Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 15th November 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on
There is no new episode tonight.
Next episode will air tomorrow.
In next episode: Dadi asks whose clothes are these. Anupriya says its my son’s uniform, someone kidnapped him. She cries. Vihaan says my journey to become Vansh begins. Kabir comes and asks whose clothes are these. Anupriya says leave it, it belongs to my son. Kabir says Maa… Riddhima gets shocked.
Update Credit to: Amena
One serial which I liked more than anything has been ruined

Until the storyline evolves to reveal vihaan as real vansh gonna bid adieu to this show

Its good that they stopped telecasting 7 days a week. It affected TRP. And I’ll get to save a few brain cells on Sunday from not overthinking

. Just hope the storyline of the show is worth watching in the end…
It’s good that they stopped telecasting 7 days. Hope telecasting 6 days will increase trp.
TQ for the update amena…..
Written update nehi hai phir bhi hum logo ne comment karna nehi chora…

That’s the magic of immj2 my dear (voo Kya kee update Nahi bolkae bolena, vusi update Kae liyae TQ bolim)
I m excited for tomorrow’s episode. Can’t wait. Please do watch guys. It’s gonna be a plan because Vansh is Vihaan or Vihaan is Vansh. Did you notice that yesterday he said Ishani married Angre when Angre’s pic was not there among family members so I think it’s a plan of him and maybe Angre is involved too. And only Vansh can say Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania in that manner. I am personally excited for the track. Makers are trying to confuse us they did with Kabir in beginning and his beard will be back after 2 months. He said na he will become Vansh so keep watching it’s gonna be exciting
I don’t think so because as you said he said angre married ishani but his photograph wasn’t there. But he knew about each members so I don’t feel that he is vansh
He is Vansh only. There was an offscreen video showing someone wearing his clothes before he died so it could be flashback scene on how Vansh survived. And he took new identity because if he came back as Vansh then he would get arrested again na so he had to change his name. See as the story goes on makers will slowly reveal the true shade of Vihaan aka Vansh. Keep watching. I think it’s getting interesting
even if he is real Vansh…it is for sure that he will take revenge from Riddhima and if he is not the real Vansh , then also he can’t take place of RIANSH….so it’s totally wastage of time watching this show
He will know that Riddhima is innocent. I think it will be interesting. It’s your opinion if you don’t want to watch but I am enjoying it. The offscreen videos are showing that he made his way back in VR mansion so I’m sure it will be Vansh only. Respect your opinion tho
Hai muje bie bohth Masa arahi hai but the only thing is I miss vansh attitude oh mine he looks beautiful when he has the bried but still he is the most you riansh.IMMJ2 is the best
Yes vihaan is vansh…vansh is pretending to be vihaan so that he can enter vr mansion to take revenge frm riddhima and kabir.
Slowly he will realize riddhima is innocent.
I saw one bts where some other person was dressing like vansh ,so that person is the one who fell from cliff in place of vansh.
This was master plan made by angre and vansh.
And also noticed in precap vansh said he is coming fr riddhima.
So now they are back to Mon-Sat schedule.
The way they changed the schedule, they should change the idea of “double role” also.
I am doubting that the makers sensed that the audience still thinks Vihaan is Vansh, that’s why just to prove us wrong they’ll actually make a double role of Vansh. I just hope they don’t do it. It’ll be a total waste of such a nice show.
One more suggestion for them is to show more romantic scenes. The romance isn’t enough in the show. Do some justice to the name of the show atleast!!!
By showing dream romances and eye-lock romances, you guys got the #RIANSH trending all over. So if you show a little bit intense and real romantic scenes, your TRP will reach the peak.
So show more romance and also bring VR with old attitude ,that one which he had at the beginning of the show.
I completely agree with you……People want to see the real understanding and love between Riansh.
Always showing a betrayed story will not help to increase the TRP…atleast you can show that Candy is obsessed with Ridhima and don’t want to lose at any cost as showed in first season about Tara…that will also increase the crez among audience…but nothing is there….day by day the same thing will make the show boating.
Today I watched a offscreen video and watched Dobler vansh , I think this means that Vihan is vansh , but he hides his identity because if he returns as vansh , he will be arrested, This also helps him find the truth and get revenge
I hope the IMM2 team is working on a good mega twist to be a soothing balm for our crestfallen spirits.Meanwhile,let me catch up with other serials.After watching IMM2,I didn’t have the heart to watch the rest. Happy Diwali to all of you.
This should have been done long time back itself. I mean who telecasts all 7 days a week? The entire crew and cast was getting drained by this schedule. I feel the story was also affected by this plot, since they have to make more episodes at a faster pace. Hopefully things can now fall back into a better place.
Oh yeah and Happy Diwali to everyone!!
@Nia…happy diwali

