Episode starts with shivay entering into om’s room.. he finds om sleeping near window..
This was happening for the fifth time in the week that om was sleeping there..
Shivay goes closer to om and sees a bangle in om’s hand..
Shivay(in a very low voice): I have to find her om.. I will find her.. seeing you in this state feels like someone has stabbed me.. watching you in so much of pain is makes me feel like I am useless.. I have to get your happiness back.. no matter what happens now.. your smile.. your ishana will be with you soon om..
he tries to take it from him but om’s grip grew more tight though he was asleep..
Shivay pulls the bangle and om wakes up shouting “ishana” and looks up..
Shivay: om it’s me.. don’t worry..calm down..
Om(rubs his eyes): sorry.. I slept here again.. when did you came?
Shivay: just now.. come sleep on the bed..
Om: where is Rudra??
Rudra(making an entry): naam lia aur hero hazir..(u asked for hero and look here I am)
Shivom: shut up Rudra..
Shivay: any information??
Rudra: yes..
Om(excitedly): what? Did you find her? How is she? Is she fine? Where is she?
Rudra: calm down you long hair creature.. I did not find her.. but got some info about her..
Om: what is it??
Rudra takes a deep breath initially and says “first I need to ask you something o”
Om: what?
Rudra: she ever told you that she had a sister and a brother?
Om: she did told me about her sister.. but.. never mentioned about her brother..
Rudra: really??
Om: yes.. as far as I can remember.. she told me she had an elder sister and no other sibling..
Shivay: rudra.. what is the matter.. clear it..
Rudra: bhaiya.. I dug up some info about ishana from her ngo.. and they told me that ishana had a sister as well as a brother..
Om: but how is that possible..
Rudra: no one knew anything else.. nothing about her sister, brother.. not even about her.. all I managed to know was that she had two siblings and that the they were on their own.. ishana di never mentioned about her parents to anyone..
Om: I knew her for so many years.. she didn’t even told me about her brother..
Rudra: one more thing..
Shivay: what?
Rudra: om says that he hasn’t seen her from past five years.. but a little girl told me that ishana di..
Om(stands up and in a high tone): what rudra?
Shivay holds om’s shoulders and says “calm down om”
Rudra: o ishana di left NGO five years ago but she did came to meet them twice in a year for three years..
Shivay: three?? What about other two years Rudra??
Rudra: from past two years no one has seen her.. she stopped visiting the kids..
Shivay: what?? But..
Before he can complete his sentence om falls unconscious.. at the right moment shivay holds him..
Shivay and Rudra make om lie down.. Shivay calls a doctor.. Doctor checks om and tells them than he was hungry from 24 hours or so and due to lack of might have happened..
After the doctor leaves..
Shivay: Rudra.. do you know anything else?
Rudra: yes, I girl told me that ishana di used to meet them at some secret location..
Shivay: secret?? What does that mean?
Rudra: it means.. not in ngo but at some other place.. and she used to come with covered face..
Rudra: bhaiya.. Something else is also there that I need to tell you but I don’t want om to hear it..
Shivay: what?
Rudra: that she stopped meeting om because he was an oberoi..
Shivay: what?? Now what does it mean.. because we are rich?
Rudra: no idea..
Shivay: hmm.. now you go and sleep.. From now I will handle this matter..
Rudra: no bhaiya we will..
Shivay caresses rudra’s hair and says “we will”
Both go back to om’s room and sleep on either side of om..
*****in morning*****
Rudra goes to college.. shivay to office and om to his exhibition..
All the three were thinking about ishana only..
om: I will find out ishana where are you..
Rudra: I have find out what made you go undercover?
Shivay: I have to find out what was your problem with om being oberoi”
Rudra reaches college and finds somya sitting in canteen and eating a parantha..
Rudra: arzz kia hai…
Somya looks at Rudra.. .
Rudra: arz kia hai…
“Ladki ko chhedo to padta hai chanta…”
Chubby: wah.. waah..
Rudra:”ladki ko chhedo to pdta hai chanta.. sumo is all the time eating parantha”
Chubby claps on his shayri and girls that were around rudy also clap..
