Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 23rd September 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on
The episode starts with Ishani planning to show Angre his place. She tries to add something in his Haldi. Vansh comes and stops her. She gets shocked and scared. He remembers Ridhima telling him that everything doesn’t get resolved by anger. He is elder brother, if he explains her nicely, then she will surely understand. He calmly asks Ishani to sit down. He shows her photos of Sunny with another girl. He’s her elder brother and he has more life experience. Now she agrees right that she doesn’t recognize people correctly? She nods yes. He says, not just sister, she is his responsibility as well. He cannot compromise with her happiness. He asks her to have faith in him. Whatever he’s doing is good for her. He asks her to get ready for Haldi. She goes. He thinks Ridhima was right. Love effect is more than anger. He realizes he didn’t take Ridhima to wash her face. He goes to look for her. Kabir is also searching for her. They bump into each other. Vansh asks him what he’s doing there. Kabir says he came to check decoration. Vansh says today’s function is at pool side. He should check there. Kabir says his work is perfect. Everything will be above his expectation.
A servant is taking suitcase that has Ridhima in it. Vansh asks him if he saw Ridhima. He says no. The servant continues walking. He doesn’t know where to take suitcase and leaves at pool side as someone calls him.
Vansh and Kabir are still searching for Ridhima. Vansh says security is tight. Is she upset? She doesn’t go anywhere without telling him. Kabir says if he can’t find Ridhima, then his whole plan will get spoiled.
Ishani comes for the Haldi. She sees Angre and thinks Vansh was right that her choice was wrong. But that doesn’t mean, she will marry a servant. She makes Angre serve her juice. Everyone is shocked. He says nothing wrong in serving juice to his wife. She is not impressed. She says enough of screaming. It’s action time now. She will escape when it’s right time. Haldi function starts. Everyone applies Haldi to Ishani and Angre. Dadi wonders where Vansh and Ridhima are. Vansh wonders whether Ridhima is any danger. The suitcase is right in front of family members where Haldi function is going on. Ridhima opens her eyes and takes Vansh’s name. No one is able to hear due to loud music. She makes a hole in the suitcase. Kabir is having drinks in tension. Anupriya goes to him. He says he doesn’t know where Ridhima disappeared. She says he trusts her way too much. Hope she doesn’t spoil their plan. He says she won’t do anything like that. It might be Vansh’s plan. Ridhima shows her finger from the hole that she made, but no one is paying attention. Vansh comes and tells Dadi that he is not able to find Ridhima. Kabir is shocked knowing even Vansh doesn’t know where Ridhima is. Dadi tells Vansh that the lord will help him. Angre says he will find her. He goes to search her. Ishani tells Aryan that Ridhima keeps doing something that keeps focus on her. She further says she doesn’t care about her or that marriage. She hopes Ridhima stays disappeared, so she doesn’t need to do all the rituals. Aryan asks her to look at Vansh getting so anxious and tells her to take advantage of that situation. Ridhima is barely staying awake. Vansh bumps into the suitcase, but by then Ridhima is again unconscious. He punches the suitcase and it goes in the swimming pool. The suitcase starts filling with water. Vansh stops and realizes she could be in the suitcase. He runs and jumps in the pool. Kabir says she’s in the suitcase? Really? Vansh opens the bag inside water and takes Ridhima out. Family members are shocked. Vansh tries to wake her up. She doesn’t open eyes. He tries to take water out. Kabir says perfect. His plan failed, but whatever happened is wow. Vansh’s desperation is saying that Vansh is in love with her and this love is very dangerous. He won’t run away from her and soon will express his love to her. Vansh checks Ridhima’s pulse and breathing. It’s not there. He gives her mouth to mouth and finally she regains her consciousness. He asks her if she is okay. She slowly opens her eyes. He hugs her and says thank God. Kabir is amazed.
Precap: Vansh gives his mother’s anklet to Ridhima saying only one person has right to wear it. He takes her feet and puts anklet on it. Ishani dances on “a slave” song in her Sangeet pointing at Angre. Ridhima receives an email from real Devraj Singh Rathod (wedding planner) that he’s coming to meet her. Anupriya tells Kabir that real wedding planner is here. He gets tensed.
Update Credit to: Amena
I mean no one can just trip on a suitcase and fall inside it..It makes no sense..People are gonna say these things now and complain..But it’s a drama..A show..Don’t buy it to be real.
Just enjoy it.
actually I also agree that the scene was illogical, many pages on FB is making mame on this scene…
@Qudsia Even I know the scene doesn’t make any sense,,But like I said..It’s a fiction..All we can do is just watch and enjoy instead of finding out the defect .
@Tonni that’s what I too want to say, why not enjoy the show instead of finding the defect, I don’t know why so many FB pages are making memes on that scene… I mean this is daily soap so obviously some things will be logical and some things will be illogical…we should enjoy the both.
Memes are reasonable if made on Bhagya Sisters,Naagin & Saathiya
But if made on IMMJ 2 then everyone will try to cover it up
If you feel good or bad but there is many thing they have shown is nonsense like how can someone be fit into suitcase. And how can someone be so serious after getting shot on shoulder. In 1st season they have shown that aarohi and deep both have removed the bullet by their own after getting shot. In that season they are showing so many illogical things just to showing romance between riddhima vansh.
@Shivangi First season was crap, I personally never liked first season, second thing dear people get serious when they get shot , and that too on shoulder, I have seen it myself in reality..shoot scene was not illogical, but yes sindoor scene was illogical
…and yes I agree that suitcase scene was illogical..but I can’t bear the meme on it bcoz it’s my favorite show .
You bear or not it’s your problem. Like you said 1st season was crap because you didn’t like same goes on everyone. If people wants to make meme it’s their personal opinion.
Im gonna say one thing when riansh fell in love kabir will be the second after anupriya to regret very bad!!