…just felt like wishing someone after diwali
Guy let’s watch the show .Vansh didnt find out the whole truth about Anu and Kabir so he cant die so easily ,he is gonna come back …….
S surely he dint die. He wil cum back to take revenge
Did you see when the scene of the fall of vansh , stone fell before him, was this a signal for someone to save him or was it normal?
No …i saw a video where i think is true because when he kicked the stone is was like a sign to say im coming down..and i think that it was angre to whom vansh was sending the sign to….i hope vansh and angre made a plan
I am so unhappy with this lookalike story
…they shoulf of made kabir a lookalike

But it can be normal too…how can he be so sure that kabir would take him to that cliff amd there will be a stone present there????
I have an idea but it may be crazy: may be Vanch have many personalities (like in “Split” movie):
1- Vanch the mafia man that we saw in the first episodes: he is a criminal an may even has killed people or event has done more than that (drags, guns and humain trading …). This one is the master mind …
2- Vanch the gentle man who saved Riddimah many times and who loves his family so much that all of you love …
3- Vihaan the new character who is a fraud and thief, his personality, will be more clear in the next episodes.
As an psycho with more than one personality, he must have a lead personality who decide witch character is going to be at the surface, my be in this case the mafia man is the one who have the lead and who decided to show Vanch the gentle man to make Riddimah fall in love with him then this Vihaan (to a reason that will be clear later) and he makes his decision according to his plans and the situation…
Let ‘s say that the personality of the mafia man is aware of what 2 others personalities are doing but the 2 other personalities (Vanch the gentle man and this Vihaan) are only aware of what they are living when the mafia man allow them to be at the surface. That’s explain why Vihaan had to hack Vanch’s banking account because he really don’t know any thing about the life of Vanch…
In next episodes, it is the time of Vihaan, we may see his personality, a different one of course form the two first personalities, Riddimah may notice that he is not her Vanch and may fight him and try to make him face difficulties to make his truth clear to everyone, she may succeed in that but after that she will discover that he is her Vanch but a psycho one with many personalities and regret all what she have done to him. This Vihaan may also fall in love with Riddimah and we can see good or cool things in his personality that make us have compassion for him…
After that, we may see the Mafia man showing him self after of course succeeding all his plans, but Riddimah will hate him… the mafia man also may love Riddimah but in an agressive and painful way (like Aryna told Riddimah about Vanch’s love in the beginning).

I don’t konw maybe she will be confused or she will try to make her gentle Vanch come back … let’s say that the mafin man is the leader personality but when Riddimah is in danger the gentle Vanch will take the lead from him and try to fight his mafia man personality to save Riddimah …
I ve told you, it’s a crazy idea, I hope you enjoyed it
You meant about Multiple personality disorder.
Thank a million dude.
Show aisa ho na ho. Par mere talaash kathm.
I was seerching for a psychotic character for my FF. I was confused in selecting the disorder. Now I got the perfect one.
I’ve seen movies and read books of multiple disordered psychos.

They are movie content but if someone wants to show them in daily soap it’ll take huge leverage.
You need to do very clinical method acting if you want to come up with this sort of character.
Sometimes it causes huge trauma in the brain of that particular artist and we, who are familiar with this sort of movies and stories ,will enjoy the sow but those who aren’t familiar with this sort of plot gonna be brainwashed totally. They’ll feel blank.
@Den, yes, Multiple personality disorder, thanks for giving the right name of the disorder

