Fan Fiction

Ishq Mein Marjawan ff #nextgeneration ep 5

Hi guys. From this episode the main story starts. I hope you like it.

20 years later 

Raichand mansion

Sara- Why is this work incomplete? Complete this before they come.

Stuff- Sorry ma’am. We will do it.

Sara- Just go and complete it.  Everything has to be perfect. Lakshya sir,  and Vani ma’am are coming back today. Tara ma’am will be very angry if something goes wrong.

Another stuff- Ma’am they are here.

Sara- What? Now?  But they were supposed to….  Forget it. Let’s go.

A car is outside. A boy comes out from the front seat. It’s Lakshya (Vineet). He takes out his sunglasses and looks at Raichand mansion. A girls come out from back seat. She is Vani (Nia). She is busy on her phone.

Lakshya- Hey sis,  look we are home.

Vani- (still looking at her phone) Forget it bro. It doesn’t matter. All house are same.

Lakshya- But Vani this is our home.

Vani- Yea,  right.  That home where mom and dad….

– Are you going to keep talking all day or going to enter the house?

A voice came from inside the car. The door open, and somebody comes out of it. It’s Tara. Tara’s whistle tune is playing.

Tara- We have journeyed a lot.  Now let’s get inside and get some rest.

Sara- Ma’am, everything is done as your instructions.

Tara- Good. Let’s go inside.

They all go inside.

Lakshya- So this is how our home looks like. Vani, you are still on phone. Look around you.

Tara- don’t trouble your sister. Sara, show them their rooms. You two get fresh. I’m going to my room.

Lakshya&Vani- Ok bua.

Tara comes to her room. She comes to a wall and press a button. A door open and she goes inside. She comes to a drak room. There is a canvas in the middle. Tara comes infront of it.  It is Deep’s pic.

Tara- How are you Deep?  It’s been 20 years and I still didn’t forget you. Nor did I forget your betrayal. Everything was going perfect and you had to ruin it. I just wanted your love. But you just wanted to go to that Aarohi. I have punished you for your doings. Now it’s turn of those two. This time they won’t able to hide from me. They will come forward themselves. And after that…

Tara holds a knife. She starts laughing.

A girl is shown. Her face is not showing. She is getting ready. A voice came.

– Ruhi, are you done?

Ruhi- I am coming Akash bhaiya.

Akash- Come fast. Breakfast is almost ready.

Akash is shown working at the kitchen. His face is shown (Shoaib). He keeps two plates on the table. A photo frame is about to fall but Akash catches it. He looks at the photo. It’s Aarohi and Deep. He sighs.

Fb shows, Akash and Ruhi is running inside the jungle but suddenly stops hearing voices. They hide. Akash sees Deep and Aarohi is running. They come to the edge and stops. They looks down and then looks back. Tara, Virat and Aanjali appears from the jungle. Three of them holds a gun in hand pointed at them.

Virat- Enough running Deep. You can’t run more.

Tara- I have loved you always and you kept betraying me. I hate cheaters. I will end this today.

Deep looks at Aarohi.

Deep- Aarohi,  I am sorry for everything.

Aarohi- We loved each other Deep, but never tried to understand each other. That’s why we never could stay together. But at least we’re dying together.

Deep and Aarohi smiled at each other. Deep gets shot. Aarohi screams.  Aarohi gets shot too. Tara has fired. Akash is watching everything. He has closed Ruhi’s eyes and ears. Deep and Aarohi falls from the edge holding each others hand. Tara watches them from up. She sits down there and remembers her time with Deep. She screams- DEEP.  Than she stands up and is about to jump but Virat stops her.  They takes her away. Akash comes to the edge and looks down. Fb ends.

Akash is holding the photo. Two hands hold his eyes from the back. He keeps down the photo and smiles.

Akash- Come on Ruhi, there is no other person in the house. What is the meaning of this?

Ruhi’s voice comes from infront of him.

– What are you talking about?

Akash is surprised by hearing this and opens his eyes by taking of the hands and he sees he is holding two hand which is cut from body. He gets scared and throws them. Then hears laugh. Ruhi is laughing. Her face is shown (Aalisha).

Ruhi- Come on Akash bhaiya. It’s made of rubber. You got scared by this.  She picks the hands and keeps them in her bag.

Akash- If I did the same to you, even you would have got scared. Who brings such things when one is about to eat?

Ruhi- There is play going on the college. It’s horror and my duty is to bring these items. I have more. Shall I show you?

Akash- No no no. I have seen enough. Sit and eat your food.

They both sit down and start eating. Akash is about to eat but stops.

Akash- Why did you play the prank?  Now I am having trouble eating. The scene is keeps coming in my head.

Ruhi laughs mischievously and keeps eating.

