Ishq Mein Marjawan FF # Ishq Nahi Aasan (Chapter 55)

Hey guys, wishing you all a Happy New Year 🎊🥳🥳🎊. I hope all of you are doing well. Here comes the new episode . Please do give your valuable comments.

Episode 55:-

Dhruv and Ritu’s wedding gets fixed !

Raichand Mansion, Next Morning.

Mr.Vishwajeet Mehra and his wife Shobana  Mehra with Ritu is sitting in couch placed at living area . Raichand family is also present there. Pandit (Astrologer) is checking something in a book. Everyone is sitting eagerly.

Pandit – “ There is a good date for marriage after 3 days. It’s really auspicious “.

Roma Raichand- “ What do you think Mehra Ji ? Can we fix it ?”.

Vishwajeet Mehra – “ Why to delay good things? Let’s fix it if you all are okay”.

Roma Raichand- “ We are completely okay with it”.

Roma Raichand takes the sweet box kept on the table. Everyone gets up. Roma Raichand and Ritu’s parents fed eachother sweets. Ritu and Dhruv is standing near them.

C Squares Office.

Sameeksha gets a phone call .

Sameeksha – “ Let them start celebration, I will plan something interesting!”.

Sameeksha dials Dev’s number. Dev gets her call . He goes to his room.

He picks it up.

Dev – “ Hai , Sameeksha . How are you?”

Sameeksha – “ Iam better . Why did you got late to pick my call ? “

Dev – “ Dhruv’s fiancé Ritu has come with her parents. Their marriage got fixed . Marriage is within 3 days “.

Sameeksha – “ Oho .. that’s a great news !   I actually called you to apologize.. it’s all because of my headache our beautiful evening got spoiled yesterday “.

Dev – “ Its Okay… health issues are always like uninvited guests . Leave it, you are okay now .. that’s important for me “.

Sameeksha – “ Take my word , our next date will be the best . I will arrange it , nothing and no one will come between us . It will be just you and me “.

Dev – “ Yeah sure .. and there will only love in the air “.

Sameeksha – “ Yes … by the way won’t you invite me for Dhruv’s marriage functions? “

Dev – “ How can I left you uninvited? Afterall, you are too going to be a member of this family after our wedding. You are my love “.

Sameeksha – “ So you still have that romantic hangover from yesterday! Keep it safe for our next date “.

Dev – “ Ofcourse! Sweetheart.. “.

Sameeksha – “ Okay then , see you . Take care , love you “.

Dev – “ Love you too .. “.

He hangs up and get to see Trisha standing behind her with angry face.

Trisha – “ Did I disturb you ?”

Dev – “ You look more beautiful when you get jealous “.

Trisha – “ Everything is a game for you ! Iam getting confused, are you fooling Sameeksha or me ? “.

Dev looks her with shock . Trisha is upset .

Dev – “ Trisha , why do you think like that ?  Why would I cheat you ? “.

Trisha- “ Love makes us do dangerous things … Dev , just remember that if you are playing with me to get her .. I won’t mind killing her to get you back and if you leave me  I might take your life too “.

Dev – “ This is the problem between us , you don’t trust me .. for you I am just a possession that you don’t want to share with anyone. Now Iam feeling like you don’t love me “.

Trisha- “ Smoke does comes from where there is fire . Even you why Iam getting insecured ? It’s all because of your deeds and words “.

Dev – “ You won’t change. From yesterday onwards , Iam seeing a change in you . You got jealous about that fake date of mine and Sameeksha . I have already explained you about my plans , Iam fed up of giving explanations “.

Trisha – “ I saw your dance video with her , your eyes weren’t lying . I felt it from the way you looked her “.

Dev – “ So you were spying on me … great!  You are still in your imagination that I love Samika.  Do think whatever you want . Just leave me alone “.

Trisha goes from his room with her eyes filled with tears . Dev sits in his chair . He closes his eyes . He gets vision about spending time with Samika in Shimla . He smiles but immediately he comes back to reality . He gets disturbed.

Dev – “ What the hell ! This Trisha will make me mad by suspecting me always  “.

C Squares office.

Sameeksha calls Khanna to her cabin. He sits opposite to her.

Sameeksha – “ Khanna , is the work done ? “.

Khanna – “ Yes Ma’am ! “.

Sameeksha – “ We don’t have much time left now .. we need to solve everything today itself. You get Aryan to my farm house , I will bring Ritu “.

Public library.

Ritu comes there and she goes to check a book . Sameeksha is waiting there already, she smiles.  She walks towards her casually.

Ritu turns back after taking the book . Sameeksha and Ritu is see each other. They smile at each other.

Ritu – “ Sameeksha … You too come here“.

Sameeksha – “ Sometimes … but you come here Ritu … It’s good that we met now “.

Ritu – “ What ? “.

Sameeksha – “ Would you mind come with me ? “.

Ritu – “ Where ? Why ?”.

Sameeksha – “ Trust me.. It will help you “.

Ritu – “ What help ?”

Sameeksha – “ You will get to know .“.

