Ishq Mein Marjawan 30th April 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Deep says start your countdown. You see what happens now. He locks her and leaves. Chawnai says didi don’t worry we are coming to save you. Chawani’s friend follows Deep and Roma.
Arohi says go from here Chawani. He will be coming back don’t risk your life. Chawani tries to break the lock but it doesn’t break.
Chawani says please help us God. Arohi says go from here. Deep is about to reach.
Roma says to deep why are you worried? He says I am glad. We will end this Arohi chapter today. Roma says I should be appreciating her for this courage to mess with me.
Prithvi calls on Vedika’s room. He says where has she gone. I am so worried. Virat says can I use your phone? I can’t find mine. Prithvi calls on his number and says its in your pocket. Virat hits him and he faints. Virat checks his phone and sees that it was Vedika that he called.
Chawani gets in from a back door. Arohi says I asked you not to come here. Chawani tries to cut her ropes.
Deep says let me kill Arohi. Roma says no I will kill her. My kids hate me because of her. Ranger calls Chawani and says deep and roma are outside. Deep and Roma get in. Arhoi says go from here chawani. deep unlocks the door. Chawani hides behind cottons.
Deep comes to Arohi. Roma comes in and points gun at her. She says scared of your death? Arohi says I am already dead. I am not scared of anything now. Roma says I made such a good plan. Arohi says I have ruined your dream. Your kids call you characterless. And this bullet can’t fix all this. Roma says bye forever Arohi. Deep closes his eyes. Roma gets a call from minister. He says to Roma come right now. She says give me five minutes. He says if you want ticket then come in two minutes. Roma says come to my place I am coming. Roma says to Arohi you have a few more minutes. Deep says you go I will keep an eye on her. Roma says no you come with me too. Roma says to Arohi I am coming back to kill you. Deep locks the door.
Roma says we have Arohi this should remain between you and met only. He says okay. they rush back home.
Chawani says what will we do now? We hardly have an hour.
Scene 2
Prithvi opens his eyes. Virat says good morning. Get up now. Drink this Vodka. Why have you vedika’s number saved. Prithvi says I have to go. VIrat grasps his collar. Roma comes in and says leave him. Why are you fighting. Virat says trying to get the truth out. ROma says what truth? Virat says truth that he was calling Vedika. That he removed the mark from his hand that Vedika’s father has. ROma says minster is coming stop this drama. Virat says this drama wont stop no matter what comes. virat says is prithvi your raper or you lover? She slaps him. Virat grasps her hand and twists it. Roma screams. Deep hits Virat. Roma says Prithvi is the man who had been loyal to us and you have been blaming me with him. Virat says then tell me who is father of your illegitimate daughter? Minister comes in. Deep says minister.. He says how are you Roma? I think you are discussing your illegitimate daughter. We will come back later. You said your family trusts you. Here is your truth. Roma says please sit and talk.
Chawani says we have to get you out of here. Arohi says no you go from here. Deep will get me out of here. Chawani says are you crazy? He is a devil. Arohi says I know for sure that he will come and get me out of here.
Roma says to minister these allegations are fake. He says you have to wait. She says only going to parliment will clear my image. I have given so much donations to your party. He says you are begging for the ticket and we can’t give that to a characterless woman like you. Forget about your dream.
Roma comes to deep and says Arohi did all this. Take me to her and give me the gun.
Roma asks deep to stay outside. She comes in and says you have ruined my life. Now you see what I do. She shoots her. arohi falls down and screams. My baby.. Roma is dazed.
Precap-Roma says to Arohi don’t worry your mom is here for you nothing will happen. Deep calls Arohi and says you have confused me. There is my family on one side and there is the love you opened my eyes to. I want to meet you. Arohi gives him time.
Update Credit to: Atiba
Hi’s been quite a while that I have commented…anyways i am sooooo happy that the story is getting back on it’s track…..
Deep realising his feelings for Arohi is like a solar eclipse that we were all very eager to see. I loved the part in today’s episode where Viraat honestly told Deep “mummy ji ka chamcha”. Thank God Viraat ka dimaag ke batti jal uthi, main toh usey ullu ka pattha samajh rakkha tha … Anyways the drama in the last scene was edge of the seat suspense, I didn’t expect Arohi to pretend to be Tara in this situation….I am very eager to see the next episode.
I guess it’s again Deep’s plan to trap Arohi
even i feel so now im fed up to see deep too loyal but my quesion is how does the scene vacate to london..
Hai r u?
Nowa days virat brain working so smart.
** main toh Viraat ko ullu ka pattha samajh rakkhi thi ….( Sorry for the grammatical mistake due to auto correction)
very soon tara will do it not to worry-:))
Hellow guys..hi arohi&deep..hahha ur so fun, I will support you to kill deep but don’t kill Arjun please haha
Hi moneera.
Hai arohi and deep.I will help you. What do you want? Knife or gun.just fun.
