Ishq Mein Marjawan – Fan Fiction – Episode 29 (Good vs Evil)

Hi guys. I just wanted to say thank you for the continuos support. It gives me motivation to write more after seeing your lovely comments. Hope you all enjoy this one too 🙂

Epi starts…

Riddhima and Vansh are in the car driving home. She slids over and lays her head on his shoulders. He was so focussed on driving that Riddhima noticed he was angry.

Riddhima: Are you going to tell me?

Vansh: Huh? Tell you what?

Riddhima: Come on Vansh, I know when you are not yourself. What happened? Why are you angry?

Vansh: Oh its nothing.

Riddhima: You know I won’t give up until you tell me.

Vansh sighs and looks at her from the corner of his eye. He hit the brakes and stopped at a layby at the side of the road. He glanced at Riddhima.

Vansh: I found out who put you in hospital this morning.

Riddhima: Who did? (she was getting angry)

Vansh: It was umm..

Riddhima: Just say it Vansh please.

Vansh: It was Ragini.

Riddhima: WHATTT! But why?

Vansh: I think its best if you asked her that.

Riddhima started to panic a little.

Vansh: See that’s why I didn’t want to tell you. Hey to make it up, would you like to go on honeymoon?

Riddhima: about the family?

Vansh: Seriously Riddhima, I want to spend quality time with you and I don’t think family is allowed in honeymoon (he smirkes a little)

Riddhima giggles and nods. They continued the drive while listening to “Pal” song from the radio.

Back at VR mansion..

Angad goes to Ragini and warns her not to play with Vansh and Riddhima’s life.

Ragini: What is it to you Angad? You forced me to come here and we were suppose to be married but only for show. Now I am stuck with you all my life.

Angad: That’s it Ragini. Did you not once cared about how I felt about this? I was rushed into this marriage the same as you. Now stop with your rubbish. You are going to get killed if you continue to play with lifes.

Ragini: Shut up Angad. Get lost out of my room.

Angad: Excuse me, but this is my room too. Either you sleep on the bed or get out and sleep on the floor its up to you.

He walks out without hearing more of her excuse and goes downstairs.

Ragini (thinking): This is not over.

Back downstairs..

Riddhima and Vansh comes back home and sees Dadi waiting for them by the door. They seek her blessings and goes in. Everyone comes to the living room and sees Vansh and Riddhima. Ishani comes over to hug her.

Ishani: Bhabi I hope you are ok now.

Riddhima: I am fine Ishani don’t worry.

Riddhima turns to Vansh and tells him he is going upstairs to rest. She stops outside Ragini’s room and goes in. She sees her standing by the window.

Ragini: Get out Riddhima.

Riddhima: I just want answers. Why do you hate me so much that you had to kill me?

Ragini doesn’t answer so Riddhima gently walks up to her from behind and stares out the window too with her. Ragini suddenly has flashbacks about what Riddhima did and tries to push her out the window and walks away.

Riddhima: Help!

Vansh hears her and runs upstairs. He sees Riddhima dangling from the window frame and pulls her by the arms to safety.

Vansh: You have only been home for less than 20 minutes and you are already putting yourself in danger. What is this Riddhima?

Riddhima: I am sorry Vansh, I came to see Ragini and asked her for answers but she wouldn’t answer and pushed me.

Vansh gets angry and pulls out his gun.

Vansh: That’s it. I am not sparing her anymore.

Riddhima: Vansh please don’t..for my sake at least. She is in pain.

Riddhima doesn’t let go of him and hugs him from behind.

Riddhima: I promise I won’t put myself in danger anymore.

Vansh sighs and puts his gun away. He hugs her back and takes her to the room.

Precap: Riddhima and Vansh spend a romantic night together but is interupted. Anupriya comes to Riddhima to ask a favour but Riddhima again ignores her. 

That’s all for today guys. It might be a little short so sorry. I was thinking of maybe writing 40-50 episodes and then start a new one. It will be a completely new one. Let me know what ya all think. See you all soon 🙂

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