??
That means she was never a con girl .thn y she was doing all dis .

Ishana after meeting his uncle and signed some important documents .

She was going back to home .

On her way back she saw crowd of people ….so she get down to look .

Ishana – aree kya hua .??
A old lady – beta a lady is hitted by a car .
Ishana ?- what y u all r standing take her to hospital .
Old lady – beta I told them to take her but no one is helping …… because of police …and I can’t help her alone .
Ishana don’t worry I will take her…..Ishana walked towards the lady and was shocked to see that it was jhanvi .

Ishana – jhanvi aunty….she tell the crowd to help her to place jhanvi in car .

City hospital.

Jhanvi admitted .
Ishana – doctor how she is ?
Doctor – she is fine now ….just unconscious .
Ishana – thank u doctor.

Ishana called om.
Om phone ringing …..Om see ishana name .

Om picked it up .
Om – what is it ??( Om tone was rude)
ISHANA – sensed it but that time she ignored …..Om ur mom is admitted in city hospital ….plz come .
Om – what !!!mom ….what happened ….us she fine.
Ishana – ya om she is fine just unconscious …u plz come.
Om – ya .

After 15 mins om reached city hospital .?

Om – ishana where is mom ( om was asking ishana and his both hand are placed near ishana shoulder).

Ishana – don’t worry she there ( pointing towards a room) .

Om – rush to meet her mom .

Om – entered and saw her mom with teard eye .
Om – mom .
Jhanvi – opened her eye slowly and looked towards om .
Om – mom r u k ….how dis happened .??
Jhanvi – I am k om see ….I am totally fine now .
Om – but mom how dis happened .?
Jhanvi – I don’t know om I was walking suddenly something hitted me and I lost my sense and when i my gained back my senses I saw u ….my om.?

Om -smiled.
Doctor entered .
So Mrs oberoi how u feeling??
Jhanvi- good doctor.
Doctor – k if u want u can go home .
Jhanvi – ya doctor.
Doctor – k i will make ur discharge papers ready .
Doctor left .
Om flow the doctor …
Om – doctor how much is the bills .
Doctor – ur bills r already payed Mr omkara
Om – payed who ???
Doctor – it’s was payed by ishana metha she only brought ur mom here.
Doctor left .

Om – was so angry on ishana …. because he was feeling betrayed again .

Om took jhanvi back to oberoi mansion.

Shivaay – aree ma kya hua ??
Rudra – mom???

Both rudra and shivaay rushed to jhanvi ….and where looking tensed .

Jhanvi aree nothing just a small accident.
Shivaay – accident?
Om – explain whole story to shivaay and rudra .

Rudra – thank God om ki u reached there in time.

Jhanvi – shivaay ,om ,rudra plz don’t tell dis to anyone in house . …I want a any kind of tension .

3 off them nodded in yes .

Jhanvi k i am feeling better dizzy I am going to sleep .

Om helped jhanvi .

After making jhanvi sleep ….Om st re slightly went out side .

To be continued


Crazy about ishkara and swasan Love to travel and totally crazy?

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