Je kya hua…. Mtlb hr kuchh hi…. Bs me to koni expect kru koi bdiya story… Chlaata rho iyaa hi ?
Oooh, this was a cool episode! I am loving Viraat more and more, I dont care if he tortures his mom, she’s Roma Raichand after all. And dang, Aarohi, you stole the show! What an acting yaar, made Roma herself believe it’s her daughter. And I don’t think she even got shot since she fell at the right time. And precap is so cute, finally Deep realises his love for Aarohi. I’m loving it now, hope they keep this up!
Hai Priya.arjun and Alisha both are killed the act.
I’m fed up with deeps character but I got some news from insta I’ll copy that link below sorry I wanted to post it here as I thought no one will go back to the old update??
Me too ? bored of Deep’s loyalty
Hai nabs.deep will understand the Roma character very soon.
hi everyone… surprisingly the part i liked best about today’s episode was Virat’s parts, lol. even a month ago i wouldnt have said this, but right now i like everything Virat is doing. he even called ‘Deep mummy ji ka chamcha’ lol. and i am happy that he twisted Roma’s hand. it was funny how Deep was holding Virat back but the moment minister came Deep let him go and pretended like nothing happened…. for some reason it reminded me of school children fighting in classroom when suddenly principal came in and the students pretend everything is fine lol
Prithvi also for the first time wondered why Virat is not able to find Vedika and he called her number to see if she was fine. i hope he soon finds out that Roma got Vedika killed and then tells Virat everything even if it gets him killed…. finally i am feeling like Vedika’s intro has really brought a major impact in this house. (still wish they hadnt killed Vedika
coming to Deep, i had no expectations. he stood outside crying when he thought Roma was shooting Arohi. hell, Roma told Arohi in front of Deep that she has no goodness or emotions in her heart, but still Deep believes hhis mummyji is good becuase of one good thing she did to him like 20 years ago. idiot, i dont know when he will open his eyes. i just hope his calling Arohi in the precap is not another trap. Arohi has to always plan her own escape, with the characters willing to help her getting killed -_- wonder how she will convince Roma that she is tara trapped by Arohi. and seeing ‘Tara’ so frightened in the precap is completely not so Tara-like, but no in the house knows the real Tara it seems. i have never seen Tara faraid even once, even when she was shot and was fainting, she was not afraid. and this Tara is afraid of Arohi of all people lol. even now i feel that a healthy Tara can easily overpower Arohi any day (just see how Virat fainted Prithvi with one stroke! i am sure Tara knows such moves too…)
last, i loved to see Chawanni care so much for Arohi. he was crying when he thought he wont be able to save her or help her escape. i hope chwanni is not harmed till the end and i wish nikku and chawanni will start bonding. they are the only children in that house so it would be good to seem them play games or do some normal children-things
But Ive seen Tara afraid of Aarohi when Aarohi was doing prank calls with her
Actually the level of fear depends upon the situations if the situations are in hand of Tara or Aarohi
Its obvious for them to get scared
Mostly they both have been scared for their relatives eg Roma, Nikku
Right now Aarohi (as Tara) is depicting her fear for Aarohi because of her unborn child
hi imm… thanx for reminding me, you are right
Tara did get afraid of blood related stuff, and since Tara is pregnant now after thinking for years that she can never have child, maybe it is logical for to be afraid of her baby 
Hai dhara. Agree with you.Tara can’t see she also afraid.
Hi Dhara,, i too like Virat when he gives that careless yet serious dialogues,,, he is superb in that,,,
Don’t know if it’s a 100% true info but hope so the precap London track combines very well and importantly it had been posted before the episode hope it’s true?? and no idiotic and gulaam wali deep we will anyway see what will happen..but suspension killing deeps favourite line has been confirmed tum pagal hogain hoon for viral and Aarohi but not for mummy ji I hope deep will tell this word for her also????
i think… its going original promo way… deep would really go with arohi to live happily.. but she deceives n sends him to jail…
very interesting
Confusing episode…..
What happened to london revenge april?????
We change the title.
nice thrilling episode… i liked it a lot…especially arohis last move screaming as tara was fully surprise..?
Hai Saras.yes I totally enjoy the episode.
i hope in precap Deep isn’t planing 2 fool Aarohi again….i had chawani asking Aarohi how she could b at too place at de same time i’m jst hoping Deep isn’t trying to no if Tara is de same person as Tara
but de pain i saw in Deep eyes when Aarohi was shoot it confirm my suspision dt he lov Aarohi compltly
Hai lutfa.yes deep eyes said everything.
Arohi rocked the episode
I really fed up with Deep ? there is no use of feeling sad when himself letting Roma to shoot Arohi ? i think in the precap Deep is again trying to trap Arohi maybe he doubts over her being Tara
Virat is the only person who looks practical in the show now
Agree with you.
Hello friends.
I can’t understand 3 part and precap.can anyone explain me.
I love deep and arohi expression.
Well play a role arjun and Alisha.
