Fan Fiction

Ishkara -ff story full of love , anger,lust and revenge -(part 68)

Episode 68

Hello guyzz and sorry for late update actually my right hand index finger and small finger were badly cracked thats y i was not able to write plus my college also started …..and i am so glad that u guyzz r so nice to read my ff with so many mistake actually its all fault of spelling checker.

Thanks for ur lovely comment ??

Here 68 episode

Ishana SUDDENLY stopped in middle and thinking about past all flashback r going on her mind .

Rohan still shouting he is trying to cross the road but can’t as all car r Continuously moving.

Om client SUDDENLY look towards the road from the 1st floor .

Client to om .

Client- mr om look there is women standing in the middle of the road ????? Y she is not moving.

Om looked toward the direction he was not able to see Ishana face .

Om – y she is not moving .

Thn he noticed rohan other side of the road and was shocked to see him .

Thn he thinks is it ishana om???oh mu god .

He run down and reached the main gate thn ishana side face was visible .

Om – Ishana!!!!!.

At that very time a truck was heading towards ishana the truck was continually pressing the horn …… other side was calling ishana name and running towards her to save her ……. he was a few step away from Ishana .

Om – ishaana he shout so loudly that dis time she come out of her thoughts.

Ishana looks towards om .

Ishana- om and that very time the truck hit her ….ishana flys high and landed badly near om building .

Om and rohan face freez ( both )

Ishana .?

Reached Ishana first and called her name ishana ishana wake up .

Ishana .

Ishana open her eyes and saw om so she smiled and say om i am sorry.

And thn lost sense.

To be continued


Crazy about ishkara and swasan Love to travel and totally crazy?

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