Hello guys how are u all ????? Well I am back again ????????????
Thanks to all the members who commented and ya sohi I am going to show Hyderabad as I am a Hyderabadi too ????
No proof read ignore mistakes …
So guys Chalo let’s move on to the next epi …
Recap : leap of 8 months kunj entry …
The episode starts with kunj has tears in his
eyes and he looks at twinkle pic n says again
On the other side (Hyderabad)
The view of the city is shown the city of pearls
the famous architects historical charMinar
Golconda fort chowmahalla palace dams and
last twin cities of hyderabad Hussain Sagar is
shown joining the two twin cities hyderabad n
Secunderabad ……..
A large building is shown with many people roaming here n there a beautiful girl stepped inside the building her eyes were shown then
her pretty lips she was wearing white kurti n
pallazo she has ear plus n she was chewing
bubble gum she goes to her cabin throws off
the scarf which was on her neck n sat on her
seat …
G : good morning Hyderabad here aapki dost aapki host aapki RJ Jasmin is back again I know today Is Monday n Monday has made his
record for being the most bordem day of the
week but no worries when Jasmin is here why
you fear guys here I am starting my show with a
cute song one of my fav Jeena Jeena by Atif
Aslam so enjoy n stay tuned at 93.5 red FM with
me Jasmin ????
( So the girl was none other Dan our twinkle aka Jasmin …)
J : so guys how was ur day I know boring
Monday but i am here so call me and tell why u
wanna listen and there will be a funny task
today as there are many examination are going
on still so u can call me and vent out your whole
frustration so stay tuned with me …
Jasmin smiles and pulls off her headphones and goes towards the balcony her radio station
was on 10 floor and so the view of the city is
beautiful and jas stands there taking cool
breeze with her open arms she smiles and
closes her eyes ..
Jasmin pov ???
Don’t know why whenever I close my eyes I feel some part of me is missing I didn’t knew what
??? But this kills me everyday ….
In Amritsar (taneja mansion)
Leela looks at twinkle pic n cries I lost my
daughter I lost my twinkle dat day she felt a hand on her shoulder n turns to look at meher…
Meh : Leela aunty don’t cry nah u know our twinkle is with us in our memories
L : Yeah meher but I am a mother n she cries hugging meher when abeer come here with a small baby girl ….
AB : see nah Leela aunty she always cries like her mother …
Leela take mehbeer daughter n pecks her when she gets a call n it flashes Usha …
L : ha Usha oaky we will come there yeah she ends call n ask mehbeer to take rest …
Kunj goes to office n moves towards his cabin when he gets a call from Mr Mehta …..
K : so what u thought about the deal
Mr Mehta : see Mr sarna we agree to your terms n conditions u have to come Hyderabad for the further process
K : okay I’ll be there tomorrow…
He ends call n says finally the deal happen he smiles n Manohar n rt sees him …
Rt : after twinkle died kunj has lost his smile but I am so happy to see him like this …
Man : yeah ram I am to happy he had made himself bzy in office works only ..
At evening :::::
Leela rt mehbeer comes to sarna mansion here yuhi Anita surjeet madhvi and kuber (abeer parents) were already present ….
U : so much happen in past few days dat we didn’t got time …
L : yeah Usha …
An : my grandson Is here I am so happy let’s do naming ceremonies of both the babies…
Madhvi : yeah I agree with Anita .,.
They all talk about having the naming ceremonies of the babies all smiles n had a get together kunj comes home n greets everyone n left to his room soon he came out with a bag …
B : kunj where you are going …
K : babee I am going to HYD for an imp meeting …
Mah : but Bhai tomorrow we have kept naming ceremony function …
K : I am so sorry mahi I’ll not be able to attend it …
He meets every one n left for the airport
At Hyderabad ::::
Twinkle comes out of her office n a handsome boy pats in her shoulder
T : u and hugs him …
B : ha my lovely lady n smiles at her
T : Bhai u’ll never improve nah …
B : yeah Jasmin after all I am your brother Kabir n raises his collar …
Soon they both burst out in laughter screen freezes on twinkle laughing n kunj coming out of the airport scene ……
So how the episode ????
Do comments guys …..
I am leaving okay ….
Will be back soon with another update but want comments guys ….
Do read keep commenting stay tuned …
Sameera ???

Previous ArticleMehriya- a simple love (Part 6)
Next Article The Chronicles Of Kriyam (Episode 10) continued
Secret admirer ???? lover of SIDMIN ..and many more like akdha mehbeer.. Cute si writer love to write and read ... Love my tei family ?????????...
Amazing but twinj ko jaldi unite koro
I have a question for u that in epi 80 why twinkle feels dizzy.is she pragnent ?
Wow Kust Loved it Twinkle … Jasmin is alive I am so happy 🙂 Feeling sad for the family and Kunj …… Happy That Twinkle has a brother ….
Hope Twinj meet soon 🙂
Love you 🙂 Post soon 🙂
Woaah Samy episode is so lovely.. Happy to see twinkle again in Jasmine avatar.. Hope twinj meet soon.. Plz post soon..
Love you..
awesome amazing
Hey sam its awesome amazing… Just loved it twinkle is alive nd now twinj will meet in hyderabad ..
I think twinkle lost her memory that’s why she is saying she feels some part missing
Awesome epi.. the rj part was really amazing.. hope twinj meets soon.. eagerly waiting for the next ❤
Amazing as always and now damn excited for twinj meeting wonder how they will meet each other twinkle aka Jasmin nice wating for next post and do make it more then hundreds of possible SAMEERA
See my guess was correct twinkle was alive
N same pinch dear
Bcozzz I’m also hydearabadi ?????
Awesome na
N episode was amazing loved it
N I hope in next episode der was twinj meet
Loads of love keep smiling
Sorry for not commenting on previous episodes as I was busyyy but now I have read all the episodes which I had missed and they all weree amazing???? and Twinjjjj??? want them to meet sooonn
Wow sameera I just loved it pls post asap dear
Wohooo!!! It’s awesome babes????i loved it man. Its just lovely. Loved it to the core
Post next soon??☺️
Amazing epi sam
Continue asap
Loads of love?
Hey thank you sooo much my dear
Ur awesome how you described hyderabad was fabulous
And you know what I mostly listen 93.5 red fm on radio
And who is kabir tell us who is playing the characters of him
Waiting eagerly for twinj meeting
Do continue and post soon bye
omg…..sameera dii hw come u write such a fabulous epi i just loved it…
Hi Sammu, episode was superb amazing as always… loved twinkles jasmin avtar…. now very exited ki twinj kaise milenge n kaise twinkle ko sab yaad aayega…. it was emotional epi too… loved it… post next soon…
Ba bye…….Love you♥♥
Hey sammu
Awesome epi… When a handsome boy patted Twinkle aka Jasmin’s shoulder I thought she is having a boy friend but then when I read bhai I was relieved… Very excited for TwiNj face off… Post next soon…
Love you❤
Amazing twist yrrr?
sameera di iss baar toh buri tarah se aansoon bahar bhi aagye or apa rasta bhi bana liya hai
ohhhhhh god y srsly luvd it soooo mch m like wow rj jasmin
luv u lods di toooo emotional n cute♥♥