Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 19th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Vansh checking Riddhima’s foot. He says you can wear this new sandals, sorry. He makes her wear the new sandal. She asks why sorry, to shoot at me, to blame me or accuse me for fake pregnancy. He says sorry for everything, you know such mistakes happen in love. She says fine. He talks to her and turns. He sees her reflection, adding some pills in the coffee. She asks him to have coffee. He acts to drink it. He says I don’t know why I feel much sleepy today. She says then sleep. They sleep.
She wakes up. She sees the empty coffee mug. She takes the violin box. Vansh wakes up and sees her gone. He calls up Angre and asks him to listen carefully. Riddhima comes to Angre’s room and changes the violin box with the rifle box. She takes the rifle box and goes. Angre gets up and calls Vansh. He says she just left. Vansh says okay. Aryan switches on the lights. He says you can go anywhere you like, I will open the door, shall I call a taxi. She says I m not going out, I m going to the lawn to practice violin. He says you are free to go anywhere, let me see if there is violin in this case. Vansh comes and stops him. He asks what problem do you have.
Aryan asks where is she going at this time. Vansh asks this way, by checking. Aryan says fine, I will not ask her, its the same box in which Angre packed the rifle. She says I m taking the violin to practice. Vansh says she isn’t a thief. Dadi says we all should be careful, a theft has already happened, if you can’t check it, then Aryan will check.
Riddhima worries. Aryan opens the box. They see the violin. Dadi asks what’s inside. Aryan says violin. Vansh asks are you satisfied now. Aryan says I m doing this to save family respect. Dadi says he is right. Riddhima says I was going out to practice violin. Vansh asks Aryan not to do it again. Aryan says sorry. He leaves. Vansh says I m sorry on his behalf. She says its okay and goes.
Vyom asks Riddhima to try the sword fighting. She gives the case. He asks is this a joke. She says the face is innocent, there is something else inside. He gets the rifle. Vansh looks at them. He recalls everything. He gets angry. He asks why did you do this, Riddhima. He comes home. He sees Riddhima in the room. He thinks how can she come back so soon, she changed clothes and slept, she had gone to meet Vyom, what’s happening. Riddhima asks where did you do, you just left, I was scared. He thinks why is she acting innocent. She asks from where are you coming. He asks were you here all night. She says no. I went to lawn for violin practice. He asks are you sure that you didn’t go anywhere else. She says you are asking me, what happened to you.
She gets close and says answer me first. He says I had gone to find something, some secrets come out, some light ends the darkness. She says light thinks she has won over darkness, but this doesn’t happen all the time. He says yes, you are right, secrets do come out. She says you are saying as if my secret came out, I have no secrets in my life except one. He asks can you say that. She says yes, I love someone who is very foolish, and doubts his wife a lot. She smiles.
He asks how was your practice. She says useless, I didn’t understand where to focus. Vansh goes to talk to Siya. He asks did you see Riddhima playing the violin in the lawn. She says yes, she was so terrible at it, so I m using ear pods. He asks are you sure, did you see her. She says yes.
Its morning, a man gets food for Kabir. Kabir beats him up. He says you thought you will cage me here, I cage people. He removes the chains. He says I will not spare your boss. He hears a sound. Someone attacks Kabir. Its Riddhima. He says someone will go to heaven from here.
Dadi says I told yo something Vansh, did that work happen, why is she still alive. Anupriya says relax. Dadi says don’t talk in between. Vansh says you said we want a proof that Riddhima has stolen the diamonds, we will find the diamonds and the precious thing as well. She says you think the thief will come to you and accept that he had stolen it, you didn’t do anything. Aryan gets Angre. He asks Angre to tell Dadi the drama in detail. Angre says sorry boss. Aryan says I will help you. Angre says another ancestral thing is stolen.
Dadi says if Riddhima is the thief, then she should get death punishment, if Vansh can’t do this, then Aryan you do this, if Vansh comes in between, then shoot both of them. Ishani sees the bye bye Riddhima cake and asks Aryan about it. He says she is leaving very soon. Riddhima looks on.
Update Credit to: Amena
My biggest question:
Riddhima jaye bhad me, kya Yeh Tara version of Dadi(yaani humshakal of Dadi hai)?
We all konw that Ridhima have the super power of changing her clothes so fast and flying from one place to an other in seconds!!

