Categories: Fan FictionUdaariyaan


firstly sorry that i was not available for 15 days but here i am again continuing my story

as per the last episode simran and buzo enter the virk house after the skit play , everyone gets shocked seeing them both together holding each other’s hand , before anyone can express them selves khushbeer shouts and asks them to leave but gurpreet stops him and says let her speak once she steps towards her and hugs her , she hold her and bombarded the bunch of questions on both of them but they didn’t say anything tejo says “aunty ji the story was their’s , i wanted to unite the whole family so i made you all get to know about what she suffered in last 10 years ” gurpreet asks “her that they both love each other since years and didn’t tell anyone not even fateh !!!!” tejo nods she goes to khushbeer and says” papaji i know you don’t hate her , you just hate what she did but now that you know what she had gone through i think you should give her a chance and forgive her, please ” she says  “people can go to any extend for their so called love looking jasmean and fateh  but they both didn’t get married till now as they wanted your blessings  , this is true love ,i beg of you please forgive them and accept them ” he remains silent jasmin smiles seeing tejo’s failing efforts

tejo cries then she nods looking amrik and mahi they goes to bring someone , they bring candy in the house everyone again gets shocked seeing him , fateh recalls candy and his meeting he asks tejo why he is here , he lives in faridkot right near your NGO she says if his mom is here then why don’t he , he looks shockingly at her and candy call khushbeer “nanu why are you angry he looks at him , he hugs him and says “nothing bacche i am just angry with your mother that she didn’t get you to meet us for years everyone smiles and hugs him ,he tells the names of everyone and ask about jasmine that “who is this aunty what is she doing here” tejo says” she is my sister !” and looks at fateh everyone ask khushbeer to forgive both of them he nods and ask them to have dinner everyone smiles tejo says thank you

everyone is having dinner except fateh  and jasmine they both are in their room . jasmine says “again she became a goddess in front of everyone what was the need to do this before your  divorce , who cared about simran in the past 10 years can’t she wait for few gays , fateh shouts” shut up! for god sake , now don’t you utter a word i know you are selfish to the core but i didn’t know that you can’t bear anyone’s happiness , i wonder you both are real sisters she looks angrily at him and ask him” to leave and have dinner with his beloved family” but this time he also says” yes i will go !!”  she throws the pillow and says now he also is going back to his family , ” he goes to the kitchen tejo is working there ,she looks at him he hugs her she felts confused as she should back out or stay there , he cries hugging her , he apologizes her about his behavior and allegations ,she backed out , they both looks at each other , he ask” why you do so much for everyone , you never think for your own self , she says “your girlfriend is enough for selfishness i don’t want to be like her and its good for you also if i would be like her i wouldn’t be divorcing you , for your happiness , if  you  don’t want to loose your love then how can i but i am tejo not fateh or jasmine who  don’t want other’s happiness “she leaves

next day everyone is having breakfast and a man comes asking for tejo ‘ she goes he hand her a envelope saying it is court’s notice of  divorce , she opens and reads and tells tomorrow is the hearing .she goes to fateh’s room and says tomorrow is the hearing be ready at 11  jasmine says “now go and apply for visa and court marriage after your divorce we will get married and fly to Canada, he says” are you mad its just and hearing how can i to anything without any  proper decision ” she says” fine wait for it too, like always “tejo says” don’t worry soon you both will be free ” and leaves

its night both fateh and tejo can’t sleep recalling their moments . fateh thinks why i am so confused i love jasmine but i still want tejo to be with me , what do i want .god please help me find the right path .

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