Somya stands up and takes the ketchup bottle and empties it on Rudra and says
“waah waah crybaby”
And leaves…
Everyone in the canteen silently leave from there.. Everyone had smile on their face but no one was laughing due to rudra’s terror..
Rudra: I will not leave this moti.. I will avenge my insult..
****in office****
Shivay enters into the office and sees anika going towards priyanka’s cabin
Shivay: going to priyanka’s cabin?
Anika: you call her priyanka? Not ma’am?
Shivay: no, I call her priyanka only.. do you have a problem?
Anika: no.. why would I have a problem..
Daksh comes there and forwards his hand to shake hands with anika..
Shivay leaves from there without any interest..
Anika: he is always in his tadi only..
Daksh: what’s tadi?
Anika: ego..
Shivay(from some distance): I heard that.
Anika(raising her voice): so?? Shall I throw a party that u can hear well?
Shivay leaves in rage..
Daksh runs behind him..
Daksh: why don’t you fight back?
Shivay: what??
Daksh: I mean.. she insults you.. why don’t you say something.. you always say you are the shivay singh oberoi.. always angry.. Always in tadi.. but in front of her.. what happens?
Shivay: stop using her language..
Daksh: that’s not the answer to my question!
Shivay: I don’t fight back because I am afraid of something… though just a bit.
Daksh: of losing her?
Shivay: are you nuts??? It’s not that…
Daksh: so?
Shivay: it’s just that she is daughter of Mr. dixit… we have a deal with them.. I don’t want to break that deal just because I don’t like her..
Daksh: what?? Is she anika dixit??
Shivay: yes..initially I wanted to take revenge but I saw them one day in a restaurant where he was asking her to come back home.. and she said she needs to be independent..
Daksh: but why do you care.. I mean for a deal u tolerate her insults..
Shivay: it’s not just a deal.. I need this merger.. they are top in diamond business and we are nowhere into that business.. this merger will help us in getting into this business..
Daksh: ohh.. that’s the case.. so you are not interested in her?
Shivay: nope not at all.. why would I be..
Daksh(smiles& clearing his throat): so I can flirt with her..
This sentence caught shivay’s attention.. shivay turns
Daksh: why not…
Shivay(fumbling): I mean.. what’s should.. she is not good..understand.. she is.. no no no..
Daksh laughs at shivay’s reaction..
Daksh: shivay.. it’s okay.. don’t fumble.. say slowly what you want to say.. Don’t jumble up words..
Shivay realizes what he has done..
Shivay: do as you want.. I just warned you..(picks up a glass of water)
Daksh: if anika becomes my girlfriend then deal if final right? It’s in our benefit!
Shivay chokes on water on hearing girlfriend..
Shivay coughs badly..
Daksh(stands up and pats shivay’s back): haha.. you’ve become cute since she has entered in your life billu..
Shivay(still coughing): shut..(uhh..uhh).. up.. and don’t (uhh…Uhh) call me billu..
Daksh smiles as says: bye…
Shivay: bye..
Shivay(in his mind): why the hell.. he wants anika to be his girlfriend.. there are lot many girls in this country.. why he is stuck at her.. and why is this causing discomfort to me.. what is happening to me..
[[[[[ so yes, like anika.. shivay also misunderstands anika to be someone who she is not]]]]
Priyanka enters into shivay’s cabin for some work..
Priyanka: bhaiya, I need to talk to you something..
Shivay: what??
Priyanka: bhaiya something is up with om bhaiya!
Shivay(keeps his hand on prinku’s head): no priyanka..
Priyanka: no bhaiya.. something is definitely bothering him.. I have seen him sitting near window at nights..also I have seen.. seen..
Shivay: seen what?
Priyanka: saw him in the morning.. taking drugs..
[[that came as a shock to shivay.. of course shivay knew that om was depressed but he didn’t knew that om was taking drugs]]
Shivay: priyanka.. beta.. you don’t worry.. when I am here.. shivay singh oberoi is here.. then nothing will happen to om..
Priyanka(hugs him): great wall of shivay singh oberoi..
Someone is seen peeking through the door..and listening to their conversation..