She did that in her second mariage when she went to jeneuville to bring Vansh’s file with casual clothes but yet when Vansh toke off the veil he found her there with mariage dress !!
Not many people can do that: let me count: spider man, super man, bat men and Ridhima hihihihi
You are only talking about spider man and super man..

You forgot The Flash..
Riddhima’s actual competitor is the Flash..
@Tonni, hihihi yes you are right!
So we should be prepared for all theoris !! logical ones and illogical ones !!
Just enjoy and have fun!!
Ouais, elle est un super-héros….RiddhiMan mdr!
Got this on Twitter don’t if is true
Even if the March 20th episode is out (I don’t know if it actually is), I can wait to watch it tomorrow…today’s episode confused me and sent my mind spinning, so I need a break from further confusion for a couple of hours lol!
May pagal hone ja raha huu
for this marjawan
My theory:
The girl with Vyom is Riddhima’s twin, Rimjhim, and the girl who is always with Vansh is Riddhima. The people who tied up Kabir are Riddhima and rimjhim. The reason behind Rimjhim crying during the time she met Vyom is because Vyom’s wife was Ragini, who might’ve been Rimjhim’s friend, and she remembered Ragini at that time. Riddhima intentionally made Rimjhim enter their lives as Vyom was blackmailing her with Raisinghania family’s death, but Riddhima couldn’t shoot Vansh or steal anything so Rimjhim is doing the work for her. In the forest, Rimjhim shot one Chang’s men but the touched Vansh just touched him due to which she made it seem that she shot Vansh. And now about Kabir, Rimjhim hates Kabir because of what he did to Riddhima and Riddhima hates Kabir because he used her and because he tried to harm Vansh. At the end Kabir escapes but Rimjhim kills him, and then Rimjhim-Riddhima truth gets of Vansh, at first Vansh wants to kill Rimjhim because of what she did but Riddhima tells Vansh the reason and then Rimjhim gets married to Angre, Riansh get remarried and happily ever after.
*truth gets exposed in front of Vyom not Vansh.
@Samalia, your theory is interstenting I would like it !!

Sorry that first reply was wrong. Truth gets exposed infront of Vyom but Rimjhim kills Vyom, and then the truth gets exposed in front of Raisinghania family and continues from third last line
Your theory is credible, it could happen
Cheak dadi i think dadi exchange ho gae hamari dadi to tv p reh gae ye kon hai jo vanah ko b marna chahti hai now aryan is more important than kabir.frist glove ppl walk around vr mansion now two ridhima walking around .sochte sochte mrjanwan the contant changed roles changed whats next .ghost coming back .whoes this vyom
I m so flabbergasted n perplexed yrr
@Daddi, can you just spear the life of Ridhima untel her child is born!!
Killing Ridhima is a crime but killing pregnant Ridhima is double crime!!
Is the legacy of the family more precious then her future son??!!
Ohhh I forgot you now don’t care even about the life of Vansh so with whom am I talking !!! hihihih
Got this from twitter..
Tomorrow’s episode it is!
Vansh’s black ribbon returned
Black ribbon scene is my fav scene always…
@NISH thanks dear!