Ritu stands being clueless.

Sameeksha’s farmhouse.

Ritu and Sameeksha reaches farmhouse. Sameeksha takes her to living room.

Sameeksha – “ Please sit.. what will you have something cool or hot ?”.

Ritu – “ No thanks.. Iam feeling weird.. you asked me to tell my parents that I will be late as I have parlour appointment. I did it. Now just tell me why did you brought me here ?”.

Aryan comes there.

Aryan – “ You don’t feel weird marrying someone you don’t love ?”.

Ritu looks him and gets shocked. She looks Sameeksha . Aryan walks towards her.

Ritu – “ Please stop there Aryan ! Sameeksha , What is this ?”.

Sameeksha – “ I am the one who asked Aryan to come here. Just a minute, Khanna .. “.

Khanna comes her with the same girl who claimed to be in an affair with Aryan . Ritu doesn’t understand anything.

The girl confess that it was all a drama set by her father and Dhruv. She did it because she was keen to get Aryan .

Ritu – “ Why should I believe you ? “.

Sameeksha – “ Just see this video.. “.

Ritu gets shocked seeing the video where her father and Dhruv discussing the plan with that girl.

Girl  – “ I recorded it to safeguard me if the plan fails “.

Ritu gets disappointed and becomes emotional. She sits on the couch with in shock.

Ritu- “ I never expected that my Dad will do such cheap thing . Dhruv was also cheating me . I didn’t trust you even when you sweared that you didn’t cheat me .. it’s all my fault “.

Aryan feels bad seeing her crying. He sits besides her and consoles her.


Ritu – “ Iam Sorry Aryan.. I didn’t trust you.. Iam really sorry “.

Aryan – “ Its not your fault . It was all because that created situation.. it’s okay . I love you Ritu .. that won’t change“.

Aryan hugs her . She cries .

Sameeksha smiles . She instructs Khanna to take the girl away . They leaves.

After sometimes, Aryan and Ritu looks Sameeksha .

Ritu – “ Thank you.. I will now confront everyone “.

Sameeksha – “ Do it if you want to risk your relationship again “.

Aryan – “ What do you mean?”

Sameeksha – “ Do you think they will let you live together ? They won’t.. either they will harm Aryan or get Ritu marry Dhruv forcefully. Raichands will do anything to get this marriage done, it’s a business deal for both family”.

Ritu – “ Then , What should we do ?”

Sameeksha – “ Wait till the date of marriage, elope just before muharat “.

Aryan – “ What ?”

Ritu – “ Are you serious ?”

Sameeksha – “ Yes, Iam ! Otherwise you union won’t happen. Ritu , you just behave normal like you don’t know anything. And you Aryan, you shouldn’t attempt to meet her before that . No calls , no messages and no secret meetings. Such things can spoil the plan , the execution should in a way storm strikes .., silence is mandatory before the storm “.

Aryan – “ But .. won’t they come behind us when get to know about Ritu’s absence?”

Sameeksha – “ Don’t worry about that .. Leave it to me .. I will take care of it, like your hideout after eloping, your new job , your new place to live , your safe travel …. everything! Just give me your important documents on time “.

Ritu – “ As far as I know you are Dev’s new girlfriend … why do you want his family in trouble?”

Sameeksha – “ Nice question! Dev is only mine and he is the only one matters to me . Dhruv has troubled Dev , so let him pay through this . It’s simple “.

Aryan – “ But it doesn’t seems so simple … “.

Sameeksha – “ Love is always complicated… So as I “.

Ritu – “ How can we trust you ?”

Sameeksha – “ Oho!! Don’t trust me … just use the opportunity for your good . Don’t worry, I don’t have any plan to trouble you . Iam not doing this to earn blessing from god by uniting 2 lovers … I just want to teach Dhruv a lesson…. my intention is  clear . Now it’s your decision.. “.

Ritu and Aryan goes aside . Sameeksha waits for them . She is smiling.

Ritu – “ Iam confused “.

Aryan – “ Me too… the way she approached me in your engagement day and till now “.

Ritu – “ What ? You came for my engagement ceremony with Dhruv ?”

Aryan – “ Yeah… “.

Ritu gets into thought after Aryan explained everything to her . Ritu too reveals how Sameeksha approached her.

Ritu – “ Either she is an obsessive lover or she is a smart player who want to.. “.

Aryan – “ Destroy Raichands … “.

Ritu – “ But I think we can trust her .. we don’t have any problem with her … “.

Aryan – “ Yes .. whatever she said that is right … Even I think we should go with her plan . We shouldn’t think about her intentions… as it doesn’t matter our lives “.

Ritu – “ You are right !”

They then goes to Sameeksha .

Sameeksha – “ So tell me , what’s your decision?”

Ritu – “ We will do as you say “.

Aryan – “ Are you sure that you will take care of everything? Or else we should try from our sides too “.

Sameeksha – “ Iam not someone who gives weak words to anyone , if I have said I will take care of everything…. I will do it “.

Ritu – “ Okay fine .. but how will we contact ? Your number ?”