******* on a beach*****
Om is sitting on sand.. looking at the sunset.. the color of the sky is same as the backdrop of his bed..
The sunrays were making his tears shine.. like pearls were falling from his eyes..
His fingers start writing something one the sand.. while his brain goes back in past..
Om and ishana are sitting on the same beach..
Om was looking at her face.. her face’s color has changed due to sunrays..
Her face was red..somewhat orange too..
She was looking beguiling.. when suddenly om spoke
“how can someone look arresting”
Ishana: what?
Om(thinks):shit how come my thoughts got my voice..control om..
Om: pointing towards sun.. was talking about sun..
Ishana(smiles): yes, I love sunsets.. sky looks beautiful..
Om(looking at her face): not just sun.. but everything..
Ishana faces om and says “om, u look handsome when your face reflects sun’s color”
Om smiles and says “you look..look..winsome”
Both share an eyelock.. both kept looking at each other’s face.. which were now completely drenched in red and orange shade.. the environment was perfect.. beach, water.. sun and two beautiful souls..
They were smiling and looking at each other.. both were trying to search something in other’s eyes.. both were trying to look into each other’s soul..
When ishana speaks up.. ”om you have intense eyes”
“om, I know.. girls are flattered on my eyes.. I always get compliment for my eyes”
Ishana(shocked and somewhat uncomfortable): girls??
Om: yes.. now obviously boys won’t give me such kind of compliment..
Ishana(in an irritated tone): hmm..
Om: just kidding.. my dadi and brother compliment me..
Ishana(smiling): om..
Om: what?
Ishana: nothing..
Then they both look down.. they have written each other’s name on sand..
They laugh.. and pick their footwear and walk back towards the city and away from sun.. their backs towards the sun..
“om comes in his senses and looks at the sand.. he has again written something on the sand”
(not just her name)
*******in college*******
Rudra: chubby place that banana peel near the corridor.. And soon as somu enters just indulge her in your talks and make her step onto this.. I will make video.. and show it to how dangerous Rudra singh oberoi is.. when she will fall in front of all.. I will laugh like she did..
And at the right moment.. somya comes out of the class..
As per the plan.. chubby goes and tries to talk to somya and makes her step onto the banana and she slip.. and then…
*******episode ends*******
–so guys, what do you think.. who was listening—
–have a good day—
–any guesses for
1. who was listening?
2. what om wrote?
3. what happened to somya?
Comment below—
–by manu–
I hate cliffhangers but good update

yes.. i know they are irritating..
thank you
thank you setu
thank you lisaaa
You know very well how to keep readers intact ..!! Ended the epi making me curious about the next one ..god!! ..May be Anika was eavesdropping ..and please reveal Ishana’s past soon. !!!
haha.. will post it asap
thank you..
1.I think Anika was listening
2.This I have nooo idea about… what could it be???
3.I think chubby is going ti fall instead ?
Tht was a very cute and fantabulously amazingly awesome episode!! ?? Waiting for next and thankyou for updating fasttt!!
O btw i sadly didnt understand the shaiyri today could u explain it?
it meant..
if you flirt with a girl you get a slap and somya eats parantha all the time.. it rhymed in english it sounds wierd though
thank you
Itz nice…. When misunderstanding is gonna be clear… I m excited for Tht scene
thank you vincy..
i hope i can make that part exciting
Yup u can
thank you charitha
Fantastic…loved it…
thank you yashu
Loved it. ????
thank u ruksy :*
Fantastic episode… loved it to the core… Eagerly waiting for the revelation of ishana’s past… plz post asap…
thank you ankita
Its superbb…..
thank you bhavana :*
I loved it yaar. If anika is not a dixit, then who is she?
well, no idea
and thanks akshaya..
where were u.. u were missing from 2-3 days i guess?
Itss fantastic manu……i loved it…..ans really excited to know anikas reaction after knowing real SSO,…….waiting for next onee
thank you razna..
will post it asap..
Loved it???
thank you gangu
thank you sso
Wowwww……..amazing…….loved it
thanks shivika
How interesting!!You are a great storyteller ?
thank you so much diyaa