The tweets you shared are enough to kill me now..
Feeling like a zombie now..
Few points
– I can’t tell what is going on but I’m sure that it is real Rid.
– Honestly Rid and Van should leave that mansion forever. Dadi is talking about taking two innocent lives and an unborn child! How cruel can she be
– Don’t know about Rid’s doppelganger but I am sure that Dadi has a lookalike.
– Who is playing violin and who went to meet Vyom? What Siya said makes no sense. Is she in on the plan?
– For some reason I believe that makers added the bit about Vyom’s wife to lead us somewhere else.
– What is this deal between Rid and Vyom?
– Why is Rid keeping Pigeon chained? Normally she us very forgiving. Achank se Kya ho gaya?
– So far nothing is clear other than Rid and Vyom have a deal. Vyom wants Van’s pride. Anu Priya is now good. Rid has imprisoned Pigeon. Ishani and Aryan have gotten worse.
And that this is real Rid!
She is acting to arise suspicion and she is protecting the family while the family wants to kill her. She knows that Van can never kill her. Vyom obviously has some kind of hatred for Van that he is trying to steal his pride. Or… It is Rid’s doppelganger. Am too confused!
Tell me what you think
@Unnamed – you brought up some excellent points and I wish that I could have reviewed the episode as concisely and effectively as you did! Personally, I’m not sure if this is the real Riddhima or not, but since everyone else is saying that she is the real Riddhima, I’m starting to think the same way as well haha. I just hope that if it’s really Riddhima, this is not her actual personality and she’s just putting on some act to protect Vansh and her baby – I prefer the innocent RIddhima, even if this girl is much more interesting. Yeah, I have long wanted Vansh and Riddhima to leave the mansion, but I don’t see that happening until maybe the final episode. I just can’t buy that Dadi has become all of sudden so cruel – I think this is a Dadi – Riddhima plan and she wants to trap Aryan/Anupriya/etc., (all ennemies of RIansh) by getting close to them and knowing their intentions…maybe they have even involved Siya in their plans or RIddhima just played music in the garden until Siya put in the earpods and then left to meet Vyom. Again, the only explanation that I have about Riddhima chaining Kabir up is that she wants to punish him for going after Vansh and all the harm that he has caused him – after all, Chang’s men were after them because Kabir originally stole the diamonds from Vansh…..but I don’t know. Also, old RIddhima did shoot Kabir in the jungle to protect Vansh, so we know she can go to any length to save her man…..I don’t know. I’ve said too much again!
Unname dhi, beyond your questions, to which I did not answer, an extraordinary thing happened today – Vansh found out in one day that Vyom is his enemy. So at least Vansh knows what to expect and can act on it
Guys I’m planning to kill Daadi,Aryaan and Ishani I want to make a plan so anyone are going to join me in my plan if anyone wants to join then share your ideas also we will discuss and whoever’s idea will be better then we will implement that idea wow seriously IMMJ2 had turned me to serial killer don’t know what will I become at the end of the show
I’m in
Idea 1: we lure these 3(Aryan, Ishani and Dadi) to a dark cellar and then fill up the room with toxic gas, shut the doors and windows, we damage the cctv cams from before and no one can suspect us.
Idea 2:
We go and expose them, pretend that we are the police and then we kill them when we go to our hideout, and burn the place. We tell the Raisinghania’s that the car blast, we weren’t there and bodies burnt there itself.
@Samaila nice ideas actually I liked both the ideas guys by watching show we all are slowly turning into Tara
God, this series turns us into serial killers. Moreover, we think about what terrible ways to kill them. It is clear we have gone completely crazy! I would sow doubt in their minds, make them kill each other.