Sameeksha – “ I will give you a number , you can talk to that person and if I have to convey something to you .. I will do the same . Aryan , you will be given another number too “.

Aryan – “ Don’t you think ,Its complicated ?”

Sameeksha – “ It is complicated.. but it is necessary so that no one get any link to join the dots ! And one more thing, make sure that this remains a secret within us . Don’t even let your closed ones like friends to know about this and make sure that you don’t reveal my involvement in this . I don’t want upset Dev .. He love his family very much even if they love him back or not “.

Ritu and Aryan agrees. Sameeksha gives Ritu a package .

Sameeksha – “ Tell your parents that you went to orphanage that you usually visit .. this is the gift from the children of orphanage “.

Ritu (thinks) – “ How does she know about this ? “.

Ritu nods her head . Sameeksha gives them cards with phone numbers .

They leaves . Sameeksha smiles.

Raichand Mansion,

Roma Raichand is busy in supervising arrangements in the house. She is happy and excited . She doing everything energetically . Menaka Raichand comes to her.

Roma Raichand (to workers) – “ Do it properly.. marriage is in 3 days “.

Menaka Raichand- “ Bhabhi , just be calm down . Otherwise you will fall ill before muharat (time of marriage) “.

Roma Raichand- “ Its first marriage in our family , Iam excited “.

Menaka Raichand- “ Bhabhi , correction -this is the first marriage which are going to celebrate “.

Roma Raichand looks her angrily.

Menaka Raichand looks down.

Menaka Raichand (low tone) – “ I just said truth”.

Roma Raichand- “ Please don’t make my mood bad”.

Roma Raichand goes to other side to check the arrangements. Just then someone enters Raichand Mansion. A lady in 60’s , wearing saree .

Menaka Raichand- “ Bhabhi .. is anyone left inviting for the marriage?”

Lady – “ Yes… Groom’s Grandma is left out , Shashikala Raichand”.


Menaka Raichand and Roma Raichand turns and gets to see her. They gets shocked.

Roma Raichand- “ Maa ji !”.

Menaka Raichand (low volume)- “ Everything will be over “.

Shashikala Raichand is Roma Raichand’s Mother . Elder Member of the family , she is living in their old Mansion in Nagpur . She visits Raichand family occasionally.

Roma Raichand and Menaka Raichand runs towards Shashikala Raichand . She looks Roma Raichand sternly.

Roma Raichand- “ Maa ji , I informed you about Dhruv’s marriage… Family members doesn’t need a invitation.. You were in pilgrimage tour , so .. “.

Shashikala Raichand- “ So you thought to exclude me “.

Roma Raichand- “ Not at all … When we consulted Pandit ji , he said that Dhruv should get married very otherwise he will have to wait for 5 years “.

Just then Trisha comes there . Trisha  smiles seeing Shashikala Raichand. Shashikala Raichand doesn’t mind her.

Shashikala Raichand- “ Dev and Trisha’s engagement is cancelled, right ? Why is she here till now ?”

Roma Raichand- “ Maa ji , How did you know about it ?”

Shashikala Raichand- “It is public news , so I got to know . Anyway, that’s good “.

Trisha comes to Shashikala Raichand.

Trisha – “ Hai Nani .. it’s good to see you “.

Shashikala Raichand- “ Do try to say lie that seems like truth , otherwise don’t try for it “.

Trisha (thinks) – “ This old women never change , stubborn lady . Why doesn’t she like me ? “.

Dev comes there . Shashikala’s face lit up with happiness.

Dev comes and touches her feet . She blesses him and hugs him.

Shashikala Raichand- “ My dear grandson , Dev “.

Dev – “ Nani , How was your journey? Got all god on your side ? “.

Shashikala Raichand- “ Naughty boy ! It was good “.

Dhruv comes down with Daksh . Shashikala Raichand is sitting in the couch . Dhruv and Daksh takes blessings from her. Shashikala Raichand takes out a gold pendant and gifts Dhruv.

Shashikala Raichand- “ Dhruv, marriage is life time commitment. A relationship build over trust , understanding and love . This is the basic rule of marriage. Do follow this“.

Dhruv- “ I will follow that Nani “.

Daksh – “ Our Beautiful and powerful Nani came and you made the family complete“.

Shashikala Raichand- “ You are still same . Roma, when will you look for a bride for your Daksh ? I would suggest that you should consider about it seriously“.

Daksh – “ Let Dhruv’s marriage get over first”.

Prithvi – “ It’s really great to see you Ma’am “.

Shashikala Raichand- “ Same here , Prithvi.  Afterall, you are the most loyal person of this family “.

Precap :- Haldi Ceremony at Raichand Mansion. Sameeksha comes there along with her parents. Shashikala Raichand gets to see her . She gets surprised.

Shashikala Raichand goes to Roma Raichand. Shashikala Raichand- “ Is she the same girl ?”.

Roma Raichand gets nervous.


Passionate towards Story telling . Every story teller lives different life in the same lifetime , I feel blessed Iam one among. Every opportunity brings out best in you.❤️???

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