Yes, I know it is so crazy to be true or to be even in a show
@Tonni, I think that acting a such character is a very big chalenge for every actor! but I think also that Rahul is able to do a such psycho role and he will be so impressive !!
@tonni and @KHAWLA
Had you watched ‘rajmahal’ or ‘bhool bhulaiyya’ the two movies are official remake of Malayalam national awardee movie ‘ manichitratazhu’ its one of the first movie to deal with MPD.
Coming to the point. It’s not possible to portray such character on Soap operas. Bcuz the actors should take a leap from the show to prevent any psychotic issue. I meant in Tamil movie ‘ Anniyan’ the lead actor had taken a long leap after every 15 days of shoot. Then also his brain was struggling with such a trauma.
Bcuz the daily operas are having tight schedules of shooting. They can’t compromise for halting few days of shooting.
If it’s in our daily soap surely the lead actor will become Wacko or Insane. Or they Will starts replacing lead one by one after every few episodes.
And the audience those who doesn’t have any experience on reading and watching such a thing before surely not understood what’s happening. And cause TRP fall.
@Den I just said exactly what you’re saying.
I was just supporting your comments with exact points.
@Den, thanks for the movies’ names, I am not Indian so I don’t know a lot of Indian movie (ok a lot but fore sure not like you do
) . I am interested of seeing special and different shows, that make me say waw and that surprise me, that make chalenge my mind and make explore different emotions and also I love seeing movies from different countries and I love discovering different cultures and exploring different points of view. So, thanks a lot, defiantly I would like to watch them
@Tonny and @Den, I agree with both of you that a MPD est a complex concept for a serial but It would be something special and exciting, I would love it.
But I don’t think so that the makers will do something like that even that I am sure that Rahul is so capable to do a such so difficult role.
I just hope that makers won’t disappoint us like they have done in season1….
What the hell….where is the episode ?im just got vansh on my head so was thinking about the next episode like hell
@riansh lovers
There is no episode today. The series became only 6 days again
Guys iam also having a feeling that Vihaan is Vansh only.
After watching yesterday’s episode especially when Vihaan addressed Ridhima as
” the most special and beautiful member of the family ”
She is special as he wants to take revenge. And beauty is also reffered as deception. For Vansh Ridhima betrayed him beautifully in the name of love.
And also in the precap he said
” I’m coming Ridhima Vansh Raisinghania ”
Which depicting he is coming for her only.
And also the most important thing. We had only seen him after 13 days of Vansh’s death.
IDK whether it will happens or not. But I’m sticked into it. Until I get any relevant proof from the show indicating Vihaan and Vansh are two.
Yes could be because in the earlier episode he told Riddhi ma that her smile and her lies ate both beautiful
SOrry buddies I forgot to wish you all

May the divine light of Diwali spread into your life and bring peace, prosperity, happiness, good health and grand success.
Happiest DIY waali Diwali…..
It’s possible that Vansh is Vihaan. Also Anubir are pretending that now they have found each other so that the wealth goes to Kabir. But Vihaan will destroy his plans
Guys,I just saw a bts video(Angre’s b’day).There was a man, standing next to Angre,who was wearing the same dress as Vansh(when he fell off the cliff)..
I don’t think this is vansh because how can a person hack his own account and also target his family, but let’s keep watching, we don’t know what gonna happened next afterall its immj (the unexpected happens)
from many years its been happening yaar …lead actor dies Some look alike come and later its revealed his the same person ..either due to memory loss or by own mean.come on year daily soaps are from long n every serial its same …so it’s vansh only ….
Both possibilities there, but i think you are right as too much coincidence even in immj2 like serial for a lookalike to be exsctly come to spot were vansh lies dead. But in the initial promos, when all three characters were holding placards of the title, “vansh” held “marjaawan”. So this could be the way of staying true to the title and the promos, either if vansh is dead or comes back as vihaan after killing his old character/ feeling of love
I had also seen it. It might be Vihaan pretending to be Vansh.
This is reply for your comments mentioning Angre’s bday celebration
Vansh pretending to be vihaan

Oh God, they did change the schedule finally ciz it was affecting trp.and yeah after reading all the comments,i can say that this show is gettung over our head. Till then,i used to think that I overthink and am addicted to the show,bt it seems everyone is.HAPPIEST diwali to everyone.and mt request to the ones who decided to not watch the show,please do watch the show,coz if ratings are good,thn they may change the track.Oh thank God,biw my brain can rest on Sunday by not overthinking about next epi.bye
This serial was like big damaka but now its like big bomb chota dhamaka…m happy with regular written updates then watching it on TV n wasting half n hour….I think wattpad fresh writers are far better then the serial writer….they are just going with flow n writing whatever nonsense from last 15 years serials
Written updates are not in detail. For complete clarity you have to watch the episode. I have already tried this.
By the way wish you all happy diwali
No telecast even then 32 comments including mine 33!!
Maybe Rrahul will be able to do this. But the point is that will we be able to take it? Because in this only our brains are getting exhausted, what will happen if they show psychology disorder? The answer is that we will have to take psychiatric help.

Fun fact riddhima is a physiotherapists
Happy diwali and happy new year to all.
Hii guys .colors is not promoting immj2 nowadays. Threre is no promo also . I am worried cause if a channel stops airing promo of a show then that show will go off air soon . I am worried . Hope colors will air a promo . I am waiting for immj2 promo .
hahaha achcha hi hoga agar aisa ho, ’cause now I don’t find any reason to watch this show and there may be many people like me who must be heartbroken by the storyline
vansh was my only fav. character…now as he has died or maybe not but I don’t like this new Vihaan…
I have an exam to take and now the writers gave me an apt. reason to not watch this show
The show was interesting only because of Vansh’s attitude. It is a little weird to see Vansh as Vihan.