Wow nice idea Gabbs I don’t know what will we become in future but I can guarantee one thing that definitely we are going to become serial killer
Great idea @Samaila
I observed one thing that more than Vyom Daadi and Aryaan are becoming more popular after shifting to OTT platform I think there is no need to introduce Vyom character only
Hi girls, I just saw the episode and like mostly everyone else here, I’m utterly confused! I honestly don’t know how to analyze/theorize/or review anything after what I saw lol…..I think the makers want to confuse fans so much that they stop theorizing and just relax and watch the series. Nevertheless, I’ll try to share my opinions on what happened.
-The RIddhima – Vansh scene : I found it sweet how Vansh noticed that Riddhima’s ankles were hurting in the doctor’s office and bought her new shoes….he’s the best! That being said, I’m happy his eagle eye (baaz ki nazaar) has been reactivated and he saw that “Riddhima” mixed pills in his coffee.
=The Aryan – Riddhima confrontation: I know Aryan is annoying, but I think his character, dialogues, and even acting have improved by leaps and bounds from the TV version. I kind of wanted him to stop Riddhima – just because I don’t want Vansh losing more ancestral objects and getting in trouble with Dadi lol. Nevertheless, I like that Vansh swooped in and defended her, even though he suspected her himself! Dadi, on the other hand, is getting a little annoying nowadays with her bad attitude and randomly showing up or spying on Riansh – before she only used to make appearances in family scenes and when she used to sweetly interrupt RIansh scenes, but nowadays she’s in everyone’s business. My favorite part of the scene was when Aryan had to “apologize” to RIddhima – I like that no matter how Vansh feels about RIddhima, he makes sure that she is respected by others and himself.
=Vansh spying on RIddhima: 1. I like the Vansh saw Vyom with the gun – hopefully he realizes that he is the real ennemy (but I think he was too preoccupied with seeing Riddhima there to actually register that lol). 2. I’m assuming that Vansh is still not entertaining the possibility that this is a Riddhima duplicate – when they showed the stream of his thoughts (even though he remembered that Angre suggested that this may not be Riddhima), Vansh finally said that RIddhima joined hands with his ennemies. In any case, it’s good that Vansh did something productive and has worked on his spying skills.
=Vansh – Riddhima – Siya scene: I know most people are thinking how was RIddhima able to return home so quickly…honestly, she did the same thing at her sangeet function when she was coming back from the juvenile center, so maybe she just found out Vansh was spying on her and tried to return home quickly. It may be possible that she is working in tandem with a duplicate/twin, or the real RIddhima is hiding in VR mansion while her duplicate does all this dirty work, etc., but it’s useless thinking about all of that until we have more facts. I feel that this girl (who may or may not be RIddhima) went out into the garden to play the violon before leaving to see Vyom, just so that Siya would see her…once she knew Siya put in earpods, she probably just left some recording of bad violin music on in the garden to make it seem like she was still practicing and then left lol…who knows.
=Two quotes that stuck out for me in this episode were when RIddhima said, “”The face is innoncent, but inside there’s something else” and when she told Vansh, “light always makes the mistake that it thinks it can defeat darkness.” The first quote makes me think that either Riddhima has some split personality disorder and that’s why she’s in psycho mode trying to protect her family or she always had a dark side to begin with. The second quote makes me think the same that Riddhima was grappling with some inner darkness or that she knew that she had some evil twin or duplicate and was eventually kidnapped by her…..I know these are crazy, illogical theories, but this is all that I could deduce from this episode.
=The Kabir scene: I got SO excited when I thought Kabir was about to break free and when I heard his BGM!!! I started imagining how he would work together with Vansh and track down the real RIddhima and all that jazz…..but then he got knocked out and my dreams were dashed lol! It’s interesting that this girl/Riddhima 2.0 is the one who locked him up, but why? Besides, Anupriya and maybe Aryan (Kabir insulted him a long time ago), no one (including Vyom or a RIddhima duplicate) had any apparent ennemity with him. Unless RIddhima 2.0 is working for Anupriya, the only explanation is that the girl is RIddhima and she wants to eliminate all of Vansh and her ennemies and has a real dark side. Oh, how I miss our sweet and innocent RIddhima!
=Family scene/precap: I kind of feel that Vansh should involve Dadi and Aryan in his spying to prove to them that he is suspicious of RIddhima and is not completely useless haha. The fact that Dadi is so adamant about killing RIddhima, if she is proven guilty, makes me really think that she is working with Riddhima. At least in the TV version, Vansh and RIddhima were the two most important people for Dadi, with the exception of Siya….I can’t fathom her wanting to kill, at least Vansh, in any circumstance. I feel she is getting Aryan to do all of these things to trap him….she may have known that Aryan helped Kabir (in burning the house/planting the bomb/etc,) and she has even let Anupriya stay in the house (when she was the one who slapped Anupriya before she was sent to jail)….this makes me think this is Dadi’s plan to weed out some of the evil from the house.
=The one thing (among many) that I don’t understand is that if this is a Dadi – RIddhima plan, why didn’t they involve Vansh in it? – Maybe they want him to leave the mafia business and punish other family members and know that Vansh would never do that or they want to catch their ennemies by surprise….I really don’t know at all.
