Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 12th September 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Kabir saying I understood Vansh’s message, that he knows about Riddhima, she is a spy and someone is behind her, he wanted to catch me, but how could I let this happen, there is much hardwork of years, how could I let it get ruined, Riddhima…. she has worked hard to reach her, all her sacrifices would have got waste, I tried hard to convince her, the policeman who got close to Vansh died…. He recalls Neha’s death.
He says I wanted someone who isn’t from the police, then I saw Riddhima, she was an orphan, she was perfect for my mission, what does an orphan want, love, where else would I get her, Riddhima married Vansh, she didn’t imagine that she isn’t giving a sacrifice for me, its all my plan, she felt I have come to save her, I did a drama so that she loses her senses, so she married Vansh, what’s the valuable thing for a person, life, when someone risks life, then the other person blindly believes, I made Riddhima helpless to save Vansh so that she wins Vansh’s lost trust, you did your work well, you reached the mansion and set up the gun at a perfect place, Riddhima thought its for Vansh, she ran to shoot him, she didn’t know that she was the target and I was shooting her, she won Vansh’s lost trust again.
Vansh sees Riddhima and recalls her. Ishq mein marjawa….plays…. Kabir says I had shot Riddhima, when she was in front of Vansh, so that Vansh thinks the bullet was for him and she took it, I wanted Vansh to trust her blindly, it will happen, you have to do it now. Dadi asks what happened behind our back, don’t worry, we all have come, everything will be fine. She goes to Riddhima. Anupriya says since Riddhima came, there has been a storm, where is Aryan. Uncle says Aryan didn’t come with us. He recalls Aryan making a work excuse. Aryan comes. Anupriya asks where did you disappear. Chanchal asks why are you questioning me, he told me that he is going to his friend’s place. Aryan says right.
Chanchal says Ishani is also missing, she also got down the way. Ishani also made an excuse and got down the car. Ishani comes home. Chanchal asks where are the shopping bags. Dadi says Vansh you are lucky to get a wife like Savitri, she has taken the bullet on herself, she loves you a lot. Vansh cries and sees his tear. Dadi says it hurts a lot when someone dear is injured, old Vansh would have been angry and gone after the shooter, but new Vansh doesn’t care for it, you just want Riddhima to get saved, right. He sees Riddhima’s blood on his shirt. He says I will change and come. She says don’t worry, nothing will happen to your Riddhima. Siya comes and gives them prasad. She says I had gone to temple and made mannat for Riddhima. Vansh leaves. Ishani asks what happened, I have seen an ambulance, everything okay. Chanchal says someone shot at Vansh, Riddhima took the bullet. Ishani asks did she die.
Chanchal says Vansh got sympathy for her, she will fall in love with her. Anupriya says Vansh will never have love for her, its impossible, stop this nonsense. Vansh comes to Riddhima. Nurse says I will keep coming to see her. Someone is hiding there. Vansh says where is my watch, phone, I got habitual to her. He asks Riddhima to get up, tell him about the things. He says I had sent you out of the house, why did you come back home, that bullet was meant for me, what do you want to prove, I was going to make you feel that I m going to hurt you, why did you save your enemy, get up. He gets a call. His bracelet gets stuck to her sleeve. Ishq mein marjawa….plays…
Precap will be added later
Update Credit to: Amena
So now vansh will fall in love with riddhima and riddhima will take advantage of it.It will be same like 1st season. deep always fooled aarohi like same will happen here kabeer will use riddhima and riddhima will use vansh.
@ Shivangi. Vansh may fall for Riddhima but he isn’t a fool. In fact he is a very sharp minded person.
Now see, I told that Kabir just wanted to injure Riddhima and didn’t want to kill her but no one believed me.
And about the fact why mystery man will attack Riddhima, even I don’t know.
Spoilers say that in the upcoming episodes chandelier will fall on Riddhima and Vansh will save her while Kabir being present there. I don’t know about that also. But I was sure that THIS TIME Kabir just wanted to injure Riddhima and not kill her.
The possible candidates for mystery person is Aryan, Ishani and Siya. All three of them were absent at the same time.
Kabir only wanted to hurt riddhima but it is also true that he doesn’t love riddhima also he told that he is using riddhima only for his plan. And also he is acting with her that he is loving her he truly doesn’t love her.