Virat acting is good.
Today I like minister dialog.
in the precap Arohi as Tara is in bed, very frightened with Deep holding her. Roma is standing infront of them. Arohi says she is very afraid and had dreams that Arohi will harm her baby. Roma says nothing will happen to you as long as i am alive, and Roma decides to do ‘godh bharai’ rasam for ‘Tara’ and the baby. in another scene, Deep calls Arohi and says you have confused me, i love my family and i want them to be happy but you have created doubt in my mind that whether this family even belongs to me, i want to meet you. Arohi replies that she will meet Deep any time he wants. Deep asks Arohi to meet at the same time that the godh bharai rasam will take place for Tara. chawanni asks Arohi how she will be in two places at the same time….
Thank you dhara.but godh barai rasam celebrate 5,7,9 month only Na.
Rhivanya, i dont know when that rasam happens. but in todays episode Roma said that she cant wait that long and she will do it right now
so it is explained in the show 
i don’t know why some people say that deep realise his love for arohi he let roma kill her he didn’t say anything this dog son of dog. i THINK THE PRECAP IS A TRAP FOR AROHI i didn’t trust him he betray arohi like evrytime
What happened in precap. Deep trap arohi or arohi trap deep.
Both are trying to trap each other i guess and this London track is completely to increase the trp
Yes are correct.
i dont understand why they didnt post my comment lol….. i could see my comment awaiting moderation in the middle….. there were comments before mine and after mine, but mine was still awaiting moderation…. that was around 9:30 pm and now it is 11:00pm, and i dont know when they will post my comment…. what the hell!
ugh, ok ignore this comment lol. i refreshed the page a hundred times but couldnt see my original comment. but as soon i posted this, my comment was there. dont know why this problem with the website
Same problem here.
today, the minister and Roma’s dialogue seemed very realistic to me. Roma was right in a way that most politicians have cases registered against them of crimes and still get party tickets….. and Roma having an illegitimate child is not even a crime as per indian laws (as far as i know)…. so actually she shouldnt be punished for this. but the minister just rudely rejects her and leaves. i just felt that is Roma was a man instead of a woman, then the minister wouldnt have rejected her pleas. i mean i am happy that Roma’s dreams shattered, but i just felt despite media attention and everything, Roma still could have got a party seat if she were a man….
i also wonder why the media is not asking where Vedika vanished? (just as media is no longer after Virat for the molestation case and raising his hands on media persons…) i mean Arohi stopped Deep from hurting Vedika at first because if anything happened to Vedika then everyone will doubt Roma further damaging her reputation. but now that Vedika is actually dead, i hope Arohi would make use of it. release the news in media so that there will be a investigation and then a CRIMINAL case could be launched against Roma. (though most probably all evidences would point to Deep -_- ) still, with Vedika death news Virat will be completely convinced that Roma had lied to him and even Prithvi will react with anger and disgust…. Arohi knows all this but right now she got ridhi’s fake call and is thinking about her bhabhi and planning just meetings with Deep. in this way, Vedika’s death would go to waste…..
Amazing episode loved Alisha and arjun acting Today episode best dialouge virat:Mummiji ka chamcha wow day by day really like virat. Virat amazing Roma deserves this
Hello everybody ….
How are you all?

today’s episode except arohi’s part?
?????????? …
Virat was amazing ????today ……
Virat’s fight was ????
I was enjoying his each and every dialogue today ….
Hai sonakshi. Am r u?
I also enjoy the all the dialog.
I am also fine rhivanya ??
hey sonakshi… truly Virat’s part has improved a lot. he finally has something to do and even if he is a bad person, he is doing something that is to the viewer’s liking so all the best to him lol
Hi dhara di ?…
Yes finally virat is using his brain ?…
very soon tara will do it not to worry-:))
She’ll be caught again
She shouldn’t meet him
Kyun dharath hey ithna tere aey ishq may
This line suit for ardeep
Why didn’t Roma kill Arohi just after the call. It takes only few seconds.
hey mohit, i was thinking the exact same thing. minister is calling so shoot and go no, you already hve a loaded gun in your hand! thy could have left the dead body and come back later to clean…. but they went only so that Arohi could devise a way to escape lol
Deleted scene
Friends what I feel the show will end before June 2…. Because arjun have already got a new show dance dewanee where he will host. He has confirmed this to times of India. So I don’t think he Will do two show simultaneously..
wat…. but that is so soon… i still have so many questions
I don’t know may be deep’s character will end and the show Will continue…Or arjun may do both
i agree it will be difficult to do both shows…. but if he is just hosting a show that is telecast only twice a week, then it might not take that much time? i dont know, i mean i dont like Deep’s character much but i dont want him to die. i want him to improve and throttle Roma’s neck lol….. lets see what happens… thanx for the news btw
dance diwane is weekend show … so he can easily do both…many participate in weekend shows while continuing with regilar show
Where is today’s update… waiting for it