=Sorry about the rant, yet again, but I’m having trouble reconciling my thoughts….I’m certain that I will feel differently after tomorrow’s episode.
=Also, P.S. , there is definitely no Dadi duplicate haha!
=TIll next time!
IMM2 Viewer
I totally agree with your each and every points even after watching today’s episode all of them are in confused state
@Imm2viewer thank you for the awesome review, the episode has got me confused too don’t know what is happening. Let’s see what happens tomorrow. Agree with everything you said
Your IMM2 Viewer Review came very early tonight. You argued and presented the scenes very nicely. I agree with you, Dadi’s strange behavior could be a trap for Aryan and Anupryia, maybe Ishani. I would like this to happen. My favorite scene, the one with Kabir, God how happy I was, and like you, my imagination exploded, but it’s okay, he will manage to escape, I have so much confidence in him.
I would not want you to be right about Ridhima, I would not want her to have a double personality, nor to have some inner darkness. Our innocent and lovely Ridhima? It would make me very sad.
I do not agree with those who say that Vansh is still stupid, it seems to me that he is extremely skilled and I am glad that he found out so quickly that Vyom is his enemy and not over 30 episodes.
Your reviews often express the thoughts of IMM2 fans but in a charming way.
IMM2 Viewer I predict tomorrow we will have an explosive episode, so prepare thoroughly I expect from you something just as explosive
@IMM2 Viwer, merci beaucoup pour ce commentaire très intéressant
Je partage avec toi tous les points que tu as évoqués
J’ai aussi indiqué dans un commentaire précédent que Ridhima peut être dans deux places simultanément et peut changer ses vêtements rapidement, elle a déjà fait ça lors de son 2ème mariage!
Les gens capables de le faire sont: Spider man, Super man, le Flash et Ridhima hihihih
Je crois aussi que nous ne devons pas chercher une théorie logique seulement, en effet, les écrivains de cette série ont montré avant des choses illogiques: Par exemple le fait que Vihan ne savait pas le mot de passe pour accéder au compte bancaire de Vansh et était obligé de le piraté, donc logiquement ce n’est pas Vansh, mais après nous avons découvert que c’est effectivement Vansh!!
Aussi, le cadavre brulé par Vihan était le cadavre de qui? pas de réponse jusqu’à maintenant!!
Les créateurs de cette séries s’amusent bien en nous trompant!! Que devons-nous faire?? s’amuser aussi
I am going to go ahead and say that I agree in everything. This is so confusing that even the makers won’t have any chance of closing this track with at leat 100 loopholes. Let’s see what happens on Monday. And tomorrow
1. @Thakur Priyanka @Khushi @Unnamed – yeah the only thing that us IMM2 fans can agree on is that we’re completely and utterly confused lol!
2. @Gabriela, thanks girl or should I say “teacher” – I always look forward to your commentary – it makes me feel like I am back in high school and a teacher is giving me feedback on a report, which I appreciate a lot lol! Yeah, I’m very happy that Vansh found out about Vyom so quickly and makers are not dragging out that mystery – but I don’t want to underestimate Vyom either – he may try to trick Vansh again. And I, too, don’t want RIddhima to have some inner darkness or split personality…hopefully this is all just an act to protect Vansh. In any case, I will try to prepare a good review for tomorrow….I’m excited about tomorrow’s episode!!!
3. Merci @ Khawla….ouais, tu as raison, notre Riddhima est un super-héros et elle se déplace à une vitesse supersonique! Elle est rapidement retournée chez elle lors de son deuxième mariage (comme tu as mentionné) et même après avoir “enlevé” Ragini de Vansh. Pour cette raison, on n’a pas encore assez d’évidences pour prouver qu’il y a effectivement deux Riddhimas. Et oui, il y a tant de rebondissements et scénarios illogiques dans cette série qui m’énervent parfois, mais on y est maintenant habitué.
Comme j’ai déjà mentionné dans un commentaire précédent, les scénaristes ne savent pas non plus ce qui se passera prochainement. J’ai récemment regardé une interview d’Ankit Siwach (Vyom) dans laquelle il a dit que l’histoire évolue constamment et qu’il ne sait pas non plus l’avenir de son personnage. Donc, en gros, les créateurs s’amusent bien en nous trompant et on ne peut pas rien faire, sauf exprimer nos frustrations sur ce forum et développer également des théories illogiques mdr! J’espère que le prochain épisode aura des révélations importantes telles que la vraie identité de cette femme/Riddhima 2.0.
I observed one thing that more than Vyom Daadi and Aryaan had become very popular and powerful after shifting to OTT platform I think so there is no need to introduce a new character like Vyom in the show
@Thakur Priyanka….I also really like how the makers developed Aryan’s and Dadi’s roles. However, I think it was necessary to have some external threat (e.g. Vyom) to have some successor villian to Kabir. I was hoping that Kabir would return as a protagonist after he escaped captivity, but after today’s episode, I think either he will be killed off or once Vyom is eliminated, Kabir will come back with even more anger and hatred for RIansh. Let’s see girl, this episode gave me a headache – I saw it twice, but was left with yet more questions than answers.
@IMMJ Viewer after watching today’s episode even I’m also having a headache I was also happy when Kabir was trying to escape but my happiness go faded away when he was again caged
I’m glad that Dadi, Arya and Angre have a real role in the series and not but they are fillers, and all three prove to be extremely talented. So we have to thank Voot for giving them the opportunity to look like real artists
@Thakur priyanka we can tie meet on their legs and let killer dogs loose on them

