Ishq Mein Marjawan – Fan Fiction – Episode 27 (Drama)

Hi guys, I am back again haha. I know I kept you all waiting a long time but here is the next chapter. Hope ya’all enjoy.

Epi starts…

Ragini goes into Riddhima’s room when she is in bathroom and adds a small dose of poison on her dress which was lying on the bed. It can induce someone unconcious if inhaled and deadly when swallowed. She quickly does her work and walks out the room waiting for Riddhima to come out. After a while Riddhima comes out and sees the dress on the bed.

Riddhima (thinking): This is beautiful but should I wear it? I was thinking of wearing something more colourful.

She walks to her cupboard and pulls out another dress. This one was a red lehenga with beautiful jewels on the side. She decided to wear that one instead and gets dressed. Ragini looking on gets shocked that again her plan failed but was happy at least some of the poison got inhaled by Riddhima. It would take a few hours to effect her just in time for her wedding. Ragini walks away and goes to her room pretending that she was there the whole time.

After few minutes..

Riddhima comes downstairs and gets happy seeing Vansh waiting for her at the mandap. Dadi takes her to sit next to Vansh and the ceremony gets started. She started to feel very uneasy and her throat was drying up but she didn’t want to worry anyone so just continued to sit through the ceremony.

Riddhima (thinking): What is happening to me? Why am I feeling so uneasy?

Vansh looks at Riddhima towards his side.

Vansh whispering to Riddhima: Are you ok?

Riddhima nods and smiles.

Meanwhile back upstairs..

Ragini goes out of her room with Angad and stops him before he can go downstairs.

Angad: What are you doing?

Ragini: Shh..listen to me. See the dhamaka that is going to happen from here.

Angad: What did you do??!

Ragini: Just see na..

Angad: Ragini tell me now before I do something I will regret.

Ragini: I put a small dose of poison on Riddhima’s dress in her room. She must have inhaled it and going to be unconcious soon. Now we can be at peace.

Angad: Are you mad??! That is so inhumane, how can you stoop that low?

Ragini: Woah no need to get mad. I just did it as payback since she did the same before I got married to you (she rolls her eyes)

Angad: Let go of me Ragini. I am going to warn Vansh.

Ragini: NO! I am not letting you ruin my plan.

They continue to argue as Riddhima and Vansh stand for the pheres.

Back to Riddhima..

Riddhima stands up and feels dizzy. She wants to continue the ceremony but is not able to stand properly. Vansh doesn’t notice and is about to turn when Riddhima starts to fall. She holds him and falls in his arms.

Vansh: Riddhima! your eyes.

Vansh: Angre, bring some water quick.

Angre runs to the back and a few seconds later comes back with a glass of water. Everyone is shocked and gathers around Riddhima to see what has happened. Vansh sprinkles some water on Riddhima’s face but she still doesn’t wake up.

Ragini and Angad walk up from behind and she starts laughing.

Ragini: Bechari, I think she got scared and fainted.

Angad: Shut up Ragini, you are not helping.

Angad turns to Vansh.

Angad: Bhai, I think you need to take her to the hospital.

Vansh nods and carries Riddhima out to the car. He tells the driver to drive quickly to the hospital and they leave. Back inside, Angad gets angry on Ragini.

Angad: If anything happens to Riddhima na, I won’t spare you.

Ragini: Haha! Very funny. Come on Angad, she ruined both our lives by all this and you are supporting her. Really?

Angad: Last warning Ragini..I won’t be so easy on you next time.

He walks away. Ragini thinks to herself that now Riddhima won’t be saved.

In the hospital..

Riddhima is rushed to the ICU and the doctors are checking up on her. Vansh is pacing around outside and starts to get angry.

Vansh pulls out his phone.

Vansh shouting over the phone: Angre!! Look through the CCTV cameras before the wedding and tell me if you find anything. I won’t spare anyone who did this if it was faul play.

He hangs up and goes to wait outside the room. A doctor walks out and Vansh asks him about Riddhima.

Vansh: How is she?

Doctor: She is stable as of now. Do not worry.

Vansh: What happened to her? Was it stress?

Doctor: We think she was poisoned.

Vansh: Whatttt! But she didn’t drink anything before how did she get poisoned?

Doctor: Mr Vansh, the poison could have been on anywhere. She just had to inhale a small amount and it would have done its effect. We have removed as much of the poison as we can by pumping her lungs. She is stable but needs rest.

Vansh: Ok. Thank you.

Doctor nods, smiles and walks away.

A nurse comes out and tells Vansh he can go and see her.

Vansh runs inside and sees Riddhima on the bed with an oxygen mask attached. He goes to hold her hand and promises her that he won’t spare the culprit.

Vansh to Riddhima: Please wake up. I can’t live without you. See my state now, what will I be off if you leave me?

For the first time, he was genuinely scared for himself and for Riddhima. A single tear fell from his eye and landed on Riddhima’s hand.

He was still holding it when she moved her fingers.

Precap: Riddhima wakes up and Vansh talks to the staff about getting married there. Riddima and Vansh get married with everyone around them and they come back home and surprising everyone except Dadi and his sisters. Ragini gets angry that her plan failed.

That’s all for today guys. Hope you all enjoyed it and I know the wedding episode is dragged but I wanted to build the tension before it happens. Besides in the show too, every function had some drama. But next one pakka they will be married (laughs). See ya’all soon 🙂

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