Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 15th June 2021 Written Episode Update: Vansh confronts Ishani

Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 15th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Vansh and Angre going to check the car parking lot. Vansh asks Angre to try calling Riddhima. Angre calls Riddhima. He says she isn’t answering, maybe she is angry on me also. Vansh says check the cctv footage, I will check the parking. Dadi looks for Aryan. She sees Vyom removing the disguise. She says I have to tell Vansh, he may create a new trouble. He sees Dadi’s reflection. She goes. He goes to Dadi. He sees Vansh there. He pushes Dadi into the pool. He also jumps inside. He hides Dadi from Vansh. He threatens her. She shouts no. He says if you do anything now, then I will kill you. She says promise, I won’t say anything. He asks her to go. Vansh comes to the parking. Riddhima shouts for help. He stops and turns to see some bracelet. He sees Riddhima locked

in the car.

He runs to the car. He sees Riddhima inside. He shouts for the car keys. He asks Riddhima to try and get up. Angre comes and helps. Vansh says she got locked inside the car, call the doctor. Riddhima gets conscious and asks how did I come here. Vansh asks are you fine, doctor asked you to use oxygen mask if you feel difficulty in breathing. She says I m fine. He says baby is also fine, you are okay so you can answer me, you were going away from me, how could you do that. She asks what. He says you were going after our fight. She says yes, you told me to go. He says I told that in anger, you packed your bags and left. She asks what, I didn’t pack my bag, I don’t know how did I reach the car and got locked. He asks did your bag go into the car on its own. She says I don’t know, I didn’t do this. Ishani looks on.

Vansh says you are lying, why did you lock yourself and spread that smoke. Ishani says its fine that their terms are getting spoiled. Riddhima says let me explain, I don’t know anything about that car locking and gas spreading, I didn’t get my bag packed. He says I will unpack your bag. She says I will do it, wait. She asks whose room is this. He says its my room, you are shifting here. She asks are you not upset, did we get friends again. He kisses her and says yes, we are friends again, but on one condition, you won’t talk stupid things like leaving me. She says yes, but…. He says you won’t think of going anywhere, even if I shout and scold you, you won’t go anywhere, I need you, I want you, when I ask you to go, it means I want you to come more close to me. He hugs her. She smiles.

He says when I say that I don’t need you, it means that I need you a lot, when I say that I hate you, it means I want you more, you aren’t my wife, you are my strength, you aren’t my love, you are my life. She says I also have some conditions. He says I m yours, I want you to get decked up in such a way that you leave me mesmerized, you will wait for me like every loving wife does, you will have all the rights on me, but won’t come between my work, you won’t raise any question on my business, do you accept that. She says okay, I do. He says I thought you will fight with me again. She says no, I never want to fight with you, I want to see you happy, to have a beautiful world with you.

Riddhima says my first condition is you won’t make me away, even if you want or I ask you. He says accepted. She says good, if I stay as your wife as you say, then I want every right of a wife. He says accepted. She says fine, deal. He hugs her. She says we can sign a bond and keep, I m ready for it, I have no problem. He says no need to say all this. She thanks him. He asks what is your last memory. She says I was going to my room and then I don’t remember anything. She recalls someone hitting on her head. She says I got conscious and found myself in the car. He says come with me, there are some incomplete things to do. He takes her to the family. He says I want to tell something, since we came to Goa, few things are happening which shouldn’t happen, Riddhima got locked in a food trolley and then slipped in the pool. He asks Dadi not to tell anything.

He says Riddhima’s bag was packed on its own, she was locked in the car, some strange gas was inside, if she wasn’t saved on time, then maybe Riddhima wasn’t between us, I don’t believe in ghosts and black magic, whatever is happening, someone is behind it, I can’t believe that an outsider has done this, I know who has done this work. Ishani worries. Vansh asks shall I take that person’s name or he confesses it on own. He asks Ishani does she want to say something, time is less, just say it. Vansh recalls Ishani’s bracelet and spotting her outside the room. He says you won’t say, fine, I will tell it. He asks whose bracelet is this. Ishani recalls. Vansh says you had locked Riddhima to kill her. Angre gets angry. Vansh asks Ishani did you think that Riddhima will die and people will assume its a suicide, am I lying, say something. Ishani says yes, I have done this, she deserves that. Vansh slaps her.

Riddhima wakes up Vansh and says I got ready the way you like. She says your heartbeat is saying that you need me. He says its saying something else, can I trust you again or not.

Update Credit to: Amena


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