. I feel i like going all tara on them right now

@NISH nice idea

The episode was great and just read the tweet about two riddhimas’. It’s all so confusing but i guess it will be fun to watch
Thank god it’s airing on Voot Select, or else From Ekta to Gul all will make a line to take away our Maha Daayan Saas DAADI

Is daadi the oldie in family or the infant
Yesterday for sometime I THOUGHT DADI IS BEHAVING WEIRD BECAUSE SHE IS WITH RIDHIMA, THEY HAVE SOME HIDDEN AGENDA TO EXPOSE THE ENEMY BEHIND. But after today she is getting into my nerves. I just wanna get her out of universe.
Dadi is dead-set to kill Ridhima, and now she also wants Aryan to kill Vansh if he interferes. Like GET ONE TWO OFFER.
Aryan now became like superman, spider man. Before he was there for only to say “Iski badla mein zaroor lunga” and later to take rest.
But Now he is busy as bee, he is having lots and lots of works. He wants to spy on Ridhima, he wants to peep into Riansh’s room, he wants to kill Ridhima and Vansh.
But TBH I’m enjoying his expressions
I was on cloud nine when Kabir was upto escape, but everything got spoiled. Im terribly missing him.
His expressions could be something to watch during this Doublet-Drama. I bet, If Kabir was here within spur of moment he’ll be giving a conclusion IS RIDHIMA REAL OR NOT.
Again Vyom became beggar, I guess he is also like Pre-Voot Aryan who uses to waste all the money. Yesterday only he got diamonds and he bought new shirts. Within 2 days he lost everything and became Shirtless.
My lame confusion. From when does Angre got Permission to sleep on Bed, woh bhi in Ishaani’s Bed-room??
She is missing as well. So does Ishani shifted to new room or Angre was ousted from Ishani’s room and got blessed with another.
@Den I’m laughing like madly while reading ur comment I even agree to each and every points you became crazy dude
You bring the funniest reviews Den. I can’t help myself, I’m dying of laughter. But even if your comments are very funny, they are very true. The Dadi-Aryan couple is giving us a lot of trouble these days.

And Kabir, he made my day beautiful, I trust he will escape.
Maybe I’m crazy, but today when I saw Vyom in his pants and without a T-shirt I burst out laughing, that provokes me when I see him like that. Poor Angre was expelled from the master bedroom.
Thank you for entertaining Den!
@Den, your review is too funny and I agree with everything that you said! I’m putting all my faith in our boy Kabir now – he’ll get out of capitivity, sneak back into the mansion, and figure out right away if this is the real Riddhima or not – if she’s the real RIddhima, chances are that he’ll try to kidnap her again, but at least we’ll get our answers lol.
Kuch achha karm kiya hai mene ki tumse mulaqut hogayi

Bechara vansh…i feel pity on vansh

Same like us his mind also wandering whether she is riddhima or not.
My gut feeling saying still she is real riddhima bt i have doubt on dadi than riddhima.
I think dadi joined hands with riddhima.may be dadi acting.
Both riddhima and dadi are doing this drama for betterment
Hi-Fi @MNO
Till today’s episode
I was also living in that illusion.
Dadi’s weird behaviour + Ridhima’s new avtar = Dadi-Ridhima plan to expose someone.
But after today I’m completely lost.
I can bet on the Ridhima-Dadi team
Nowadays aryaan scenes are funny…i laugh literally


I laughed when I saw Vyom in his tights and shirtless

Hlooo how are u oll?
Wow nyc episode
Hi sister
ishq neon marjawan is so confusing. but am sure she’s not Ridhima.
Bechara vansh…i feel pity for him…
Jus like us he is also confused whether she is his riddhima or not..
I think dadi joined hands with riddhima thats why she is behaving weird to protect the family and for the betterment.
My gut feeling saying still she is real riddhima only..lets c.
Actually I am confused
it seems lyk some character are duplicate Riddhima nd dadi 

Hi everyone this is getting more complicated day by day they are not reveling if she is Riddhima or not and what about their baby
Everyone discussed about Ridhima being a flash light
Does he really aware about Vyom being in the opposite group??
Ohh yeah,a very good observation
He is not shock after seeing vyom maybe he know him already I mean he know he is also his enemy
Exactly Den even I got the same doubt
Exactly and especially that he was dressed in tights and no shirt

Yes wen vansh told the dialogue now riddhima joined hands with his enemy.may be vansh knows vyom from the beginning that he is also his enemy…
Keep aside the all theories I’m literally enjoying the episodes with suspense and confusion after a long gap
Keeping aside all the theories *
Anyone here? Whatsapp, Instagram are down so we can play a game if you all want
I m here
I’m here
I want to play
what game??
Congrats IMMJ Reloaded on Voot is Trending in Twitter on 10 position