Cause we all are 100000% sure she will support him,, hopefully she find kabir’s truth first
By the way! In some review people said that ridhima also have some past is that true??
I also heard the same..Maybe it’s true,,Maybe Riddima is the one who’s playing the game with both Vansh and Kabir..If this happens I’m gonna say it’ll hyped the drama more!!
Yes, Ridhimma also has a dark past
You all saying that it’s a illogical and a so-called drama scene but am really enjoying it….. Full time masthi

Please upload written update about recap please
Precap is posted please share it

The precap is that vansh makes riddhima wear his mother’s anklets. Ishani dances on a song teasing Angre and the real Devraj Singh Rathore arrives
Thnx for replying thnx
This whole suitcase fiasco made me laugh and cringe at the same time. IMM 2 had set a level with its initial episodes, and if it continues to show such ridiculuous things, it won’t be good for the show. Hopefully the makers would be careful next time before resorting to such scenes.
The chemistry between Vansh and Riddhima is intense, I agree, but the long stares between them is actually becoming too monotonous. Instead of the long stares, there can be some meaningful dialogue exchange between them.
I agree with you
Agree. This is my favourite show but this was absolutely unnecessary and impossible – atleast they could have shown she lost consciousness and Kabir/ Anu stuffed her in the box- even that would have been difficult to digest unless they also break her bone or she has some hypermobility syndrome but still not so much an insult to audience intelligence. Simpler would have been to just let fall in pool by accident and let him save her. I wouldnt have said anything if this was shown in Devanshi though i liked that too but we expect a bit better from this show. By the way, for CPR, you have to give chest compressions, not abdominal. Agree may be wanted to show water came out but for that simpler to put in prone position or atleast after initial thing, should have show chest compressions
@Roshni These people always show wrong method of CPR on Indian TV. I guess they don’t want the guy to give chest compressions to the girl for the fear of it appearing as “indecent” on TV.
I just loved RIANSH…….
It’s just show guys, we should enjoy it not to spoil it….
Hi everyone pls what’s the meaning of ” CV’s ” ?
Today episode wans’t that munch of a fun to watch or read it wasn’t upto the point and it also lacks logics.
CV means creative vision. The writers of the show
This suitcase wala scene is giving tough competition to gopi bahu’s laptop scene…

Just can’t stop laughing…
But still immj2 is my favourite….
Omg what an insult
! But, but I think nothing can ever surpass gopi bahu’s epic laptop scene! It was of another level only 
gopi’s one was humor and natural. this is well planned crap. no one can fall like that and get unconscious too
Hands of to editor kya edit kia he…
Story is going to slow. Instead of this stupid scenes they can show some action. Finish with raagini story.
Do you know where to watch Ishq Mein Marjawan free on website online with English Subtitles please?
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