Akash- You just love to prank on people, don’t you?  I’m telling you there should be no more complains from your college.

Ruhi keeps on smiling but nods her head.

Akash- Now, finish first and go to college.

Raichand mansion

Tara is sitting in the sofa. Lakshya is walking and watching the pictures in the wall.  Vani is sitting next to Tara and all her attention is in her phone. Lakshya comes to Virat and Aanjali’s picture. There is a garland on eaxh photo. He keeps on looking for sometimes and says- I miss you Mom Dad.

Vani looks annoyed and keeps down her phone. Lakshya notices this and turns to her.

Lakshya- Why do you always react this way? They are our parents.

Vani- And they are dead.

Lakshya- Vani!

Vani- What?  That’s the truth. They put us on boarding school and came here and died in a accident.

Lakshya- You are talking as if it was tgere mistakes.

Vani- It is. Why did they have to came here? Shouldn’t have they thought about us?

Vani tries to control her emotions.

– I didn’t want to come here,  but who cares about me?

She stands up goes from there angrily. Lakshya calls her but she doesn’t answer. She goes out of the house  takes a car gets out. Tara comes and stands beside Lakshya.

Tara- Don’t worry. She will be alright. She is just couldn’t get over there death. She still misses them.

Lakshya- She is angry always. I hope she finds someone who can keeps her happy.

Tara- And you need to keep your Dad happy. You have to join the police force tomorrow and make Dad proud.

Lakshya- Hmm.

Lakshya goes from there. Tara turns to Virat and Aanjali pjoto.

– I miss you bhaiya and bhabi.

She smirks. Fb shows, Aanjali comes to Tara’s room and says- Tara, I know your truth. You pushed me yhat day, not Deep. You have been lying to us. You killed my first child. I will kill you.

Tara keeps a knife on Aanjali and says- I know your truth too. You are the one who kept Aarohi hidden all this year. You knew where she was. You changed her face. You cheated with us.

Aanjali pushed her and keeps the knife on Tara’s neck and says- Don’t forget Tara, I used to be a contract killer. You can’t mess with me. And your bhaiya will have no trouble for my lies. But he will surely be furious knowing that his sister is cause of the death of his first child. Do you wanna bet in that? I will tell Virat ever.

Aanjali pushes Tara snd goes out from the room. Tara holds a chair to save from falling. She smiles and says- You shouldn’t have cheat. I hate cheaters. You will never able to tell anything to Virat bhaiya.

Aanjali goes to Virat and start talking to him but gets shocked to find him dead.

– Bhaiya is sleeping bhabi.

Aanjali looks behind her scared, Tara is sitting on a chair holding a blood soaked knife.

Aanjali- Tara, you…you killed Virat.

Tara- You said you want to say something to him. Let me send you to him. You can than talk to him as much as you want.

Tara stabs Aanjali. Aanjali falls down. Tara sits besides her and says

– You shouldn’t have cheated me like that. Otherwise my brother would have been alive now. I am sick of sll of you now. That Wasu is left. I will kill her too. But don’t worry, I won’t kill Lakshya and Vani. They will never know how there parents died.

Aanjali- You are mad Tara. But don’t think you can get away. Deep and Aarohi’s child is alive. That child will take revenge on you.

Aanjali dies. Tara says- Than I will find and kill that child too. Fb ends.

Tara smiles looking at there photo.

At a shopping mall Vani is walking, her eyes on her phone. Suddenly someone pushes her and takes away her phone and purse. Vani shouts and tries to go behind that man but hurt her toes and stops. Akash is at the shopping mall. He hears someone shouting and saw a man running with a purse. He holds the man as soon as he comes close to him. The man tries to hit him.  Akash fights him. The security gaurd comes and takes away the thief. Vani sees everything. Akash is trying to find out whose purse and phone it is. Vani comes ahed and tries to tell him but he doesn’t notice her. Someone from the crowd suddenly pushes Vani and she is about to fall but Akash catch her. They have an eyelock. Akash gets shocked seeing her.  He pulla her up.

Vani- Those are mine.

Akash looks at the purse and phone and then looks at Vani. Vani signals him. He hands them over to Vani.

Vani- Thank you for saving these from that thief. I am Vani,  Vani Raichand.

She extends her hand for handshake. But Akash turns around and goes away much Vani’s surprise. He is still in shock.

Ruhi is in college. She and her friend is talking about the ghost act. A boy comes from infront. Someone calls him from back. He turns to see. Ruhi doesn’t notice him and bumps into him. Ruhi falls over the boy. She sees his face (Aarjun). She is shocked and says- Dad!

Next ep- The boy says to Ruhi- Do I look like your Dad’s age? Akash is packing the bags and says we have to leave.


Love to read, want to write, it would be nice if you appreciate......

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