Ishq Ka Rang Safed 12th September 2016 Fan Fiction

Viplav(makes a confused face)- But how?
Dhaani(pats his head)- Arey my stupid husband, by flight we’ll go.
Viplav- When?
Dhaani(smiles)- Today!
Viplav(pats her head)- Arey my stupid wife, how will we book the tickets for today so late?
Dhaani(smiles)- That I don’t know, all that u will have to think.
She says this and sits in the car. Viplav makes faces and sits in the car.
Viplav- Tomorrow’s flight’s tickets will do?
Dhaani- Will u stay without talking to me till tomorrow?
Viplav(makes an angry face)- Emotional Blackmail.
Hearing this Dhaani starts laughing while Viplav makes a cute face and then starts driving. Soon they reach the Tripathi mansion. They get out of the car and enter the house when Sushma comes to them with a worried face.
Sushma(worried)- Where were u both ha? U didn’t even inform anyone!
Dhaani(unaware of what she is saying)- Woh we had gone to the police station..
She then realised what she said and bites her tongue.
Sushma(confused)- Police station?
Viplav- No dadi, we had gone in the coffee shop near the police station,(looks at Dhaani)ena Dhaani?
Dhaani(stammers)- Ha ha.. We hadgone to the coffee shop near the police station(pats her head)I also na, didn’t tell the main thing.
Viplav gives a fake smile while Dhaani looks on worried.
Sushma(smiles)- Okay, but next time tell me and go, I got so scared.
ViDha nod and then go to their room.
In the room,
Viplav(sighs in relief)- We got saved or u would reveal everything!
Dhaani- Sorry!
Viplav(goes near her and caressesher face)- Aww!! U look so cute while saying sorry!
Dhaani- Don’t butter me okay?
Viplav(makes a fake angry face)- Arey if I don’t compliment u then problem, when I do then also u have problem, kya yaar?
Dhaani(laughs)- Aww! My cute husband…
Viplav widens his eyes.
Dhaani(laughs even more louder)-Accha baba my handsome charming husband bas?
Viplav(smiles)- That’s like my Shikayati pudia(laughs)
Dhaani beats him while he tries to save himself by using the pillow as the shield!
The episode ends.

Precap- Ticket booking..

And Happy birthday Renu di!! May God always be with u and bless u always… This episode was dedicated to u…


Hey guys! Myself Mariyam or u can say Louella.. I m a die hard fan of the serial IKRS?

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