Kabir doesn’t love Ridhimma at all. He shot her and doesn’t think that she might die? He is so selfish, the makers just wanna confuse the viewers. He lost ridhu to vansh
@ shivangi vansh and arohi aren’t same. But ridhima and arohi are same. So vansh can’t be fooled by ridhima every time like arohi. I think kabir can fool ridhima just like deep fools arohi.Now we should wait to see if ridhima can save herself from kabir’s trap.
So Kabir doesn’t love Riddhima. He’s just using her. It’s a big revelation. Even though we all knew this from starting itself, still I wasn’t expecting the revelation to be done this early. Now my suspicions on Sia have further increased. It can’t be Ishani or Aryan. Don’t know if Anupriya is also involved in this plan or not.
Now the big question is why did Riddhima take the bullet? Did she do it for the sake of humanity or to gain Vansh’s trust?
I don’t think Riddhima has any hidden motive. Because the makers have given more than enough insight into her feelings, emotions and thoughts. So it would be difficult for the makers to take a sudden U turn with respect to her character.
Vansh is developing a soft corner for Riddhima. That’s fine but I can’t see him as a madly-in-love guy. I want him to remain this shrewd character.
Mumbai Mae barish Kab hothahai, aur kaab Nahi hothahai, yaa kisikoo Nahi paatha chaltha. osahee tarha..iss serial Mae bee last episode thak kisikae baraemae hum sure Nahi…
Soo… Just enjoy the episodes
@Sadia Don’t mix up the characters like Deep,Tara, Aarohi with Riddhima, Kabir, Vansh. In the beginning of the show the makers, the writers also the characters said it’s a completely different story with different characters. Nothing will be similar with the season 1. Not the plot. not the characters.
@Nia Vansh can get mad in love with Riddhima. A psycho lover and extremely cunning criminal minded grey character wll be a fusion of something else. I think it’d be absolute delight to watch. But mad love and becoming foolish and soft that’s not okay. That’d be gross!!
I guess the same
Wah! What a series really interesting whoever has named its very matching to the plot really everyone are dying and killing for their love A psycho thriller I knew it Kabir would be villian from the very first day as he asked riddhima to marry vansh and as vansh was always attracted towards riddhima. I guess Kabir will be after vanshs property or some plots connected to ragini siya or ishani… Siya is not as clear I think
I would like it if Vansh decodes the whole plan of Kabir- he seems to be smart enough for that and Ridhima with his help or otherwise realizes the truth, and they both team up but plays the same game he is playing with her, tricks him by making him believe she is still working for him, gives him false info etc and she takes revenge of some sort on him for his betrayal. After all, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned- would like it if she turns vengeful after realizing he usef her but perhaps thats too much to ask from our serials. By the way, i think Kabirs partner could be Anupriya or Siya or less likely Ishani
Kabeer knows riddhima’s weakness so he can easily fool her and since she truly love him she won’t believe that her kabeer will ever betray her
I wasn’t expecting kabir’s revelation this early this mean that there is more thrilling and interesting turns awaiting for us!!
I think the mystery person is ragini
So finally they are revealing mystery thank god for that. I can’t wait to see Vansh’s romantic avtaar
. In which Vansh & Kabir are grey and Riddhima is white till now.

BTW most thrilling thing I can imagine is looking at vansh’s loving side Riddhima will start having soft corner for Vansh. And on other hand seeing vansh and Riddhima’s closeness Kabir will release his love for Riddhima. And then we will can see a nice love triangle
What if she is grey one using both guys it could be possible , i don’t buy her selfless love act may be she too have motive , why it always have to be a guy may this season it a girl with motive
it will be interest to see her play the mastermind
I also want Riddhima to be master mind. And I want to see Riddhima just like deep. Who always fooled both the girls Aarohi and Tara. But ended up with Tara.
BTW I liked Tara’s look much more than Aarohi’s and wanted same in a way but with a genuine reason not just like that.
Finally Kabir’s truth is revealed….even though we knew it but didn’t expect it to come out this early…. As of now I’m keeping my fingers crossed as anything can happen here so there’s no point using my brain unneccessary….let’s just enjoy this and wait for the next shock…..
Thanks a lot, dear. Because of you i get to understand this lovely show. I dont understand the language they speak in the show but you dear translate it for me…thank you so so much.
Look at this. It feels like that mystery man is either Aryan aur ishani
I think now vansh will start to trust riddhima and fall for her.. i just hope she don’t betray vansh because of her love just like deep did for tara..
I just hope Riddhima finds out the truth about Kabir soon it will be fun to see that happen